The objective of the project is to develop an application to support social participation, inclusion and integration of refugees, and the way to achieve this is by handing them free and useful tools for field-detected needs through a cell phone app. There are three main areas the app will turn around: legal information, useful local resources location and community interaction. Due to technical and financial reasons, the scope of the project will be reduced to the metropolitan area of Athens in first place, but never discarding to progressively extend its use to a wider scope, eventually reaching the whole Europe. The smart phones have a crucial importance for refugees and they are, in fact, one of their most precious possessions, not only because they allow them to keep in contact with their acquaintances in their origin countries, but also because they are the most powerful tool to move around in an unknown, unfamiliar country. App4Refs has the intention to exploit this technology they already use in a daily basis to provide them with the information they need to manage in their situation, allowing them to feel more empowered and increasing their security and the security of those around them.