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Magnus Gether Sørensen edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 15 revisions

Usage of XrmDefinitelyTyped

The executable can be used from a command prompt, but also directly from code, if you want the generation of the declaration files to be a part of your workflow.


Here is the full list of arguments for configuring the tool:

Argument Short-hand Description
url URL to the Organization.svc
username u, usr Username for the CRM system.
password p, pwd Password for the CRM system.
domain d, dmn Domain for the user.
ap Authentication Provider Type
mfaAppId Azure Application Id
mfaReturnUrl Return URL of the Azure Application
mfaClientSecret Azure Application Secret
out o Output directory for the generated declaration files.
jsLib jl Output directory for the JavaScript library files (XrmQuery files)
solutions ss Comma-separated list of solutions names. Generates code for the entities found in these solutions.
entities es Comma-separated list of logical names of the entities it should generate code for. This is additive with the entities gotten via the solutions argument.
web w Generates declaration files for the Web API endpoint. If given a string, all the interfaces will be put in a namespace of that name. For example -web=WebNs puts all interfaces in namespace "WebNs"
rest r Generates declaration files for the REST API endpoint. If given a string, all the interfaces will be put in a namespace of that name. For example -rest=RestNs puts all interfaces in namespace "RestNs"
crmVersion cv Version of CRM that it should generate declaration files for.
oneFile of Set to true if all the dynamic parts of the generated declarations should be put into a single file.
skipForms sf Set to true to skip generation of form declaration files.
skipInactiveForms sif Set to true to avoid generating types for inactive forms.
formIntersect fi Comma-separated list of named semicolon-separated lists of form GUIDs that should be intersected. Example:
MyAccountIntersect: 284FF02B-BDD1-4BB0-9BCF-6CFDBDA130D4;16068A3B-D428-4430-AEF6-397CE2AEFE07, MyContactIntersect: F4B3397C-C1A5-40BE-89DD-CEA5F7064D1D;824CFA3C-3EB4-4746-BA3C-7F1DFCA114C0
viewIntersect vi Comma-separated list of named semicolon-separated lists of view GUIDs that should be intersected. Example:
MyAccountViewIntersect: 284FF02B-BDD1-4BB0-9BCF-6CFDBDA130D4;16068A3B-D428-4430-AEF6-397CE2AEFE07, MyContactViewIntersect: F4B3397C-C1A5-40BE-89DD-CEA5F7064D1D;824CFA3C-3EB4-4746-BA3C-7F1DFCA114C0
labelMappings lm Comma-separated list of mappings between unicodes and the mapped string. Example:\u2714\uFE0F: checkmark, \u26D4\uFE0F: stopsign
useconfig uc Also applies the arguments found in the .config file.
useDeprecated ud Set to true if typings for deprecated functionality should be generated
views v Generates declaration files for views in the given solutions. If given a string, all the interfaces will be put in a namespace of that name. For example -views=View puts all interfaces in namespace "View"
generateMappings gm Set to true to generate attribute and control mappings

You can also view this list of arguments using the "/help" argument.

Special arguments

Argument Short-hand Description
genconfig gc Generates a configuration file with preset dummy values
save Connects to CRM given the arguments, fetches the necessary metadata and saves it to a local file.
load Loads a local file containing the necessary metadata and generates the declaration files based on it.

Configuration file

If no arguments are given to the executable, it will check if there is an configuration file in the same folder with arguments it can use instead.

If you want to generate a configuration file with dummy values to use for arguments, you can use the "/genconfig" argument.
If you want to use a mix of the arguments from the configuration file and arguments passed to the executable, you can use the "/useconfig" argument from the command-line.

Command prompt

The arguments are similar to those given to the CrmSvcUtil tool. Example usage from a command prompt:

XrmDefinitelyTyped.exe /url:http://<serverName>/<organizationName>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc  
        /out:WebResources\typings\XRM /username:<username> /password:<password> /domain:<domainName>

Simple Generation Example in F#

It can also be run through code by referencing the executable and calling the GenerateFromCrm function.

open Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client
open DG.XrmDefinitelyTyped

  "username", "password", 
  outDir = @"WebResources\typings\XRM")