Decap CMS is a collection of npm packages with their own versions and changelogs, each listed below. The legacy pre-2.0 changelog is below as well.
- decap-cms-backend-bitbucket
- decap-cms-backend-git-gateway
- decap-cms-backend-github
- decap-cms-backend-gitlab
- decap-cms-backend-test
- decap-cms-widget-boolean
- decap-cms-widget-date
- decap-cms-widget-datetime
- decap-cms-widget-file
- decap-cms-widget-image
- decap-cms-widget-list
- decap-cms-widget-markdown
- decap-cms-widget-number
- decap-cms-widget-object
- decap-cms-widget-relation
- decap-cms-widget-select
- decap-cms-widget-string
- decap-cms-widget-text
[Unreleased] (demo)
Changes that have landed in main but are not yet released. Click to see more.
- (possibly breaking): return date object from date/datetime widgets if no format set (@erquhart in #1296)
- check for title/slug field on config load (@tech4him1 in #1203)
1.9.4 (July 21, 2018) (demo)
Fix multipart extension support for GitLab
1.9.3 (July 3, 2018) (demo)
Fix numbers in TOML output
- fix int value output in TOML format file (@slathrop in #1458)
1.9.2 (June 15, 2018) (demo)
Fix test repo crash
- fix test-repo crash on non-existent folder (@tech4him1 in #1444)
1.9.1 (June 14, 2018) (demo)
Fix GitLab Implicit OAuth
- fix GitLab Implicit OAuth (@tech4him1 in #1439)
1.9.0 (June 12, 2018) (demo)
GitLab support is here!!! 🎉🎉🎉
- fix workflow top panel styling (@erquhart in #1398)
- only use
when one item is rendered in List widget (@robertkarlsson in #1422) - fix hidden widgets being rendered in editor components (@robertkarlsson in #1414)
1.8.4 (May 25, 2018) (demo)
Fix markdown widget styling.
1.8.3 (May 25, 2018) (demo)
Update dependencies.
1.8.2 (May 24, 2018) (demo)
Fix failure to save/publish.
- fix save/publish failure, revert overwrite prevention feature (@erquhart)
1.8.1 (May 23, 2018) (demo)
Allow upload of files larger than 1MB to GitHub, prevent unintentional file overwrites.
- prevent overwriting when generated slug matches an existing file (@brianlmacdonald in #1239)
- fix large files failing to load (@tech4him1 in #1224)
1.8.0 (May 16, 2018) (demo)
Customizable relation widget display fields, squash merges for editorial workflow, perf improvements.
- prevent login for
backend when Git Gateway is not enabled for Netlify site (@tech4him1 in #1295)
- use
when possible for editor preview pane widgets (@danielmahon in #1248) - upgrade to Webpack 4 (@tech4him1 in #1214)
1.7.0 (April 24, 2018) (demo)
Allow custom auth endpoint, bug fixes.
- skip validation of optional fields when empty (@Dammmien in #1237)
- fix GitHub auth button icon alignment (@erquhart in #1299)
- fix Git Gateway login hang (@ekoeryanto in #1240)
1.6.0 (April 19, 2018) (demo)
Markdown toolbar customization, manual date widget entry, bug fixes.
- Allow markdown editor toolbar customization (@Dammmien in #1236)
- Allow login screen to be skipped for test repo backend (@erquhart in #1291)
- Fix button/icon alignment on Safari 10 (@maciejmatu in #1227)
- Allow typing in date widget (@Dammmien in #1247)
1.5.0 (April 11, 2018) (demo)
New time based slug placeholders, set config.yml URL with .
