This is a tutorial on how to build and run a simple Symbolism program on Linux.
The following instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3.
Install .NET Core SDK.
Install Visual Studio Code.
Install the C# for Visual Studio Code extension.
Create a new console project:
$ mkdir symbolism-example
$ cd symbolism-example
$ dotnet new console
Add the Symbolism nuget package:
$ dotnet add package Symbolism
Start Visual Studio Code.
$ code
Select "File -> Open Folder" from the vscode menu. Select the symbolism-example folder.
Select Program.cs
in the Explorer pane. Replace the code with the following which solves a simple physics exercise:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Symbolism;
using Symbolism.Substitute;
using Symbolism.EliminateVariable;
using Symbolism.IsolateVariable;
using Symbolism.LogicalExpand;
using Symbolism.SimplifyLogical;
using Symbolism.Utils;
using static Symbolism.Constructors;
using static Symbolism.Trigonometric.Constructors;
namespace symbolism_example
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug
// down the counter for a refill. The bartender is momentarily
// distracted and does not see the mug, which slides
// off the counter and strikes the floor 1.40 m from the
// base of the counter. If the height of the counter is
// 0.860 m, (a) with what velocity did the mug leave the
// counter and (b) what was the direction of the mug’s
// velocity just before it hit the floor?
var xA = new Symbol("xA");
var yA = new Symbol("yA");
var xB = new Symbol("xB");
var yB = new Symbol("yB");
var vxA = new Symbol("vxA");
var vyA = new Symbol("vyA");
var vxB = new Symbol("vxB");
var vyB = new Symbol("vyB");
var tAB = new Symbol("tAB");
var ax = new Symbol("ax");
var ay = new Symbol("ay");
var thB = new Symbol("thB");
var vB = new Symbol("vB");
var eqs = and(
vxB == vxA + ax * tAB,
vyB == vyA + ay * tAB,
tan(thB) == vyB / vxB,
xB == xA + vxA * tAB + ax * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
yB == yA + vyA * tAB + ay * (tAB ^ 2) / 2,
xB != 0
var vals = new List<Equation>() { xA == 0, yA == 0.86, /* vxA */ vyA == 0, xB == 1.4, yB == 0, /* vxB vyB vB thB */ /* tAB */ ax == 0, ay == -9.8 };
var zeros = vals.Where(eq => eq.b == 0).ToList();
DoubleFloat.tolerance = 0.00001;
.EliminateVariables(thB, vxB, vyB, tAB)
.EliminateVariables(vxB, vyB, tAB, vxA)
DoubleFloat.tolerance = null;
Press ctrl+f5
to run the program.
The symbolic and numeric answers will be displayed in the console: