This repository is designed to help you get started with integrating Carbon into a Nuxt application. It showcases best practices for setting up a new Nuxt app with Carbon, providing a solid foundation for your project.
If you are looking for a plain Vue 3 example, checkout Hello carbon Vue3
- Carbon for Vue 3 - Vue implementation of the Carbon Design System A collection of Carbon Components
- Nuxt - The Intuitive Vue Framework
- @nuxtjs/i18n - This repository demonstrates how to implement translations using
. All user interface (UI) elements and the majority of the content have been translated. - @sidebase/nuxt-auth - User authentication and sessions via authjs. Tested and working with IBM Id & w3 Id.
- @nuxtjs/tailwindcss - Tailwind CSS with custom Carbon colors
- winston - A logger for just about everything
- Husky - pre-commit hooks
- lint-staged - Run linters against staged git files
- commit-lint- Helps your team adhere to a commit convention
- cypress - Implement e2e tests with cypress to help screen PRs
The carbon styles are imported as a pre-compiled css file. The fie is created by using sass on the command line to generate the css. See carbon-gray-90.scss for instructions on creating the css file.
Header with mobile navigation under "hamburger" menu
- Language selection in the header bar, login and switcher buttons are also included
- The login works with IBMid and other providers from next-auth
Home page
- cv-grid,cv-row,cv-column
- auth demo login with
, andstatus
Characters page
- cv-accordion with auth close function
- tailwind custom color for title
Comics page
- cv-tile, cv-modal
Events page
- Fully translatable data table including controls and aria labels
- Slotted data & headings
- Searchable data
- cv-data-table, cv-data-table-action, cv-data-table-heading
- cv-data-table-row (expandable rows), cv-data-table-cell
- cv-button, cv-toggle
- REST API integrated with table paging
Page transitions
- cv-loading
Server side
- REST api calls with authentication check and caching of results
- middleware logging with
Hey there, creative geniuses! Are you a UX designer who loves to experiment, ideate, and bring interfaces to life? Well, guess what? You're more than welcome to join the fun here!
This project is a showcase for Carbon components with Nuxt, so the only guideline is to highlight those amazing components in your designs. Whether you:
- Want to revamp the UI/UX for a smoother user experience,
- Have creative ideas for showcasing Carbon components in unique ways,
- Think the layout could use a bit more flair,
- Or simply want to experiment and have fun...
You're in the right place!
No suggestion is too wild, and no contribution is too small. Go open a pull request or just open an issue with a Figma link, let your imagination run wild with the Carbon components. We’re here for brainstorming, prototyping, and pixel-perfect designs (or not-so-perfect ones—we’re cool with that too).
- nvm
- Node v22
nvm install 22
- Mockoon - run mocks for comics endpoints
- Docker or podman or Rancher Desktop
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# npm
npm install
A mock version of the comics endpoints is in mock-api.json. Load this in the Mockoon desktop app or start in the command line.
npm install -g @mockoon/cli
mockoon-cli start --data ./local-dev/mock/mock-api.json
cd local-dev
docker compose up
This will launch a local openid keycloak server and allow you to log in with admin/potato-history
Copy .env.example
to .env
cp .env.example .env
Edit .env
and change any values for your system
# npm
npm run dev
Server should be running at http://localhost:4507
Log in with admin/potato-history
Build the application for production:
# npm
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
# npm
npm run preview
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.
MARVEL_APIKEY=Your Marvel api key from
MARVEL_PRIVATE_KEY=Your Marvel secret key from
AUTH_PROVIDER=ibmid or w3id or github or someother prrovider
AUTH_ORIGIN=the auth url for your deployed site i.e.
NUXT_AUTH_SECRET=set to a long string
AUTH_CLIENT_ID=Login provider client id
AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=Login provider client secret