This repository has the materials for a 2-hour workshop on Programming with Refinement Types which is also a tutorial introduction to LiquidHaskell.
You can run this code in any of the following ways:
The online web demo is easiest for the workshop. See below
This is the easiest by far; point your browser here
This is also very easy, if you can manage the 2Gb download.
Step 1 Download this VM image
he code files are in lh-workshop/src/*.lhs
Step 2 Choose your editor. For emacs do:
tar -zxvf liquid-emacs.tgz
and for Spacemacs (a great Vim-Emacs hybrid) do:
tar -zxvf liquid-spacemacs.tgz
Step 3 The code files are in
Finally, if you prefer, you can build LiquidHaskell from:
And then run the code in ranjitjhala/src/