Write a program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated numbers from console and generate a list and a tuple which contains every number.Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:
Then, the output should be:
['34', '67', '55', '33', '12', '98']
('34', '67', '55', '33', '12', '98')
In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.tuple() method can convert list to tuple
Main author's Solution: Python 2
values = raw_input()
l = values.split(",")
t = tuple(l)
print l
print t
My Solution: Python 3
lst = input().split(',') # the input is being taken as string and as it is string it has a built in
# method name split. ',' inside split function does split where it finds any ','
# and save the input as list in lst variable
tpl = tuple(lst) # tuple method converts list to tuple
'''solution by: minnielahoti
print(tuple(input("Enter a series of numbers separated by a comma :").split(',')))
Define a class which has at least two methods:
- getString: to get a string from console input
- printString: to print the string in upper case.
Also please include simple test function to test the class methods.
Use init method to construct some parameters
Main author's Solution: Python 2
class InputOutString(object):
def __init__(self):
self.s = ""
def get_string(self):
self.s = raw_input()
def print_string(self):
print self.s.upper()
str_obj = InputOutString()
My Solution: Python 3
class IOstring():
def get_string(self):
self.s = input()
def print_string(self):
xx = IOstring()
Write a program that calculates and prints the value according to the given formula:
Q = Square root of [(2 _ C _ D)/H]
Following are the fixed values of C and H:
C is 50. H is 30.
D is the variable whose values should be input to your program in a comma-separated sequence.For example Let us assume the following comma separated input sequence is given to the program:
The output of the program should be:
If the output received is in decimal form, it should be rounded off to its nearest value (for example, if the output received is 26.0, it should be printed as 26).In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
import math
c = 50
h = 30
value = []
items = [x for x in raw_input().split(',')]
for d in items:
print ','.join(value)
My Solution: Python 3
from math import sqrt # import specific functions as importing all using *
# is bad practice
C,H = 50,30
def calc(D):
return sqrt((2*C*D)/H)
D = [int(i) for i in input().split(',')] # splits in comma position and set up in list
D = [int(i) for i in D] # converts string to integer
D = [calc(i) for i in D] # returns floating value by calc method for every item in D
D = [round(i) for i in D] # All the floating values are rounded
D = [str(i) for i in D] # All the integers are converted to string to be able to apply join operation
from math import sqrt
C,H = 50,30
def calc(D):
return sqrt((2*C*D)/H)
D = input().split(',') # splits in comma position and set up in list
D = [str(round(calc(int(i)))) for i in D] # using comprehension method. It works in order of the previous code
from math import sqrt
C,H = 50,30
def calc(D):
return sqrt((2*C*D)/H)
print(",".join([str(int(calc(int(i)))) for i in input().split(',')]))
from math import * # importing all math functions
C,H = 50,30
def calc(D):
D = int(D)
return str(int(sqrt((2*C*D)/H)))
D = input().split(',')
D = list(map(calc,D)) # applying calc function on D and storing as a list
'''Solution by: parian5
from math import sqrt
C, H = 50, 30
mylist = input().split(',')
print(*(round(sqrt(2*C*int(D)/H)) for D in mylist), sep=",")
'''Solution by: saxenaharsh24
my_list = [int(x) for x in input('').split(',')]
C, H, x = 50, 30, []
for D in my_list:
Q = ((2*C*D)/H)**(1/2)
print(','.join(map(str, x)))
_Write a program which takes 2 digits, X,Y as input and generates a 2-dimensional array. The element value in the i-th row and j-th column of the array should be i _ j.*
Note: i=0,1.., X-1; j=0,1,¡Y-1. Suppose the following inputs are given to the program: 3,5
Then, the output of the program should be:
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]]
Note: In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input in a comma-separated form.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
input_str = raw_input()
dimensions = [int(x) for x in input_str.split(',')]
row_num = dimensions[0]
col_num = dimensions[1]
multilist = [[0 for col in range(col_num)] for row in range(row_num)]
for row in range(row_num):
for col in range(col_num):
multilist[row][col] = row * col
print multilist
My Solution: Python 3
x,y = map(int,input().split(','))
lst = []
for i in range(x):
tmp = []
for j in range(y):
x,y = map(int,input().split(','))
lst = [[i*j for j in range(y)] for i in range(x)]
Write a program that accepts a comma separated sequence of words as input and prints the words in a comma-separated sequence after sorting them alphabetically.
Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:
Then, the output should be:
In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
items = [x for x in raw_input().split(',')]
print ','.join(items)
My Solution: Python 3
lst = input().split(',')
'''Solution by Poonam-glitch
def my_func(e):
return e[0]
my_list = input('Enter a comma separated string: ').split(",")
Write a program that accepts sequence of lines as input and prints the lines after making all characters in the sentence capitalized.
Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:
Hello world
Practice makes perfect
Then, the output should be:
In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
lines = []
while True:
s = raw_input()
if s:
for sentence in lines:
print sentence
My Solution: Python 3
lst = []
while True:
x = input()
if len(x)==0:
for line in lst:
def user_input():
while True:
s = input()
if not s:
yield s
for line in map(str.upper, user_input()):
'''Soltuion by: hajimalung baba
def inputs():
while True:
string = input()
if not string:
yield string
print(*(line.upper() for line in inputs()),sep='\n')