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Movies Catalog - (GraphQL)

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The Movies Catalog was developed to participate of Woovi Challenge and has the objective to make movies catalogation by name and genre.

Getting Started

Preparing environment

First you need to clone this repository typing the command below in your terminal:

git clone

After this, you need to access the project path:

cd movies-catalog

Now, copy the environment variables:

yarn copy-envs


npm run copy-envs

You need to complete .env files with their keys:

server .env

PORT=          // Port where server runs
MONGO_URL=     // Mongodb URI
JWT_SECRET=    // Secret key for JWT

web .env

PORT=          // Port where server runs
URL=           // URL of your server
WEB_HOST=      // Link of your web app, this variable it's used for the recovery password email
PUBLIC_KEY=    // Key of EmailJS¹
TEMPLATE_ID=   // ID of your EmailJS template
SERVICE_ID=    // ID of your EmailJS service
TMDB_KEY=      // Your TMDB key²

¹ - See Getting Started | EmailJS

² - See The Movie Database API (


Now if you'd like to use Docker just insert the comand below:

 docker compose up --build

After configuration, it's time of install the dependencies:

yarn install


npm install

Lastly, generate a schema with:

yarn schema:generate

and Relay artifacts with:

yarn relay


To run server and app simultaneously:

yarn start

To run just server:

yarn start:server

or web:

yarn start:web

Running tests

yarn test -u



  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL - First time using GraphQL, I thougth very interesting to learn a new paradigm to construct this API, since I started in development I have always practice API-REST and OO;
  • KoaJS - Used for web server;
  • Jest - Automated tests;
  • Mongoose - ODM; and
  • MongoDB - Database used.


  • ReactJS - Library for build the front-end;
  • Vite - Used to base files generation for a ReactJs project;
  • Recoil - State management;
  • Jest - Automated tests;
  • Testing Library - Testing utilities;
  • MaterialUI - UI Tools; and
  • Relay - Data-fetching.


  • Docker - Was a docker-compose file to execute the API in containers (more stable);
  • Webpack - Module bundler.


Diego Chueri