* Creates a cell with provided width, cell value, horizontal and vertical
@@ -148,6 +173,17 @@ void removeTopBorders() {
+ /**
+ *
cell : cells) {
+ cell.setBorderStyle(null);;
+ }
+ }
* Gets maximal height of the cells in current row therefore row's height.
diff --git a/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/Table.java b/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/Table.java
index c1e32950..91d754bf 100644
--- a/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/Table.java
+++ b/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/Table.java
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public abstract class Table {
private boolean tableIsBroken = false;
private boolean tableStartedAtNewPage = false;
private boolean removeTopBorders = false;
+ private boolean removeAllBorders = false;
private PageProvider pageProvider;
@@ -206,12 +207,21 @@ public Row createRow(List> cells, float height) {
return row;
+ /**
+ *
+ * Draws table
+ *
+ *
+ * @return Y position of the table
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public float draw() throws IOException {
for (Row row : rows) {
if (header.contains(row)) {
- // check if header row height and first data row height can fit the page
+ // check if header row height and first data row height can fit
+ // the page
// if not draw them on another side
if (isEndOfPage(getMinimumHeight())) {
@@ -232,7 +242,7 @@ private void drawRow(Row row) throws IOException {
// draw the bookmark
if (row.getBookmark() != null) {
PDPageXYZDestination bookmarkDestination = new PDPageXYZDestination();
@@ -244,6 +254,11 @@ private void drawRow(Row row) throws IOException {
// we want to remove the borders as often as possible
removeTopBorders = true;
+ // check also if we want all borders removed
+ if(allBordersRemoved()) {
+ row.removeAllBorders();
+ }
if (isEndOfPage(row)) {
@@ -368,6 +383,28 @@ private void drawCellContent(Row row) throws IOException {
imageCell.getImage().draw(document, tableContentStream, cursorX, cursorY);
+ } else if (cell instanceof TableCell) {
+ final TableCell tableCell = (TableCell) cell;
+ cursorY = yStart - cell.getTopPadding()
+ - (cell.getTopBorder() != null ? cell.getTopBorder().getWidth() : 0);
+ // table cell vertical alignment
+ switch (cell.getValign()) {
+ case TOP:
+ break;
+ case MIDDLE:
+ cursorY -= cell.getVerticalFreeSpace() / 2;
+ break;
+ case BOTTOM:
+ cursorY -= cell.getVerticalFreeSpace();
+ break;
+ }
+ cursorX += cell.getLeftPadding() + (cell.getLeftBorder() == null ? 0 : cell.getLeftBorder().getWidth());
+ tableCell.setXPosition(cursorX);
+ tableCell.setYPosition(cursorY);
+ tableCell.draw(currentPage);
} else {
// no text without font
if (cell.getFont() == null) {
@@ -417,7 +454,8 @@ private void drawCellContent(Row row) throws IOException {
cursorX += cell.getHorizontalFreeSpace();
+ // make tokenize method just in case
+ cell.getParagraph().getLines();
} else {
// debugging mode - drawing (default!) padding of rotated cells
@@ -573,10 +611,7 @@ private void drawCellContent(Row row) throws IOException {
case BULLET:
- // if cell is not left aligned then don't draw the bullet
- if(!cell.getAlign().equals(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT)){
- continue;
- }
if (cell.isTextRotated()) {
// move cursorX up because bullet needs to be in the middle of font height
cursorX += FontUtils.getHeight(currentFont, cell.getFontSize()) / 2;
@@ -917,4 +952,12 @@ public void setLineSpacing(float lineSpacing) {
this.lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
+ public boolean allBordersRemoved() {
+ return removeAllBorders;
+ }
+ public void removeAllBorders(boolean removeAllBorders) {
+ this.removeAllBorders = removeAllBorders;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableCell.java b/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableCell.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..753230dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableCell.java
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+package be.quodlibet.boxable;
+import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.util.Matrix;
+import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
+import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import be.quodlibet.boxable.text.Token;
+import be.quodlibet.boxable.utils.FontUtils;
+import be.quodlibet.boxable.utils.PDStreamUtils;
+public class TableCell extends Cell {
+ private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TableCell.class);
+ private final String tableData;
+ private final float width;
+ private float yStart;
+ private float xStart;
+ private float height = 0;
+ private final PDDocument doc;
+ private final PDPage page;
+ private float marginBetweenElementsY = FontUtils.getHeight(getFont(), getFontSize());
+ private final HorizontalAlignment align;
+ private final VerticalAlignment valign;
+ // default FreeSans font
+// private PDFont font = FontUtils.getDefaultfonts().get("font");
+// private PDFont fontBold = FontUtils.getDefaultfonts().get("fontBold");
+ private PDPageContentStream tableCellContentStream;
+ // page margins
+ private final float pageTopMargin;
+ private final float pageBottomMargin;
+ // default title fonts
+ private int tableTitleFontSize = 8;
+ TableCell(Row row, float width, String tableData, boolean isCalculated, PDDocument document, PDPage page,
+ float yStart, float pageTopMargin, float pageBottomMargin) {
+ this(row, width, tableData, isCalculated, document, page, yStart, pageTopMargin, pageBottomMargin,
+ HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, VerticalAlignment.TOP);
+ }
+ TableCell(Row row, float width, String tableData, boolean isCalculated, PDDocument document, PDPage page,
+ float yStart, float pageTopMargin, float pageBottomMargin, final HorizontalAlignment align,
+ final VerticalAlignment valign) {
+ super(row, width, tableData, isCalculated);
+ this.tableData = tableData;
+ this.width = width * row.getWidth() / 100;
+ this.doc = document;
+ this.page = page;
+ this.yStart = yStart;
+ this.pageTopMargin = pageTopMargin;
+ this.pageBottomMargin = pageBottomMargin;
+ this.align = align;
+ this.valign = valign;
+ fillTable();
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * This method just fills up the table's with her content for proper table
+ * cell height calculation. Position of the table (x,y) is not relevant
+ * here.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: if entire row is not header row then use bold instead header cell (
+ * {@code
+ *
+ })
+ *
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "unchecked" })
+ public void fillTable() {
+ try {
+ // please consider the cell's paddings
+ float tableWidth = this.width - getLeftPadding() - getRightPadding();
+ tableCellContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, true, true);
+ // check if there is some additional text outside inner table
+ String[] outerTableText = tableData.split("");
+ for (String chunkie : chunks) {
+ if (chunkie.contains(" row = table.createRow(0);
+ Elements tableCols = htmlTableRow.select("td");
+ Elements tableHeaderCols = htmlTableRow.select("th");
+ // do we have header columns?
+ boolean tableHasHeaderColumns = tableHeaderCols.isEmpty() ? false : true;
+ if (tableHasHeaderColumns) {
+ // if entire row is not header row then use bold instead
+ // header cell ()
+ row.setHeaderRow(true);
+ }
+ int columnsSize = tableHasHeaderColumns ? tableHeaderCols.size() : tableCols.size();
+ // calculate how much really columns do you have (including
+ // colspans!)
+ for (Element col : tableHasHeaderColumns ? tableHeaderCols : tableCols) {
+ if (col.attr("colspan") != null && !col.attr("colspan").isEmpty()) {
+ columnsSize += Integer.parseInt(col.attr("colspan")) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (Element col : tableHasHeaderColumns ? tableHeaderCols : tableCols) {
+ if (col.attr("colspan") != null && !col.attr("colspan").isEmpty()) {
+ Cell cell = (Cell) row.createCell(
+ tableWidth / columnsSize * Integer.parseInt(col.attr("colspan")) / row.getWidth() * 100,
+ col.html().replace("&", "&"));
+ } else {
+ Cell cell = (Cell) row.createCell(tableWidth / columnsSize / row.getWidth() * 100,
+ col.html().replace("&", "&"));
+ }
+ }
+ yStart -= row.getHeight();
+ }
+ if (drawTable) {
+ table.draw();
+ }
+ height += table.getHeaderAndDataHeight() + marginBetweenElementsY;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method provides writing or height calculation of possible outer text
+ *
+ *
+ * @param paragraph
+ * Paragraph that needs to be written or whose height needs to be
+ * calculated
+ * @param onlyCalculateHeight
+ * if true the given paragraph will not be drawn
+ * just his height will be calculated.
+ * @return Y position after calculating/writing given paragraph
+ */
+ private float writeOrCalculateParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, boolean onlyCalculateHeight) throws IOException {
+ int boldCounter = 0;
+ int italicCounter = 0;
+ // position at top of current cell descending by font height - font
+ // descent, because we are positioning the base line here
+ float cursorY = yStart - getTopPadding() - FontUtils.getHeight(getFont(), getFontSize())
+ - FontUtils.getDescent(getFont(), getFontSize()) - (getTopBorder() == null ? 0 : getTopBorder().getWidth());
+ float cursorX = xStart;
+ // loop through tokens
+ for (Map.Entry> entry : paragraph.getMapLineTokens().entrySet()) {
+ // calculate the width of this line
+ float freeSpaceWithinLine = paragraph.getMaxLineWidth() - paragraph.getLineWidth(entry.getKey());
+ if (isTextRotated()) {
+ switch (align) {
+ case CENTER:
+ cursorY += freeSpaceWithinLine / 2;
+ break;
+ case LEFT:
+ break;
+ case RIGHT:
+ cursorY += freeSpaceWithinLine;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (align) {
+ case CENTER:
+ cursorX += freeSpaceWithinLine / 2;
+ break;
+ case LEFT:
+ // it doesn't matter because X position is always the same
+ // as row above
+ break;
+ case RIGHT:
+ cursorX += freeSpaceWithinLine;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // iterate through tokens in current line
+ PDFont currentFont = paragraph.getFont(false, false);
+ for (Token token : entry.getValue()) {
+ switch (token.getType()) {
+ case OPEN_TAG:
+ if ("b".equals(token.getData())) {
+ boldCounter++;
+ } else if ("i".equals(token.getData())) {
+ italicCounter++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CLOSE_TAG:
+ if ("b".equals(token.getData())) {
+ boldCounter = Math.max(boldCounter - 1, 0);
+ } else if ("i".equals(token.getData())) {
+ italicCounter = Math.max(italicCounter - 1, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PADDING:
+ cursorX += Float.parseFloat(token.getData());
+ break;
+ case ORDERING:
+ tableCellContentStream.beginText();
+ currentFont = paragraph.getFont(boldCounter > 0, italicCounter > 0);
+ tableCellContentStream.setFont(currentFont, getFontSize());
+ if (isTextRotated()) {
+ // if it is not calculation then draw it
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ final AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cursorX, cursorY);
+ transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI * 0.5f));
+ transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-cursorX, -cursorY));
+ tableCellContentStream.setTextMatrix(new Matrix(transform));
+ tableCellContentStream.newLineAtOffset(cursorX, cursorY);
+ tableCellContentStream.showText(token.getData());
+ }
+ cursorY += currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ } else {
+ // if it is not calculation then draw it
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ tableCellContentStream.newLineAtOffset(cursorX, cursorY);
+ tableCellContentStream.showText(token.getData());
+ }
+ cursorX += currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ }
+ tableCellContentStream.endText();
+ tableCellContentStream.closePath();
+ break;
+ case BULLET:
+ if (isTextRotated()) {
+ // move cursorX up because bullet needs to be in the
+ // middle of font height
+ cursorX += FontUtils.getHeight(currentFont, getFontSize()) / 2;
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ PDStreamUtils.rect(tableCellContentStream, cursorX, cursorY,
+ currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize(),
+ currentFont.getStringWidth(" ") / 1000 * getFontSize(), getTextColor());
+ }
+ // move cursorY for two characters (one for bullet, one
+ // for space after bullet)
+ cursorY += 2 * currentFont.getStringWidth(" ") / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ // return cursorY to his original place
+ cursorX -= FontUtils.getHeight(currentFont, getFontSize()) / 2;
+ } else {
+ // move cursorY up because bullet needs to be in the
+ // middle of font height
+ cursorY += FontUtils.getHeight(currentFont, getFontSize()) / 2;
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ PDStreamUtils.rect(tableCellContentStream, cursorX, cursorY,
+ currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize(),
+ currentFont.getStringWidth(" ") / 1000 * getFontSize(), getTextColor());
+ }
+ // move cursorX for two characters (one for bullet, one
+ // for space after bullet)
+ cursorX += 2 * currentFont.getStringWidth(" ") / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ // return cursorY to his original place
+ cursorY -= FontUtils.getHeight(currentFont, getFontSize()) / 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TEXT:
+ currentFont = paragraph.getFont(boldCounter > 0, italicCounter > 0);
+ tableCellContentStream.setFont(currentFont, getFontSize());
+ if (isTextRotated()) {
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ tableCellContentStream.beginText();
+ final AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cursorX, cursorY);
+ transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI * 0.5f));
+ transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-cursorX, -cursorY));
+ tableCellContentStream.setTextMatrix(new Matrix(transform));
+ tableCellContentStream.newLineAtOffset(cursorX, cursorY);
+ tableCellContentStream.showText(token.getData());
+ tableCellContentStream.endText();
+ tableCellContentStream.closePath();
+ }
+ cursorY += currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ } else {
+ if (!onlyCalculateHeight) {
+ tableCellContentStream.beginText();
+ tableCellContentStream.newLineAtOffset(cursorX, cursorY);
+ tableCellContentStream.showText(token.getData());
+ tableCellContentStream.endText();
+ tableCellContentStream.closePath();
+ }
+ cursorX += currentFont.getStringWidth(token.getData()) / 1000 * getFontSize();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // reset
+ cursorX = xStart;
+ cursorY -= FontUtils.getHeight(getFont(), getFontSize());
+ }
+ return cursorY;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * This method draw table cell with proper X,Y position which are determined
+ * in {@link Table#draw()} method
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: if entire row is not header row then use bold instead header cell (
+ * {@code
+ *
+ })
+ *
+ *
+ * @param page
+ * {@link PDPage} where table cell be written on
+ *
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "unchecked" })
+ public void draw(PDPage page) {
+ try {
+ // please consider the cell's paddings
+ float tableWidth = this.width - getLeftPadding() - getRightPadding();
+ tableCellContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, true, true);
+ // check if there is some additional text outside inner table
+ String[] outerTableText = tableData.split("");
+ for (String chunkie : chunks) {
+ if (chunkie.contains("
* {@link HashMap} for caching {@link FontMetrics} for designated
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ public FontMetrics(final float height, final float ascent, final float descent)
* expensive to calculate and the results are only approximate.
private static final Map fontMetrics = new HashMap<>();
+ private static final Map defaultFonts = new HashMap<>();
private FontUtils() {
@@ -61,10 +64,15 @@ private FontUtils() {
* @throws IOException
* If reading the font file fails
- public static final PDType0Font loadFont(PDDocument document, String fontPath) throws IOException {
- return PDType0Font.load(document, FontUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fontPath));
+ public static final PDType0Font loadFont(PDDocument document, String fontPath) {
+ try {
+ return PDType0Font.load(document, FontUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fontPath));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ logger.warn("Cannot load given external font", e);
+ return null;
+ }
* Retrieving {@link String} width depending on current font size. The width
@@ -102,12 +110,7 @@ public static float getStringWidth(final PDFont font, final String text, final f
public static float getAscent(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
final String fontName = font.getName();
if (!fontMetrics.containsKey(fontName)) {
- try {
- createFontMetrics(font);
- } catch (final IOException e) {
- LOGGER.info("Getting font ascent distance ...");
- return font.getFontDescriptor().getAscent() / 1000 * fontSize;
- }
+ createFontMetrics(font);
return fontMetrics.get(fontName).ascent * fontSize;
@@ -127,12 +130,7 @@ public static float getAscent(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
public static float getDescent(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
final String fontName = font.getName();
if (!fontMetrics.containsKey(fontName)) {
- try {
- createFontMetrics(font);
- } catch (final IOException e) {
- LOGGER.info("Getting font descent distance ...");
- return font.getFontDescriptor().getDescent() / 1000 * fontSize;
- }
+ createFontMetrics(font);
return fontMetrics.get(fontName).descent * fontSize;
@@ -152,12 +150,7 @@ public static float getDescent(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
public static float getHeight(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
final String fontName = font.getName();
if (!fontMetrics.containsKey(fontName)) {
- try {
- createFontMetrics(font);
- } catch (final IOException e) {
- LOGGER.info("Getting font height ...");
- return font.getFontDescriptor().getFontBoundingBox().getHeight() / 1000 * fontSize * 0.865f;
- }
+ createFontMetrics(font);
return fontMetrics.get(fontName).height * fontSize;
@@ -170,13 +163,34 @@ public static float getHeight(final PDFont font, final float fontSize) {
* @param font
* The font from which calculation will be applied
+<<<<<<< HEAD
* @throws IOException
* If reading the font file fails
+>>>>>>> using FreeSans as default font and added new free fonts
- private static void createFontMetrics(final PDFont font) throws IOException {
+ private static void createFontMetrics(final PDFont font) {
final float base = font.getFontDescriptor().getXHeight() / 1000;
final float ascent = font.getFontDescriptor().getAscent() / 1000 - base;
final float descent = font.getFontDescriptor().getDescent() / 1000;
fontMetrics.put(font.getName(), new FontMetrics(base + ascent - descent, ascent, descent));
+ public static void addDefaultFonts(final PDFont font,final PDFont fontBold,final PDFont fontItalic,final PDFont fontBoldItalic) {
+ defaultFonts.put("font", font);
+ defaultFonts.put("fontBold", fontBold);
+ defaultFonts.put("fontItalic", fontItalic);
+ defaultFonts.put("fontBoldItalic", fontBoldItalic);
+ }
+ public static Map getDefaultfonts() {
+ return defaultFonts;
+ }
+ public static void setSansFontsAsDefault(PDDocument document){
+ defaultFonts.put("font", loadFont(document, "fonts/FreeSans.ttf"));
+ defaultFonts.put("fontBold", loadFont(document, "fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf"));
+ defaultFonts.put("fontItalic", loadFont(document, "fonts/FreeSansOblique.ttf"));
+ defaultFonts.put("fontBoldItalic", loadFont(document, "fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf"));
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/AUTHORS b/src/main/resources/fonts/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7f7575d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+-*- mode:text; coding:utf-8; -*-
+ GNU FreeFont Authors
+ ====================
+The FreeFont collection is being maintained by
+ Steve White
+The folowing list cites the other contributors that contributed to
+particular ISO 10646 blocks.
+* URW++ Design & Development GmbH
+ Basic Latin (U+0041-U+007A)
+ Latin-1 Supplement (U+00C0-U+00FF) (most)
+ Latin Extended-A (U+0100-U+017F)
+ Spacing Modifier Letters (U+02B0-U+02FF)
+ Mathematical Operators (U+2200-U+22FF) (parts)
+ Block Elements (U+2580-U+259F)
+ Dingbats (U+2700-U+27BF)
+* Yannis Haralambous and John
+ Plaice
+ Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
+ IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
+ Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
+ Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
+ Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
+ Currency Symbols (U+20A0-U+20CF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+FB50-U+FDFF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF)
+* Yannis Haralambous and Wellcome Institute
+ Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF)
+* Young U. Ryu
+ Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF)
+ Mathematical Symbols (U+2200-U+22FF)
+ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400-U+1D7FF)
+* Valek Filippov
+ Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF)
+* Wadalab Kanji Comittee
+ Hiragana (U+3040-U+309F)
+ Katakana (U+30A0-U+30FF)
+* Angelo Haritsis
+ Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
+* Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich
+ Thai (U+0E00-U+0E7F)
+* Shaheed R. Haque
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+* Sam Stepanyan
+ Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
+* Mohamed Ishan
+ Thaana (U+0780-U+07BF)
+* Sushant Kumar Dash
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+* Harsh Kumar
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+* Prasad A. Chodavarapu
+ Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F)
+* Frans Velthuis and Anshuman Pandey
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+* Hardip Singh Pannu
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+* Jeroen Hellingman
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* Thomas Ridgeway
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+* Berhanu Beyene <1beyene AT informatik.uni-hamburg.de>,
+ Prof. Dr. Manfred Kudlek , Olaf
+ Kummer , and Jochen Metzinger >
+ Ethiopic (U+1200-U+137F)
+* Maxim Iorsh
+ Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
+* Vyacheslav Dikonov
+ Syriac (U+0700-U+074A)
+ Braille (U+2800-U+28FF)
+* Panayotis Katsaloulis
+ Greek Extended (U+1F00-U+1FFF)
+* M.S. Sridhar
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+ Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F)
+ Kannada (U+0C80-U+0CFF)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* DMS Electronics, The Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project, and Noah Levitt
+ Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF)
+* Dan Shurovich Chirkov
+ Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF)
+* Abbas Izad
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+FB50-U+FDFF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF)
+* Denis Jacquerye
+ Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
+ IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
+* K.H. Hussain and R. Chitrajan
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* Solaiman Karim and Omi Azad
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+* Sonali Sonania and Monika Shah
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+* Pravin Satpute , Bageshri Salvi
+ , Rahul Bhalerao and
+ Sandeep Shedmake
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+* Kulbir Singh Thind
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+* Gia Shervashidze
+ Georgian (U+10A0-U+10FF)
+* Daniel Johnson
+ Armenian (serif) (U+0530-U+058F)
+ Cherokee (U+13A0-U+13FF)
+ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (U+1400-U+167F)
+ UCAS Extended (U+18B0-U+18F5)
+ Tifinagh (U+2D30-U+2D7F)
+ Vai (U+A500-U+A62B)
+ Latin Extended-D (Mayanist letters) (U+A720-U+A7FF)
+ Kayah Li (U+A900-U+A92F)
+ Osmanya (U+10480-U+104a7)
+* George Douros
+ Gothic (U+10330-U+1034F)
+ Phoenecian (U+10900-U+1091F)
+ Byzantine Musical Symbols (U+1D000-U+1D0FF)
+ Western Musical Symbols (U+1D100-U+1D1DF)
+ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400-U+1D7FF)
+ Mah Jong Tiles (U+1F000-U+1F02B)
+ Dominoes (U+1F030-U+1F093)
+* Steve White
+ Glagolitic (U+2C00-U+2C5F)
+ Coptic (U+2C80-U+2CFF)
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF) (Mono)
+ Old Italic (U+10300-U+1032F)
+* Pavel Skrylev is responsible for
+ Cyrillic Extended-A (U+2DEO-U+2DFF)
+ as well as many of the additions to
+ Cyrillic Extended-B (U+A640-U+A65F)
+* Mark Williamson
+ Made the MPH 2 Damase font, from which
+ Hanunóo (U+1720-U+173F)
+ Buginese (U+1A00-U+1A1F)
+ Tai Le (U+1950-U+197F)
+ Ugaritic (U+10380-U+1039F)
+ Old Persian (U+103A0-U+103DF)
+* Masoud Pourmoosa
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
+* Emmanuel Vallois
+ Python scripts, support
+* Primož Peterlin
+ maintained FreeFont for several years, and is thanked for all his work.
+Please see the CREDITS file for details on who contributed particular
+subsets of the glyphs in font files.
+$Id: AUTHORS,v 1.23 2010-09-11 13:24:11 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/COPYING b/src/main/resources/fonts/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94a9ed02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ Copyright (C)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Copyright (C)
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/CREDITS b/src/main/resources/fonts/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06d280e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+-*- mode:text; coding:utf-8; -*-
+ GNU FreeFont Credits
+ ====================
+This file lists contributors and contributions to the GNU FreeFont project.
+* URW++ Design & Development GmbH
+URW++ donated a set of 35 core PostScript Type 1 fonts to the
+Ghostscript project , to be available
+under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL).
+ Basic Latin (U+0041-U+007A)
+ Latin-1 Supplement (U+00C0-U+00FF)
+ Latin Extended-A (U+0100-U+017F)
+ Spacing Modifier Letters (U+02B0-U+02FF)
+ Mathematical Operators (U+2200-U+22FF)
+ Block Elements (U+2580-U+259F)
+ Dingbats (U+2700-U+27BF)
+* Yannis Haralambous and John
+ Plaice
+Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice are the authors of Omega typesetting
+system, . Omega is an extension of TeX.
+Its first release, aims primarily at improving TeX's multilingual abilities.
+In Omega all characters and pointers into data-structures are 16-bit wide,
+instead of 8-bit, thereby eliminating many of the trivial limitations of TeX.
+Omega also allows multiple input and output character sets, and uses
+programmable filters to translate from one encoding to another, to perform
+contextual analysis, etc. Internally, Omega uses the universal 16-bit Unicode
+standard character set, based on ISO-10646. These improvements not only make
+it a lot easier for TeX users to cope with multiple or complex languages,
+like Arabic, Indic, Khmer, Chinese, Japanese or Korean, in one document, but
+will also form the basis for future developments in other areas, such as
+native color support and hypertext features. ... Fonts for UT1 (omlgc family)
+and UT2 (omah family) are under development: these fonts are in PostScript
+format and visually close to Times and Helvetica font families.
+Omega fonts are available subject to GPL
+ Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
+ IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
+ Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
+ Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
+ Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
+ Currency Symbols (U+20A0-U+20CF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+FB50-U+FDFF)
+ Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF)
+Current info:
+* Valek Filippov
+Valek Filippov added Cyrillic glyphs and composite Latin Extended A to
+the whole set of the abovementioned URW set of 35 PostScript core fonts,
+. The fonts are available under GPL.
+(The Cyrillic range was since replaced by another font.)
+ Latin Extended-A (U+0100-U+017F)
+* Wadalab Kanji Comittee
+Between April 1990 and March 1992, Wadalab Kanji Comittee put together a
+series of scalable font files with Japanese scripts, in four forms:
+Sai Micho, Chu Mincho, Cho Kaku and Saimaru.
