📚 Learning and exploring the Go-based TUI framework: Bubble Tea.
The fun, functional and stateful way to build terminal apps.
Charm is building perhaps the best overall CLI tools in existence. They build a collection of open-source projects that have a particular focus on making CLI experiences sophisticated, stylish, and smooth around the edges.
I'd like to start by learning how to use Charm's TUI (Text User Interface) framework: Bubble Tea.
Follow these instructions to build and run some Bubble Tea example programs.
- Build and run the file summarizer program:
go run bubble_tea_playground/pkg/file-summarizer
- Altogether it will look something like the following.
go run . What files should we summarize? > [ ] go.mod [ ] go.sum [ ] README.md [ ] .gitignore [ ] file-summarizer.go [ ] .idea Press 'e' to execute the file summarization. Press 'q' to quit.
What files should we summarize? [ ] go.mod [ ] go.sum [x] README.md [ ] .gitignore [ ] file-summarizer.go > [x] .idea Press 'e' to execute the file summarization. Press 'q' to quit.
Complete! Below is a summary of the selected files. It shows each file size, in bytes: ["README.md: 1630" ".idea: 192"]
- Now, let's implement similar functionality but in a fancy list TUI component.
go run bubble_tea_playground/pkg/git-project-file-summarizer
General clean-ups, TODOs and things I wish to implement for this project
- Handle when there are no files selected. Use a different message.
- DONE Other UI components? Can I do a table (yes)? I'm going to implement a "fancy list". This is a much
more "in the weeds" example. I've got something working, I want to refactor it and also add the spinner animation.
- DONE Functional program
- DONE (sort of; using a 'domain.go' file) Consider splitting out a "core/domain" package/file
- DONE (sort of; using a 'domain.go' file) Consider splitting out a "git" package/file
- Defect. When I press enter on an entry to start fetching its size and then quickly press '/' to start filtering and then type some characters, the list filters down to empty even if the filter should match an entry.
- DONE Go back to value variables (fewer pointers) and allow the Bubble Tea "Update" function to have more logic. The experiment was useful, but I want this demo to settle on idiomatic Bubble Tea.
- Add spinner animation
- GitHub org:
- Bubble Tea tutorials: the basics
- Wow, this was an easy tutorial to follow.
- GitHub org:
TUI components for Bubble Tea
- GitHub org:
Style definitions for nice terminal layout