- Add hour, minute, and second slug fields (@terrierscript in #1207)
- Allow setting config URL with (@brianlmacdonald in #1146)
- Fix broken new media uploads for Git Gateway (@tech4him1 in #1221)
1.4.0 (March 29, 2018) (demo)
Filename creation can now be customized to exclude Unicode! Also, check out the new Beta Features! 💥
- Add option to strip Unicode from entry filenames (@tech4him1 in #1135)
- Hide "create new" button for single files (@tech4him1 in #1200)
- Filter editorial workflow entries by PR base branch (@erquhart in #1155)
- Allow list widget "add" button to be disabled (@gazebosx3 in #1102)
- Fix broken thumbnail when uploading an image to a private repository (@Quicksaver in #994)
- Get default value from each widget rather than setting all to null (@MichaelRomani in #1126)
- Fix editor validation notifications for editorial workflow (@erquhart in #1204)
- Prevent Git Gateway users with invalid tokens from logging in (@tech4him1 in #1209)
- Fix relation list preview (@Quicksaver in #1199)
- Fix missing config file handling (@talves in #1182)
- Fix initially blank date fields (@tech4him1 in #1210)
- Accept CSS strings in
(@erquhart in #1162) - Change manual init API to use the same bundle as auto init (@talves and @erquhart in #1173)
- Ship source code to npm (@tech4him1 in #1095)
1.3.5 (March 6, 2018) (demo)
Fixes styling issues
- Revert lockfile update due to breaking changes in css processing deps (@erquhart)
1.3.4 (March 6, 2018) (demo)
Fixes editorial workflow entry failure
- Fix editorial workflow entries not loading (@erquhart)
1.3.3 (March 6, 2018) (demo)
Fixes load failure
1.3.2 (March 6, 2018) (demo)
Fixes date widget default format, collection load failure when entry fails
- Fix date widget default format (@erquhart in #1143)
- Fix collection failure when individual entries fail to load (@tech4him1 in #1093)
1.3.1 (March 3, 2018) (demo)
Fixes editorial workflow failure for unknown collections.
1.3.0 (February 27, 2018) (demo)
Multi-part extensions, e.g. "", a11y improvements in the editor, and bugfixes.
- Ensure unique id for each editor field (@xifengjin88 in #1087)
- Fix lists crashing when first value is not a string (@tech4him1 in #1115)
- Support extensions with multiple parts (i.e.
) (@tech4him1 in #1123) - Fix lost unsaved changes when updating status or publishing from editor (@erquhart in #987)
1.2.2 (February 21, 2018) (demo)
Fixes ES5 transpiling.
1.2.1 (February 21, 2018) (demo)
Allows label_singular
config for collections and lists and distinct frontmatter delimiters.
- Accept
in collection config (@peduarte in #1086) - Transpile down to ES5 to support older tooling eg. Webpack 1 (@tech4him1 in #1107)
- Allow different opening and closing frontmatter delimiters (@tech4him1 in #1094)
1.2.0 (February 13, 2018) (demo)
Adds support for multiple frontmatter formats and custom delimiters, UI improvements.
- Use babel-preset-env to transpile for supported environments only (@tech4him1 in #765)
- Change direction of collapsed editor widget arrow indicators (@Doocey in #1059)
- Support for writing frontmatter in JSON, TOML, or YAML (@tech4him1 in #933)
- Add collection label next to search results (@solpark in #1068)
- Support custom delimiters for frontmatter (@Swieckowski in #1064)
1.1.0 (January 25, 2018) (demo)
- Fix metadata handling for all children of a list field (@Quicksaver in #719)
- Allow registry of external backends (@talves in #1011)
1.0.4 (January 23, 2018) (demo)
- Fix markdown widget re-rendering after load (@erquhart in #955)
- Fix image form not displaying when added as first item in markdown widget (@Dammmien in #926)
- Add collapse all/expand all functionality to List widget (@drlogout in #912)
- Add expand/collapse functionality to object widget (@drlogout in #927)
- Fix vertically centered icon positioning in Firefox (@jimmaaay in #976)
- Fix new uploads not showing in media library (@tech4him1 in #925)
- Overhaul widgets section in docs (@hcavalieri in #866)
- Use proper formatting when writing JSON files (@tech4him1 in #979)
- Ensure temporary storage is available before attempting to write (@vencax in #550)
- Show SVG preview images in the media library (@Jinksi in #954)
- Fix failed PR force-merge showing success message (@tech4him1 in #1016)
- Fix false proptype warning for collection view (@Quicksaver in #998)
1.0.3 (December 19, 2017) (demo)
- Fix select widgets with object type options (@tech4him1 in #920)
- Warn when uploading asset with same name as existing asset (@Dammmien in #853)
- Fix Slate plugins broken during 0.30 migration (@Dammmien in #856)
- Fix infinite scrolling for collections with integrations (@erquhart in #940)
1.0.2 (December 7, 2017) (demo)
- Fix position of editor view controls (@biilmann in #886)
- Update docs intro to direct to new content (@verythorough in #891)
1.0.1 (December 7, 2017) (demo)
- Add configuration options doc (@verythorough in #885)
- Add new docs website landing page (@ziburski in #880)
- Rework Test Drive and Quick Start docs (@verythorough in #888)
1.0.0 (December 7, 2017) (demo)
The first major release of Netlify CMS!! Here are the big features:
The CMS UI has been completely redesigned from the ground up!
