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Datamapper cheatsheet

piyushranjan edited this page Aug 14, 2010 · 6 revisions

DataMapper, the ruby object relational mapper

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Setting up a Connection

DataMapper.setup(:default, “adapter://user:password@hostname/dbname”)

supported adapters: mysql, sqlite3, postgres, sqlite3::memory:
additional adapters are in dm-more, (couchdb, rest, imap, file, saleforce…)

Creating a Model (with properties)

class Zoo
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial


property :id, Serial # auto-incrementing PK
property :name, String, :key => true # natural key

you must specify >= 1 key, CPK support 100%

available data-types

property :description, Text # (lazy by default)
property :created_at, DateTime
property :open, Boolean
property :admission, BigDecimal

require dm-types for

  1. Csv
  2. Enum
  3. EpochTime
  4. FilePath
  5. Flag,
  6. IPAddress
  7. URI
  8. Yaml

Property Options (pass as hash)
:default, :nullable, :field (column name), :size, :length, :format,
:index, :unique_index, :ordinal, :auto_validation, :precision,
:scale, :accessor, :reader, :writer, :lazy



Finder Options (pass as hash)

:conditions => [“property = ? and property = ?”, ‘value’, ‘value’]
:conditions => {:property => ‘value’, …}
:property => ‘ZooNameHere’
# any non-standard key => value pair is assumed a condition if not
# otherwise recognized
:property.lte => 12.00 # <=
:property.gte # >= # > # <
:property.not # NOT = # LIKE # IN ()
‘’ => ‘value’ => ‘value’ # will automatically issue JOINS

Finder Gotcha

:order => [:created_at.desc, …] # descending sort
.asc # ascending


has 1 # has_one
has n # has_many
belongs_to :things
has n, :things, :through => :more_things
has n, :things, :through => Resource # has_and_belongs_to_many

Association Options
(any Finder Options)

:class_name => ‘ClassNameHere’
:order => [:property.desc]
:child_key => [:property, …]
:through => :other_association

Validations (require ‘dm-validations’)

validates_present :title
validates_is_number :rating
validates_format :email, :as => :email_address
validates_length :summary, :in => (1..100)
validates_is_unique :slug
validates_with_method (do…end, :method_name)

Callbacks AKA “Hooks”

before :method_name, (do…end, :another_method_name)
after :method_name, (do…end, :another_method_name)


before_class_method :method_name, (do…end, :another_method_name)
after_class_method :method_name, (do…end, :another_method_name)

Callbacks Gotcha
Hooks act on ‘self’ and aren’t passed an arguement
‘self’ for object-level hooks are the instance
‘self’ for class-level hooks are the class itself

Misc. Stuff & Gotchas
Single Table Inheritance

property :type, Discriminator # then inherit from this model


property :deleted_at, ParanoidDateTime
property :deleted, ParanoidBoolean

Multiple DB Connections

DataMapper.setup(:external, “adapter://username:password@hostname/dbname”)
repository(:external) do…end

Association: has n, :things, :repository => repository(:external)
Finder: Thing.all(:repository => repository(:external))

class Color
include DataMapper::Resource
DataMapper.setup(:colors_db, “sqlite3:path/to/colors.db”)
def self.default_repository_name
property :name, String

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