Signature Steganography is a technique for allowing people to silently hide his signature inside a his photo.
This Project is Related to Project Based Learning Programe running by Army Institute of Technology.
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🌟. Star🌟 the repo to appreciate the work.
Take a look at the existing issues or create your own issues. Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.
Find a feature or a bug that you think you can do/implement.
Open an issue.
Get it assigned.
Work on it and add comments for better understanding of code.
Make a pull request.
Wait for it to be merged
And WOAHLAAAAAAAA! 🎉 You contributed to this project.
1. Fork this repository.
2. Clone your forked copy of the project.
git clone
3. Navigate to the project directory :
cd Signature-Steganography
4. Install Virtual environment in current directory :
pip install virtualenv
5. Initialise Virtual environment in current directory :
virtualenv venv
6. Activate Virtual environment in current directory :
7. Install Django inside virtual enviornment :
pip install django
8. Install pillow library inside django for image validation :
pip install pillow
9. Try to Run the project :
python runserver
8. AND there is the project running in your browser.