+The font files are written in custom file format, while tools for conversion
+into Metafont and PostScript Type 1 are also supplied. The Wadalab Kanji
+Comittee was later dismissed. The resulting files were once found on the FTP
+server of the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics,
+Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. Some of these are available at
+ Hiragana (U+3040-U+309F)
+ Katakana (U+30A0-U+30FF)
+* Young U. Ryu
+Young Ryu is the author of Txfonts, a set of mathematical symbols
+designed to accompany text typeset in Times or its variants. In the
+documentation, Young adresses the design of mathematical symbols: "The
+Adobe Times fonts are thicker than the CM fonts. Designing math fonts
+for Times based on the rule thickness of Times = , , + , / , < ,
+etc. would result in too thick math symbols, in my opinion. In the TX
+fonts, these glyphs are thinner than those of original Times
+fonts. That is, the rule thickness of these glyphs is around 85% of
+that of the Times fonts, but still thicker than that of the CM fonts."
+TX fonts are are distributed under the GNU public license (GPL).
+ Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF)
+ Mathematical Symbols (U+2200-U+22FF)
+* Angelo Haritsis
+Angelo Haritsis has compiled a set of Greek Type 1 fonts, once available as
+as a tarball named greekXfonts-Type1-1.1.tgz.
+The glyphs from this source have been used to compose Greek glyphs in
+FreeSans and FreeMono.
+Angelo's licence says: "You can enjoy free use of these fonts for
+educational or commercial purposes. All derived works should include
+this paragraph. If you want to change something please let me have
+your changes (via email) so that they can go into the next
+version. You can also send comments etc to the above address."
+ Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
+* Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich
+In 1999, Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich made a set of
+glyphs covering the Thai national standard Nf3, in both upright and
+slanted shape. The collection of glyphs have been made part of GNU
+intlfonts 1.2 package and is available under the GPL at
+ Thai (U+0E00-U+0E7F)
+* Shaheed R. Haque
+Shaheed Haque has developed a basic set of basic Bengali glyphs
+(without ligatures), using ISO10646 encoding. They are available under
+the XFree86 license at .
+Copyright (C) 2001 S.R.Haque . All Rights Reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of S.R.Haque shall not be
+used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+* Sam Stepanyan
+Sam Stepanyan created a set of Armenian sans serif glyphs visually
+compatible with Helvetica or Arial. Available on
+. On
+2002-01-24, Sam writes: "Arial Armenian font is free for
+non-commercial use, so it is OK to use under GPL license."
+Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
+* Mohamed Ishan <>
+Mohamed Ishan started the Thaana Unicode Project and among other things
+created a couple of Thaana fonts, available under FDL or BDF license.
+ Thaana (U+0780-U+07BF)
+* Sushant Kumar Dash (*)
+Sushant Dash has created a font in his mother tongue, Oriya. As he
+states on his web page :
+"Please feel free to foreword this mail to your Oriya friends. No
+copyright law is applied for this font. It is totally free!!! Feel
+free to modify this using any font editing tools. This is designed for
+people like me, who are away from Orissa and want to write letters
+home using Computers, but suffer due to unavailability of Oriya
+fonts.(Or the cost of the available packages are too much)."
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+* Harsh Kumar
+Harsh Kumar has started BharatBhasha -
+an effort to provide "FREE software, Tutorial, Source Codes
+etc. available for working in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Gurmukhi and
+Bangla. You can type text, write Web pages or develop Indian Languages
+Applications on Windows and on Linux. We also offer FREE help to
+users, enthusiasts and software developers for their work in Indian
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+* Prasad A. Chodavarapu
+Prasad A. Chodavarapu created Tikkana, a Telugu font available in Type
+1 and TrueType format on .
+Tikkana exceeds the Unicode Telugu range with some composite glyphs.
+Available under the GNU General Public License.
+ Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F)
+* Frans Velthuis and Anshuman Pandey
+In 1991, Frans Velthuis from the Groningen University, The Netherlands,
+released a Devanagari font as Metafont source, available under the terms of
+GNU GPL. Later, Anshuman Pandey from the Washington University, Seattle, USA,
+took over the maintenance of font. Zdeněk Wagner has provided a huge amount
+of expert advice regarding the implementation of the font in FreeSerif.
+Fonts can be found on CTAN,
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+* Hardip Singh Pannu
+In 1991, Hardip Singh Pannu has created a free Gurmukhi TrueType font,
+available as regular, bold, oblique and bold oblique form. Its license
+says "Please remember that these fonts are copyrighted (by me) and are
+for non-profit use only."
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+* Jeroen Hellingman
+Jeroen Hellingman created a set of Malayalam metafonts in 1994, and a
+set of Oriya metafonts in 1996. Malayalam fonts were created as
+uniform stroke only, while Oriya metafonts exist in both uniform and
+modulated stroke. From private communication: "It is my intention to
+release the fonts under GPL, but not all copies around have this
+notice on them." Metafonts can be found on CTAN,
+ and
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* Thomas Ridgeway <> (*)
+Thomas Ridgeway, then at the Humanities And Arts Computing Center,
+Washington University, Seattle, USA, (now defunct), created a Tamil
+metafont in 1990. Anshuman Pandey from the same university took over
+the maintenance of font. Fonts can be found at CTAN,
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+* Berhanu Beyene <1beyene AT informatik.uni-hamburg.de>,
+ Prof. Dr. Manfred Kudlek , Olaf
+ Kummer , and Jochen Metzinger >
+Beyene, Kudlek, Kummer and Metzinger from the Theoretical Foundations
+of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, prepared a set of Ethiopic
+metafonts, found on
+. They also
+maintain home page on the Ethiopic font project,
+and can be reached at . The current
+version of fonts is 0.7 (1998), and they are released under GNU GPL. I
+converted the fonts to Type 1 format using Péter Szabó's TeXtrace-A
+program and removed some
+redundant control points with PfaEdit.
+ Ethiopic (U+1200-U+137F)
+* Maxim Iorsh
+In 2002, Maxim Iorsh started the Culmus project, aiming at providing
+Hebrew-speaking Linux and Unix community with a basic collection of
+Hebrew fonts for X Windows. The fonts are visually compatible with
+URW++ Century Schoolbook L, URW++ Nimbus Sans L and URW++ Nimbus Mono
+L families, respectively, and are released under GNU GPL license. See
+also .
+ Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
+* Panayotis Katsaloulis
+Panayotis Katsaloulis helped fixing Greek accents in the Greek
+Extended area.
+ Greek Extended (U+1F00-U+1FFF)
+* Vyacheslav Dikonov
+Vyacheslav Dikonov made a Braille unicode font that could be merged
+with the UCS fonts to fill the 2800-28FF range completely. (uniform
+scaling is possible to adapt it to any cell size). He also contributed
+a free syriac font, whose glyphs (about half of them) are borrowed
+from the "Carlo Ator" font by Tim Erickson.
+Vyacheslav also filled in a few missing
+spots in the U+2000-U+27FF area, e.g. the box drawing section, sets of
+subscript and superscript digits and capital Roman numbers.
+ Syriac (U+0700-U+074A)
+ Box Drawing (U+2500-U+257F)
+ Braille (U+2800-U+28FF)
+* Tim Erickson
+Is the author of several Eurasian fonts, including "Carlo Ator".
+He has given his written permission for glyphs from this font to be
+included in FreeFont.
+ Syriac (U+0700-U+074A)
+* M.S. Sridhar
+M/S Cyberscape Multimedia Limited, Mumbai, developers of Akruti
+Software for Indian Languages (http://www.akruti.com/), have released
+a set of TTF fonts for nine Indian scripts (Devanagari, Gujarati,
+Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, and Gurumukhi)
+under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You can download the fonts
+from the Free Software Foundation of India WWW site
+(http://www.gnu.org.in/akruti-fonts/) or from the Akruti website.
+For any further information or assistance regarding these fonts,
+please contact mssridhar AT vsnl.com.
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+ Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F)
+ Kannada (U+0C80-U+0CFF)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* DMS Electronics, The Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project, and Noah Levitt
+Noah Levitt found out that the Sinhalese fonts available on the site
+ are released under GNU GPL, or,
+precisely, "Public Domain under GNU Licence
Produced by DMS
+Electronics for The Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project" (taken from the font
+comment), and took the effort of recoding the font to Unicode.
+These glyphs were later replaced by those from the LKLUG font
+Finally the range was completely replaced by glyphs from the sinh TeX
+font, with much help and advice from Harshula Jayasuriya.
+ Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF)
+* Daniel Shurovich Chirkov
+Dan Chirkov updated the FreeSerif font with the missing Cyrillic
+glyphs needed for conformance to Unicode 3.2. The effort is part of
+the Slavjanskij package for Mac OS X,
+ Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF)
+* Denis Jacquerye
+Denis Jacquerye added new glyphs and corrected existing ones in the
+Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions ranges.
+ Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
+ IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
+* K.H. Hussain and R. Chitrajan
+`Rachana' in Malayalam means `to write', `to create'. Rachana Akshara Vedi,
+a team of socially committed information technology professionals and
+philologists, has applied developments in computer technology and desktop
+publishing to resurrect the Malayalam language from the disorder,
+fragmentation and degeneration it had suffered since the attempt to adapt
+the Malayalam script for using with a regular mechanical typewriter, which
+took place in 1967-69. K.H. Hussein at the Kerala Forest Research Institute
+has released "Rachana Normal" fonts with approximately 900 glyphs required
+to typeset traditional Malayalam. R. Chitrajan apparently encoded the
+glyphs in the OpenType table.
+In 2008, the Malayalam ranges in FreeSerif were updated under the advise
+and supervision of Hiran Venugopalan of Swathanthra Malayalam Computing,
+to reflect the revised edition Rachana_04.
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+* Solaiman Karim
+ Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
+Solaiman Karim has developed several OpenType Bangla fonts and
+released them under GNU GPL on .
+* Sonali Sonania and Monika Shah
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+Glyphs were drawn by Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd., #101,Mahalakshmi
+Mansion 21st Main 22nd "A" Cross Banashankari 2nd stage Banglore
+560070, India. Converted to OTF by IndicTrans Team, Powai, Mumbai,
+lead by Prof. Jitendra Shah. Maintained by Monika Shah and Sonali
+Sonania of janabhaaratii Team, C-DAC, Mumbai. This font is released
+under GPL by Dr. Alka Irani and Prof Jitendra Shah, janabhaaratii
+Team, C-DAC, Mumabi. janabhaaratii is localisation project at C-DAC
+Mumbai (formerly National Centre for Software Technology); funded by
+TDIL, Govt. of India. Contact:monika_shah AT lycos.com,
+sonalisonania AT yahoo.com, jitendras AT vsnl.com, alka AT ncst.ernet.in.
+website: www.janabhaaratii.org.in.
+* Pravin Satpute , Bageshri Salvi
+ , Rahul Bhalerao and Sandeep Shedmake
+ Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
+ Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
+ Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
+ Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
+ Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
+In December 2005 the team at www.gnowledge.org released a set of two
+Unicode pan-Indic fonts: "Samyak" and "Samyak Sans". "Samyak" font
+belongs to serif style and is an original work of the team; "Samyak
+Sans" font belongs to sans serif style and is actually a compilation
+of already released Indic fonts (Gargi, Padma, Mukti, Utkal, Akruti
+and ThendralUni). Both fonts are based on Unicode standard.
+The fonts are now hosted at Sarovar.org:
+* Kulbir Singh Thind
+ Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
+Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind designed a set of Gurmukhi Unicode fonts,
+AnmolUni and AnmolUni-Bold, which are available under the terms of GNU
+Generel Public License from the Punjabu Computing Resource Center,
+* Gia Shervashidze
+ Georgian (U+10A0-U+10FF)
+Starting in mid-1990s, Gia Shervashidze designed many
+Unicode-compliant Georgian fonts: Times New Roman Georgian, Arial
+Georgian, Courier New Georgian. His work on Georgian localization can
+be reached at http://www.gia.ge/.
+* Primož Peterlin
+Primož Peterlin filled in missing glyphs here and there (e.g. Latin
+Extended-B and IPA Extensions ranges in the FreeMono familiy), and
+created the following UCS blocks:
+ Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
+ IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
+ Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF)
+ Box Drawing (U+2500-U+257F)
+ Block Elements (U+2580-U+259F)
+ Geometrical Shapes (U+25A0-U+25FF)
+* Mark Williamson
+Made the MPH 2 Damase font, from which
+ Hanunóo (U+1720-U+173F)
+ Buginese (U+1A00-U+1A1F)
+ Tai Le (U+1950-U+197F)
+ Ugaritic (U+10380-U+1039F)
+ Old Persian (U+103A0-U+103DF)
+* Jacob Poon
+Submitted a very thorough survey of glyph problems and other suggestions.
+* Alexey Kryukov
+Made the TemporaLCGUni fonts, based on the URW++ fonts, from which at one
+point FreeSerif Cyrillic, and some of the Greek, was drawn. He also provided
+valuable direction about Cyrillic and Greek typesetting.
+ Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF)
+* George Douros
+The creator of several fonts focusing on ancient scripts and symbols.
+Many of the glyphs are created by making outlines from scanned images
+of ancient sources.
+ Aegean: Phoenecian
+ Analecta: Gothic (U+10330-U+1034F)
+ Musical: Byzantine & Western
+ Unicode: many Miscellaneous Symbols, Miscellaneous Technical, OCR,
+ supplemental Symbols, and Mathematical Alphanumeric symbols,
+ Mah Jong, and the outline of the Domino.
+* Daniel Johnson
+Created by hand a Cherokee range specially for FreeFont to be "in line with
+the classic Cherokee typefaces used in 19th century printing", but also to
+fit well with ranges previously in FreeFont. Then he made Unified Canadian
+Syllabics in Sans, and a Cherokee and Kayah Li in Mono! And never to be
+outdone by himself, then did UCAS Extended and Osmanya.... What next?
+ Armenian (serif) (U+0530-U+058F)
+ Cherokee (U+13A0-U+13FF)
+ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (U+1400-U+167F)
+ UCAS Extended (U+18B0-U+18F5)
+ Kayah Li (U+A900-U+A92F)
+ Tifinagh (U+2D30-U+2D7F)
+ Vai (U+A500-U+A62B)
+ Latin Extended-D (Mayanist letters) (U+A720-U+A7FF)
+ Osmanya (U+10480-U+104a7)
+* Yannis Haralambous and Wellcome Institute
+In 1994, The Wellcome Library
+ The Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
+ 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England.
+commissioned Mr. Haralambous to produce a Sinhalese font for them.
+We have received 03/09 official notice from Robert Kiley, Head of e-Strategy
+for the Wellcome Library, that Yannis' font could be included in GNU
+FreeFont under its GNU license.
+Thanks to Dominik Wujastyk, for providing us with feedback and contacts
+to repsonsible people at the Trust.
+ Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF)
+* The Sinhala font project http://sinhala.sourceforge.net/
+The Sinhala font project has taken the glyphs from Yannis Haralambous'
+Sinhala font, to produce a Unicode TrueType font, LKLUG. These glyphs
+were for a while included in FreeFont.
+ Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF)
+* Steve White
+Filled in a lot of missing characters, got some font features working,
+left fingerprints almost everywhere, and is responsible for these blocks:
+ Runic (U+16A0-U+16F0)
+ Glagolitic (U+2C00-U+2C5F)
+ Coptic (U+2C80-U+2CFF)
+ Old Italic (U+10300-U+1032F)
+(The design of Runic is based roughly on one originally submitted by
+Vyacheslav Dikonov)
+* Pavel Skrylev is responsible for
+ Cyrillic Extended-A (U+2DEO-U+2DFF)
+ as well as many of the additions to
+ Cyrillic Extended-B (U+A640-U+A65F)
+* Masoud Pourmoosa corrected several letters in Arabic for Persian:
+ Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
+*: The glyph collection looks license-compatible, but its author has
+ not yet replied and agreed on their work being used in part of
+ this glyph collection.
+$Id: CREDITS,v 1.28 2010/09/11 13:24:11 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/ChangeLog b/src/main/resources/fonts/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f348953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,14707 @@
+2012-04-22 16:18 +0000 [r2239-2240] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: Improved info on Debian install.
+ * notes/troubleshooting.txt: More info on the blurry
+ text in Windows issue.
+2012-04-22 11:43 +0000 [r2238] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py:
+ Regularized abbreviatons of supplement, extended
+2012-04-22 11:06 +0000 [r2237] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: added 3 graphical
+ marks to complete the range.
+2012-04-22 10:51 +0000 [r2236] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed problems turned up by
+ tests. Somehow alefmaksurainitialarabic hadn't been re-named. Two
+ new Combining Diacritics hadn't been given Unicode.
+2012-04-21 17:11 +0000 [r2235] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Revision of German
+ TTF Names.
+2012-04-21 16:52 +0000 [r2231-2234] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: More info for Windows.
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: PS Private: put in extra
+ blues line, adjusted to numerals.
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: Corrected
+ one range
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/WOFF,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: all: removed launch line
+ WOFF: made quadratic, and autoinstructed TrueType: turned off
+ saving of hints
+2012-04-21 11:17 +0000 [r2230] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Vietnamese: small
+ adjustment of accents
+2012-04-20 12:57 +0000 [r2228-2229] Stevan_White:
+ corrections, doing the best I could with stale URLs.
+ * ChangeLog: Some typos
+2012-04-20 11:06 +0000 [r2227] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: Summary of changes since late last
+ year.
+2012-04-19 21:07 +0000 [r2226] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: re-named
+ alefmaksurainitialarabic and alefmaksuramedialarabic as
+ alefmaksurainitialarabic and alefmaksuramedialarabic to avoid a
+ confusing FontForge warning. This was discussed on the FontForge
+ list, and a partial remedy was agreed upon.
+2012-04-19 21:02 +0000 [r2225] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: GPOS table: removed the
+ Cyrillic kerns with non-Unicode "alternative" Cyrillic, because
+ FontForge warns that Windows apps will have *problems* with
+ mappings that aren't Unicode-Unicode. Most of the kerns were
+ rather small anyway.
+2012-04-19 20:39 +0000 [r2224] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: TTF Names: Fixes bug
+ #36232: Windows 7 strange bug with installation/font control
+ panel. Also improved French names. (Thanks to Emmanuel Vallois)
+2012-04-18 07:31 +0000 [r2223] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: Regularized
+ overlap of horizontal. Cleaned up numerous other letters.
+2012-04-17 07:37 +0000 [r2222] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Currency Symbols:
+ Added/corrected/adjusted Indian Rupee.
+2012-04-16 22:45 +0000 [r2221] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt,
+ notes/usage.txt,
+ notes/troubleshooting.txt,
+ notes/webfont_guidelines.txt,
+ notes/features.txt: Added section about where
+ letters are to usage.txt Made sure svn properties are set for
+ others.
+2012-04-16 22:26 +0000 [r2220] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Updated information about file types
+2012-04-16 22:17 +0000 [r2219] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: resolves bug
+ #36195: Arabic semicolon doesn't match with others
+2012-04-15 23:16 +0000 [r2218] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: this was meant to
+ be in previous commit.
+2012-04-15 18:30 +0000 [r2217] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: Remedies bug
+ #36196: Arabic ba and teh isolated and final. Also applied
+ similar alteration to some similar letters. Bold: there were some
+ missing ligatures of superscript marks.
+2012-04-15 17:52 +0000 [r2216] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: Remedies bug
+ #36198: dots for Arabic letter jeh Also revised placement dots
+ over some other letters.
+2012-04-15 13:24 +0000 [r2215] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: remedies bug #36191,
+ Arabic character DAD final form
+2012-04-15 12:23 +0000 [r2214] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: toward bug #36189:
+ discrepancy in different forms of ک and گ
+2012-04-15 12:02 +0000 [r2213] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: remedies bug
+ #36190, Arabic question mark too small
+2012-04-15 11:16 +0000 [r2212] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: anchors for
+ recently added letters. Thanks, Zdenek.
+2012-04-15 10:44 +0000 [r2211] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: adjusted height of
+ dots on a few glyphs
+2012-04-15 10:31 +0000 [r2210] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: remedies bug
+ #36181: initial and final form of heh (U+0647)
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?36181
+2012-04-14 13:35 +0000 [r2209] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/test/ranges/Arabic/arabic_test.py (added),
+ tools/test/ranges/Arabic/unicode_joining.py
+ (added),
+ tools/test/ranges/Arabic/generate_arabic_shaping.py
+ (added), tools/test/ranges (added),
+ tools/test/ranges/Arabic (added): Scripts to
+ generate comprehensive Arabic tests in HTML, courtesy of Emmanuel
+ Vallois.
+2012-04-13 09:56 +0000 [r2208] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: serif: corrected
+ OpenType glyph type of ru, ruu ligatures to be base ligatures,
+ not marks. sans, sans bold: added ka-ra "vatu" ligature at
+ Zdenek's suggestion. sans: removed empty lookup.
+2012-04-10 20:33 +0000 [r2207] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: several mark
+ placement issues, pointed out by Zdenek.
+2012-04-09 21:58 +0000 [r2206] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile, FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: made Arabic and
+ Persion digits 500EM wide.
+2012-04-09 18:35 +0000 [r2205] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: messed with digits.
+ Overall, had been building with GIT version of FontForge. found
+ that older distro version 22-Feb-2011-ML shows warning dialogs
+ Internal Error: EITOfNextMajor failed! on Clockwise Test
+ (cleverly omitting the crucial info). Turns out, just rounding to
+ int on certain characters fixes it.
+2012-04-09 11:34 +0000 [r2204] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: More kerning: tried
+ to synch up normal and bold. Altered letters especially for
+ Seraiki. Lots of fiddling with heh and heh-doachashmee. Seems the
+ letter transforms very differently for different languages. This
+ is not there yet.
+2012-04-08 12:53 +0000 [r2203] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: made 'ccmp' table
+ and some combining marks to handle cases of letters that don't
+ have positional forms in Unicode. Only did a few -- more are
+ needed. Lots of kerning. Fiddled with shapes of several letters.
+2012-04-07 19:21 +0000 [r2202] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more alterations toward
+ bug #36115: Various little problems with Arabic/Persian glyphs
+ More kerning. Some forms from Pashto are missing.
+2012-04-06 17:45 +0000 [r2201] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: made medial form of
+ loop-letters more distinctive from initial forms. (toward bug bug
+ #36115: Various little problems with Arabic/Persian glyphs)
+2012-04-05 16:43 +0000 [r2200] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: improvements to
+ digits (Persian primarily) based on patch from Masoud Pourmoosa.
+2012-04-04 17:10 +0000 [r2199] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic; (for Farsi) toward
+ bug 34700: made farsi yeh final more like the Unicode samples.
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?34700 Arabic/Persian in FreeSerif:
+ ending "Yeh" is annoying
+2012-04-04 14:34 +0000 [r2198] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Various attempts to make
+ web fonts work/look better. Sans Devanagari: made relation
+ between overhang and horizontal more consistent for half-forms.
+ Corrected metrics in FreeSansOblique. Some kerning overall, after
+ looking again at sample pages
+2012-04-02 13:30 +0000 [r2197] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: toward more
+ consistent spacing, especialy of half-forms
+2012-04-02 12:57 +0000 [r2196] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagri: better connection of
+ horizontals, especially half forms.
+2012-04-01 13:45 +0000 [r2195] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Combining Diacritical Marks
+ Supplement: made glyphs for large part of range. Latin
+ Extended-D: made Latin con and US glyphs.
+2012-03-30 13:34 +0000 [r2193-2194] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/OpenType: Turn on PS rounding for
+ Type1 glyphs
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Pointwise cleanup
+ toward validation with PS rounding turned on for OpenType.
+2012-03-30 11:16 +0000 [r2192] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: bold, italic,
+ re-considered vowel naming to avoid FF warnings. Latin: a bit of
+ kerning
+2012-03-29 20:39 +0000 [r2191] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/troubleshooting.txt: corrections about
+ recent changes
+2012-03-28 19:59 +0000 [r2190] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/troubleshooting.txt: Remarks about
+ LibreOffice's challenges with OpenType features.
+2012-03-28 19:38 +0000 [r2189] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/README-downloads.txt: brought up to date,
+ regarding perferred format in various systems, and the WOFF files
+2012-03-28 19:31 +0000 [r2185-2188] Stevan_White:
+ COPYING: changed SVN keywords
+ * ChangeLog: corrections, addition
+ * CREDITS: correctons, additions
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: simplified dist
+ lookup criteria
+2012-03-28 19:24 +0000 [r2184] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/ligatureLookups.py: better error
+ handling, doc
+2012-03-28 19:20 +0000 [r2183] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: cleaned up a
+ bunch of excess GPOS anchors; tidied lookups.
+2012-03-28 09:17 +0000 [r2180-2182] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: insert troubleshooting doc
+ * notes/troubleshooting.txt (added): A doc
+ explaining how to troubleshoot font problems.
+ * notes/usage.txt: Tidied, more explanation of the
+ doc as a whole.
+2012-03-26 10:43 +0000 [r2179] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: much experimenting
+ with lookups to center western punctuation between words
+ (resulted in several bug reports on firefox and xetex).
+ Currently, uses GSUB 'locl'. GPOS are too problematic in apps to
+ use.
+2012-03-25 09:49 +0000 [r2178] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: added
+ positioning for western punctuation
+2012-03-25 09:40 +0000 [r2177] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari, Bengali: small
+ tweeks to dots
+2012-03-24 21:34 +0000 [r2176] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: TTF Names: Hindi
+ hyphenated term
+2012-03-24 10:20 +0000 [r2175] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: regarding
+ horizontal spacing, on advice of Zdenek. o, au -- stems were too
+ close. danda, dbldanda: much too near preceding word. Made so
+ that danda-space would space the mark evenly between the words.
