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Armin Sebastian edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 6 revisions is a free service provided by Facebook that enables you to solve audio challenges. The following guide will help you to configure the extension to use this service.

Get an API key

  1. Go to
  2. Press Continue With Facebook and connect to with your Facebook account
  3. Go to and click on New App
  4. Choose a name and select a language (English works best), set the app visibility to private, then press Create
  5. Go to Management > Settings (<App ID>/settings)
  6. Under the Client Access Token section click on Generate new token
  7. Click on the newly created token to copy it, this is the API key

Configure the extension

  1. Open the extension's options
  2. Under Speech service select Wit Speech API
  3. Under API language select the language you have picked for the app, then press ADD API
  4. Paste the API key you have previously copied from into the API key: <language> field

The extension is ready to use, and the options page can now be closed.