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{% extends './layout.html' %} {% block title -%} {{post.title}} - {{options.title}} {%- endblock %} {% block headers -%} <link rel="canonical" href="{{site_url}}/post/{{post.pathname}}.html"> {%- endblock %} {% block content %} <div id="page-post"><article class="post detail"><h1 class="title">{{post.title}}</h1><div class="meta"><span class="date">{{think.datetime(post.create_time, 'MM月DD, YYYY')}}</span><a href="#comments" title=""><span class="comment" id="changyan_count_unit"></span>条留言 <span class="comment" id="changyan_parti_unit"></span>人参与</a></div><div class="entry-content"> {{post.content | replace(r/(<img src="([^"]+)" alt="([^"]*)"\s?\/?>)/g, '<img class="lazy-load" src="" data-src="$2" alt="$3"><noscript>$1</noscript>') | safe}} </div><p>本文链接:<a href="{{site_url + http.url | safe}}">{{site_url + http.url | safe}}</a></p><p>-- <acronym title="End of File">EOF</acronym> --</p><div class="post-info"><p>作者 {% set user = post.user %} <a href="/author/{{user.name}}" data-user="{{user.display_name}}"><code class="notebook">{% if user.display_name %}{{user.display_name}}{% else %}{{user.name}}{% endif %}</code> </a>发表于 <i>{{think.datetime(post.create_time)}}</i> {% if post.cate.length %} ,添加在分类 {% for cate in post.cate %} <a href="/cate/{{cate.pathname}}" data-cate="{{cate.name}}"><code class="notebook">{{cate.name}}</code> </a> {% endfor%} 下 {% endif %} {% if post.tag.length %} ,并被添加「 {% for tag in post.tag %} <a href="/tag/{{tag.pathname}}" data-tag="{{tag.name}}"><code class="notebook">{{tag.name}}</code> </a> {% endfor %} 」标签 {% endif %} ,最后修改于 <i>{{think.datetime(post.update_time)}}</i></p> {% if themeConfig.cc %} <p>{{themeConfig.cc | safe}}</p> {% endif %} </div></article> {%if post.prev.title or post.next.title %} <nav class="pagination"> {% if post.prev.title %} <a href="/post/{{ post.prev.pathname }}.html" class="prev">« {{ post.prev.title }}</a> {% endif %} {% if post.next.title %} <a href="/post/{{ post.next.pathname }}.html" class="next">{{ post.next.title }} »</a> {% endif %} </nav> {% endif %} {% if post.allow_comment %} {% include "./inc/comment.html" %} {% endif %} </div> {% endblock %}