+ Made lookups for similarly-spaced question and exclamation marks.
+ Kerning (or dist?): Experiments -- problems include: Firefox
+ doesn't seem to support "dist". Xetex doesn't turn kerning on by
+ default. Fontforge complains Windows doesn't like to kern
+ auxiliaries with Unicode ranges. Nonetheless, it does pack words
+ rather tighter. My own advice: made ra glyph more narrow. It was
+ the worst, spacing wise, on the un-kerned page. Oriya: made
+ similar spacing for its danda.
+2012-03-23 12:56 +0000 [r2174] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: efforts to
+ improve horizontal spacing, that Zdenek complains about. 1)
+ medium: o, au vowels: stems too close 2) danda, dbldanda, should
+ be widely separated from words, centred between them. 3) bold: on
+ horizontal, bevels extend rather more than they should (reduced
+ in Unicode and through first set of half marks in the
+ auxiliaries... willl complete later.) 4) made special localized
+ forms of question, exclamation mark.
+2012-03-22 23:25 +0000 [r2172-2173] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/WOFF,
+ tools/generate/OpenType: Set the encoding to
+ UnicodeFull before build (a bit wasteful for faces with no high
+ Unicode, but couldn't think of a better way.)
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: More re-thinking of OS/2
+ weights. In sans, again adjusted OS/2 Windows metrics to stop
+ clipping. (I'm just sure this will mess up line spacing in
+ OpenOffice, but didn't have time to check. Something has a bug.)
+2012-03-22 19:17 +0000 [r2171] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Font Info: filled out
+ TTF Names Fullname for Hindi
+2012-03-22 19:00 +0000 [r2170] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added Hindi term for
+ Font Style in TTF Names (courtesy of Monika Shah)
+2012-03-22 18:49 +0000 [r2169] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: FontInfo:
+ re-considered OS/2 and Panose weight descriptions
+2012-03-22 15:02 +0000 [r2168] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: Replaced a
+ 'pres' table that got zeroed by a crash. More adjustments to mark
+ placement.
+2012-03-22 12:51 +0000 [r2167] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: Replaced lost
+ 'pres' lookup tables.
+2012-03-22 10:35 +0000 [r2166] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Overall: Several
+ measures toward reducing warnings from Font Validator. In "roman"
+ faces, change TTF Name: SubFamily to "Regular". (FontForge binds
+ this to PSNames:Weight --? so changed that.) Experimenting with
+ General:Name For Humans (Fiddled with Family Name too...but
+ changed it back.) Changes to OS/2:Sub/Super Subscript Offset --
+ made positive. Some fiddling with Panose info. Also: previously
+ OS/2 Charsets missed 708, Arabic ASMO 708. (Bug in
+ FontForge-patch reported.) In sans and mono oblique, bold, and
+ boldoblique, added some math operators to fill an Apple codepage.
+ Sinhala: FreeSerifBold -- implemented same change moving 'ccmp'
+ to 'akhn' as in roman face. Has to do with bug in OpenOffice/ICU.
+2012-03-20 08:25 +0000 [r2165] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: OS/2 small tweeks:
+ set "weight, width, slope only"
+2012-03-19 18:34 +0000 [r2164] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: OS/2 Charsets: made serif,
+ serifbold, mono to support ASMO 708 MS Codepage for Arabic (small
+ bug in FontForge) OS/2 Version: changed from Automatic to 3 for
+ all, only to satisfy old MS Font Validator, which chokes on
+ higher versions.
+2012-03-19 09:45 +0000 [r2163] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: correction-something went wrong
+ with the encoding two commits ago. (I switched encoding from
+ custom to BMP and back again.) This should encorporate the recent
+ changes and fix the problem.
+2012-03-19 09:07 +0000 [r2162] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: comments
+ containing new Unicode ranges without ulUnicodeRange bits
+2012-03-19 08:41 +0000 [r2161] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: OS/2 version: set to
+ 3 (was "Automatic") mostly for MS Font Validator. Arabic
+ Presentation Forms B: (regular) made lam-alif ligatures,
+ completing range.
+2012-03-18 15:57 +0000 [r2160] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: more toward
+ positioning of marks.
+2012-03-18 15:09 +0000 [r2159] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: resolved some
+ dfficult cases reported by Zdenek. (esp. that esign and reph
+ could come in either order.)
+2012-03-18 06:37 +0000 [r2158] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: More toward proper
+ mark placement.
+2012-03-16 17:39 +0000 [r2157] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: more issues
+ regarding mark placement.
+2012-03-15 23:39 +0000 [r2156] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: toward fixing
+ mark positioning problems Zdenek pointed out.
+2012-03-15 10:28 +0000 [r2155] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: got i-ogonek-acute to
+ remove dot over i again (for Navaho). Problem was evidently a
+ DFLT{dflt} entry in lookup language tags.
+2012-03-15 10:03 +0000 [r2153-2154] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: fixes for some mark
+ issues pointed out by Zdenek.
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: corrected
+ longstanding problem that made stacked Vietnamese accents fail.
+ Had to do with long list of languages filter of default ligature
+ lookup, excluding Turkish, and rendering logic I don't
+ understand. Devanagari: toward correcting marks stacked below
+ rakaar.
+2012-03-13 16:29 +0000 [r2152] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Alphanumeric
+ Symbols (especially) named some characters
+2012-03-13 10:46 +0000 [r2151] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: ha-rrvocalic
+ and improved ha-rakaar, as in medium
+2012-03-12 21:59 +0000 [r2150] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ reduced horizontal spacing of complement operator
+2012-03-12 21:28 +0000 [r2149] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ re-thought dimensions of "complement" symbol (after seeing it in
+ Dieudonné's analysis book)
+2012-03-12 18:49 +0000 [r2148] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: various adjustments
+ to marks. serif: added ha-llvocalic, rplaced ha_ra conjunct,
+ positioned virama separately from fowels.
+2012-03-11 22:39 +0000 [r2147] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Bengali: adjustments to marks;
+ GPOS tables to position them.
+2012-03-11 16:37 +0000 [r2146] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Bengali: fixed some
+ horizontal spacing issues
+2012-03-11 00:56 +0000 [r2145] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Made to pass tests -- mostly
+ little pointwise tweeks. One range of auxiliaries had wandered
+ out of the Private Use area.
+2012-03-10 23:55 +0000 [r2144] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Armenian: corrected width
+ of one glyph
+2012-03-10 18:53 +0000 [r2143] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Bengali: completed pointwise
+ clean-up of auxiliaries. Found a couple more with quite wrong
+ rignt bounds.
+2012-03-10 13:15 +0000 [r2142] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: OS/2 vertical metrics:
+ another change of heart: made vertical metrics like other fonts I
+ looked at, and tightened line spacing. Bengali: (sans) point-wise
+ clean-up down to bn_l_dd_ra (before I pooped out) Fixed right
+ bound of several auxiliaries, such as bn_p_ma, bn_m_p_la
+2012-03-09 19:04 +0000 [r2141] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Removed some unintended
+ empty contours. Pointwise clean-up of points too close (but gave
+ up on Bengali range.)
+2012-03-09 18:45 +0000 [r2139-2140] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType: Made splines quadratic
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Pointwise cleanup of
+ "points too close" problems.
+2012-03-09 18:35 +0000 [r2138] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Removed an unintended empty
+ contour
+2012-03-09 16:52 +0000 [r2137] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/WOFF,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/buildutils.py,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Updated copyrights
+2012-03-09 16:49 +0000 [r2136] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile: Made to properly report progress for
+ OpenType target
+2012-03-09 16:08 +0000 [r2135] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mahjong Tiles: The previous
+ commit didn't quite do it. Sometimes, but starting the generate
+ process from scratch, it still crashed. But this "circle" glyph
+ was excessively elaborate anyway. Made it simpler, cleaned it up,
+ and now the crash isn't happening.
+2012-03-09 13:12 +0000 [r2134] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mahjong Tiles: work-around for
+ FontForge crash, by use of references. Crash: Select All,
+ AutoHint. Generate Fonts, OpenType Options, check Postscript
+ Hints. Generate. segfault.
+2012-03-09 12:04 +0000 [r2133] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mahjong Tiles: named the glyphs
+2012-03-09 01:17 +0000 [r2132] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Corrected mixed reference and
+ contour. Overall point-wise cleanup "points too close"
+2012-03-07 23:27 +0000 [r2131] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Font Info General:
+ changed copyright 2011 to 2012 since no public release was made
+ last year.
+2012-03-07 21:06 +0000 [r2130] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: Source tarball now includes all build
+ scripts etc.
+2012-03-07 14:50 +0000 [r2129] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: .notdef: made clearer
+ that something is missing...
+2012-03-06 19:07 +0000 [r2128] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: mostly
+ adjustments to mark placement.
+2012-03-06 11:22 +0000 [r2127] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: various
+ alterations toward ligatures as in Velthuis manual, and for
+ legibility.
+2012-03-05 21:18 +0000 [r2126] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: made half-na a
+ bit wider on Monika Shah's recommendation. Tweeked several other
+ auxiliaries for legibility.
+2012-03-05 20:25 +0000 [r2125] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: Several issues
+ reported by Monika Shah, including rakaar being placed
+ improperly, and some Sanskrit ligatures leaking into Hindi.
+2012-03-05 16:41 +0000 [r2124] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: combined
+ half-form issues, reported by Zdenek Wagner.
+2012-03-05 15:07 +0000 [r2123] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: Several
+ alterations based on a report by Zdenek Wagner. Anusvara in
+ conjunction with other above marks, u and uumatra in conjunction
+ with ha and nuktas.
+2012-03-05 01:22 +0000 [r2122] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Bengali: Several
+ ligatures with ba had lost the holes in their ba. (bn_k_ba, etc);
+ also bn_asamib_r_ukaar. Copied holes from similar glyphs. A
+ similar thing may have happend to a couple of other ligs
+ (bn_ss_tta1, bn_ss_tt_ra1). I don't know how these should look,
+ but they seem to be unused anyway.
+2012-03-04 18:24 +0000 [r2121] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: general clean-up of
+ points too close. Bogged down on Bengali.
+2012-03-04 18:01 +0000 [r2120] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Currency Symbols: added
+ Rupee to italic. general clean-up of points too close.
+2012-03-04 13:18 +0000 [r2119] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: adjusted
+ placement of dots. re-named tables and rounded to int in bold.
+2012-03-04 12:25 +0000 [r2118] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari Extended: completed
+ range
+2012-03-04 11:25 +0000 [r2117] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Armenian: added dhahma
+ (and ran clear hints)
+2012-03-04 11:21 +0000 [r2116] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Armenian: added drahma
+2012-03-04 10:45 +0000 [r2115] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: completed main
+ Unicode range.
+2012-03-04 10:17 +0000 [r2114] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: Added range in
+ bold. Serif: Many point-wise cleanups, in Gurmukhi and other
+ ranges.
+2012-03-02 22:19 +0000 [r2113] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: starting to
+ converge. In serif, added ra-u and ra-uu and tables, raised
+ anusvara. Various small alterations to sans letters.
+2012-03-02 15:18 +0000 [r2112] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: corrected
+ rakaar on letter da
+2012-03-02 14:56 +0000 [r2111] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: glyph clean-up
+ pass through auxiliaries.
+2012-03-02 12:22 +0000 [r2110] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: clean-up pass
+ through Unicode range. Added a few ligatures.
+2012-03-02 03:35 +0000 [r2107-2109] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Devanagari: implemented by
+ increasing weight of letters from Sans. Subset of auxiliaries in
+ Sans: plan is to do more with tables.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: re-instated
+ dev_ha_rvocalic.blws
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: corrected table
+ having to do with rakaar on round consonants
+2012-03-01 19:50 +0000 [r2106] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: Regularized
+ horizontal bar height and width, as well as size and shape of dot
+ marks (made all diamonds). More use of references. (With GPOS
+ tables, most of the nuktas and halents would go away.) Latin:
+ made comma a bit less spindly, and likewise with derived marks.
+2012-02-29 22:29 +0000 [r2105] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Bengali: some insignificant
+ clean-up. what to do about these glyphs?
+2012-02-29 19:12 +0000 [r2104] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Various small corrections
+ to get test suite to run
+2012-02-29 17:02 +0000 [r2103] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: corrected table
+ tag for style sets. Made substitutions for Marathi more like
+ those for Hindi than Sanskrit.
+2012-02-29 11:21 +0000 [r2102] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: should now have
+ same coverage as regular face.
+2012-02-29 07:10 +0000 [r2101] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: replaced
+ auxiliaries; added positioning anchors.
+2012-02-25 13:52 +0000 [r2100] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: include usage notes in packages
+2012-02-25 10:40 +0000 [r2099] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/usage.txt: Further notes
+2012-02-25 10:30 +0000 [r2098] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/usage.txt (added),
+ notes/features.txt: Usage notes -- primarily about
+ discretionary and language-specific features, what they're for
+ and how to use them.
+2012-02-24 15:58 +0000 [r2097] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Special form for ukar
+ under some consonants, ligatures for several consonants with
+ aakar, with lookups.
+2012-02-24 12:21 +0000 [r2096] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: found auxiliaries that
+ had excaped clean-up.
+2012-02-24 11:47 +0000 [r2095] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Switched yophola and
+ yyophola for about the 3rd time. This time, following doc for
+ ortex. Clean-up of "points too close".
+2012-02-23 23:37 +0000 [r2094] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: removed overlap of
+ components, validated.
+2012-02-23 23:25 +0000 [r2093] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: glyph cleanup of
+ auxiliaries complete.
+2012-02-23 19:55 +0000 [r2092] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: one removed glyph had
+ stowed away in a chaining lookup list
+2012-02-23 18:09 +0000 [r2091] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Corrected lookup tag for
+ 'haln' form for 'no'. More glyph cleanup in auxiliaries.
+2012-02-23 16:19 +0000 [r2090] daniel_j:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Set correct codepoint
+ and Unicode name for uniA7AA (hooked H) in sans bold and
+ bold-oblique
+2012-02-23 14:52 +0000 [r2089] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: corrected blown-out
+ letter in main range, renamed an auxiliary.
+2012-02-23 14:11 +0000 [r2088] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: worked on vowels.
+ adjusted ii and ai_length to improve connections. Made table for
+ i sign beneath tho, dho.
+2012-02-23 13:35 +0000 [r2087] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: in auxiliary glyphs, a
+ bit more clean-up, regularizing stem widths. Moved previous
+ 'half' to 'haln', as 'half' isn't recognized by Pango.
+2012-02-23 12:46 +0000 [r2086] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Re-shaped a few letters
+ with over-thick round parts. Made vowels a bit closer to base
+ letter.
+2012-02-23 11:53 +0000 [r2085] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: made verticals in main
+ range of more consistent width.
+2012-02-22 22:32 +0000 [r2084] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: more lookups seem to be
+ working, but there is a big question about why the halent
+ switches position. Is this the shaping engine, or something I've
+ done with the tables?
+2012-02-22 19:44 +0000 [r2083] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: regularized glyph
+ bearings
+2012-02-22 19:18 +0000 [r2082] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: enabled lookups for lots
+ more ligatures. Still concerned that akhans aren't activating.
+ Some adjustment of stem widths, etc.
+2012-02-22 09:38 +0000 [r2081] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: made anusvara a spacing
+ mark, made tables and spacing versions of below base marks to
+ avoid collisions with subscripted consonants, adjusted vowel e to
+ be less angular and a bit lighter.
+2012-02-22 00:44 +0000 [r2080] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: a lot of work with
+ tables getting examples on MS Typography pages on Oriya to work.
+ Glyph clean-up, mark adjustments.
+2012-02-21 10:39 +0000 [r2079] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: completed Unicode range;
+ more glyph clean-up. yophola and zophola were exchanged -- fixed.
+ made look-up for reph+canrabindu.
+2012-02-20 22:39 +0000 [r2078] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: better use of
+ references in auxiliary range
+2012-02-20 08:41 +0000 [r2077] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: more glyph clean-up
+2012-02-19 20:52 +0000 [r2076] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Currency Symbols: New
+ Indian Rupee.
+2012-02-19 20:27 +0000 [r2075] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Currency Symbols: Rupee ought
+ to be shaped as a Devanagari ra with two horizontals, as pointed
+ out by Santhosh Thottingal.
+2012-02-19 20:05 +0000 [r2074] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Malayalam: corrected l_voc_mal
+ and ll_voc_mal, which were completely wrong, as pointed out by
+ Santhosh Thottingal.
+2012-02-19 19:37 +0000 [r2073] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Made vowels combine more
+ correctly. More glyph clean-up.
+2012-02-19 11:03 +0000 [r2072] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: more glyph clean-up
+2012-02-19 00:51 +0000 [r2071] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: clean-up, glyph
+ validation of main Unicode range.
+2012-02-18 21:50 +0000 [r2070] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: Removed overlaps,
+ cleaned up resulting issues.
+2012-02-18 19:34 +0000 [r2069] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: main glyph clean-up
+ done. some mods to glyph shapes . added a few i-widening table
+ entries.
+2012-02-18 18:16 +0000 [r2068] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Malayalam: positioning tables
+ for below marks l_voc_mal and ll_voc_mal, as well as for reph.
+ (consult latest development version of Meera). Currency: made
+ indian Rupee sign a bit wider
+2012-02-18 00:02 +0000 [r2067] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: further glyph
+ clean-up (almost there!). Adjusted marks. Made new lookups to
+ pick letter i based on width of the letter it goes over.
+2012-02-17 14:42 +0000 [r2066] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: mostly messing with
+ mark positioning: got rid of carat-reph forms.
+2012-02-17 11:28 +0000 [r2065] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: further glyph
+ clean-up, adjustments to mark placement.
+2012-02-17 01:44 +0000 [r2064] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: replaced ha_half,
+ added some lookups for above marks.
+2012-02-17 00:14 +0000 [r2062-2063] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Correction: kerning tables were
+ blown out in commit 2056. There were several bad crashes about
+ that time. The effect seems to be: all kern table entries are set
+ to 0.
+ * sfd/Makefile, FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning tables restored.
+ Problem happened in commit 2096
+2012-02-16 23:41 +0000 [r2061] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: more glyph clean-up,
+ mostly in auxiliaries. Just noticed all kern tables have been
+ zeroed again (thank you, FontForge).
+2012-02-16 21:11 +0000 [r2060] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: glyph clean-up of
+ Unicode range, some of auxiliary glyphs.
+2012-02-15 20:16 +0000 [r2059] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: more glyph clean-up,
+ re-naming. much more to do.
+2012-02-15 17:12 +0000 [r2058] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujurati: removed anusvara and
+ nukta lookups in preference of positioning. general glyph
+ clean-up. deleted a bunch of unused characters. Oriya: general
+ glyph clean-up.
+2012-02-14 23:59 +0000 [r2057] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: Again, from Samak
+ Gujarati font (full GPL 3.0 with font exception) Scaled slightly
+ to fit bounds, moved some letters, renamed a few. Lots more to
+ do.
+2012-02-14 22:35 +0000 [r2056] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: reverting previous commit.
+ lookup tables somehow got damaged
+2012-02-14 20:40 +0000 [r2055] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gujarati: From Samak Gujarati
+ font (full GPL 3.0 with font exception) Scaled slightly to fit
+ bounds, moved some letters, renamed a few. Lots more to do.
+2012-02-14 19:37 +0000 [r2054] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: Deleted range, over
+ questions of its provenance. Tut mir leid.
+2012-02-13 23:16 +0000 [r2052-2053] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: cleaned up 'virama'
+ glyph.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gurmukhi: cleaned up 'aa'
+ glyph.
+2012-02-13 23:11 +0000 [r2051] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gurmukhi: cleaned up 'a' glyph.
+2012-02-13 23:06 +0000 [r2049-2050] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: compacted auxiliary
+ glyphs a bit.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: removed most holonto and
+ nukta forms in preference for positioning lookups
+2012-02-13 21:08 +0000 [r2048] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: made to validate
+2012-02-13 20:55 +0000 [r2047] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: regularized horizontal
+ placement and spacing, mostly increasing spacing a bit. Got rid
+ of nukta substitution table in favor of positioning lookup;
+ likewise with all anusvara lookups. The glyphs of this range are
+ still very erratic, and the weight is substantially greater than
+ that of the rest of the face.
+2012-02-13 13:56 +0000 [r2046] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: shifted entire range
+ up by 44EM, so it didn't dangle so. Fiddled with mark placement.
+2012-02-13 00:01 +0000 [r2045] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gurmukhi: improved vowel a.
+2012-02-12 23:29 +0000 [r2044] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gurmukhi: replaced range with
+ glyphs from 'singh' metafont by Amarjit Singh
+ http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/language/gurmukhi/ The 'singh'
+ font is properly GPL. And the overall look is much more like
+ serif than what had been there. Status: added a few letters and
+ tables. Two marks were unrepresented in 'singh', and are
+ leftovers. I made a ya_halant and a ra below-form. Also made
+ substitution and positioning tables. Worst: the vowel 'a' is very
+ messed up -- much too heavy; hand-drawn. Will have to replace it.
+ Also need to review the missing marks. Pity there's no bold...
+2012-02-12 22:02 +0000 [r2043] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/metafont/bulk_eps_import.py (added),
+ tools/utility/metafont (added): Tools for
+ extracting glyphs from metafont files
+2012-02-10 23:22 +0000 [r2042] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: more of same.
+2012-02-10 23:18 +0000 [r2041] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: adjusted GPOS
+ entries
+2012-02-10 22:58 +0000 [r2040] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: various tweeks to
+ ligatures. Gujarati: various tweeks to ligatures.
+2012-02-10 19:01 +0000 [r2039] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: toward version in
+ medium. Geometric Shapes: made dotted circle.
+2012-02-10 17:57 +0000 [r2038] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: added letters to
+ complete range. re-named letters for consistency with other indic
+ languages. fixed a broken table.
+2012-02-10 16:46 +0000 [r2037] daniel_j:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Unicode 6.1 addition in
+ FreeSerif: H-hook (U+A7AA) for Chadian languages
+2012-02-10 15:46 +0000 [r2036] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Oriya: Re-introduced, using
+ Samak Oriya, a GPL v.3 + font exception.
+ http://sarovar.org/projects/samyak/ Already the original is
+ altered in several ways. The glyphs need a lot of work.
+2012-02-10 12:03 +0000 [r2035] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: corrected
+ Private Use range
+2012-02-09 18:50 +0000 [r2034] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: added abbreviation
+ character
+2012-02-09 18:29 +0000 [r2033] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gurmukhi: named glyphs better.
+ Malayalam: corrected problems caused by recent inconsistent
+ naming.
+2012-02-09 16:36 +0000 [r2032] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujurati: named characters
+ better -- makes it easier to see table problems. Found one error
+ in tables, fixed. There are others.
+2012-02-08 19:55 +0000 [r2031] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: several new tables in
+ effort to resolve spacing bug.
+2012-02-08 15:37 +0000 [r2030] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: fixed shrii ligature
+2012-02-08 15:15 +0000 [r2029] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: Toward resolution of bug
+ #35479: Tamil in FreeSerif: some ligatures wrong
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?35479 Removed GSUB tables
+ about positioning the virama; implemented this with a GPOS table
+ and anchor points. Corrected tables for sshri, kss ligatures.
+ Toward resolution of bug #35480: Tamil in FreeSerif: placement of
+ vowel marks poor https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?35480
+ Made a vertical ii sign, made a contextual chain that replaces
+ the normal ii with this one for certain letters.
+2012-02-08 01:41 +0000 [r2028] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: Added subtable for
+ nta (mal_n1rh), Separated 'psts' subtable into u and uu ones, and
+ everything else, hoping somehow to deal with the orthographic
+ reform.
+2012-02-07 23:52 +0000 [r2026-2027] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: some additions from
+ recent Unicode (historical letters) Rearranged akhan lookups.
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: Recent
+ Unicode additions
+2012-02-06 19:24 +0000 [r2025] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: Fixed broken
+ kerning. Problem was: there was an entry for 'f' as the first
+ letter in two subtables of the same lookup. The second subtable
+ was ignored, even though there was no match for the second letter
+ in the first lookup. That is, within a kern lookup, the first
+ letters of the pairs should be unique.
+2012-02-06 14:41 +0000 [r2023-2024] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: put dflt back in
+ Standard Ligature language list
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: added glyphs for
+ Bompay, Calcutta, Nepali styles from velthuis. made Style Set
+ lookups for them. Latin: put dflt back in the Standard Ligatures
+ language list
+2012-02-05 23:59 +0000 [r2022] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: named more
+ Unicode glyphs, tried to make tables more like latest Serif. Know
+ of one inconsistency remaining.
+2012-02-05 12:18 +0000 [r2021] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: re-worked overlarge
+ reph-anudatta. Regularized table naming.
+2012-02-04 21:50 +0000 [r2019-2020] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: lookup tables --
+ for the first time, test matches big table of ligatures in
+ velthuis (wrt Sanskrit and Hindi).
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: named a bunch of
+ Unicode glyphs
+2012-02-03 15:09 +0000 [r2018] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: another
+ re-arrangement of tables for velthuis compliance. problems
+ persist.
+2012-02-01 20:59 +0000 [r2017] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: complete
+ re-structuring of tables in attempt to resemble better the specs
+ about Indic tables, and produce ligatures of the velthuis font.
+ Hebrew: Support raising of Yiddish vowel marks.
