🐉 Simple WireGuard proxy with minimal overhead for WireGuard traffic.
- Encrypts the first 16 bytes as an AES block.
- Adds padding of random length to handshake packets, then encrypts all bytes after the first 16 using XChaCha20-Poly1305.
- ✅ Does not affect tunnel MTU.
- ✅ Minimal processing of data packets.
Packets are padded to the maximum packet size allowed by the MTU, then encrypted using XChaCha20-Poly1305.
- ✅ Full-packet AEAD.
- ✅ Hides in-tunnel packet sizes.
- The length of a WireGuard data packet is always a multiple of 16.
- Many IPv6 websites cap their outgoing MTU to 1280 for maximum compatibility.
- ❗️ Slight reduction of tunnel MTU.
- ❗️ Increased bandwidth usage.
Release and VCS packages are available in the AUR:
Download from releases.
There are container images maintained by the community:
Build and install the latest version using Go:
go install github.com/database64128/swgp-go/cmd/swgp-go@latest
Or clone the repository and build it manually:
go build -trimpath -ldflags '-s -w' ./cmd/swgp-go
All configuration examples and systemd unit files can be found in the docs directory.
uses the same PSK format as WireGuard. A PSK can be generated using wg genpsk
or openssl rand -base64 32
Make sure to use the right MTU for both server and client. To encourage correct use, swgp-go
disables IP fragmentation and drops packets that are bigger than expected.
In this example, swgp-go
runs a proxy server instance on port 20220. Decrypted WireGuard packets are forwarded to [::1]:20221
"servers": [
"name": "server",
"proxyListen": ":20220",
"proxyMode": "zero-overhead",
"proxyPSK": "sAe5RvzLJ3Q0Ll88QRM1N01dYk83Q4y0rXMP1i4rDmI=",
"proxyFwmark": 0,
"wgEndpoint": "[::1]:20221",
"wgFwmark": 0,
"mtu": 1500
In this example, swgp-go
runs a proxy client instance on port 20222. Encrypted proxy packets are sent to the proxy server at [2001:db8:1f74:3c86:aef9:a75:5d2a:425e]:20220
"clients": [
"name": "client",
"wgListen": ":20222",
"wgFwmark": 0,
"proxyEndpoint": "[2001:db8:1f74:3c86:aef9:a75:5d2a:425e]:20220",
"proxyMode": "zero-overhead",
"proxyPSK": "sAe5RvzLJ3Q0Ll88QRM1N01dYk83Q4y0rXMP1i4rDmI=",
"proxyFwmark": 0,
"mtu": 1500