- All new visuals and reprised UX throughout
- List view/grid view option for collections
- Deletion now works for editorial workflow
- Control publishing and editorial workflow status from the entry editor
- Descriptions can now be added for each collection
The docs at have been rewritten and vastly improved!
- Full references with code samples for every configuration option, collection type, and widget
- Easier docs contributions with the website built directly in the repo
- Updated intro docs with a new Gatsby starter template in addition to the Hugo one
- Fix backspace not removing empty block in markdown editor (@Dammmien in #854)
- Add select widget documentation (@ackushiw in #806)
- Migrate source into this repo (@verythorough in #860)
- Fix Slate mark rendering (@erquhart in #858)
- Do not infer file format if format specified in config (@tech4him1 in #795)
- Infer format from extension for new entries (@tech4him1 in #796)
- Throw on unsupported format (@tech4him1 in #831)
- Update widget docs (@verythorough in #876)
- Implement new UI, restructure/refactor project (@erquhart and @neutyp in #785)
0.7.6 (November 27, 2017) (demo)
- Migrate to Slate 0.30.x (@erquhart in #826)
- Fix empty image fields saving null or undefined (@tech4him1 in #829)
- Add JSON as manually supported format (@tech4him1 in #830)
- Enable webpack scope hoisting (@tech4him1 in #840)
- Update bundled version of gotrue-js to latest (@biilmann in #837)
- Add global error boundary (@tech4him1 in #847)
- Fix datetime formatting, allow empty value (@biilmann in #842)
- Update authentication doc to cover all backends (@verythorough in #751)
- Add oauth-provider-go to (@igk1972 in #845)
0.7.5 (November 19, 2017) (demo)
0.7.4 (November 15, 2017) (demo)
- Remove trailing slash from directory listing path (@biilmann in #817)
- Fix images with non-lowercase extensions not being treated as images (@erquhart in #816)
- Prompt before closing window with unsaved changes in the editor (@benaiah in #815)
0.7.3 (November 11, 2017) (demo)
- Fix persisting files with no body/data files (@ebello in #808)
- Fix ControlHOC ref for redux container widgets (@erquhart in #812)
- Fix entries not saving due to null integrations state (@erquhart in #814)
- Fix requestAnimationFrame warnings in tests (@tech4him1 in #811)
0.7.2 (November 11, 2017) (demo)
- Only rebase editorial workflow pull requests if assets are stored in content repo (@erquhart in #804)
- Fix Netlify Identity widget logout method being called after # redirect (@tech4him1 in #805)
0.7.1 (November 11, 2017) (demo)
- Enable sourcemaps (@erquhart in #803)
- Add unselected option to select widget when no default is set (@benaiah in #673)
- Fix image not shown after upload for Git Gateway (@erquhart in #790)
- Fix empty media folder loading error (@erquhart in #791)
- Fix error for non-markdown files in editorial workflow (@tech4him1 in #794)
- Fix login when accept_roles is set (@tech4him1 in #801)
- Add error boundary to editor preview iframe (@erquhart in #779)
0.7.0 (November 9, 2017) (demo)
The CMS now features a media library UI for browsing, adding, and removing media from your content
repo! The library shows assets in from the directory set as media_library
in the CMS config. The
media library is fully backwards compatible for existing CMS installations.
- Add config option to disable deletion for a collection (@rpullinger in #707)
- Fix TOML files not being saved with the correct extension (@tech4him1 in #757)
- Clean up file formatters (@tech4him1 in #759)
- Add scroll sync toggle to editor (@Jinksi in #693)
- Disable login button while login is in progress (@tech4him1 in #741)
- Improve markdown editor active style indicator accuracy (@pjsier in #774)
- Add media library UI (@erquhart in #554)
- Fix transparent background on list widget (@Jinksi in #768)