Last Update: 15 Feb 2019
- The service manager does contain a "config" service ... but it's case sensitive, with lower-case "c"
- The class
has been renamed toZend\Hydrator\ObjectPropertyHydrator
- Copied the
data generator fromapigility.complete/data
- Entered into
this line:
$app->get('/api/propulsion-systems[/:id]', FlyingElephantService\Handler\FlyingElephantHandler::class, 'api.propulsion_systems');
- Otherwise, the errors shown in class were mainly due to compressing the directory structure of
to get rid of/V1/Rest
- Code works OK now:
- Go to the
folder - Run
composer install
- Run
php -S localhost:8888 -t public
- From your browser (or REST client) try these tests:
- Go to the
- Gertjan reported errors when using Jenkins to run phing to deploy
- Response from Daryl:
- Doug, it looks like I had inadvertantly lost the orderapp/build, and orderapp/build-JCI directories way back in January 2018. I was able to recover them from the January 9th commit and have attached them here as zip files. These contained the Phing build scripts, without which, the deployment will not work. Have the students put these in the orderapp directory, then double check the Jenkins "OrderAppDeploy" freestyle project, and execute the build again. Let me know if there are any issues. -- Daryl
- Look in this repo for the
folder - Copy this directory structure and overwrite the
- Change to the
folder - Run the PHP dev server as follows:
php -S localhost:8888 -t public
- Go to your browser and open this URL:
- Alternatively set the permissions on the
folder so thewww-data
user has rights to the log file
For Fri 25 Jan 2019
- Lab: Stratigility Demo: see notes just above
- Lab: Zend Expressive
- Use the existing app under /expressive
- If you feel brave: remove and overwrite with a new project
- FlyingElephant API Middleware Lab:
- convert the API software to middleware
- OR use an existing middleware package (i.e. Slim JWT Authentication)
- OR copy the demo module included in full install and make changes
- Middleware Testing Lab
For Wed 23 Jan 2019
- Lab: Building a REST Service API
- Lab: REST Service Code Review and Stub Development
- Lab: REST Service Testing
For Mon 21 Jan 2019
- Lab: Phing
- Prerequisites Lab
- Phing Execution Lab
- Phing Deployment Lab
- Lab: Jenkins
- Jenkins Freestyle Prerequisites Lab
- Jenkins CI Freestyle Project Lab
- Lab: Apache Jmeter
- Load Testing (also called "Smoke Testing")
- Lab: Docker
- Common Docker Build Commands
- Existing DockerHub Image Run Lab
- New Image Creation Lab
- Full-build MySQL Container Lab
- Lab: Docker Compose
- Pre-built WordPress Services Lab
- Partial build OrderApp Services Lab
- Lab: Phing
For Fri 18 Jan 2019
- Lab: Extension Custom Development
- Lab: Installing Customized PHP From Source Lab
- List of
option flags: - Another example:
- List of
For Wed 16 Jan 2019
- Built-in Web Server Lab
- Script to run the built-in web server:
php -S localhost:8080
- For Wed 9 Jan 2019
- Lab: Setting up Apache Jmeter
- Lab: Setting up the Jenkins CI
- The CheckStyle plug-in reached end-of-life. All functionality has been integrated into the Warnings Next Generation Plugin.
- Same applies to
: integrated into warnings NG
Q: Does Apigility use ZF2 or ZF3?
A: ZF2
Q: Is there a ZF module to generate swaggerhub-style API docs?
A: Via composer:
Q: FAQ on Docker?
A: See:
Q: What is meant by "interned_strings_buffer" ? (OpCache)
A: See:
Q: Where does APC store its cache data?
A: In memory. See:
Q: Will APC interfere with OpCache?
A: Yes. It's either one or the other. As of PHP 5.5, OpCache is included in the core, and is preferred. Development on APC stopped in 2013 (see next question).
Q: Is APC included with PHP?
A: Not any longer. The last stable version of APC is 3.1.13 and is dated 3 Sep 2013! See:
Q: Is there a good example of delegating generator?
Q: Is there an example of doubly linked list?
Q: How do you run PHP in a Windows BAT file?
A: First of all, make sure the PHP executable is in your PATH
- See:
- Then all you need to do is to enter the following inside your
php c:\path\to\script.php
- DateTime formats
== day of month without leading zerosn
== month number without leading zeros
- DateTime use cases
- You could also use the
method to compare two DateTime instances
- You could also use the
- Future roadmap for the PHP language:
== runtime lets you run single commands-l
== PHP 'lint' == syntax checking-v
== PHP version
- Streams
- Example of PSR-7 StreamInterface class which uses PHP strings to read/write
- Buckets:
- OpCache
- Performance suggestions:
- Examples from past PHP III classes:
- file:///D:/Repos/PHP-Fundamentals-III/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/12: EventManager needs to be rewritten
- see files in the directory structure
in the repo for rewrites
- see files in the directory structure
- file:///D:/Repos/PHP-Fundamentals-III/Course_Materials/index.html#/3/42: use the autoloader to avoid the 3rd
// runLoader.php in the SPL Functions area in the VM
$config = require 'config.php';
require 'PSR4Loader.php';
// Init the autoloader
$loader = new \src\ModSPL\Functions\PSR4Loader;
use src\ModSPL\Functions\Controllers\FrontController;
$controller = new FrontController();
$view = $controller->init($config);
- file:///D:/Repos/PHP-Fundamentals-III/Course_Materials/index.html#/5/43: dir structure changed
- Look in this repo for the
folder - Copy this directory structure and overwrite the
folders - Suggestion: just use one user for both labs
- Troubleshooting tips: i.e. when do you have restart Jenkins, or refresh the browser
- Look in this repo for the
- phing lab:
- This error should be fixed by copying the files into
as mentioned just above - from Gertjan to Host (privately): error happend at slide 213: phing -f build.xml
- This error should be fixed by copying the files into
sudo phing -f build.xml
Buildfile: /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/build.xml
[property] Loading /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/
[property] Loading /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/
[echo] Deploying to: orderapp/releases
OrderApp > config:
[echo] Executing environment configuration tasks
[echo] Executing config copy tasks ...
[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/config
[echo] Copy Public Assets Task Successful
OrderApp > public:
[echo] Executing target public files copy
[copy] Copying 3 files to /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/public
[echo] Copy Public Assets Task Successful
OrderApp > logStart:
[echo] Creating deployment log entry
OrderApp > main:
[echo] Directory exists, updating...
[echo] Attempting filesync command on remote server orderapp from /home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/.. to /var/www/orderapp/releases/build-0.0.1
deploy@orderapp's password:
[filesync] /usr/bin/rsync -r --no-perms --verbose -e "ssh -i" --delete-after --ignore-errors --force --itemize-changes --exclude-from="/home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/../build/exclude.file" "/home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/.." "deploy@orderapp:/var/www/orderapp/releases/build-0.0.1" 2>&1
[filesync] Task exited with code: 23
[filesync] Task exited with message: (23) Partial transfer due to error
/home/deploy/ModTargetedServerEnvironments/Deployment/Phing/build/build.xml:101:42: 23: Partial transfer due to error
Total time: 3.3594 seconds