diff --git a/docs/JSON_DOC.md b/docs/JSON_DOC.md
index a19b5b505..b4e56ecce 100644
--- a/docs/JSON_DOC.md
+++ b/docs/JSON_DOC.md
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Value | Type | Description
-- | -- | --
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) | String
*Hex color "#rrggbb"* | Background color of the level (same as `bgColor`, except the default value is automatically used here if its value is `null`)
Only *If background image exists*
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | Object *(can be `null`)* | Position informations of the background image, if there is one.
This object contains the following fields:
- **`cropRect`** **(Array of Float**) : *An array of 4 float values describing the cropped sub-rectangle of the displayed background image. This cropping happens when original is larger than the level bounds. Array format: `[ cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight ]`*
- **`scale`** **(Array of Float**) : *An array containing the `[scaleX,scaleY]` values of the **cropped** background image, depending on `bgPos` option.*
- **`topLeftPx`** **(Array of Int**) : *An array containing the `[x,y]` pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the **cropped** background image, depending on `bgPos` option.*
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
- **`dir`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-gray.svg) : *A lowercase string tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).
Since 1.4.0, this value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world depth).
Since 1.5.3, this value can also be `nw`,`ne`,`sw` or `se` for levels only touching corners.* - **`levelIid`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) : *Neighbour Instance Identifier*
- **`levelUid`** **(Int *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.2.0-gray.svg) : ***WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0* ** *Replaced by: `levelIid`*
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
- **`dir`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.5.3-green.svg) : *A lowercase string tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).
Since 1.4.0, this value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world depth).
Since 1.5.3, this value can also be `nw`,`ne`,`sw` or `se` for levels only touching corners.* - **`levelIid`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) : *Neighbour Instance Identifier*
- **`levelUid`** **(Int *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.2.0-gray.svg) : ***WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0* ** *Replaced by: `levelIid`*
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | The *optional* relative path to the level background image.
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | This value is not null if the project option "*Save levels separately*" is enabled. In this case, this **relative** path points to the level Json file.
![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Array of [Field instance](#ldtk-FieldInstanceJson) | An array containing this level custom field values.