c++11 introduce many useful multi-thread tools, one of them is std::async
Fact: Multi-core processors are ubiquitous.
Figure out dependencies is one of most difficult challenges when trying to create a multi-threaded application.
In the example from the video, we are loading 19 times one asset (in order to create some simulate a heavy task)
void EditorLayer::LoadMeshes()
// Single-threaded loading
for (const auto& file : meshFilepaths)
#include <future>
void EditorLayer::LoadMeshes()
// Multi-threaded loading
for (const auto& file : meshFilepaths)
m_Futures.push_back(std::async(std::Launch::async, LoadMesh, &m_Meshes, file));
static std::mutex s_MeshesMutex;
// Helper class to fill the meshes vector
static void LoadMesh(std::vector<Ref<Mesh>>* meshes, std::string filepath)
auto mesh = Mesh::Load(filepath);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_MeshesMutex);
//meshes need to be lock/unlocked with a mutex
std::vector<std::future<void>> m_Futures; // void is the returning type of the function `static void LoadMesh`