#Pubudu Exercise ##A Nasa flickr image fetcher
####Running the app: Demo is available here: pubx.meteor.com (it may take awhile for initial start up if the server has been idle for awhile)
Or download the files and navigate the project folder and type meteor run if you already have meteor installed. Info on installing meteor can be found here
####Main design idea: Use meteor http call to flickr to get the json array, then store this object in a session variable. This way whenever the json array is modified through client action ( changing page, searching) it will update the DOM via the template helpers.
####Additional features:
Pager: Appears when mouse hovering near the bottom of the window or user when user stops scrolling.
Mobile can't hover so instead pager will appear sooner when scrolling is paused.
Uses 'word' flickr api argument, works on pressing enter. This updates the pager to reflect the search results as well as updates a session variable to indicate the user has searched so if the user clicks a page on the pager it will fetch pages based on the search.Search causes the images to display image titles also.
Image descriptions + various sizes available after clicking on an image
###Additional meteor packages:
- http (for http requests)
- iron router
- device detection