+2012-02-01 19:29 +0000 [r2016] daniel_j:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Unicode 6.1 additions
+ in FreeSans: - Tifinagh Ye, Yo - Armenian dram - African H with
+ hook
+2012-01-31 12:02 +0000 [r2015] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Hebrew: last commit
+ accidentlly widened right side of many letters
+2012-01-31 11:51 +0000 [r2014] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Hebrew: more
+ adjustment of points: bold--shifted letters to right
+2012-01-31 11:08 +0000 [r2013] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Hebrew: some adjustment
+ of mark positioning
+2012-01-31 10:58 +0000 [r2012] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Hebrew: adjustments to
+ positioning marks; italic moved letter yod
+2012-01-31 10:33 +0000 [r2011] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Hebrew: deleted incorrect
+ ligature lookup
+2012-01-31 10:24 +0000 [r2010] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Hebrew: deleted
+ incorrect ligature lookup
+2012-01-31 10:13 +0000 [r2009] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Hebrew: adjustments to mark
+ positioning, a bit of tidying of letters. Latin: deleted a
+ mistakenly copied table.
+2012-01-31 09:47 +0000 [r2008] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Hebrew: added mark
+ positioning
+2012-01-31 00:15 +0000 [r2007] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Hebrew: should rememdy bug
+ #35409: Incorrect placement of khirik-yud for Yiddish in FreeSans
+ (At least for FreeSans medium)
+2012-01-28 14:26 +0000 [r2006] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: roman--adjusted
+ auxiliary glyph names to better fit bold bold: several
+ corrections
+2012-01-28 12:37 +0000 [r2005] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: various repairs
+ to glyphs and tables
+2012-01-28 01:36 +0000 [r2004] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Devanagari: added glyphs
+ from velthuis font's dvngb10.pfb, added subtables from FreeSerif.
+ Still plenty missing.
+2012-01-27 22:13 +0000 [r2003] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: a couple more
+ tables to handle velthuis corner cases.
+2012-01-26 22:52 +0000 [r2002] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: fixed a few lookup
+ problems. several more remain.
+2012-01-25 14:24 +0000 [r2000-2001] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: adjustments to mark
+ positioning
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin: adjustments to accents
+ Devanagari: re-working tables for better support of Hindi vs
+ Sanskrit
+2012-01-25 12:09 +0000 [r1999] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: Named some letters;
+ some table clean-up. Devanagari Extended: Added combining
+ cantillation marks.
+2012-01-24 15:02 +0000 [r1998] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: Most of the
+ previous commits about Hindi were in error: two columns of the
+ velthuis manual for Modern Hindi and Old Hindi were swapped. This
+ now implements Modern Hindi, except for one conjunct. Old Hindi
+ conjuncts are moved to separate tables, but Old Hindi is not
+ specifically supported.
+2012-01-23 18:48 +0000 [r1997] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: several table
+ corrections, based on new tests.
+2012-01-23 10:18 +0000 [r1996] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: table for
+ consonants that don't take half-form, other conjunct table
+ tweeks.
+2012-01-21 23:20 +0000 [r1995] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: many small
+ corrections to GSUB.
+2012-01-20 13:44 +0000 [r1994] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: Sanskrit/Hindi
+ distinction now seems to be working. (Was order of two 'akhn'
+ tables, one specialized for Sanskrit. Don't understand--thought
+ always all matching tables were executed.)
+2012-01-20 01:41 +0000 [r1993] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: some clean-up,
+ split the akhn table into general (modern Hindi) and Sanskrit.
+ But not the Sanskrit doesn't activate in any environment, with
+ lang='sa'. However, seems to work for Hindi.
+2012-01-19 16:00 +0000 [r1992] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: more tweeks to
+ rakaar slash
+2012-01-19 15:30 +0000 [r1991] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: corrected simple
+ Rakaar forms again
+2012-01-19 13:52 +0000 [r1990] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: corrected spacing
+ problem with combining rakaar slash.
+2012-01-19 00:52 +0000 [r1989] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: fixed last
+ consonant-virama-ra conjuncts
+2012-01-19 00:32 +0000 [r1988] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: fixed
+ consonant-virama-consonant-virama conjuncts
+2012-01-19 00:04 +0000 [r1987] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: much done on tables
+ for compound letters. a couple of compounds were corrected.
+2012-01-18 14:40 +0000 [r1986] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: Much messing with
+ combined forms for vowels+rakh, finally got features going for
+ distinction of Rakaar slash vs Rakaar below mark.
+2012-01-16 00:36 +0000 [r1985] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: more lookups
+ working. Still a couple of letters wrong.
+2012-01-14 22:43 +0000 [r1984] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: with help of Z.
+ Wagner, and a TeX cmap file making the connection betwen
+ conjuncts in the Velthuis font and Unicode, inserted the Velthuis
+ au auxiliary glyphs and made lookup tables Mostly working.
+2012-01-13 12:08 +0000 [r1983] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: (sans) better names
+ for a couple of characters, (serif) made names more like sans,
+ added Kashmiri letters to complete Unicode 6.0 range
+2012-01-13 00:25 +0000 [r1982] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: PS: Added UniqueId TT
+ Names: Added UniqueID Devanagari: (serif) added ABVM, BLWM tables
+ and anchors Devanagari: (sans) small tweaks mostly regarding mark
+ placement
+2012-01-10 17:17 +0000 [r1981] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: a couple of
+ touch-ups: corrected 'abvs' entry for ausign-anusvera.
+2012-01-10 16:12 +0000 [r1980] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: re-named most
+ auxiliary glyphs to make tables more sensible.
+2012-01-10 12:56 +0000 [r1979] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: simplified and
+ regularized some glyph names
+2012-01-10 02:07 +0000 [r1978] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gurmukhi: tried to get marks
+ under control. Added GPOS tables, anchors.
+2012-01-10 00:48 +0000 [r1977] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: copied a few
+ ligatures that were in gargi but not in FreeSans. There are still
+ a few more, but I'm not clear about them. Tables: moved auxiliary
+ letters for Indic around a bit.
+2012-01-09 20:56 +0000 [r1976] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Indic tables: rearranged
+ Devanagari: re-named the GPOS anchors Lagin: iogonek lookup had
+ gotten somehow fouled up
+2012-01-08 01:32 +0000 [r1975] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: copied in rest of
+ Unicode chars from velthuis font dvng10.pfb with advice from
+ Zdeněk Wagner. Next plan: copy in ligatures from same file and
+ use a cmap file provided by Zdeněk to construct a basic GSUB
+ table.
+2012-01-08 00:25 +0000 [r1974] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin, Cyrillic: tweeks to
+ accent marks. Devanagari: beginning to replace range with
+ Velthuis font.
+2012-01-07 19:42 +0000 [r1973] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: widened space
+ between verticals in U+0906 by request. Made a lot of references
+ in range. Added Kashmiri letters from latest Unicode version.
+2012-01-03 20:17 +0000 [r1972] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Combining Diacritics:
+ forgot to add Cyrillic mark for previous commit
+2012-01-03 20:08 +0000 [r1971] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: Added mark
+ for diacriticals on capital letters. toward bug #35225: Combining
+ Diacritical Marks improperly positioned for Cyrillic capital
+ letters https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?35225 Latin: re-thought
+ spacing in bold, bold oblique, and re-positioned many accents for
+ legibility
+2011-12-31 20:09 +0000 [r1970] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Miscellaneous Symbols: hammer
+ and sickle, smileface, frown face, courtesy Sander van Geloven
+2011-12-28 14:05 +0000 [r1969] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ revision of v. and h. placement and spacing. Reduced height of
+ partialdiff in some faces.
+2011-12-28 13:40 +0000 [r1968] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Operators: lowered
+ nabla, made partialdiff of normal height
+2011-12-25 13:54 +0000 [r1967] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Miscellaneous Symbols: uni2639
+ -- a (first) contribution by Sander van Geloven
+2011-12-25 13:37 +0000 [r1966] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ improved symbols having vertical lines
+2011-12-19 13:55 +0000 [r1965] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: General Punctuation:
+ regularize width of bullet chars Geometrical Shapes: made new and
+ regularized width of bullet chars Mathematical Operators: messed
+ with bullet-lige operators
+2011-12-18 17:35 +0000 [r1964] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Operators: fixed
+ some spacing issues.
+2011-12-18 13:52 +0000 [r1963] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin, Punctuation:
+ slash and some vertical lines were wrongly spaced.
+2011-12-17 01:39 +0000 [r1962] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators: in
+ sans, added some angle glyphs by request. General vertical
+ metrecs: fixed some mistakes, re-thought overall.
+2011-12-16 12:17 +0000 [r1961] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Technical Symbols: made
+ extensible mathematical symbol pieces for sans, adjusted
+ horizontal bracket in serif.
+2011-12-16 00:10 +0000 [r1960] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Sans: glyphwise same
+ vertical adjustments as with Serif, same caveats. All faces:
+ re-thought metrics. Hope they make better sense now.
+2011-12-15 18:02 +0000 [r1959] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: General alterations to make
+ fit in vertical bounds (-300,900). Problems remain in Sinhala and
+ Malayalam. Esp. note two Bengali "vocalic" glyphs, used only for
+ transcription of Sanskrit, were altered and moved.
+2011-12-14 22:31 +0000 [r1958] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: some glyph clean-up
+2011-12-14 21:49 +0000 [r1957] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Changed ascent and descent of a
+ number of letters out of bounds (several in Arabic, also
+ Devnagari). The worst are in Malayalam though, and they remain.
+2011-12-14 15:59 +0000 [r1956] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Supplementary
+ Punctuation: made a few new ones
+2011-12-12 20:52 +0000 [r1955] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin Extended-B:
+ Same with tz ligature as in roman
+2011-12-12 18:42 +0000 [r1954] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin Extended-B:
+ re-thought replacement for tz ligature in German. Note: the
+ Unicode tz character is used in Mayanist texts.
+2011-12-11 23:25 +0000 [r1953] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Complete set of lowercse
+ latin super/subscripts for normal and bold, with 'subs' and
+ 'sups' lookups.
+2011-12-11 20:59 +0000 [r1952] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: (roman) re-thought
+ tz ligature Number Forms: adjusted vulgar fractions table, to
+ make all work in xelatex
+2011-12-09 11:22 +0000 [r1951] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: avoid fi, fl etc
+ ligatures in Turkish. Re-thought TZ, tz ligatures.
+2011-12-09 00:08 +0000 [r1950] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Proportional Numbers,
+ Slashed Zero
+2011-12-08 23:57 +0000 [r1948-1949] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Greek: added digamma
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif faces: lots of work
+ on numeric substitutions 'onum' Oldstyle Figures 'pnum'
+ Proportional Numbers 'tnum' Tabular Numbers 'lnum' Lining Figures
+ 'zero' Slashed Zero Cyrillic for Bulgarian: activated new-style
+ forms with 'ss01' Style Set 1 Cyrillic regular: Bit of kerning.
+ (FontForge still complains about non-Unicode glyphs)
+2011-12-06 22:40 +0000 [r1947] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More additions to 'sups'
+ table in roman, bold. Added a few Phonetic Extensions to
+ italic... but this should wait for a set of small caps.
+2011-12-06 21:47 +0000 [r1945-1946] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Changed Bulgarian lookup
+ tag from cv00 to ss01 bold: adjusted some superscript letter
+ spacings, minute, prime spacing normal: added proportional
+ numerals, tables tnum, lnum, pnum adjusted widths of some
+ superscript letters, tweeked some others added tables sups, subs
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin: some kerning
+2011-12-05 18:50 +0000 [r1944] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Latin etc: re-spaced,
+ re-kerned letter a
+2011-12-05 13:19 +0000 [r1943] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: tweeks to glyphs,
+ spacing for alternate Bulgarian letters.
+2011-12-05 12:47 +0000 [r1942] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: kerning and spacing.
+2011-12-05 10:27 +0000 [r1941] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: more work on
+ alternative letters for Bulgarian, Serbian
+2011-12-04 23:46 +0000 [r1939-1940] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: adjust spacing of
+ some Bulgarin letters
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: bit o kerning
+2011-12-04 14:00 +0000 [r1938] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: expanded/corrected
+ letters for Bulgarian alternate forms.
+2011-12-03 22:45 +0000 [r1937] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: alternative small
+ letters for Bulgarian, with lookup table.
+2011-12-03 18:04 +0000 [r1936] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: glyph clean-ups
+ related to recent commits, toward validation
+2011-12-03 17:29 +0000 [r1935] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Mathematical
+ Operators: two were out of place
+2011-12-03 17:25 +0000 [r1934] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Arrows: made new
+ ones, corrected others
+2011-12-03 15:48 +0000 [r1933] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Currency Symbols: added
+ spesmilo
+2011-12-03 15:04 +0000 [r1932] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arrows: lots of additions,
+ corrections
+2011-12-03 13:32 +0000 [r1931] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Arrows: made glyphs so
+ range is similar to rest of Sans.
+2011-12-03 12:59 +0000 [r1930] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Geometric Shapes:
+ made minimal set. Mathematical Operators: made a few more glyphs,
+ corrected a couple. Number Forms: deleted range in bold faces --
+ can't properly represent all.
+2011-12-03 01:02 +0000 [r1929] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Miscellaneous Technical
+ Symbols: made a few important ones.
+2011-12-03 00:33 +0000 [r1928] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Mathematical
+ Operators: made a few more glyphs. some clean-up.
+2011-12-02 19:12 +0000 [r1927] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Mathematical
+ Operators: revised a few glyphs in medium, got a sort of minimal
+ set into other styles
+2011-12-02 15:03 +0000 [r1926] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Mathematical
+ Operators: made yet more.
+2011-12-02 13:57 +0000 [r1925] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ revised a few in medium (weight and spacing), made a lot of new
+ characters for other styles.
+2011-12-02 10:53 +0000 [r1924] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators
+ (etc): more operators (bold), revisions (medium)
+2011-12-02 02:32 +0000 [r1923] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Mathematical Operators:
+ tried to make of more uniform weight (medium) made several new
+ (bold)
+2011-12-01 20:22 +0000 [r1921-1922] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Combining Half Marks: adjusted
+ mark anchors
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cyrillic: fix to old letter
+ Arabic: hah_final made all contours- no refs
+2011-12-01 19:34 +0000 [r1919-1920] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: vim-style file type comment
+ * tools/generate/buildutils.py: Version string to
+ comply with OpenType recommendation.
+2011-12-01 18:37 +0000 [r1918] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Misc. Math. Symbols:
+ made reverse logical not (req. for some MS codepages) Math.
+ Operators: made a few while I was around
+2011-11-30 20:50 +0000 [r1917] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: made uk letters
+ digraph, due to complaint by user
+2011-11-30 13:20 +0000 [r1916] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: Corrected
+ Combining Half Marks
+2011-11-30 13:15 +0000 [r1915] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Combining Half Marks: made
+ letters, filled range, added mark anchors
+2011-11-30 12:26 +0000 [r1914] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: targets for woff packages
+2011-11-30 12:15 +0000 [r1913] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Added lines on WOFF format.
+2011-11-30 12:05 +0000 [r1912] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/webfont_guidelines.txt: added WOFF
+2011-11-28 11:41 +0000 [r1911] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: some light kerning
+2011-11-28 00:17 +0000 [r1910] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Grid Fitting: made
+ uniformly Version 1 ("Optimized for Cleartype" won't stay on in
+ FontForge ?)
+2011-11-27 20:52 +0000 [r1909] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: general glyph alterations
+ toward validation. some of these are due to some bug in FontForge
+ algorithms -- nothing was apparently wrong with the glyphs.
+2011-11-27 00:34 +0000 [r1907-1908] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: some kerning
+ * sfd/Makefile,
+ tools/test/checkGlyphNumbers.py: Made to function
+ either from directory or from Makefile.
+2011-11-25 11:38 +0000 [r1906] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: correction to 'ccmp' table
+ for Vietnamese 2
+2011-11-25 11:29 +0000 [r1905] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some fractions to the
+ 'frac' lookup
+2011-11-25 11:17 +0000 [r1904] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: corrected some entries in
+ 'frac' lookup
+2011-11-25 11:08 +0000 [r1903] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Number Forms: adjusted diagonal
+ fractions Cyrillic: clean-up of Ksi contour
+2011-11-25 10:36 +0000 [r1901-1902] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/kernclasses.py (added): Tabular
+ report of kerning classes in fonts
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: named 2 glyphs
+ referred to in kern tables
+2011-11-25 10:16 +0000 [r1900] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/test/checkGlyphNumbers.py: corrected for
+ directory move
+2011-11-24 18:35 +0000 [r1899] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cyrillic: made Ksi, ksi
+2011-11-24 17:58 +0000 [r1898] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: for f and
+ other hooked letters: special punctuation lookup
+2011-11-24 17:39 +0000 [r1896-1897] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: General Punctuation: adjusted,
+ regularized spacing of primes
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: f and other
+ hooked letters: put more of hook into kerning
+2011-11-24 16:51 +0000 [r1895] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: improve spacing of
+ Ksi
+2011-11-24 15:05 +0000 [r1894] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cyrillic: Made some Old Church
+ Slavonic letters, by request.
+2011-11-23 15:12 +0000 [r1893] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Malayalam: glyph clean-up toward
+ validation
+2011-11-23 01:19 +0000 [r1892] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Malayalam conjuncts: numerous
+ contour improvements toward validation
+2011-11-22 00:25 +0000 [r1890-1891] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/log2changelog_CVS.pl (removed): This
+ is what I meant to do in the previous commit
+ * tools/utility/log2changelog.pl (removed),
+ tools/utility/log2changelog_CVS.pl (added): No
+ need for this script now the VC is changed to SVN; there are
+ other tools for SVN that perform the same task.
+2011-11-21 19:01 +0000 [r1889] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More individual glyph
+ tweeks toward validation. (Discovered trigger to one FontForge
+ bug: contour 1st node at sharp point.)
+2011-11-21 11:15 +0000 [r1888] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Overall glyph tweeks
+ to improve FontForge validation. Note some of these can be called
+ messy node problems, others are due to some malfunction of
+ FontForge.
+2011-11-20 14:36 +0000 [r1887] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: brought up to date
+2011-11-18 09:55 +0000 [r1886] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Unfortunately several
+ unrelated changes got balled up in this commit. Generally, slight
+ re-wording of license (program ->font) Serif, Sans: Latin, Greek,
+ Cyrillic and phonetic: substantial changes to glyph bearings,
+ attempt to normalize; re-did kerning angled slightly
+ hungarianumlaut and double-grave accents toward one another.
+ lcaron, dcaron, tcaron: prefer an acute accent to apostrophe.
+ Note this messes up some letters d, l, t with acute, for
+ languages using IPA. Serif: Cyrillic Ouk: fixed bug #34687: Bad
+ shape of Cyrillic U+0478 & u+0479 Cyrillic Extended-A: increased
+ hight of combining marks slightly (regular face only) Italic
+ Cyrillic: re-did Serbian sha and te with longer line. Bengali,
+ Tamil, Thai, Ethiopic, Georgian, Cyrillic Extended-B, Latin
+ Extended-D, Arabic Presentation forms, Letterlike and
+ Miscellaneous Math Symbols: glyph clean-ups longs: fixed bug
+ #34841: U+017F LONG S upright a bit wrong Sans: acute, grave,
+ hungarianumlaut and double-grave accents on capitals somewhat
+ shorter to better fit in the line,
+2011-11-18 09:46 +0000 [r1885] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: positional
+ substitutions; added a couple of characters
+2011-11-12 14:48 +0000 [r1883-1884] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile: target for making WOFF files
+ * tools/generate/WOFF: removed one unused package
+ better documentation
+2011-11-12 14:37 +0000 [r1882] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/WOFF: removed debug strings
+2011-11-12 14:34 +0000 [r1881] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/WOFF (added): Generator for Web
+ Open Font Format files
+2011-11-05 16:43 +0000 [r1880] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: addded three letters
+2011-11-05 15:06 +0000 [r1879] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: Many incorrectly 0-width
+ chars made full width. Implemented marks, mostly for vertical
+ mark placement.
+2011-11-04 22:28 +0000 [r1878] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: added several
+ characters. nearing functionality of serif version.
+2011-11-04 14:55 +0000 [r1877] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: fixed several
+ substitution and glyph problems. See discussion
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?34190
+2011-11-03 17:55 +0000 [r1876] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: improved meemfinal
+2011-11-03 16:07 +0000 [r1875] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Punctuation Suppl: a few
+ additions. Geometrical Shapes, Math Suppl: mostly spacing.
+2011-11-03 13:18 +0000 [r1873-1874] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: typo in
+ doc
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Removed excess entry for
+ uni29b4.
+2011-11-03 12:55 +0000 [r1872] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: Added to
+ Supplemental Punctuation
+2011-11-03 12:15 +0000 [r1871] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Punctuation: named some glyphs,
+ re-sized some spaces, added some Supplemental
+2011-11-03 09:48 +0000 [r1870] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/fontforge-interp.sh: more doc
+2011-11-03 01:40 +0000 [r1869] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Glyph clean-up, and change
+ of problematic glyph names
+2011-11-03 01:21 +0000 [r1868] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/test/validate.py: Better exception handling
+2011-11-03 01:09 +0000 [r1867] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Some glyph clean-up
+2011-11-03 00:59 +0000 [r1866] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Some glyph clean-up.
+2011-11-03 00:51 +0000 [r1862-1865] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/fontforge-interp.sh (added): Wrapper
+ for fontforge.
+ * tools/test/findBackLayers.py,
+ tools/test/validate.py,
+ tools/test/checkGlyphNumbers.py,
+ tools/test/isMonoMono.py: Call wrapper for
+ fontforge rather than calling a specific instance.
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Call wrapper for fontforge
+ rather than calling specific instance
+ * tools/report/private_use.py,
+ tools/report/range_report.py,
+ tools/report/ligatureLookups.py: Use wrapper for
+ fontforge rather than calling explicit instance.
+2011-11-03 00:45 +0000 [r1861] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile: Made to execute fontforge from any
+ instance in PATH
+2011-11-02 18:32 +0000 [r1859-1860] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: named some glyphs
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: corrected slot for one
+ letter.
+2011-11-02 00:56 +0000 [r1858] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: most of intermediate
+ forms with lookups: A and B. Some general contour cleanup.
+2011-10-31 22:12 +0000 [r1857] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: added
+ 'locl' lookup for Serbian/Macedonian 'be'
+2011-10-31 19:34 +0000 [r1855-1856] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Spacing Modifier Letters:
+ horizontal space adjustments
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin, Diacritics, etc:
+ hungarian umlaut, double grave adjustments
+2011-10-31 19:27 +0000 [r1854] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Arabic: Drew most of main range.
+2011-10-31 17:22 +0000 [r1853] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin, Diacriticals, etc:
+ adjustment on hungarian umlaut, double grave
+2011-10-30 16:25 +0000 [r1852] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: removed Arabic-only
+ ligatures lookup, as it seems to confuse Pango.
+2011-10-30 12:51 +0000 [r1851] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: changed size of tatweel
+2011-10-30 11:07 +0000 [r1850] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: cursive
+ Macedonian gje. See bug 34688.
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?34688
+2011-10-29 23:12 +0000 [r1849] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic Presentation Forms-B:
+ adjustment to meem-final.
+2011-10-29 22:01 +0000 [r1848] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Spacing Modifier/Combining
+ Diacritics: double-gramve and Hungarian umlaut, to make them less
+ extremely wide and hard to accommodate. Made less steep, at
+ slightly different angles, following advice at
+ http://typophile.com/node/78623
+ http://diacritics.typo.cz/index.php?id=24
+2011-10-29 18:53 +0000 [r1847] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: Re-worked final meem.
+ Put Arabic-only ligatures in Arabic-only lookup. Put Allah in a
+ 'dlig' lookup. Made tatweel shorter.
+2011-10-29 12:09 +0000 [r1846] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: marked some ending
+ ligatures as Arabic-language only, on advice from a Persan
+ speaker (comments to bug #34190)
+2011-10-29 06:18 +0000 [r1845] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: General Punctuation: made
+ bullet-bullets same width as bullet
+2011-10-29 04:44 +0000 [r1844] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Punctuation, Geometric Shapes,
+ Miscellaneous Symbols, etc.: regularize bullet-like characters
+ somewhat in width and weight
+2011-10-28 23:51 +0000 [r1843] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic Extended-A: Added 2
+ ligatures
+2011-10-28 22:53 +0000 [r1842] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cyrillic Supplement: letters for
+ Abkhaz and Azerbaijani, and Nivkh.
+2011-10-28 22:16 +0000 [r1841] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cyrillic Supplement: letters for
+ Abkhaz and Azerbaijani
+2011-10-28 21:53 +0000 [r1840] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cyrillic: Added Nivkh letters
+2011-10-28 18:10 +0000 [r1839] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/special-purpose/makeBraille.py
+ (added), tools/utility/special-purpose (added),
+ tools/utility/makeBraille.py (removed):
+ special-purpose directory for one-shot scripts, included as
+ examples.
+2011-10-28 12:29 +0000 [r1838] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Latin: small adjustment to
+ letter spacing
+2011-10-28 11:50 +0000 [r1837] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: several lookup
+ corrections thanks to Emmanuel Vallois, see comments to [bug
+ #34190] Persian characters in FreeSerif not connecting right In
+ bold, lots of re-namings to make lookups copied from roman work.
+2011-10-27 22:01 +0000 [r1836] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd: Latin (Vietnamese): adjusted
+ some marks. Latin: SansBold attempts to regularize spacing.
