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Gordon Woodhull edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 12 revisions

When customizing dc.js charts to add new behaviors or decorations, it can be useful to know the right selectors for the chart content. Here is an incomplete list; please feel free to edit this page to add other selectors!

For example, if you want to add a click handler to a pie chart slice, you might do:

pieChart.selectAll(`g.pie-slice`).on('', function(d) {
    console.log('clicked on slice with datum', d);

Often there's a group element <g> which wraps the visual element and other stuff; in those cases, you'll usually want to select the group element using the Selector column for events or annotations, or use the Visual Element selector for stylistic changes.

Chart Item Selector Visual Element
dc.barChart bar
bubble g.node circle.bubble
dc.heatMap cell/rect rect.heat-box
dc.pieChart slice g.pie-slice g.pie-slice path
label text.pie-label
dc.rowChart row g.row g.row rect
dc.scatterPlot dot/symbol path.symbol