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132 lines (116 loc) · 5.99 KB

Motoko Syntax (Sketch)

Productions marked * probably deferred to later versions.


<typ> ::=                                     type expressions
  <id> <typ-args>?                              constructor
  (actor|module|object)? { <typ-field>;* }                      actor / module / object (default)
  { <typ-tag>;* }                               variant
  { # }                                         empty variant
  [ var? <typ> ]                                array
  ? <typ>                                       option
  shared? <typ-params>? <typ> -> <typ>          function
  async <typ>                                   future
  ( ((<id> :)? <typ>),* )                       tuple
  Any                                           top
  None                                          bottom
  Error                                         errors/exceptions

<typ-field> ::=                               object type fields
  <id> : <typ>                                  immutable
  var <id> : <typ>                              mutable
  <id> <typ-params>? <params> : <typ>           function (short-hand)

<typ-tag> ::=                                 variant type fields
  # <id> : <typ>                                tag
  # <id>                                        unit tag (short-hand)

<typ-args> ::=                                type arguments
  < <typ>,* >

<typ-params> ::=                              type parameters
  < (<id> <: <typ>),* >                         constrained
  < <id>,* >                                    unconstrained (short-hand)


<lit> ::=                                     literals
  <nat>                                         natural
  <float>                                       float
  <char>                                        character
  <text>                                        unicode text


<exp> ::=
  <id>                                           variable
  <lit>                                          literal
  <unop> <exp>                                   unary numeric operator
  <exp> <binop> <exp>                            binary numeric operator
  ( <exp>,* )                                    tuple
  <exp> . <nat>                                  tuple projection
  ? <exp>                                        option injection
  new { <exp-field>;* }                          object
  <exp> . <id>                                   object projection
  # <id> <exp>?                                  variant injection
  <exp> := <exp>                                 assignment
  <unop>= <exp>                                  unary update
  <exp> <binop>= <exp>                           binary update
  [ var? <exp>,* ]                               array
  <exp> [ <exp> ]                                array indexing
  <exp> <typ-args>? <exp>                        function call
  { <dec>;* }                                    block
  not <exp>                                      negation
  <exp> and <exp>                                conjunction
  <exp> or <exp>                                 disjunction
  if <exp> <exp> (else <exp>)?                   conditional
  switch <exp> { (case <pat> <exp>;)+ }           switch
  while <exp> <exp>                              while loop
  loop <exp> (while <exp>)?                      loop
  for <id>? in <exp> <exp>                       iteration
  label <id> (: <typ>)? <exp>                    label
  break <id> <exp>?                              break
  continue <id>                                  continue
  return <exp>?                                  return
  async <exp>                                    async expression
  await <exp>                                    await future (only in async)
  assert <exp>                                   assertion
  <exp> : <typ>                                  type annotation
  <dec>                                          declaration (scopes to block)
  throw <exp>                                    raise error (only in async)
  try <exp> catch <pat> <exp>                    try (only in async)
* try <exp> catch { (case <pat> <exp>;) +} (<finally> <exp>)?  try-finally

<exp-field> ::=                                object expression fields
  var? <id> = <exp>                              field


<pat> ::=                                      patterns
  _                                              wildcard
  <id>                                           variable
  <unop>? <lit>                                  literal
  ( <pat>,* )                                    tuple or brackets
  { <pat-field>;* }                              object pattern
  # <id> <pat>?                                  variant pattern
  ? <pat>                                        option
  <pat> : <typ>                                  type annotation
  <pat> or <pat>                                 disjunctive pattern
* <pat> and <pat>                                conjunctive pattern
* async <pat>                                    asynchronous

<pat-field> ::=                                object pattern fields
  <id> = <pat>                                   field


<dec> ::=                                                 declaration
  <exp>                                                       expression
  let <pat> = <exp>                                           immutable
  var <id> (: <typ>)? = <exp>                                 mutable
  (actor|module|object) <id>? =? { <dec-field>;* }            object
  shared? func <id>? <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <exp>  function
  actor? class <id> <typ-params>? <pat> (: <typ>)? =? <exp>   class
  type <id> <typ-params>? = <typ>                             type
  import <id>? =? <text>                                      import

<dec-field> ::=                                          object declaration fields
  (public|private|system)? (flexible|stable)? dec             field


<prog> ::= <dec>;*