+2011-10-27 16:34 +0000 [r1834-1835] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning, a bit of
+ letter spacing
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin: much messing
+ with accents for Vietnamese, some kerning
+2011-10-26 22:42 +0000 [r1833] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: efforts to limit
+ height of accents: Making shorter glyphs for some accents for
+ capital letters. Some compacting of taller stacked glyphs. Made
+ all lowercase letters' accents fall in the bounds.
+2011-10-26 14:44 +0000 [r1832] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Combining Diacritics:
+ adjustments for Serbian Cyrillic
+2011-10-26 14:36 +0000 [r1830-1831] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin, General Punctuation:
+ attempts to regularize widths and spaces
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Combinind
+ Diacriticals: corrections to mark placement for Cyrillic Serbian
+2011-10-26 12:39 +0000 [r1829] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: Replaced d-, l-, t-caron
+ mark with one distinguishable from punctuation Sans: implemented
+ shorter acute, grave, circumflex, caron for caps
+2011-10-26 10:20 +0000 [r1828] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: adjusted
+ mark anchors
+2011-10-26 02:16 +0000 [r1827] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: General Punctuation:
+ got rid of minor build warning
+2011-10-26 02:13 +0000 [r1826] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Greek: got rid of build warning
+2011-10-26 01:56 +0000 [r1825] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Punctuation, Spacing
+ Diacritical Marks: worked on widths
+2011-10-25 21:28 +0000 [r1822-1824] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/buildutils.py,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Again trying to set keywords
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/buildutils.py,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Added Date svn keyword
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/buildutils.py,
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Added Revision keyword
+2011-10-25 21:13 +0000 [r1821] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/generate/TrueType,
+ tools/generate/OpenType,
+ tools/generate/buildutils.py (added),
+ tools/generate/MacTT: Implemented cleaned-up
+ Revision string
+2011-10-25 20:10 +0000 [r1820] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: added marks for
+ Serbian; adjusted others
+2011-10-25 19:19 +0000 [r1819] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: added marks
+ for Serbian to roman, added mark positioning to non-roman
+2011-10-25 19:02 +0000 [r1818] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Adjusted the font family
+ class. some kerning adjusted some marks.
+2011-10-25 18:42 +0000 [r1817] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Spacing
+ Modifiers/Diacritics: regularized spacing some
+2011-10-25 14:42 +0000 [r1816] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: shifted grave and
+ acute accents so they could be used independently. Lots more
+ kerning, More adjustment of extreme characters.
+2011-10-24 20:16 +0000 [r1815] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: for Serbian
+ 'salt' form for italic 'sha' with line below
+2011-10-24 15:02 +0000 [r1814] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: removed lookup
+ for supposed Serbian gje, leaving only the Macedonian form.
+2011-10-23 12:06 +0000 [r1812-1813] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin, IPA: kerning
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin, IPA: horizontal
+ positioning, kerning Greek, extended: re-positioning of all marks
+2011-10-22 18:24 +0000 [r1811] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: re-kerned a bit
+2011-10-21 22:53 +0000 [r1810] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Greek, Cyrillic: working
+ on fallout from re-spacing of Latin
+2011-10-21 20:18 +0000 [r1809] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2011-10-20 17:13 +0000 [r1808] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Greek, Cyrillic: made Phi,
+ Ef more distinct, made some overwide glyphs narrower
+2011-10-20 16:44 +0000 [r1806-1807] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: starting to mess
+ with spacing of extreme letters: f g j y
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Greek, Cyrillic: make Phi, Ef
+ more distinct
+2011-10-19 17:24 +0000 [r1805] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Diacriticals: corrected
+ acutecmb placement
+2011-10-19 14:56 +0000 [r1804] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin/IPA: Reduced size of
+ hooks on many letters. Reduced spacing of grave, acute (big
+ overhaul). kerning in IPA for African, Americanist alphabets
+2011-10-18 23:35 +0000 [r1802-1803] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/webfont_guidelines.txt: Propset id
+ * notes/webfont_guidelines.txt: formatting, propset
+ ID
+2011-10-18 23:19 +0000 [r1801] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/README-downloads.txt,
+ notes/webfont_guidelines.txt (added),
+ notes/features.txt: updates added webfont
+ guidelines
+2011-10-18 22:22 +0000 [r1800] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: more fiddling with
+ kerning. Fixed longstanding bug with "equals" (had mysterious
+ mkmk anchors)
+2011-10-18 00:03 +0000 [r1799] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: more fiddling with
+ kerning
+2011-10-17 23:36 +0000 [r1798] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: More with j and f.
+ Got rid of small caps kerning, which didn't make much sense
+ anyway. Tried to space small caps letters a bit better.
+2011-10-17 19:13 +0000 [r1797] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: a bit experimental: got
+ rid of overlap of tails on f and j, compensating with kerning.
+ More kerning. Increased width of quotesingle.
+2011-10-17 18:10 +0000 [r1796] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin kerning: added letters to
+ classes. Have not yet done Latin Extended Additional
+2011-10-17 12:40 +0000 [r1795] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning re-done
+2011-10-15 18:28 +0000 [r1794] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: more adjustments to
+ spacing, and re-introduced kerning, completely re-done since the
+ disappearance of the tables. Improvement all around.
+2011-10-15 15:28 +0000 [r1793] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin, Greek, Cyrillic: changes
+ to L and R bearings to most characters.
+2011-10-15 12:01 +0000 [r1792] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin, Cyrillic: spacing
+ of a couple of letters
+2011-10-15 11:24 +0000 [r1791] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin, Cyrillic:
+ spacing and kerning of a few letters
+2011-10-15 09:38 +0000 [r1790] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: some kerning,
+ esp. of Serbian letters
+2011-10-15 01:40 +0000 [r1789] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Cyrillic: adjusted
+ boundaries of alternate te
+2011-10-14 11:59 +0000 [r1788] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: Made
+ Serb/Macedonian 'be' and lookups for it
+2011-10-13 11:20 +0000 [r1787] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin, Greek, Cyrillic: attempt
+ to make capitals with straight sides spaced even Some clean-up of
+ Greek letterforms
+2011-10-13 10:18 +0000 [r1786] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: made special 'be' for
+ Serbian/Macedonian lookup for gje for italic
+2011-10-12 22:29 +0000 [r1785] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: more tweeks
+ to Serbian Cyrillic glyphs and similar, re-named Cyrillic
+ auxiliary glyphs.
+2011-10-12 18:40 +0000 [r1784] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: Lookups for
+ localized forms for Serbian/Macedonian. Remedies bug #34537:
+ Serbian Localized Glyphs https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?34537
+ Most look-ups were for existing glyphs. In italic also made glyph
+ for te, like a rotated m with macron. Re-named cyrillic auxiliary
+ glyphs.
+2011-10-12 12:31 +0000 [r1783] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin, Diacriticals:
+ adjustments for Kwak̕wala
+2011-10-11 20:48 +0000 [r1782] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: to myself, for Old Italic
+2011-10-11 17:55 +0000 [r1781] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: Update for
+ Old Italic
+2011-10-11 17:00 +0000 [r1780] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Old Italic: I made letters for
+ this alphabet based on bits of existing ones.
+2011-10-11 09:55 +0000 [r1779] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: IPA: adjustment to kerning,
+ named a few marked letters
+2011-10-11 09:45 +0000 [r1778] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Phonetic Extensions:
+ additions for Saanich/Musqueam
+2011-10-11 09:40 +0000 [r1777] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Runic: completely re-did range,
+ to make stem width like rest of font. (ends are still square or
+ angular rather than round...) Consulted many inscriptions, and
+ changed form where seemed appropriate.
+2011-10-09 15:26 +0000 [r1776] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Kerning of IPA symbols for
+ Saanich/Musqueam
+2011-10-09 14:03 +0000 [r1775] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin, IPA
+ Extensions, Diacriticals: toward Sannich/Musqueam
+2011-10-09 10:52 +0000 [r1774] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: about adding binaries to
+ cvs for web pages
+2011-10-08 22:48 +0000 [r1773] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin/IPA: further tweeks
+ to letter forms
+2011-10-08 19:36 +0000 [r1772] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin, Phonetic symbols,
+ Diacriticals: tweeks for Musqueam/Saanich
+2011-10-08 17:33 +0000 [r1771] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: couple of validation issues
+2011-10-08 16:47 +0000 [r1770] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin, Combining Marks,
+ IPA: lots of changes for Saanich/Musqueam.
+2011-10-08 01:28 +0000 [r1769] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin/IPA: tweeks for
+ Saanich/Musqueam
+2011-10-07 12:13 +0000 [r1768] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin and IPA, Phonetic
+ Extensions: For display of Saanich language, 1) made for
+ combining right comma on small Latin, some IPA letters, and on
+ the c-hacek. 2) made ligatures for d, l, and t combined with
+ U+0313, 3) Adjusted the widths of some of the IPA letters.
+2011-09-30 23:31 +0000 [r1767] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: more kerning,
+ re-think letter ae
+2011-09-30 19:50 +0000 [r1766] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Basic Latin: emboldened
+ commercial at sign, to remedy bug #23574: Serif Bold: some
+ symbols not bold https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?23574
+2011-09-30 18:59 +0000 [r1765] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Bengali: made a Ganda mark, to
+ remedy bug #33983: Bengali Ganda mark is missing
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?33983
+2011-09-30 18:17 +0000 [r1764] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: more work on
+ connecting letters. Re-thought tatween.
+2011-09-30 13:00 +0000 [r1763] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: un-linking more
+ auxiliary dependencies. Re-thought 'v' decoration. Hebrew: dagesh
+ was a little small in bold.
+2011-09-29 22:39 +0000 [r1762] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: removed more
+ unnecessary auxiliary references
+2011-09-29 20:59 +0000 [r1761] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: emboldended the
+ last of the letters (I hope) un-linked some auxiliaries that were
+ represented by unicode
+2011-09-29 13:37 +0000 [r1760] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: alterations to
+ kaf/keheh, kerning to improve spacing
+2011-09-29 10:43 +0000 [r1759] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: lots of alterations
+ to letter shapes, spacing
+2011-09-28 23:03 +0000 [r1758] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: moved a lot of
+ improvements from roman to bold
+2011-09-28 14:13 +0000 [r1757] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: reduced awful space on
+ left side of free-standing letters
+2011-09-28 00:10 +0000 [r1756] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: regularized alef
+ variants, maddah, etc.
+2011-09-27 20:47 +0000 [r1755] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: More ligatures, a
+ couple alternative parentheses, re-worked hah medial
+2011-09-27 09:11 +0000 [r1754] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added a few ligatures,
+ re-thought jeem medial, touched up some other letters
+2011-09-26 15:28 +0000 [r1753] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more small stem width
+ adjustments
+2011-09-26 14:51 +0000 [r1752] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: kerning was in wrong
+ direction.
+2011-09-26 13:01 +0000 [r1751] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/range_report.py,
+ tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: updated
+ copyright
+2011-09-26 07:06 +0000 [r1750] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: trying to regularize
+ stem widths
+2011-09-25 22:33 +0000 [r1749] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more adjustment,
+ kerning
+2011-09-25 15:45 +0000 [r1748] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more tweeks to shapes,
+ kerning
+2011-09-25 15:16 +0000 [r1747] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: tweeks to letter
+ shapes, spacing, mark placement
+2011-09-25 01:13 +0000 [r1746] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: shape adjustments to
+ dal and noon
+2011-09-24 14:58 +0000 [r1745] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: further adjustment of
+ letter shapes, dot placement
+2011-09-22 21:28 +0000 [r1744] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: Credit to Tim Erickson for Syriac glyphs.
+ Marked many links as being broken with FIXMEs
+2011-09-22 20:48 +0000 [r1743] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Thaana: made bold version,
+ adjusted spacing
+2011-09-22 20:41 +0000 [r1742] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Thaana: made new character from
+ parts
+2011-09-22 20:28 +0000 [r1741] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py: correct
+ Runic
+2011-09-22 18:54 +0000 [r1740] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Arabic: numerous tweeks to
+ letter shapes. In roman, some more kerning
+2011-09-22 18:16 +0000 [r1739] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Syriac: filled in some missing
+ Unicode using Tim Erikson's Carlo Ator font (by his written
+ permission!)
+2011-09-21 10:13 +0000 [r1738] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: fixed lam-alef ligature
+ (again) (I think) Made most dots of uniform size adjusted height
+ of final, isolated hah started on a kerning table
+2011-09-20 17:52 +0000 [r1737] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: made a few more
+ low-numbered glypys, to finish off the range.
+2011-09-20 12:47 +0000 [r1736] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/OpenType/OpenType.py (removed),
+ tools/report/range_report.py,
+ tools/report/ranges (removed),
+ tools/report/OpenType/UnicodeRanges.py (added),
+ tools/report/OpenType (added): Better naming of
+ packages
+2011-09-19 23:23 +0000 [r1735] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added some low-numbered
+ characters: Subtending marks, Arabic ray, Poetic marks
+2011-09-19 17:54 +0000 [r1734] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: drew some more Koranic
+ annotations. re-thought sizing and placement of some others
+2011-09-19 13:55 +0000 [r1733] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: raised letter noon more
+ attempts to regularize placement of marks
+2011-09-18 21:22 +0000 [r1732] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: many adjustments,
+ mostly of marks
+2011-09-18 14:30 +0000 [r1731] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: adjusted marks, added
+ anchor points for new marks, made a couple of new letters got
+ ligatures working again replaced Allah and Rial ligatures
+2011-09-17 18:51 +0000 [r1730] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: mostly messing with
+ marks: shadda combinations seem to be working.
+2011-09-16 19:45 +0000 [r1729] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: corrected some
+ diacriticals in Presentation Forms-B especially FBBC-FBC1 were
+ messed up, unfortunately so were a lot of references to those
+2011-09-16 18:36 +0000 [r1728] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: small spacing issues,
+ tweeks to shapes of medial letters
+2011-09-16 17:56 +0000 [r1727] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: re-did several
+ combining forms (which I think I drew myself) added some
+ diacriticals to main range and finished Presentation Forms-B
+2011-09-16 13:54 +0000 [r1726] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more fussing with marks
+2011-09-16 13:35 +0000 [r1725] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: more fiddling with
+ marks
+2011-09-16 13:23 +0000 [r1724] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: much fussing with mark
+ placement. horizontal spacing of waw
+2011-09-16 12:07 +0000 [r1723] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added mark positioning.
+ will need to re-think some of the marks.
+2011-09-16 10:18 +0000 [r1722] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: Changed some CVS info to
+ SVN info. Still need to test and describe tagging in SVN.
+2011-09-16 09:42 +0000 [r1721] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Replaced list of character sets with
+ character ranges, which makes more sense at this time.
+2011-09-15 23:22 +0000 [r1720] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: big experiment
+ adjusting baselines of many of the deeper characters. from
+ looking at "Arabic Calligraphy, Nash script for beginners". Also
+ shortened reh.
+2011-09-15 21:32 +0000 [r1719] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: a couple more
+ positional forms, a couple of lookups
+2011-09-15 19:22 +0000 [r1718] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic Supplement: populated
+2011-09-15 14:12 +0000 [r1717] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: much concern over
+ proper old Arabic kah U+0643 vs the more modern "Persian" keheh
+ U+06a9. Fiddling with hamzas.
+2011-09-15 11:53 +0000 [r1716] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added a few obsolete or
+ unexplained characters. much adjustment of combining marks and
+ dots for better consistency.
+2011-09-14 23:24 +0000 [r1715] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: much fiddling with
+ medial forms, a bit with lookups (seems ligatures are failing
+ altogether)
+2011-09-14 19:40 +0000 [r1714] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added 2 radical signs
+ Seems the digits in Arabic have been all along the Indo-Persian
+ forms. Now there is a separate range for those. So I movde the
+ old letters, and drew new Arabic versions of those that differed.
+2011-09-14 17:26 +0000 [r1713] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/ranges/OpenType.py: Brought Arabic up
+ to date
+2011-09-14 09:37 +0000 [r1712] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: further clean-up; made
+ swash kaf to connect as initial form
+2011-09-14 08:52 +0000 [r1711] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: further cleanup, added
+ pedagogical symbols (dots, etc)
+2011-09-14 01:04 +0000 [r1710] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added letters for Malay
+ Big clean-up of glyphs. Still to do one section of presentation
+ forms.
+2011-09-13 20:46 +0000 [r1709] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: made letters for
+ Parkari. Added lookups init, fina, medi for letters with forms
+ that vary in the font.
+2011-09-13 19:43 +0000 [r1708] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: made main Arabic area
+ characters and presentation forms for Uighur, Kazakh, Kirghiz,
+ Sindhi, and Lahnda, as well as the kaf swash
+2011-09-13 19:40 +0000 [r1707] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/report/range_report.py: corrected font paths
+2011-09-13 18:10 +0000 [r1706] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added more presentation
+ forms mostly for Urdu and Sindhi
+2011-09-13 13:34 +0000 [r1705] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: made some presentation
+ forms for Urdu
+2011-09-13 11:05 +0000 [r1704] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/utility/hex_range.py: doc
+2011-09-13 09:37 +0000 [r1703] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py (removed),
+ tools/report/range_report.py (added),
+ tools/report/ranges (added),
+ tools/range_report.py (removed),
+ tools/ranges (removed): rearrangement, got rid of
+ duplicate script
+2011-09-13 09:29 +0000 [r1702] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: documented, removed
+ copied text
+2011-09-13 09:20 +0000 [r1701] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/freefont-ttf.spec (removed),
+ tools/utility/freefont-ttf.spec (added):
+ Rearranged, added a little doc
+2011-09-13 09:15 +0000 [r1700] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/OS2UnicodeRange (removed),
+ tools/KerningNumerals.pl (removed),
+ tools/utility/KerningNumerals.pl (added),
+ tools/report/OS2UnicodeRange (added): Rearranged
+ some old utilities. Put in some doc of who wrote what.
+2011-09-12 23:37 +0000 [r1699] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/script-menu (added),
+ tools/hex_range.py (removed),
+ tools/report/private_use.py (added),
+ tools/utility/log2changelog.pl (added),
+ tools/script-menu/nameBySlot.py (added),
+ tools/utility/hex_range.py (added),
+ tools/script-menu/unnameBySlot.py (added),
+ tools/utility/makeBraille.py (added),
+ tools/utility (added),
+ tools/nameBySlot.py (removed): Added some scripts,
+ reorganized
+2011-09-12 22:12 +0000 [r1698] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: Brought a few ranges up
+ to date
+2011-09-12 22:06 +0000 [r1697] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic, etc: Added a lot of
+ letters, mostly following existing patterns. Especially a lot of
+ combinations for Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Kazakh, Kurdish, Kirghiz,
+ Turkic, Uighur Berber, Maghrib Arabic, Tunisian Arabic, Moroccan
+ Arabic, Not all forms are there yet. Very few lookups were
+ added...this has to be done too.
+2011-09-12 15:13 +0000 [r1696] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added some Urdu letters
+ (drawn by myself, with apologies)
+2011-09-12 13:07 +0000 [r1695] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added keheh and
+ presentation forms, added lookup entries for them.
+2011-09-12 12:25 +0000 [r1694] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/test/findBackLayers.py (added),
+ sfd/Makefile,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance (added),
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/CheckConformance.pl,
+ tools/test/validate.py (added),
+ tools/generate/MacTT (added),
+ tools/findBackLayers.py (removed),
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/WGL4.lst,
+ tools/report (added),
+ tools/generate/TrueType (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance (removed),
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd, tools/test
+ (added), tools/ligatureLookups.py (removed),
+ tools/validate.py (removed),
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ tools/hex_range.py,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ tools/generate (added),
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-1.txt,
+ tools/report/ligatureLookups.py (added),
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-2.txt,
+ tools/GenerateTrueType (removed),
+ tools/freefont-ttf.spec,
+ tools/generate/OpenType (added),
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-3B.txt,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ tools/test/isMonoMono.py (added),
+ tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py (removed),
+ tools/ranges/__init__.py,
+ tools/ranges/OpenType.py,
+ tools/GenerateOpenType (removed),
+ tools/KerningNumerals.pl,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-1.lst,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-2.lst,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/mes-list-expand.pl,
+ tools/test/MES-Conformance/MES-3B.lst,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd,
+ tools/GenerateMacTT (removed),
+ tools/test/checkGlyphNumbers.py (added),
+ tools/isMonoMono.py (removed): Rearranged tools/
+ directory. Made paths in sfd/Makefile agree with changes.
+2011-09-12 12:10 +0000 [r1693] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-B: adjusted
+ Hungarian umlauts Dingbats: drew several characters to fill out
+ range for Unicode 6
+2011-09-12 11:40 +0000 [r1692] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Osmanya: corrected Unicode
+ values Letterlike symbols: added one, made some references
+2011-09-02 12:07 +0000 [r1691] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Control Pictures: U+2404 and
+ U+2405 glyphs are reversed. This is due to the icons for them in
+ FontForge being also reversed. in response to
+ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=632746
+2011-09-02 01:15 +0000 [r1690] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: (really Persian) lookup
+ tables added init, medi, fina lookups peh, tcheh, gaf and fina
+ lookup for jeh In response to ubuntu bug report
+ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-freefont/+bug/730770
+ Not sure if this completely resolves the issue.
+2011-08-31 18:16 +0000 [r1689] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Letterlike Symbols: added a
+ few, made better use of small caps for others
+2011-08-31 17:24 +0000 [r1688] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: mostly revised some
+ comments
+2011-08-31 17:19 +0000 [r1687] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Technical:
+ several additions Supplemental Punctuation: several additions
+2011-08-29 23:44 +0000 [r1686] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: typos
+2011-08-27 20:23 +0000 [r1685] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Osmanya: resolves bug #34155:
+ FreeSans: Osmanya digits shifted two code positions
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?34155
+2011-08-27 20:08 +0000 [r1684] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Greek: added lunate letters
+2011-08-24 21:40 +0000 [r1683] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Operators: added a
+ few in sans, named a few in serif
+2011-08-24 11:30 +0000 [r1682] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Phonetic Extensions: more
+2011-08-24 10:11 +0000 [r1681] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Public Use: script-size
+ latin Sup-sub: implemented with script-size letters Phonetic
+ Extensions: filled in many of them
+2011-08-24 01:09 +0000 [r1680] daniel_j:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added U+1400. Fixes bug #34008
+2011-08-17 20:05 +0000 [r1679] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: named a few characters
+2011-08-14 08:55 +0000 [r1677-1678] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: some changes to Latin
+ Extended ranges
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: added point for Bengali
+ gandha mark
+2011-08-13 23:15 +0000 [r1676] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Currency Symbols:
+ added a few more
+2011-08-13 19:53 +0000 [r1675] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Currency Symbols:
+ added several
+2011-08-13 14:10 +0000 [r1674] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Control Pictures: filled out
+ range
+2011-08-12 08:59 +0000 [r1673] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Specials: filled out
+ range
+2011-08-12 08:21 +0000 [r1672] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Cyrillic, Extensions:
+ added a few archaic letters, messed with accents
+2011-08-10 22:13 +0000 [r1671] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Super/Subscripts (mono and
+ serif roman) re-design of super numerals. Phonetic ranges:
+ fiddled a lot with superscript letters. Cyrillic: adjusted some
+ marks especially on antiquated letters.
+2011-08-05 16:52 +0000 [r1670] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Phonetic Extensions: some
+ tweeks to small caps letters Subscripts and superscripts: tweeks
+2011-08-04 21:27 +0000 [r1669] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: superscripts,
+ subscripts, diagonal fractions: all faces Re-thought and
+ regularized positioning, fixed a few bugs. All the "superior"
+ numerals and a few superscript latin letters got positioned so
+ they go over the em height. Latin ordinals are positioned
+ parallel to em height, and now both a and o are underlined in all
+ faces. Diagonal fractions are likewise regularized.
+2011-07-31 13:42 +0000 [r1668] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: General Punctuation: remedy
+ bug #33905: NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE too wide In one face u+202F was
+ zero width, in others much too wide. Also: set both it and
+ thinspace to 1/6 em.
+2011-07-23 21:38 +0000 [r1667] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: further simplification
+ of ccmp tables
+2011-07-23 09:58 +0000 [r1666] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Latin: Better optical
+ centering of j
+2011-07-22 20:25 +0000 [r1665] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Indic ranges, mostly Sinhala:
+ attempts to get it working in Windows. Problem: some of the
+ ligature lookups map to things that by themselves could not
+ render properly. e, o and O vowels around consonents, especially.
+ Seems layout engine in Linux is responsible for making it work in
+ the past... Cleaned up some lookups. In other ranges, added
+ script ranges for MS "new layout engine", e.g. dev2, bng2. Note:
+ Malayalam is mlm2, not mly2 as in Fontforge.
+2011-07-18 20:45 +0000 [r1664] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Greek: filled out range for
+ Unicode 6 special mark lookups for Greek re-named some characters
+2011-07-18 19:02 +0000 [r1663] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Made more to validate
+ Corrected one more wrong unicode in small caps
+2011-07-18 18:11 +0000 [r1662] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Private Use:
+ corrected small caps unicode SansBoldOblique: made to validate
+2011-07-18 17:58 +0000 [r1661] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic Extended: finished
+ 4 new letters (normal face) Combining Diacritical Marks: lots of
+ small tweeks. Latin: fiddled with a few accent marks Private Use:
+ small caps glyphs corrected unicode Added missing single-digit
+ diagonal fractions, with lookups Added lookup to remove longs
+ from end of words. Still isn't right.
+2011-07-16 11:24 +0000 [r1660] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/features.txt (added): Initial document about
+ OpenType features used in FreeFont.
