- BREAKING CHANGE: All PlaidLink methods are now static (check example provided)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed callbacks to handlers (e.g. SuccessCallback -> LinkSuccessHandler)
- Added noLoadingState property to LinkTokenConfiguration.
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.3.1
- Updated Android SDK to version 3.6.2
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.2.0
- Updated Android SDK to version 3.5.1
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.1.3
- Using LinkKit openWithPresentationHandler.
- Check for a token input with the public- prefix.
- Updated Android SDK to version 3.4.0
- Exposing continueWithRedirectUri function.
- Fixes MissingPluginException issue #42
- Fixes metada conversion on Plaid Web version
- Small edit to README file
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.1.0
- Fix: elements not iterable on web. Thank you @cwesterhold
- Migration to null safety. New minimum dart sdk version: 2.12
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed LinkConfiguration to LinkTokenConfiguration
- Added analysis_options.yaml to exclude generated files
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.0.11
- Updated Android SDK to version 3.2.4
- Updated iOS SDK to version 2.0.10
- iOS: migration 1.x SDK to the 2.0.9 SDK.
- Android: migration 2.x SDK to the 3.2.2 SDK.
- Supporting the new Android plugins APIs
- Initial Web support
- Added support for payment initiation product type. Thank you @teerryn
- Updated LinkKit to 1.1.38: Fix issue with null account_id in returned metadata
- Bug fix: verification status always null on android.
- Added verification_status to onSuccess callback.
- Support for legacy update mode (which uses a token). Thank you @jaredanderton.
- Updated Plaid iOS SDK to version 1.1.36
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 2.2.0
- Added a close method to allow Link re-initialization.
- Institution metadata (name, id) is now parsed correctly on Android.
- Breaking change: added the prefix 'Link' to the metadata objects.
- Fixed exit event not being triggered in some occasions.
- Locked Plaid iOS SDK version to avoid conflits when integrating the plugin.
- Fixed issue with institution not being correctly parsed on the events metadata.
- Added support for the new link_token flow.
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 2.1.0
- Added update mode, payment initation mode, institution pre-selection and oauth code mode.
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 2.0.0
- Added important Android release configurations to README
- Updated example app with the new android release configurations
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 1.4.1
- Added support for account subtype filtering on Android.
- Added for additional products (Thank you @mrienstra)
- Added configuration support for: countryCodes, linkCustomizationName, language and userPhoneNumber.
- Breaking change: Added userLegalName and userEmailAddress to the open method.
- Added support to enable all Auth features (https://plaid.com/docs/#enabling-all-auth-features)
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 1.3.0
- Added iOS support for account subtype filtering
- Updated Plaid Android SDK to version 1.2.1
- Small bug fix LinkConfiguration
- Upgrade Plaid Android SDK to version 1.0.0
- pubspec.yaml plugin platform changes
- Minor changes to documentation
- Support for Android
- Support for oAuthRedirectUri property
- Initial release
- Support for iOS