The movie-database is a ROCA-style web application built on Bootstrap, jQuery, Thymeleaf, Spring MVC and Spring Boot, see Self-Contained Systems and ROCA: A complete example using Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for concepts and pointers to details in the implementation. This repository has been updated Nov 2014, the old version referenced in this blog post is still available in the branch classic.
The movie-database is a system of self-contained systems (take a look at the blog posts referenced above). There are three self-contained systems, one for movies, one for actors and one for a shop. The movies and the actors system are ROCA-style applications with server-side rendering, while the shop system is a SPA with AngularJS on the client side and a REST service on the backend side. In addition to these three systems we have two applications serving cross-cutting concerns: one for delivering navigation snippets and one for monitoring. An SSO mechanism is used for security, the infrastructure setup to support this involves Redis and nginx. If you already have those two installed, good, and if not, it's a 15 minute thing (at least on Mac). If you shy away from that you're still able to run a non-integrated movie or actor application, I'll get to that later. The whole setup also includes an instance of Spring Boot Admin, a complete tool for monitoring Spring Boot applications. You can do and see everything you need in there, like health status, log files, thread dumps, environment variables, a JMX console and much more.
Clone this repository, jump into the subdirectory movie-database-vagrant and do
vagrant up
That will take a while (and it will change some of the files, don't be confused about that). Edit your /private/etc/hosts file and add the line
When everything is started, access in your browser for the application. Currently there are two users, admin/admin and user/user. For monitoring with Spring Boot Admin access
This repo that you cloned is shared with the virtual machine. So you can change things in your IDE, log into the virtual machine and rebuild / restart changed services there.
You need to have Homebrew installed to do the following.
Follow these instructions to install nginx. When editing the /private/etc/hosts file, add the line
Now copy moviedatabase.conf to /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/. Start nginx with sudo nginx
, stop it with sudo nginx -s stop
Redis is available in the repositories of most mainstream distros. Installing it is usually a matter of running something along the lines of (for Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install redis
After the command finishes you can (again on Ubuntu) run:
redis-cli ping
Redis should now reply
Update in movie-database-movies and movie-database-actors and set
One fast way to get Redis running is to use a Docker image. If you're on Mac or Windows, you'll need to install Boot2Docker first and start it. My colleague Ben Ripkens wrote a nice tool to install standard Docker images fast. To install it, do the following
brew tap bripkens/dock
brew install dock
To install and startup Redis:
dock redis
Now Redis is running under, which is exactly what the movie database expects. If you already have a Redis installed somewhere else, take a look at the
files contained in the projects, there you may change the host and port used for connecting to Redis (for changing the port you need to add the property spring.redis.port
, for a list of all Spring Boot properties take a look here).
Now clone this repository and check out master. From command line you may just call ./
. This script stops boot2docker, nginx and all movie-database applications and then builds all applications, starts boot2docker and Redis, starts nginx, copies the static Angular app to a specific place and then starts all movie-database applications. You need to have mvn
and java
and boot2docker
and dock
and grunt
and bower
on your path for that (and maybe some other stuff, better take a look at the script). If you're not on OSX it should be easy to adapt the script to your OS. I piped the logs to dev/null
because the applications themselves are logging to /tmp
Alternatively start nginx and Redis yourself, build the Angular app yourself and copy it to the folder accessed by nginx, and then in your IDE import all Maven projects, then run the class ShopApplication
in the project movie-database-shop-rest, the class NavigationApplication
in the project movie-database-navigation, the class ActorsApplication
in the project movie-database-actors, the class MoviesApplication
in the project movie-database-movies and the class MonitoringApplication
in the project movie-database-monitoring.
Then access in your browser for the application. Currently there are two users, admin/admin and user/user. For monitoring with Spring Boot Admin access http://localhost:8083.
If you really shy away from installing nginx and Redis, you may just start the applications without security. Remove the dependency to movie-database-security from movie-database-movies and movie-database-actors, then remove the reference to SecurityConfiguration
from those two projects (making them compile-clean again). Now start NavigationApplication
and MoviesApplication
(or ActorsApplication
) and browse to http://localhost:8080/movie-app (http://localhost:8082/actor-app). Navigation links won't work, search works.
From the command line do:
git clone
git checkout classic
cd movie-database
mvn jetty:run
Access http://localhost:8080/movies in your browser.