+2011-07-16 11:12 +0000 [r1659] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Non-unicode vulgar fractions
+ (2/7, 5/9, etc) with 'frac' table entries
+2011-07-16 10:28 +0000 [r1658] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added glyph for zeroslash,
+ and lookup 'zero' for it. Mono: added 'frac' lookup.
+2011-07-16 09:45 +0000 [r1657] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Correction to ccmp table
+ for iogonek
+2011-07-16 08:38 +0000 [r1656] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: put a title on it, a little
+ re-wording of new paragraphs
+2011-07-16 08:33 +0000 [r1655] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: Added section on doing
+ tests.
+2011-07-15 12:34 +0000 [r1654] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif: Made the diacritical
+ lookups previously reserved for Latin to be generic, removed
+ special marks lookup for Greek/Coptic, use instead generic one.
+ Added a couple of new letters to Latin Extended-D Bold: Fiddling
+ with diactitics and marks. Something has gone very wrong with the
+ lookups... still not clear what.
+2011-07-13 09:20 +0000 [r1653] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Combining Diacritical
+ Marks: a bugfix and a few positioning tweeks
+2011-07-12 14:24 +0000 [r1652] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: *** empty log message ***
+2011-07-12 14:17 +0000 [r1651] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin: all letters now have
+ 'above' mark.
+2011-07-12 14:04 +0000 [r1650] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Combining diacritical marks:
+ fiddled with positioning
+2011-07-01 10:56 +0000 [r1648-1649] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Hebrew: tweeks to vowel points
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Alphabetic Presentation Forms:
+ widened Hebrew wide letters
+2011-07-01 07:59 +0000 [r1647] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: tweaks to absolute
+ placement of marks
+2011-06-30 22:47 +0000 [r1646] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: small tweeks to
+ cantillation marks, etc
+2011-06-30 11:47 +0000 [r1645] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: lower cantillation
+ marks to left of vowels
+2011-06-27 00:20 +0000 [r1644] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: got rid of spurious
+ tables.
+2011-06-27 00:06 +0000 [r1643] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: got yidddish CCMP with
+ yod and yodyod working in Serif
+2011-06-26 22:32 +0000 [r1642] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Hebrew: issue with Yiddish vs
+ std. Hebrew scripts for MARK lookups. Somehow gets very confused
+ by specific ranges, in different ways on different systems.
+ Disabled distinction between scripts.
+2011-06-26 18:20 +0000 [r1641] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Hebrew: corrected side of above
+ vowel. More vowel marks.
+2011-06-26 17:56 +0000 [r1640] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: corrected placement of
+ top vowel. fiddled with cantellatin marks.
+2011-06-25 17:27 +0000 [r1639] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: further fiddling with
+ points
+2011-06-25 14:49 +0000 [r1638] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: more fiddling with
+ vowel and cantillation points
+2011-06-25 11:12 +0000 [r1637] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: more vowel and
+ cantillation point marks
+2011-06-25 09:01 +0000 [r1636] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: disabled distinction
+ between Yiddish and Std. vowel marks
+2011-06-24 14:57 +0000 [r1635] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Removed angle
+ brackets from licence text, because it caused some trouble for
+ some buggy software, and the offsetting could be done better with
+ a newline.
+2011-06-24 13:17 +0000 [r1634] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Hebrew: worked on MARK
+ tables in Sans and Serif in response to further mails regarding
+ bug 25887. Split one table up so lookups wre properly executed in
+ both Yiddish and regular Hebrew. Some adjustment of letter
+ spacing and punctuation in other faces.
+2011-06-12 07:14 +0000 [r1633] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL, README: Fixed a couple of
+ goofs
+2011-06-11 08:12 +0000 [r1632] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: General update: Esp. concerning OpenType
+ support using FreeType2, and on Win 7 and Mac OS X.
+2011-06-11 08:07 +0000 [r1631] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Removed remarks about how to install
+ (better for INSTALL file) General re-phrasing and tidying.
+2011-06-10 09:34 +0000 [r1630] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: Correct name of X Windows system. Also
+ added Microsoft and Apple to their product names for clarity and
+ consistency.
+2011-06-10 09:31 +0000 [r1629] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Correct name of X Window system. Added web
+ page and contact info. Removed Primoz' e-mail.
+2011-06-08 11:34 +0000 [r1628] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: Removed remark about "cost", slight
+ rewording, pursuant to discussion in bug #33449: INSTALL file not
+ conform to FSF's policy
+2011-05-04 16:13 +0000 [r1627] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: new letters to Cyrillic
+ Supplement
+2011-04-29 10:33 +0000 [r1626] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: a few more small
+ adjustments to accents
+2011-04-29 10:13 +0000 [r1625] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: small adjustments to
+ some accents
+2011-04-29 09:48 +0000 [r1624] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: info about ssh keys on
+ Savannah
+2011-02-03 21:13 +0000 [r1623] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin ^ Extensions:
+ various fiddling with spacing and accents for greater uniformity.
+ Also fixed a couple of errors.
+2011-02-02 21:33 +0000 [r1622] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Remedies bug #32326, about
+ alignment for combining diacritics on dottedcircle Just put main
+ 'mark' anchors on the dottedcircle character.
+2011-01-30 13:28 +0000 [r1621] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin: Much fiddling
+ with accents, also with width of accented i letters
+2011-01-29 18:19 +0000 [r1620] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Accents macron,
+ acute, grave: made more consistent
+2011-01-29 17:37 +0000 [r1619] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Chess pieces: made all same
+ width, and in a square
+2011-01-28 21:05 +0000 [r1618] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Made grave, acute, and macron a
+ little more consistent
+2011-01-26 20:28 +0000 [r1617] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Made a few accents more
+ consistent, re bug #32220
+2011-01-25 22:03 +0000 [r1616] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek: more
+ toward bug #32220
+2011-01-24 22:54 +0000 [r1615] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin, Cyrillic: preferred
+ acute, grave and dieresis to the spacing modifier versions,
+ somewhat in response to bug #32220
+ http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?32220
+2011-01-21 22:12 +0000 [r1614] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Sinhala: various tweeking
+ of auxiliary glyphs to avoid self-intersection
+2011-01-19 00:21 +0000 [r1613] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: as prev.
+2011-01-19 00:14 +0000 [r1612] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Sinhala: trying to make
+ widths like those of normal
+2011-01-18 23:26 +0000 [r1610-1611] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Geometric Shapes: re-did
+ dotted circle, made some triangles bigger. Singhala: slight
+ modification to widths, to make it more like normal.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Geometric Shapes: felt some
+ triangles were over-large. Scaled, and fiddled with their
+ references
+2011-01-18 08:53 +0000 [r1609] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Copyright: corrected
+ on Karl Berry's advice.
+2011-01-18 08:41 +0000 [r1608] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: kerning
+2011-01-16 13:24 +0000 [r1606-1607] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: fixed one
+ self-intersection
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Sinhala: Now ccmp tables
+ are working. Improved many gloppy self-intersections in the main
+ Unicode range, but many remain in the replacement area.
+2011-01-16 11:35 +0000 [r1605] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Copyright notice:
+ included 2011
+2011-01-15 21:35 +0000 [r1604] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Sinhala: mostly emboldened
+ the FreeSerif glphs by 30 en. Many glyphs are pretty gloppy. Also
+ the rak descender isn't connecting properly.
+2011-01-15 17:24 +0000 [r1603] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Mathematical
+ Symbols-A Mathematical Operators: a few more additions
+2011-01-09 15:08 +0000 [r1602] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: corrected/updated a
+ couple of OpenType ranges
+2011-01-09 12:58 +0000 [r1601] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Mathematical Symbols: replaced
+ some outlines with references Miscellaneous Mathematical
+ Symbols-A: added a few
+2011-01-08 23:56 +0000 [r1600] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Mathematical
+ Symbols A & B: more
+2011-01-08 14:24 +0000 [r1599] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Mathematical
+ Symbols-A Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B Supplemental
+ Mathematical Operators: a few more characters
+2011-01-08 13:02 +0000 [r1598] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Math Symbols-A:
+ added a few easy symbols
+2011-01-08 00:21 +0000 [r1597] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Supplemental Mathematical
+ Operators: Miscellaneous Mathematical Operators-B: a few more
+ symbols
+2011-01-06 22:03 +0000 [r1596] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Miscellaneous Mathematical
+ Symbols-B: added some easy ones
+2011-01-03 20:50 +0000 [r1595] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Greek Extended: U+1FC3
+ should not have had a tilde resolves bug #32041: Error in
+ FreeSerifBold.ttf character U+1FC3 (8131)
+2010-10-31 23:35 +0000 [r1594] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added c2sc tables, and smcp
+ tables for Turkish (dotted vs dotted i distinction)
+2010-10-29 06:57 +0000 [r1593] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Currency: Indian Rupee courtesy
+ of Daniel Johnson Named some of the other characters.
+2010-10-19 23:01 +0000 [r1592] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin: a bit
+ o'kerning
+2010-10-19 19:25 +0000 [r1591] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Filled in IBM
+ Classifications
+2010-10-19 07:27 +0000 [r1590] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: roman: Mahjong made dot rounder
+ sans: corrected missing extrema on ssharp
+2010-10-18 19:02 +0000 [r1589] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Combining Diacritical
+ Marks: completed range
+2010-10-17 10:16 +0000 [r1588] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Combining Diacritical Marks:
+ completed range
+2010-10-12 21:50 +0000 [r1587] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Miscellaneous Symbols: drew a
+ few more.
+2010-10-12 18:27 +0000 [r1586] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Miscellaneous Symbols: Corrected
+ comet, drew a snowman. Solves bug #31315
+ (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?31315)
+2010-10-11 22:01 +0000 [r1585] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: mass rename of
+ auxiliary glyphs in Public Use Area
+2010-10-11 21:14 +0000 [r1584] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Adjusted spacing of some
+ conjunct letter parts.
+2010-10-10 23:22 +0000 [r1583] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: Corrected a couple
+ of glyph names.
+2010-10-10 08:58 +0000 [r1582] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Incorporated the Meera_04 font,
+ of the GPL project Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
+ http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/smc/ Copyright (c) 2007,
+ Hussain K H, Suresh P, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing Drew
+ several additions for the modern Unicode standard. Cleaned up
+ many glyphs, and re-named those in the Unicode range.
+ Re-connected the lookups for Chillu letters to point to those in
+ Unicode, and deleted the counterparts in the auxiliary range.
+2010-10-10 08:48 +0000 [r1581] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: Re-named some glyphs
+ so the commonly used ones were shorter. pba_mal renamed to ba_mal
+ chandrakkala renamed to candrakala Cleared NameMe_195551 as it
+ did nothing Raised ascenders on both i_sign_mal and ii_sign_mal,
+ and made the latter go over preceeding letter, based on other
+ fonts and samples.
+2010-10-07 06:21 +0000 [r1580] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Armenian: Changed U+FB13-7
+ to 'dlig' lookup, based on a native speaker telling me this is
+ not normally seen in printed form, and on the last lines of sect
+ 7.7 of the Unicode standard. (sans face too will follow)
+2010-10-06 20:34 +0000 [r1579] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Bengali: cleaned up a few
+ conjunct glyphs
+2010-10-06 18:59 +0000 [r1578] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Phonetic Extensions Supplement:
+ Corrected AD9B, raised all superscripts to capital height.
+ (Thanks to Emmanuel Vallois for noticing!)
+2010-10-06 18:43 +0000 [r1577] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic Extended-B: Corrected
+ Payerok (pajerok) A67D. (Thanks to Emmanuel Valois for pointing
+ it out!)
+2010-10-06 18:28 +0000 [r1576] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: Corrected position of
+ pulli over some letters. (Thanks to Emmanuel Valois for pointing
+ it out!)
+2010-10-05 21:58 +0000 [r1575] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic: added some Pashto
+ letters. Need init, final, medial forms.
+2010-10-05 19:40 +0000 [r1574] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Buginese: On advice of Emmanuel
+ Vallois, corrected iya ligature per
+ http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.2.0/ch11.pd
+2010-10-05 07:34 +0000 [r1573] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Buginese: added iya ligature
+ based on WAZU test page
+ http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Test_Buginese.html
+2010-10-03 16:31 +0000 [r1572] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: old-style numerals and lookup
+2010-10-03 15:47 +0000 [r1571] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: combining diacritical
+ marks: More corrections, making dots on i and j to be replaced by
+ mark.
+2010-10-03 10:19 +0000 [r1570] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: combining diacritical
+ marks: in serif, made more marks to remove dot on i, j. Filled
+ out range in nono-roman faces.
+2010-10-02 22:05 +0000 [r1569] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: small-caps: tweeks
+2010-10-02 21:39 +0000 [r1568] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: ssharp: made thinner,
+ deeper, and renamed
+2010-10-02 20:31 +0000 [r1567] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: small-caps: kerning
+2010-09-30 21:37 +0000 [r1566] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: rounded to int on the
+ Private Use ligatures
+2010-09-30 18:55 +0000 [r1565] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: a touch of kerning
+2010-09-29 22:16 +0000 [r1564] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Braille Patterns: made the dots
+ bigger
+2010-09-29 21:38 +0000 [r1563] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Braille Patterns: Replaced to
+ conform better to the Unicode Standard, sect. 15.10 and the
+ Unicode glyph samples: like it or not, the dots are meant to be
+ hollow and filled, representing 'off' and 'on'. All now reference
+ auxiliary characters, for consistency and flexibility.
+2010-09-28 23:16 +0000 [r1562] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: small caps
+2010-09-28 08:21 +0000 [r1561] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: small caps: Touch-ups
+2010-09-27 20:02 +0000 [r1560] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: small caps
+2010-09-26 16:50 +0000 [r1559] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added PS Private OtherBlues
+2010-09-26 10:55 +0000 [r1558] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: tweeked a couple
+ of stacked accents
+2010-09-26 09:52 +0000 [r1557] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: More revision of
+ spacing and letter forms. Still lots to do.
+2010-09-25 23:13 +0000 [r1556] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning for African
+ characters
+2010-09-25 22:54 +0000 [r1555] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: spacing and glyph form
+ tweeks in Extended-C and IPA for African scripts. Re-worked
+ upsilonlatin in serif roman.
+2010-09-25 18:36 +0000 [r1554] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin Extended-B:
+ re-worked Oi, oi, and yhook; kerning and other tweeks for African
+ scripts.
+2010-09-25 14:04 +0000 [r1553] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: lookups for Latin as
+ in serif, to deal with accented i and the dot.
+2010-09-25 13:39 +0000 [r1552] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: tweeked kerning
+ and spacing, especially of apostrophe and quotes.
+2010-09-25 12:22 +0000 [r1551] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: IPA Extensions: Completed
+ range in bold italic. bold: characters with low right hook, made
+ not so extreme yhook: made narrower by bending right arm in a
+ bit. replacement lookups for i with accents and i-ogonek with
+ accents, so that accents replace the dot rather than floating
+ over it.
+2010-09-23 22:17 +0000 [r1550] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: more fiddling with
+ letter forms and spacing
+2010-09-23 20:24 +0000 [r1549] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: blues values: made descender
+ value a bit wider (also did this in previous commit to bold
+ italic. Latin: more adjustments and corrections of hastily drawn
+ glyphs.
+2010-09-23 19:27 +0000 [r1548] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: Addressed several issues
+ pointed out by Daniel Johnson concerning African and Navaho
+ samples.
+2010-09-23 08:25 +0000 [r1547] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: Re-worked
+ various glyphs for consistency (mostly they appeared to have been
+ skewed versions from bold--or worse). Still more to be done here.
+2010-09-22 22:20 +0000 [r1546] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: some marks for
+ African languages
+2010-09-22 22:04 +0000 [r1545] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: various measures to
+ improve the look of African-language samples. Kerned several
+ letters in IPA Extensions range. Adjusted spacing of several
+ letters. Re-worked Eng a bit, as well as gammalatin. Put some new
+ letters in bold italic.
+2010-09-22 08:42 +0000 [r1544] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin Extended Additional: added
+ four letters small caps: made basic set and smcp lookup table
+2010-09-22 06:09 +0000 [r1543] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: Was putting ttf files into the otf
+ tarball. One character fixes it.
+2010-09-21 19:34 +0000 [r1541-1542] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-C: three new
+ letters; two are additions for Shona
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: three new letters in
+ Latin Extended-C range
+2010-09-21 19:16 +0000 [r1540] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: small caps: forms for
+ Vietnamese lookup tables for accessing alternate forms in Greek
+ and in Latin
+2010-09-21 08:29 +0000 [r1539] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: small caps: tweeked spacing
+2010-09-20 22:45 +0000 [r1538] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Small caps replacements for
+ Latin, with the smcp table to do it. (Haven't seen this actually
+ function yet... )
+2010-09-19 13:22 +0000 [r1536] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed validation problem.
+2010-09-19 13:15 +0000 [r1535] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: today's commits
+2010-09-19 12:40 +0000 [r1534] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: Fixed one lookup table
+ mistake, and a couple of glpyh omissions, that Harshula pointed
+ out.
+2010-09-19 11:48 +0000 [r1533] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Sans: Applied Daniel
+ Johnsons improvement to capital Eng to Sans, as described in
+ previous commits.
+2010-09-19 10:32 +0000 [r1532] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Coptic: added alphabet to
+ bold. Accent marks not working -- a mystery. Some tweeks in
+ medium face as well. glyph cleanup -- points too close, some
+ glyphs outside bounding boxes.
+2010-09-18 08:50 +0000 [r1531] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ligatureLookups.py: mostly code style
+ improvements
+2010-09-18 07:54 +0000 [r1529-1530] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ligatureLookups.py: mostly code tidying
+ * ChangeLog: added latest changes, and also changes
+ to the tools/ directory since 2008
+2010-09-17 18:38 +0000 [r1528] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: tightened up left side
+ of na and derivatives.
+2010-09-17 08:27 +0000 [r1527] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: tighened up left sides
+ of u, lla, na, dha, ndha, nya, jnya
+2010-09-17 08:09 +0000 [r1526] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: tightened up some of
+ the vowel conjuncts, and left side of nna.
+2010-09-16 20:05 +0000 [r1525] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: fiddled about with
+ letter forms, striving for a kind of consistency. Sinhala:
+ Harshula noticed four incorrect combined forms. Fixed these.
+2010-09-16 08:09 +0000 [r1524] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Latin Extended-A:
+ Applied Daniel Johnson's patch that made two versions of capital
+ Eng. His explanation: ' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8A The
+ form of capital Eng currently in all three FreeFont faces is that
+ used by the Sami people, resembling a capital N with a hooked
+ right descender. However, the form preferred for African and
+ Amerindian languages resembles a tall lowercase n with a hook
+ that almost meets the left vertical. (See wikipedia link above
+ for a visual.) Recommend moving the existing Sami-style Eng to a
+ PUA or non-Unicode slot, creating African-style Eng at U+014A,
+ and adding a LOCL table with substitution rules for Inari Sami
+ (ISM), Lule Sami (LSM), Northern Sami (NSM) and Skolt Sami (SKS).
+ ' Latin Extended-B: Also in his patch: added U+0220 (Latin
+ Capital Letter N with long leg)
+2010-09-15 17:02 +0000 [r1523] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin for Sami: Daniel
+ Johnson's patch added alternative form of Eng for African
+ languages and a 'local' table for the Sami form.
+2010-09-15 16:23 +0000 [r1522] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: Updated upload and release
+ procedures.
+2010-09-15 08:05 +0000 [r1521] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: regularized kundaliya
+ a bit.
+2010-09-15 07:24 +0000 [r1520] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Put stray lookup into its proper
+ subtable.
+2010-09-14 23:24 +0000 [r1519] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: re-named a few more
+ ligature glyphs, for consistency
+2010-09-14 22:50 +0000 [r1518] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gurmukhi: improved some names of
+ ligature glyphs, and found one apparently doubled table entry
+ (kagurmukhi_nuktagurmukhi.nukt now gur_ka.nukt)
+2010-09-14 22:17 +0000 [r1517] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/GenerateTrueType: prev. commit had one space
+ too many
+2010-09-14 22:08 +0000 [r1516] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Various measures to fix
+ problems FontForge Find Problems reports under ATT, including a
+ mass glyph rename of Sinhala ligatures.
+2010-09-14 13:02 +0000 [r1514-1515] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py,
+ tools/hex_range.py,
+ tools/findBackLayers.py,
+ tools/ranges/OpenType.py,
+ tools/GenerateTrueType,
+ tools/GenerateOpenType,
+ tools/range_report.py,
+ tools/ligatureLookups.py,
+ tools/validate.py,
+ tools/GenerateMacTT,
+ tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py,
+ tools/isMonoMono.py,
+ tools/nameBySlot.py: Added license and other tags
+ to python files.
+ * Makefile: target for tarball for OpenType
+2010-09-13 19:21 +0000 [r1513] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Cyrillic: A few more old
+ letters.
+2010-09-13 08:25 +0000 [r1512] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: updated some Web links.
+2010-09-12 22:57 +0000 [r1511] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Supplemental
+ Punctuation: One character for consistency with other faces.
+2010-09-12 21:18 +0000 [r1510] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd:
+ Control Pictures: Added because it was easy.
+2010-09-12 20:49 +0000 [r1509] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Alphabetic
+ Presentation Forms: filled out range in sans faces.
+2010-09-12 19:55 +0000 [r1508] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Cleared hints.
+2010-09-12 19:43 +0000 [r1507] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Dozens of measures to
+ pass general validation tests, including . cleanup of many glyphs
+ for extrema and self-intersection problmes . re-naming glyphs
+ whose PS names are too long. . removing blank glyphs . giving
+ Unicode points to glyphs missing them. There are still a few
+ lookup table issues in FreeSerif and FreeSans though.
+2010-09-12 18:42 +0000 [r1505-1506] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/nameBySlot.py: Corrected output for high
+ Unicode.
+ * tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py: Made aware of special
+ TrueType slots.
+2010-09-12 16:50 +0000 [r1504] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Re-named some of the Sinhala
+ lookups in somewhat better way. Control Pictures: added a bunch
+ (but... is it worth it?)
+2010-09-12 15:01 +0000 [r1503] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/range_report.py: Added a Private Use total
+ and better explanation of totals generally. Some code clean-up.
+2010-09-11 13:24 +0000 [r1500-1502] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: The sfd changes since the last release
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added some recent
+ contributors
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: made not to complain
+ about extra TrueType characters.
+2010-09-11 09:52 +0000 [r1499] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: Widened bowl of Khei.
+2010-09-11 09:48 +0000 [r1498] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: deepened descenders of
+ small letters to same depth as in Latin Expanded bowl of Fei and
+ fei to resemble other samples.
+2010-09-10 21:38 +0000 [r1497] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: mostly positioning of
+ marks for old Cyrillic alphabets
+2010-09-10 08:05 +0000 [r1496] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: Replaced acoptic with
+ something more dramatic, fiddled with kerning, tidied some other
+ letters
+2010-09-08 22:50 +0000 [r1495] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: mention of recent
+ additions
+2010-09-08 22:18 +0000 [r1494] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Block Elements: replaced
+ long-missing shade blocks
+2010-09-08 22:12 +0000 [r1493] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Block Elements: replaced
+ long-missing shade blocks
+2010-09-08 08:18 +0000 [r1492] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/range_report.py: More explanation in output.
+2010-09-08 07:41 +0000 [r1491] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py,
+ tools/range_report.py: another consistency check
+ added UCAS Extended range
+2010-09-07 18:30 +0000 [r1490] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Buginese: lookup tables and
+ glyphs to re-order vowels, courtesy of Mohammad Anwari.
+2010-09-07 17:39 +0000 [r1489] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Osmanya: courtesy of Daniel
+ Johnson. Note this script is slanted in every sample I've seen.
+ That is justification enough that the glyphs in this range look
+ slated, although the face isn't oblique.
+2010-09-07 17:19 +0000 [r1488] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: UCAS Extended: by Daniel Johnson
+2010-09-07 16:43 +0000 [r1487] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: complete replacement
+ of range with glyphs extracted more directly from Yannis
+ Haralambous' sinha TeX font (last version was also derived from
+ this font, but had undergone detrimental processing). Implements
+ "rak" glyphs using three GSUB lookup steps.
+2010-09-04 23:52 +0000 [r1486] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fix for FontForge warning (v
+ 20090923) "On Windows many apps will have problems with this
+ font's kerning, because because 58 of its glyph kern pairs cannot
+ be mapped to unicode-BMP kern pairs" This was due to kern tables
+ for the Musical Symbols range, which isn't in the Unicode Basic
+ Multilingual Plane. Removed this lookup. Might consider another
+ way to position these symbols.
+2010-08-29 22:59 +0000 [r1485] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: patch by Harshula
+ Jayasuriya to correct the writing system direction in some
+ lookups.
+2010-08-29 22:52 +0000 [r1484] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Currency Symbols: additions
+ and tweeking
+2010-08-24 19:15 +0000 [r1483] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: added one ligature
+ glyph, from Harshula Jayasuriya
+2010-08-20 20:19 +0000 [r1482] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Resolves class of validation
+ problems in Sinhala: Bad Glyph Name. This is a FontForge bug,
+ that appears when certain types of problems occur in the glyph
+ contours. Probably an arithmetic error causes some corruption.
+2010-08-20 18:17 +0000 [r1481] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: corrected missing extrema in
+ recent Latin Extended-D range
+2010-08-20 17:56 +0000 [r1480] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: re-did previous patch
+ using a more recent one. Un-did some other glyph changes that
+ didn't help much anyway.
+2010-08-20 11:05 +0000 [r1479] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Named letters in several
+ ranges... should write a script for this...
