Combuter Algebra System focusing on symbolic transformations.
100% writen in typescript.
Parser generated using ANTLR4.
Note: Algebrain is still at a very early and unstable stage.
$ npm install algebrain
import Algebrain from "algebrain";
const expr = Algebrain.parse("(3^2)*1.6+5/(y-12.34)");
// Your string expression is now a tree of nodes:
// +
// ├── *
// │ ├── 1.6
// │ └── ^
// │ ├── 3
// │ └── 2
// └── /
// ├── 5
// └── -
// ├── y
// └── 12.34
const evaluated = expr.evaluate();
// Evaluated tree of the following form:
// +
// ├── 14.4
// └── /
// ├── 5
// └── -
// ├── y
// └── 12.34
console.log(`My evaluated expression is: ${evaluated}`);
// > My evaluated expression is: 14.4+5/(y-12.34)
Under the hood, the above parsing uses an extensive API for structuring algebraic expressions:
// Algebrain heavily relies on the immutable package for persistent data structures
import { List } from "immutable";
import { Operator, Num, Symbol, OperatorSymbol } from "algebrain";
// The above expression: 14.4+5/(y-12.34), is constructed as:
const expr = new Operator(OperatorSymbol.Plus, List([
new Num(14.4),
new Operator(OperatorSymbol.Div, List([
new Num(5),
new Operator(OperatorSymbol.Minus, List([
new Symbol("y"),
new Num(12.34)
// > 14.4+5/(y-12.34)
By exploiting the concept of rewriting rules, Algebrain enables the use of custom transformations, that can be entirely developed and compiled within its environment.
import Algebrain, { Transformation } from "algebrain";
const rules = [
Algebrain.parse("fib($a)=fib($a-1)+fib($a-2) if const($a)"),
const fibonacci = new Transformation("fib", rules);
const expr = Algebrain.parse("fib(15)");
console.log(`The 15th term of fibonacci is: ${expr.transform(fibonacci)}`);
// > The 15h term of fibonacci is 610
Similar to any traditional Computer Algebra System, Algebrain provides a progamming language and an intepreter.
Every Algebrain statement or expression, when parsed, results to an object implementing the Executable
✍️ more documentation to come...
There is a web-app client that materiliases a friendly interface for exploring algebrain at
The source repo of the React app can be found here.
# Linting
npm run lint
# Unit tests w/ coverage thresholds
npm run test
# Compile typescript
npm run build
# Please commit through the following npm scripts
npm run precommit
npm run commit