+2010-08-20 09:52 +0000 [r1478] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added full GNU
+ copyright announcement to TT Names. Updated Copyright date.
+2010-08-20 09:16 +0000 [r1477] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: Applied a patch from
+ Harshula Jayasuriya, improving glyph names. I tried to tidy up
+ some of the glyphs, but it's a big job... Latin Extended B: fixed
+ one case of missing extrema
+2010-08-18 09:48 +0000 [r1476] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-D: yet a few
+ more easily made letters
+2010-08-18 09:32 +0000 [r1475] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-D: made a few
+ more letters
+2010-08-09 06:34 +0000 [r1474] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Supplemental Arrows-A:
+ completed
+2010-08-09 05:50 +0000 [r1473] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arrows: completed
+2010-08-08 22:38 +0000 [r1472] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added more Arrows
+2010-08-04 17:43 +0000 [r1471] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Combining Diacritics:
+ some additions in BoldOblique, corrections in other faces.
+ Several improvements to Greek letter forms in BoldOblique
+2010-08-03 21:59 +0000 [r1470] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Arrows, a few math
+ operators, and one more combining diacritical
+2010-08-03 16:03 +0000 [r1469] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added some combining
+ diacriticals to bold, touched up some spacing modifiers. Minor
+ corrections to roman.
+2010-08-03 15:06 +0000 [r1468] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Marks, spacing
+ modifier letters: corrected placement of marks, added some
+ spacing modifier letters and combining marks.
+2010-08-03 12:53 +0000 [r1467] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Better Vietnamese
+ support, using 'ccmp' and 'mark' lookup tables. MonoBoldOblique:
+ added Extended Latin ranges
+2010-08-03 09:12 +0000 [r1466] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Vietnamese: Much adjustment
+ of horn letters, also general adjustemen of marks
+2010-08-02 21:49 +0000 [r1465] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Vietnamese: inadvertently broke
+ the main face. This fixes it.
+2010-08-02 18:25 +0000 [r1464] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Vietamese: In roman and
+ sans, lookups are basically functional now. Used 'ccmp' Ligature
+ Substitution to form stacked marks (inasmuch as glyphs for the
+ stacked Unicode codepoints are available) Adjusted positioning of
+ some marks. Named many letters and combining marks. roman italic.
+ Re-designed horn of O and U. Other roman faces could also benefit
+ from a horn job.
+2010-08-02 09:43 +0000 [r1462-1463] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: Correction regarding NKo
+ range.
+ * tools/range_report.py: made not to complain about
+ special TrueType slots 0x00, 0x01, 0x0D
+2010-08-02 08:38 +0000 [r1461] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: roman: correction to one math
+ operator mono: Mathematical Operators complete (up to some
+ pre-5.2 Unicode version)
+2010-08-01 22:01 +0000 [r1460] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Mathematical Symbols: range
+ nearly finished
+2010-08-01 17:17 +0000 [r1459] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: roman: corrected direction of 2
+ math operators mono: added several math operators
+2010-08-01 14:04 +0000 [r1458] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: more improvements to marks for
+ Vietnamese
+2010-08-01 13:25 +0000 [r1457] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Worked on mark positioning for
+ Vietnamese, Cyrillic
+2010-07-30 11:59 +0000 [r1456] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Reduced height of two-part
+ Summation symbols https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?23064
+2010-07-30 10:53 +0000 [r1455] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some Miscellaneous
+ Technical Symbols
+2010-07-30 09:24 +0000 [r1454] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Corrected U+2626 Orthodox Cross
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?27579#discussion
+2010-07-29 19:29 +0000 [r1453] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Put in some scan lines
+ 23BA-23BD, based on 2500, as discussed in
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?23064 I still have no idea what
+ the application for these glyphs would be...
+2010-07-17 20:07 +0000 [r1452] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: added mark anchors for acute,
+ grave in cyrillic (other faces already had them)
+2010-07-13 12:30 +0000 [r1451] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Made germandbls (ess-zet) a bit
+ wider, moved a bit to left
+2010-07-10 20:42 +0000 [r1450] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Resolves bug 30344: "Greek
+ Final Sigma could be shortened"
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?30344 Problem only
+ affected roman, but touched up other faces anyway.
+2010-05-30 16:20 +0000 [r1449] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin-extended-B: fiddled
+ with some of the horizontal strokes
+2010-05-29 16:22 +0000 [r1448] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: accents on ogonek
+ letters (for Navaho) a little adjustment of apostrophe (Navaho,
+ Hawaiian)
+2010-05-29 15:05 +0000 [r1447] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin mark problems * low
+ dots in bold uneven * ring in bold smaller than in roman, and not
+ heavier * apostrophe in italic too far to right (Navaho,
+ Hawaiian)
+2010-05-29 09:19 +0000 [r1446] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: fixed problems with
+ various marks: ogonek, hook, comma below, some kerning, esp. of
+ non-ascii characters
+2010-05-29 07:39 +0000 [r1445] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Sans: made dot accents same
+ height as i-dot, kerned y with comma Both: made low comma accent
+ lower, smaller (esp. for Romanian)
+2010-05-27 19:13 +0000 [r1444] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin: make caron of more
+ uniform height
+2010-05-27 18:58 +0000 [r1443] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Latin: made ring accent
+ heavier, esp. for Swedish
+2010-05-27 18:41 +0000 [r1442] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Latin: i was somehow displaced,
+ dotlessi was much too wide for Turkish
+2010-05-10 20:17 +0000 [r1441] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: kerning tweeks
+2010-05-09 18:54 +0000 [r1440] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: As discussed in
+ freefont-bugs mailing list, Thu, May 6, 2010 "FreeMono affected
+ by OS X 10.6 nested character references bug" reduced reference
+ nesting in multiple quote characters, as a courtesy to Mac OS
+ 10.6 users, who suffer from a bug.
+2010-05-03 22:52 +0000 [r1439] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: kerning tweeks
+2010-05-03 20:51 +0000 [r1438] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: spacing of round
+ small letters, kerning tweeks, fiddled with ligatures
+2010-04-17 19:38 +0000 [r1437] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Daniel Johnson improved
+ Cherokee Da
+2010-04-10 12:03 +0000 [r1436] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Emboldened underscore
+ and related glyphs. Resolves issue 22999
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22999 Low line (005F) in
+ bold fonts do not have heavier weight
+2010-04-09 18:55 +0000 [r1435] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif: Added Thai TTF names
+2010-04-08 20:44 +0000 [r1434] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Corrected some
+ language names A bit o kerning
+2010-04-08 20:20 +0000 [r1433] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed problem with name.
+ This should be the same as before the revision except for the
+ fix. The KDE font installer was saying this face was incorrectly
+ named Free Serif Bold Italic, but this wasn't quite correct. One
+ of the other language names said it was named Free Serif Halvfett
+ Kursiv, which conflicted with that language name for the real
+ Free Serif Bold Italic.
+2010-04-08 17:26 +0000 [r1432] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: regression: for some
+ unknown reason, previous release gets built so that my system
+ thinks it is Free Serif Bold Italic. This is a mystery. There is
+ nothing about Italic in the file.
+2010-04-06 19:33 +0000 [r1431] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile: Made graceful in absence of
+ Fontforge
+2010-03-29 20:47 +0000 [r1430] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Adjusted some accent marks,
+ named a few characters
+2010-03-25 21:05 +0000 [r1429] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added Ukrainian TTF
+ names
+2010-03-24 23:40 +0000 [r1428] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added bahasa
+ indonesian TTF names
+2010-03-21 12:27 +0000 [r1427] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added several TTF
+ Names. (Need to check with native speakers.)
+2010-03-20 11:39 +0000 [r1426] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fill out TTF Names tables
+ regarding font names
+2010-03-19 08:37 +0000 [r1425] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Removed TTF Names for
+ 'sample text' and all 'license URL' except English, 1) in
+ response to FontForge complain that large names tables conflict
+ with recent Windows patches 2) because they are redundant and
+ inappropriate (Hope to post the list of sample texts elsewhere,
+ because I like the idea.)
+2010-03-02 08:13 +0000 [r1424] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Latin standard
+ ligatures: in non-bold, promoted dlig to liga. Put standard Dutch
+ IJ in all; Adjusted spacing a bit
+2010-02-28 13:04 +0000 [r1423] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: further revision
+ of spacing, in direction of loosening. bold ze was strangely
+ thin; made bolder.
+2010-02-27 11:45 +0000 [r1422] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: reviewed spacing of
+ whole range, generally loosened slightly tidied a couple of ugly
+ glyphs
+2010-02-09 19:34 +0000 [r1421] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: tweeks to kerning in
+ Latin
+2010-02-09 18:40 +0000 [r1420] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Tweeks to kerning in Latin
+2010-01-28 08:20 +0000 [r1419] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/isMonoMono.py: Implement FontForge handling
+ of magic characters .notdef, .null, nonmarkingreturn at 0x0000
+ 0x0001 0x000D
+2010-01-27 22:48 +0000 [r1418] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Improved magic
+ characters for FreeMono, inserted them for other faces
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?28742
+2010-01-27 21:24 +0000 [r1417] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added at 0x0000
+ 0x0001 0x000D characters .notdef .null nonmarkingreturn These are
+ NOT UNICODE they are to satisfy an essentially undocumented
+ "feature" of FontForge, ( in source tottf.c, AssignNotdefNull() )
+ And a funny strong suggestion of TrueType fonts, that they begin
+ with three special characters (evidently different from encoding
+ slots) http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/recom.htm
+ FontForge looks for these glyphs in certain places and copies
+ them. Otherwise, apparently, it will find a glyph elsewhere
+ (unclear how) and copy it there, possibly resulting in something
+ quite wrong (such as a non-monospace font). The three are copied
+ to the end of TTF fonts (only one to the end of OTF fonts)
+2009-12-30 23:25 +0000 [r1416] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Tamil: deletd Unicode range due
+ to absence of necessary ligatures
+2009-12-30 23:01 +0000 [r1415] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic tweek to spacing
+2009-12-29 21:01 +0000 [r1414] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Gurmukhi: added 2 characters
+ to complete range
+2009-12-29 20:40 +0000 [r1413] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: filled out sans,
+ some corrections in serif
+2009-12-29 01:42 +0000 [r1412] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: Drew and
+ constructed glyphs to complete range.
+2009-12-28 19:00 +0000 [r1411] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: added credits for
+ recent additions
+2009-12-28 18:36 +0000 [r1410] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: Added/corrected some
+ ranges
+2009-12-27 16:25 +0000 [r1405-1409] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/MES-Conformance/WGL4.lst (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-1.txt (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-2.txt (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/CheckConformance.pl (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-1.lst (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-2.lst (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-3B.txt (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/mes-list-expand.pl (added),
+ tools/MES-Conformance/MES-3B.lst (added): Moved
+ Primoz' conformance tools (dated 2002) to a more comfortalbe
+ directory.
+ * tools/MES-3B.lst (removed),
+ tools/GenerateTrueType,
+ tools/WGL4.lst (removed),
+ tools/MES-1.txt (removed),
+ tools/MES-2.txt (removed),
+ tools/CheckConformance.pl (removed),
+ tools/MES-1.lst (removed),
+ tools/MES-2.lst (removed),
+ tools/MES-3B.txt (removed),
+ tools/mes-list-expand.pl (removed): disabled build
+ of Mac TT
+ * tools/ligatureLookups.py: better sanity check
+ * tools/range_report.py: more generic title
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: correction to Tamil
+2009-12-27 13:56 +0000 [r1404] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Resolves bug #23049
+ Replacement character (U+FFFD) not properly styled
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?23049
+2009-12-27 01:47 +0000 [r1403] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Devanagari: added letters,
+ completing Unicode range
+2009-12-27 01:06 +0000 [r1402] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: added 2 monster glyphs,
+ completing range (0bc1-2 still questionable)
+2009-12-26 18:14 +0000 [r1401] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: a few more symbols. Only
+ a couple of monster signs still missing, and a couple of marks
+ seem just wrong...
+2009-12-26 17:03 +0000 [r1400] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tamil: added digits
+2009-12-26 15:40 +0000 [r1399] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Tamil: completed digits, added
+ some other chars
+2009-12-26 14:12 +0000 [r1398] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Malayalam: completed Unicode
+ range, also moving some Chillu letters from Private Use area to
+ Unicode, and re-establishing ligatures
+2009-12-26 00:38 +0000 [r1397] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Indic ranges: named lots of
+ characters Tamil: corrected and added a few letters
+2009-12-24 23:56 +0000 [r1396] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Indic ranges, esp. Devanagari:
+ added several new Unicode (not yet complete) tidied letters
+ Bengali: tidying, made some refs
+2009-12-24 18:29 +0000 [r1395] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Indic ranges: named most of the
+ Unicode characters Tried to improve a few bad names for ligatures
+ in Private Use Area Made a few references: not clearly an
+ improvement. This stuff is still a mess...
+2009-12-24 15:19 +0000 [r1394] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari: added an obviously
+ missing nukta ligature
+2009-12-24 14:36 +0000 [r1393] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Gujarati: added some subvocalic
+ letters for Sanskrit. Quality is low.
+2009-12-24 13:26 +0000 [r1392] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Filled out Geometric Shapes.
+2009-12-24 10:23 +0000 [r1391] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ligatureLookups.py: fixed syntax error
+2009-12-23 23:06 +0000 [r1390] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/LigatureList.pl (removed): no longer
+ relevant.
+2009-12-23 22:58 +0000 [r1389] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ligatureLookups.py (added): Replacement for
+ the LigatureList.pl script, which relied on an external utility
+ to produce a list of replacement lookups.
+2009-12-22 23:56 +0000 [r1388] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: removed links to
+ disappeared web pages
+2009-12-22 23:45 +0000 [r1387] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: cosmetic re-name and
+ re-order of lookups
+2009-12-22 22:51 +0000 [r1386] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Diagonal Fractions lookup
+ didn't make much sense in mono anyway, much less in just one
+ style.
+2009-12-20 13:33 +0000 [r1385] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: split Diagonal Fractions lookup
+ into two tables
+2009-12-19 23:20 +0000 [r1382-1384] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/range_report.py: corrected script name
+ * tools/ranges/OpenType.py: numerous changes, some
+ reflecting changes to Unicode standard
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: General Punctuation:
+ Got rid of deprecated subrange 0x206A-0x206F
+2009-12-19 23:13 +0000 [r1381] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: re-encoded some characters
+ adjusted some marks corrected two wrongly-placed glyphs in
+ Phonetic Extensions Supplement
+2009-12-14 08:22 +0000 [r1380] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Unicode 5.2
+ corrections of Abkhasian letters from Daniel Johnson. Got rid of
+ some old glyph names.
+2009-12-06 15:07 +0000 [r1379] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Cherokee: fixed previous
+ commit of a partial, and old range in medium weight
+2009-12-06 14:57 +0000 [r1378] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Cherokee, courtesy of
+ Daniel Johnson.
+2009-11-20 13:28 +0000 [r1377] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: New glyphs for Unified Canadian
+ Aboriginal Syllabics as defined in Unicode 5.2 by Daniel Johnson
+2009-11-14 22:47 +0000 [r1376] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Resolves bug #27842: FreeSerif
+ U+1F016 (Mahjong Tile Seven of Bamboos) Wrong
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?27842 has one extra bamboo in it
+ for a total of eight. The bamboo on the top left needs to be
+ removed
+2009-11-14 22:31 +0000 [r1375] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Resolves bug #27579: Orthodox
+ cross has wrong glyph http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?27579 U+2626
+ Orthodox Cross should slope downwards from left to right.
+2009-11-13 02:33 +0000 [r1374] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: corrections to
+ Abkhazian letters by Daniel Johnson
+2009-11-05 15:33 +0000 [r1373] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: corrections to
+ Abkhazian letters by Daniel Johnson
+2009-10-16 21:12 +0000 [r1372] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: tweeks to brev,
+ based on Unicode 5.2 samples
+2009-10-08 07:38 +0000 [r1371] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Currency Symbols: tidied
+2009-10-07 23:48 +0000 [r1370] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Number Forms: three new vulgar
+ fractions
+2009-10-07 23:32 +0000 [r1369] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Currency Symbols: added "Tenga"
+ of Kazakhstan
+2009-10-07 23:19 +0000 [r1368] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended: corrected a
+ couple of wrong bearings some fiddling with Vienamese letters
+ with hook
+2009-09-30 23:31 +0000 [r1367] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: added missing accent
+2009-09-17 21:20 +0000 [r1366] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin kerning: gave qj positive
+ kerning (it must happen sometimes)
+2009-09-17 21:09 +0000 [r1365] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin kerning: differentiated
+ grave and dieresis vowels in some combos. (also, adieresis hadn't
+ been kerned at all...)
+2009-09-17 20:12 +0000 [r1364] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS: Credited Yannis & Wellcome Institute for
+ Sinhala glyphs
+2009-09-17 20:07 +0000 [r1363] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: made ref of one sinhals letter
+2009-09-15 10:30 +0000 [r1362] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: Credit Wellcome Library for Sinhala, and
+ the Sinhala LKLUG font
+2009-07-30 14:03 +0000 [r1361] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2009-07-26 10:41 +0000 [r1360] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: kerning
+2009-07-26 07:54 +0000 [r1359] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: added some space in
+ diaeresis did some kerning
+2009-07-26 07:42 +0000 [r1358] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: revert serious mistake with
+ previous commit: had somehow set splies quadratic. Here, the
+ GaspTable from that commit is preserved, However there were
+ evidently numerous other changes that weren't documented, and
+ these are lost.
+2009-07-12 16:21 +0000 [r1357] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added GASP tables for
+ control of hinting/smoothing (anti-alising) of TrueType. Now the
+ values are better suited to the EM size of the fonts. Further
+ adjustment (based say on stem width) might still be profitable.
+2009-07-11 23:32 +0000 [r1356] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: More tweeks on
+ accents, especially Maltese letters.
+2009-07-11 19:53 +0000 [r1355] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Maltese Hbar, hbar,
+ Improved, made more consistent.
+2009-07-11 17:08 +0000 [r1354] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Latin: various
+ corrections and tweeks for consistency in accented letters.
+2009-07-11 08:23 +0000 [r1353] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: more space to accent on
+ lcaron tightened DZ etc ligatures in SerifItalic faces made
+ references etc in Spacing Modifiers and Combining further kerning
+2009-07-10 22:21 +0000 [r1352] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning Sans: decided dots
+ and some other marks needed more room.
+2009-07-10 19:09 +0000 [r1351] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: IPA. Phonetics: tweeks
+2009-07-10 08:02 +0000 [r1349-1350] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tweeked some math symbols
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Letterlike: additions
+2009-07-10 07:21 +0000 [r1348] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: IPA
+2009-07-09 22:53 +0000 [r1347] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Another IPA symbol
+2009-07-09 22:32 +0000 [r1346] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: IPA and Spacing
+ Modifier Letters: added a few
+2009-07-08 22:38 +0000 [r1345] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: various horizontal
+ spacing and positioning issues Replaced Tz and tz ligatures with
+ the originals of Danial Johnson. (range is "Mayanist" and despite
+ Unicode samples, current usage uses normal z in glyph) Put
+ stylized Tz tz in a discretionary ligature lookup.
+2009-07-08 18:39 +0000 [r1344] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Cyrillic yi_yi
+ Ukrainian ligature Latin various pointwise cleanup, made some
+ references, horizontal adjustments
+2009-07-08 00:16 +0000 [r1343] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: Special ligature
+ for Ukrainian yi_yi, also some kerning
+2009-07-07 08:09 +0000 [r1342] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: kerning; made accents on
+ i tighter to avoid collisions
+2009-07-05 13:08 +0000 [r1341] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made lookup tables
+ for Dutch IJ
+2009-07-05 13:01 +0000 [r1340] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Re-did Dutch digraph
+ IJ in bold faces as "broken-U", because I thought it was cool and
+ nobody was there to stop me.
+2009-07-05 12:35 +0000 [r1339] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Corrected ligatures Tz tz; put
+ them in special lookup Latin Extended Additional: added
+ medevalist letters, completing range
+2009-07-05 11:07 +0000 [r1338] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cyrillic: added yi_yi
+ ligature for Ukrainian in roman. Not sure if it's right. Latin:
+ kerning. Added longs_t ligature, and historic ligature tables
+ IPA: in bolditalic, added a letter or two
+2009-07-04 23:22 +0000 [r1337] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Kerning for hbar
+2009-07-04 23:10 +0000 [r1336] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Kerning for Western Slavic
+ languages Added a couple of IPA to BI
+2009-07-04 13:29 +0000 [r1335] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: combined letters ae,
+ oe, ij had incorrect horizontal spacing
+2009-07-04 13:14 +0000 [r1334] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: combined letters ae, oe, ij
+ had wrong horizontal spacing.
+2009-07-04 12:27 +0000 [r1333] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Combining Diacritical Marks
+ for Symbols: additions and fiddling. Also related circles,
+ arrows.
+2009-07-04 09:22 +0000 [r1332] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Letterlike Symbols:
+ various additions and adjustments Number Forms: Completed range
+ in serif roman. Adjusted spacing of Latin numerals in serif
+ faces. Diacritics for Symbols: various additions Geometric
+ shapes: thought it best for circle to be round even in oblique
+ faces. It's a choice of course. Added to several faces. Made all
+ to pass tests (except sinhals)
+2009-07-02 20:37 +0000 [r1331] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Letterlike Symbols: more
+ additions, adjustments Also fiddled with some math symbols in
+ Sans faces
+2009-07-02 09:14 +0000 [r1330] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Letterlike Symbols;
+ additions and adjustments Note: Pango is rendering very
+ strangely: many glyphs in the font are being stolen from some
+ other fonts instead: All the script an blackletter, and some
+ others as well. Is there a cache in the system somewhere? Or
+ what?
+2009-06-28 19:48 +0000 [r1329] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Modified glyph. From patch by
+ Pavel Skrylev.
+2009-06-28 19:11 +0000 [r1328] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Superscritps and
+ Subscripts: made glyphs to complete range in all faces
+2009-06-28 17:43 +0000 [r1327] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Added some combining
+ marks for symbols and Blackboard Bold letters to letterlike
+ symbols
+2009-06-28 08:59 +0000 [r1326] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Various adjustments
+ regarding superscript and subscript characters in several ranges.
+2009-06-27 15:45 +0000 [r1325] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: More fiddling with
+ super/subscripts Tidied points in Serif to make fontforge "wrong
+ direction" complaint in scaled reference go away. Made some other
+ references in basic latin ranges.
+2009-06-27 14:54 +0000 [r1324] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Superscripts and subscripts (in
+ various ranges): tried to systematize sizing and vertical
+ placement. Note: most letters are still simply scaled. This is
+ practical maintenance-wise, but isn't typographically optimal.
+2009-06-27 09:04 +0000 [r1323] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic Extended A: altered
+ mark positions
+2009-06-26 23:31 +0000 [r1322] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Phonetic Extensions:
+ various corrections and fiddling Changed Blues values in
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic
+2009-06-25 19:27 +0000 [r1321] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Combining Diacritical
+ Marks for Symbols: added to bold oblique added placement mark to
+ many
+2009-06-25 07:37 +0000 [r1320] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Deleted TrueType
+ tables 'cvt', 'fpgm', 'prep' because of FontForge complaints.
+2009-06-25 07:24 +0000 [r1319] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: IPA Extensions:
+ completed in bold and boldoblique, completing range for face. All
+ faces: deleted 'cvt', 'prep', 'fpgm' TrueType tables, because
+ FontForge was complaining about them (legacy hinting that could
+ interfere, possibly lower quality code, etc)
+2009-06-24 23:22 +0000 [r1318] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: IPA Extensions: made
+ several characters
+2009-06-24 22:25 +0000 [r1317] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: IPA Extensions: completed
+ range in bold
+2009-06-23 21:48 +0000 [r1316] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Spacing Modifiers: added a
+ couple Combining Diacriticals: brought range to par with FreeSans
+2009-06-23 21:11 +0000 [r1315] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Same correction as
+ for FreeSerif
+2009-06-23 20:58 +0000 [r1314] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Corrected descender of 027f
+2009-06-23 20:45 +0000 [r1313] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: IPA and related: made lots
+ of additional glyphs
+2009-06-22 08:43 +0000 [r1312] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: further clean-up
+2009-06-21 10:53 +0000 [r1311] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: General pointwise clean-up of
+ Latin and Latin Extended. No visible changes were intended
+ besides changed policy on horizontal placement of some horned
+ letters
+2009-06-21 09:21 +0000 [r1310] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-C: constructed
+ glyphs to complete range. Latin Extended-D: constructed a bunch
+ of glyphs; some related changes elsewhere.
+2009-06-20 17:43 +0000 [r1309] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin Extended-C: added most of
+ range
+2009-06-20 12:51 +0000 [r1308] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Modifier Tone Letters: added
+ glyphs to complete range. This should also complete all the
+ IPA/Phonetic extenseions ranges.
+2009-06-20 11:25 +0000 [r1307] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Phonetic Extensions Supplement:
+ added letters completing range Note the superscript ones are
+ simply scaled, so stem width is not quite right...
+2009-06-19 08:19 +0000 [r1306] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Phonetic Extensions: made
+ letters to complete range
+2009-06-18 06:40 +0000 [r1305] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: IPA Extensions: clean-up, fix
+ some horizontal spacing issues
+2009-06-18 06:16 +0000 [r1304] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Some glyph problems
+ clean-up, made to pass validate (BlueValues)
+2009-06-17 21:13 +0000 [r1303] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: IPA Extensions:
+ Improved spacing and horizontal positioning
+2009-06-17 08:42 +0000 [r1302] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Georgian: added
+ missing letter
+2009-06-17 08:22 +0000 [r1301] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: IPA: made curls on
+ some glyphs more distinct. note horizontal placement in BO is
+ chaotic--needs work
+2009-06-14 13:51 +0000 [r1300] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: various
+ experiments with lookups. calt: should have allowed isolatef
+ forms of combining marks, (but can't see application support...)
+ aalt, hist: for alterntative characters Added some historical
+ glyphs Math Alphanumeric: some clean-up.
+2009-06-11 21:57 +0000 [r1299] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: various
+ tweeks. Failed attempt to use 'isol' lookup to put isolated
+ combining marks above the baseline.
+2009-06-11 09:04 +0000 [r1298] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: more fiddling
+ with mark placement, strengthened ornamental endings
+2009-06-10 22:53 +0000 [r1297] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: mkmk
+ positioning of augmentation dot
+2009-06-10 09:09 +0000 [r1296] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: combining
+ marks above and below notes now working somewhat
+2009-06-08 21:46 +0000 [r1295] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: more
+ adjustments of size and placement
+2009-06-06 23:28 +0000 [r1294] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: mostly work on
+ lookups. Made tablature symbols thinner.
+2009-06-06 19:24 +0000 [r1293] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: more fiddling
+ with sizes and positions Byzantine Musical Symbols: minor
+ clean-ups
+2009-06-06 12:31 +0000 [r1292] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed some ATT problems with
+ 'kern' lookups for Cyrillic
+2009-06-06 12:25 +0000 [r1291] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: more changes
+ to size and position
+2009-06-05 21:28 +0000 [r1290] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: many changes
+ to glyph positions and shapes
+2009-05-27 22:36 +0000 [r1289] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic, additions and
+ re-naming by Pavel Skrylev. * Added Cyrillic-B Ext glyphs, and
+ Cyrillic-A Ext glyphs. * Added cyr_above anchor to all cyrillic
+ glyphs, some glyphs was changed * To all Cyrillic letters I've
+ given proper names based on old Slavic language which is source
+ of all modern slavic languages. (the naming is contentious, and
+ there are a couple of technical problems...under consideration)
+2009-05-26 23:09 +0000 [r1288] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Musical Symbols: scaled up
+ accidentals a bit. reduced width of repeated figure marks reduced
+ width of caesura even more tried to implement mark
+ positioning...not working everywhere made references
+2009-05-25 23:48 +0000 [r1287] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made all letterlike glyph parts
+ more like those from Serif and Serif Italic. (Except for Ped.
+ U+1d1ae)
+2009-05-20 08:25 +0000 [r1286] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Corrected DPOS lookup for Music
+ range to be in script 'musi'
+2009-05-20 07:35 +0000 [r1285] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Western Musical Symbols:
+ fiddling Miscellaneous Symbols: re-design of musical flat symbol
+2009-05-19 07:37 +0000 [r1284] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Western Musical Symbols:
+ revised horizontal placement of notes
+2009-05-19 01:38 +0000 [r1283] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Western Musical Symbols: raised
+ some more glyphs
+2009-05-19 01:27 +0000 [r1282] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Western Musical Symbols:
+ altered many combining symbols to be more like Unicode sample
+ corrected many symbols that should be spacing but had 0 width
+ raised many symbols that were far lower than in Unicode samples
+2009-05-18 09:47 +0000 [r1281] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: U+0354 and U+0355
+ (combining left/right arrowhead below) were switched
+2009-05-11 21:27 +0000 [r1280] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: Moved vowel below mark
+ for esh (05e8) and dalet (05d3) as recommended in bug report
+ #25887 "FreeSans Hebrew most nonspacing marks are spacing"
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?25887
+2009-05-11 07:25 +0000 [r1279] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Put PS Private
+ BlueScale back to default. (Was really experiment to alleviate
+ excessive overshoot. Didn't work and FontForge complained.)
+2009-05-11 07:21 +0000 [r1278] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Geometric Shapes: made two
+ 'bullet' shapes to be consistent with 'bullet' Blues values: put
+ Std VH W into Stem Snap values
+2009-05-11 07:09 +0000 [r1277] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: More Geometric Shapes. also
+ worked on character widths.
+2009-05-09 19:47 +0000 [r1276] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: More Geometric Shapes
+2009-05-02 12:44 +0000 [r1274-1275] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Had misplaced Tifinagh
+ range.
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: The rest of Tifinagh,
+ courtesy of Daniel Johnson. + a few adjustments.
+2009-05-01 09:06 +0000 [r1273] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Explicitly disabled
+ PS Private dictionary entry BlueFuzz as recommended in Adobe Type
+ 1 Font Format, sect. 5.8.
+2009-05-01 07:50 +0000 [r1272] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Tifinagh range, courtesy of
+ Daniel Johnson.
+2009-05-01 07:47 +0000 [r1271] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Corrections for Georgian and
+ Tifinagh ranges
+2009-05-01 07:17 +0000 [r1270] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Adjusted PS Private
+ values according to understanding of Adobe Type 1 Font Format
+ (Ch. 5, Private Dictionary) Not completely clear on BlueScale,
+ and StemSnap values are still a mystery. (FontForge 'guess' seems
+ to do little or nothing, and I don't know where these values came
+ from) Original hope was to improve appearance of overshoot in
+ Sans, but it seems that my renderers ignore this information.
+2009-04-28 07:41 +0000 [r1269] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: More Geometric Shapes
+2009-04-27 23:14 +0000 [r1268] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: More Geometrical Shapes
+2009-04-27 08:11 +0000 [r1267] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added U+25D0-3 (half-black
+ circles) Note the Geometric Shapes range is still in poor shape
+ in Sans.
+2009-04-25 11:55 +0000 [r1266] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif: fiddled with mark
+ positioning in Cyrillic and Glagolitic Non-roman faces: Added
+ 'mark' positioning for Cyrillic
+2009-04-14 09:16 +0000 [r1265] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic Extended-B more
+ additions. Now has all except payerok punctuation and Old
+ Abkhasian letters.
+2009-04-13 18:10 +0000 [r1264] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic Extended-B a few more
+ letters
+2009-04-13 17:35 +0000 [r1263] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning: tweeks
+2009-04-11 15:35 +0000 [r1262] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Georgian: additions and
+ improvements. Serif now has full compliment. Note uppercase is
+ questionable, being a simple scaling...
+2009-04-11 13:20 +0000 [r1261] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Latin Extended-D
+ added u+a788-c
+2009-04-11 12:08 +0000 [r1260] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin Extended-D corrected
+ slots for Mayanist letters in roman added modifier letters
+ u+a788-c
+2009-04-11 11:42 +0000 [r1259] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Corrected Vai range
+2009-04-11 10:50 +0000 [r1258] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin Extended-D Mayanist
+ letters by Daniel Johnson
+2009-04-10 09:00 +0000 [r1257] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Letterlike Symbols: additions
+ and improvements
+2009-04-10 08:38 +0000 [r1256] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Letterlike Symbols:
+ additions, improvements
+2009-04-10 07:13 +0000 [r1255] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Reconsidered numeral
+ 1. Made angle more like other angles in font.
+2009-04-09 06:45 +0000 [r1254] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Increased angle of
+ hook on numeral 'one', to improve distinction from letter 'l' at
+ small point sized. (Noticed that on some systems, even at 12
+ point the distinction had not been obvious.)
+2009-03-29 13:56 +0000 [r1253] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: General Punctuation:
+ Adjust position, shape of quotes, fiddle with others.
+2009-03-29 12:12 +0000 [r1252] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Kerning: Had grouped letters
+ with round bowls on left (e,c,0,d,q) together, but now see the
+ original Nimbus fonts had left bounds that vary by 10 EM or more,
+ which is quite visible. I am correcting a flaw in the original
+ font in a very difficult and complex way. It would be much better
+ to make the bounds of these similar letters to be equal. To do:
+ same for punctuation, copy to other styles of Sans
+2009-03-29 03:48 +0000 [r1251] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Kerning: tweeks
+2009-03-29 03:34 +0000 [r1250] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Kerning tweek
+2009-03-22 18:54 +0000 [r1249] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: clean-up of some of the basic
+ Nimbus glyphs
+2009-03-22 14:26 +0000 [r1248] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Hebrew: more work on lookups
+ regarding vowel marks
+2009-03-22 11:03 +0000 [r1247] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Hebrew: vowel mark positioning
+2009-03-16 19:26 +0000 [r1246] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: re-named some lookup tables
+ (Sinhala, Hebrew)
+2009-03-15 11:58 +0000 [r1245] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Georgian: point-wise cleanup
+ note: doubts about spacing and glyph bounds in capitals
+2009-03-15 09:58 +0000 [r1244] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Greek Extended: corrected
+ u+1fd3
+2009-03-13 08:15 +0000 [r1243] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic (and extensions)
+ various tweeks to old Cyrillic letters, spacing.
+2009-03-07 12:30 +0000 [r1242] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: correct direction
+ braceleft
+2009-03-07 12:16 +0000 [r1240-1241] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitic: tweeks
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: correct direction of
+ braceleft
+2009-03-05 09:03 +0000 [r1239] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitic: more fiddling.
+ Raised small letters so their tops are even with the tops of the
+ big letters, which is more in line with their "hanging" nature,
+ and with most manuscripts.
+2009-03-04 07:03 +0000 [r1238] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: ranges for Sinhala
+2009-03-03 09:54 +0000 [r1237] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitic: more tweeks
+2009-03-02 23:03 +0000 [r1236] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitic: added Djervi (I
+ think)
+2009-03-02 21:49 +0000 [r1235] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/GenerateMacTT (added): Special script for
+ generating fonts that don't give errors on the Mac. I hope
+ somebody will fix something, either in Font Book or FontForge,
+ that will make this unnecessary
+2009-03-01 23:24 +0000 [r1234] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitic: tweeks
+2009-02-28 19:38 +0000 [r1233] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: replaced U+0DD0-1 with
+ ones from sinha font
+2009-02-28 12:25 +0000 [r1232] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Glagolitid: Additions,
+ improvements (Note: the characters still missing I simply haven't
+ yet recognized in a manuscript or found in an on-line HTML
+ encoded text. I would like to see real ones rather than copying
+ out of the Unicode samples.) Cyrillic Extended B: Assembled
+ Monograph Uk, uk. See discussion
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uk_(Cyrillic)
+2009-02-28 00:14 +0000 [r1231] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More work on Glagolitic
+2009-02-27 15:35 +0000 [r1230] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made braces more
+ distinctive.
+2009-02-26 15:12 +0000 [r1229] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: ASCII: Accentuated braces (for
+ better readability in terminals)
+2009-02-24 22:27 +0000 [r1228] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cherokee: Daniel improved
+ U+13d2
+2009-02-24 07:41 +0000 [r1227] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Sinhala: Copied most Unicode
+ glyphs directly from Yannis Haralambous sinhala MetaFont files.
+ These are: all but 0dd0 0dd1 0df4. Gave Unicode characters names,
+ based on a transliteration scheme from Harshula. The auxiliary
+ Sinhala are all from the LKLUG font.
+2009-02-22 23:41 +0000 [r1226] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Copied glyphs from LKLUG font,
+ as discussed with Harshula Jayasuriya.
+ http://sinhala.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sinhala/sinhala/fonts/
+ This font is derived from a Metafont font: This package was
+ originally developed by Yannis Haralambous (Yannis.Haralambous at
+ univ-lille1 fr), with funding from the Wellcome Institute for the
+ History of Medicine, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England
+ (Contact person: Dominik Wujastyk (D.Wujastyk at ucl ac uk)),
+ which is using the font in its Catalogue of Sinhala Manuscript.
+ The original package was available by ftp at ftp.bcc.ac.uk in:
+ /pub/users/ucgadkw/indology/software/sinhala1-TeX.zip The hope is
+ to eventually pull glyphs directly from the original MF files.
+2009-02-21 19:48 +0000 [r1225] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: tidying previous commits
+2009-02-21 14:11 +0000 [r1224] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif: Revised letter
+ spacing in Armenian. Serif roman: Added initial version of
+ Glagolitic (by me)
+2009-02-18 20:38 +0000 [r1223] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Armenian: spacing changes
+ Sinhala: deleted range, for usual reasons: It doesn't even
+ contain the full set of Unicode letters, and Sinhala requires
+ auxiliary characters and lookup tables for proper representation.
+ (Found what I think are the originals at
+ http://www.mettanet.org/fonts/ )
+2009-02-12 20:08 +0000 [r1222] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py,
+ tools/findBackLayers.py,
+ tools/GenerateTrueType,
+ tools/GenerateOpenType,
+ tools/range_report.py,
+ tools/validate.py,
+ tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py,
+ tools/isMonoMono.py: Changed
+ /usr/local/bin/fontforge to /usr/bin/fontforge (to work with the
+ update-alternatives mechanism, whereby a link is made
+ /usr/bin/fontforge -> /etc/alternatives/fontforge -> preferred
+ binary )
+2009-02-12 19:33 +0000 [r1221] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: SerifBoldItalic - Armenian
+ oblique from Daniel Johnson's bold version Added ligatures (by
+ Daniel) and lookup tables.
+2009-02-12 08:39 +0000 [r1220] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Armenian: Made oblique
+ version of Daniel Johnson's range
+2009-02-12 08:28 +0000 [r1219] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Armenian by Daniel Johnson
+2009-02-12 08:00 +0000 [r1218] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Improvements of a couple of
+ Armenian characters, from Daniel Johnson.
+2009-02-07 20:28 +0000 [r1217] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: kerning fixed some
+ missing extrema
+2009-02-07 19:47 +0000 [r1216] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Latin: kerning made some
+ more delicate italic IPA letters
+2009-02-06 20:14 +0000 [r1215] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-02-06 10:19 +0000 [r1214] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning Adjusted ff
+ etc ligatures in Italic
+2009-02-05 23:20 +0000 [r1213] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-02-05 19:57 +0000 [r1212] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Thai sample text (means
+ something like Mr Sangkapan who sells bottles was picked up by
+ the police because he stole the wash of ms. .....)
+2009-02-04 20:19 +0000 [r1211] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Vai range, by Daniel Johnson
+2009-02-04 20:08 +0000 [r1210] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-02-03 20:53 +0000 [r1209] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-02-02 23:44 +0000 [r1208] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-02-02 23:32 +0000 [r1207] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-01-26 21:00 +0000 [r1206] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made nu distinct from
+ v. Remedies bug #25376: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?25376
+ greek letter 'nu' [U+03bd] same as latin 'v' [U+0076] in FreeMono
+2009-01-22 21:37 +0000 [r1205] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Kerning. Need to copy to other
+ faces
+2009-01-22 01:44 +0000 [r1204] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic ligatures: turned on
+ "ignore combining marks" on advice of Khaled Hosny.
+2009-01-20 17:09 +0000 [r1203] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Drew U+1e9C-F in Latin
+ Extended Additional (including capital ess-zet)
+2009-01-19 20:48 +0000 [r1202] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Update ot Kayah Li from Daniel
+ Johnson
+2009-01-18 16:49 +0000 [r1201] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Daniel Johnson's
+ latest contributions
+2009-01-18 14:33 +0000 [r1200] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: Laula to be same height
+ as Phi Psi (higher than other letters). Dei and dei also to be
+ higher letters, adjusted widths too.
+2009-01-18 14:25 +0000 [r1199] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Unified Canadian Aboriginal
+ Syllabics: moved the non-Unicode letter part glyphs ucas.ring
+ ucas.horizline ucas.shortvert ucas.righttack ucas.lefttack to the
+ Private Use area 59664-59668 Technique was to edit the SFD file
+ directly: It seems the encoding slot for the glyph is the first
+ field of the "Encoding:" line for the character.
+2009-01-18 13:28 +0000 [r1198] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cherokee: improvements from D.
+ Johnsaon
+2009-01-18 12:34 +0000 [r1197] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Latin: kerning
+2009-01-17 18:58 +0000 [r1196] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: kerning
+2009-01-17 15:26 +0000 [r1195] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Re-linked Ezh/Yogh and re-made
+ reversed Ezh
+2009-01-16 21:28 +0000 [r1194] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fiddled with Coptic glyphs:
+ Longer tail on Shei, less droopy Alfa. Made Armenian Aiw to be a
+ link to Phi (on Daniel Johnson's advice )
+2009-01-16 08:01 +0000 [r1193] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: corrected Unified Canadian
+ Aboriginal Syllabics
+2009-01-16 07:44 +0000 [r1192] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Kayah Li by Daniel Johnson
+2009-01-16 07:36 +0000 [r1190-1191] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: removed hints
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cherokee, by Daniel Johnson
+2009-01-16 07:27 +0000 [r1189] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made references of some
+ Armenian punctuation, Made primereversed to be really the reverse
+ of prime.
+2009-01-13 21:43 +0000 [r1187-1188] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: named some Armenian letters
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Armenian range by Daniel
+ Johnson, with ligatures.
+2009-01-13 08:43 +0000 [r1186] Stevan_White:
+ * README: GPL 2 -> GPL 3
+2009-01-12 20:35 +0000 [r1185] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: more kerning
+2009-01-12 09:06 +0000 [r1184] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: Raised top of laula
+ above common top, as it appears in most other fonts.Makes it
+ easier to distinguish from alfa. A little more space around Iauda
+ and iauda. Kerned Dei.
+2009-01-11 22:30 +0000 [r1183] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: Made capital Alpha is
+ distinct in printed form. Made more angular vida with flattened
+ top and bottom. Made small hori more curvy.
+2009-01-11 14:06 +0000 [r1182] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Greek: made archaic letters
+ u+0370-3 (understand are used for old numbering) Coptic: more
+ fiddling with Hori, made Kapa much wider reduced width of small
+ letter straight stems to match small letters in Latin kerning for
+ capitals
+2009-01-11 00:39 +0000 [r1181] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Revised Coptic. Added a few
+ dialectic letters and kai symbol Removed many "ear" serifs,
+ preferring a slashing continuation of long decenders and
+ diagonals as in some manuscripts Made Kai and kai not to go below
+ baseline Made Psi a little broader Made small khei distinct from
+ cap, Revised Hori and hori. Some of this toward
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?25289
+2009-01-08 22:23 +0000 [r1180] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Various alterations to Coptic:
+ Re-worked K and M, added kern table.
+2009-01-07 10:03 +0000 [r1179] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Daniel Johnson's fix of TT
+ reference transformation bug in Unified Canadian Aboriginal
+ Syllabics,
+2009-01-06 22:27 +0000 [r1178] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Unified Canadian Aboriginal
+ Syllabics range, courtesy of Daniel Johnson.
+2009-01-04 16:12 +0000 [r1176] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: copyright dates 2009
+2009-01-04 16:08 +0000 [r1175] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added 2009 to
+ copyright dates
+2009-01-04 15:59 +0000 [r1173-1174] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: changes since last release
+ Glagolitic range author
+2009-01-04 15:27 +0000 [r1172] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added some TrueType names
+2009-01-01 20:47 +0000 [r1171] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Removde Glagolitic range, since
+ have not (yet) received OK from author. Added some TrueType Names
+2008-12-31 13:06 +0000 [r1170] Stevan_White:
+ * COPYING: Updated license to GPL v3
+2008-12-30 21:34 +0000 [r1169] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Oblique versions of
+ Daniel Johnson's Cherokee.
+2008-12-30 20:42 +0000 [r1168] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Cherokee Bold range from
+ Daniel Johnson.
+2008-12-27 16:43 +0000 [r1165-1167] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/isMonoMono.py: 900 EM -> 800
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made glyphs to lie
+ between -200 and 800 EM
+ * tools/isMonoMono.py: check that glyphs lie in
+ vertical bounding boxes
+2008-12-27 14:46 +0000 [r1164] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Extensible bracket characters
+ didn't exactly line up. Fixed. Mono: a couple of glyphs had
+ gotten out of their bounding boxes again.
+2008-12-26 22:41 +0000 [r1162] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: last two day's changes
+2008-12-26 22:36 +0000 [r1160-1161] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Final pre-release
+ cleanup
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: nongnu -> gnu
+2008-12-26 20:48 +0000 [r1159] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Buginese vowel u was misnamed
+2008-12-26 20:36 +0000 [r1158] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Yatcyrillic somehow was a mark
+ character ... fixed
+2008-12-26 20:27 +0000 [r1157] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Had to un-link references
+ in Sans: uni02B2, uni02B5 SansOblique: uni0363 because validation
+ of the TTF file said the glyph "is drawn in wrong direction" I
+ would have preferred to have understand this...
+2008-12-26 20:23 +0000 [r1156] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile: Added quick test for FontForge
+ version.
+2008-12-26 19:52 +0000 [r1155] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Removed kerning
+ tables (?? what were they doing here anyway??)
+2008-12-26 19:43 +0000 [r1154] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: some changes to explanatory text
+2008-12-26 18:54 +0000 [r1153] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Kerning tables for Thai.
+ Handles one common case: short letter followed by a tall one with
+ an overhang to the left.
+2008-12-26 12:33 +0000 [r1152] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: small corrections: better detail about
+ Windows install
+2008-12-26 12:29 +0000 [r1151] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: added most recent
+ authors, synched up
+2008-12-25 20:47 +0000 [r1150] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: More putzing with kerning
+ tables
+2008-12-25 14:43 +0000 [r1149] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Copied kerning classes
+ Serif -> SerifBold SerifItalic -> SerifBoldItalic Sans ->
+ SansOblique SansBold SansBoldOblique Some associated naming of
+ characters, etc
+2008-12-25 12:51 +0000 [r1146-1148] Stevan_White:
+ README: formatting
+ * ChangeLog: brought up to date
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: added new release
+ proceedures
+2008-12-25 11:54 +0000 [r1145] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Additions and correction in
+ Spacing Modifier letters and IPA Extensions
+2008-12-23 21:35 +0000 [r1144] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Applied patch to Cherokee range
+2008-12-20 15:57 +0000 [r1143] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed kern classes that end in
+ space (crashes FontForge)
+2008-12-20 15:38 +0000 [r1142] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-20 12:17 +0000 [r1141] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-19 00:55 +0000 [r1140] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-19 00:06 +0000 [r1139] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: kerning Some adjustments to
+ Glagolitc spacing, mark positioning
+2008-12-17 23:08 +0000 [r1138] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-16 23:36 +0000 [r1137] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-11 22:27 +0000 [r1136] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-10 11:03 +0000 [r1135] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-10 09:34 +0000 [r1134] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-08 23:01 +0000 [r1133] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-08 09:52 +0000 [r1132] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Slanted small final
+ sigma. remedies bug #24993: U+03C2 "Greek small letter final
+ sigma" not slanted in Free Sans Oblique
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?24993
+2008-12-07 19:30 +0000 [r1131] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning, etc
+2008-12-06 23:42 +0000 [r1130] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning
+2008-12-06 13:48 +0000 [r1129] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning Tweek in Sans
+ having to do with addition of Latin Extended
+2008-12-05 20:52 +0000 [r1128] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Tweeks to Latin
+ Extended Additional
+2008-12-05 20:34 +0000 [r1127] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added Latin Extended
+ Additional range
+2008-12-05 10:35 +0000 [r1126] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Extra space at end of
+ kern class names has bad effect on FornForge script that try to
+ run through kern classes. Some FontForge call corrupts memory.
+ Got rid of extra space.
+2008-12-02 21:12 +0000 [r1125] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Replaced U+0387 GREEK
+ ANO TELEIA with top dot of colon. See bug #24987: U+0387 GREEK
+ ANO TELEIA too low https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?24987
+2008-12-02 09:25 +0000 [r1124] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: more kerning in Cyrillic (broke
+ into two tables of classes)
+2008-12-01 20:22 +0000 [r1122-1123] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: tweeks to kernin
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-30 21:17 +0000 [r1121] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Kerning for Latin and
+ Cyrillic fairly complete in Serif faces. Complete in sense that
+ it looks pretty good under Pango for English French German
+ Spanish Polish Czech Latvian But have not done Vietnamese (will
+ require many more entries). I adjust roman and italic, then copy
+ tables by hand to bold and bolditalic. Misgiving: bolditalic is
+ much too crammed Overall, I may have over-kerned. (A difficult
+ temptation to master.)
+2008-11-30 15:06 +0000 [r1120] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-30 13:43 +0000 [r1119] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning In Serif, modified
+ widths of some extended latin glyphs
+2008-11-29 13:44 +0000 [r1118] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-29 11:56 +0000 [r1117] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Broke Latin kerning subtable
+ into four, hoping it will be easier to understand and maintain.
+2008-11-29 11:26 +0000 [r1116] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-29 00:38 +0000 [r1115] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-28 23:43 +0000 [r1114] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: kerninig
+2008-11-28 21:54 +0000 [r1112-1113] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: kerning
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: more kerning; made guillemot
+ narrower
+2008-11-28 10:26 +0000 [r1111] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: kerning
+2008-11-28 00:11 +0000 [r1109-1110] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: previous commit was incomplete
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Adjusted width of single
+ quotes (and apostrophe) to be "punctuation width" More fiddling
+ with kerning.
+2008-11-27 22:37 +0000 [r1108] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: much fiddling with kerning
+2008-11-26 19:44 +0000 [r1107] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Basic kerning, named main
+ Cyrillic letters
+2008-11-26 18:41 +0000 [r1106] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Basic Cyrillic kerning
+2008-11-26 07:03 +0000 [r1105] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: further tweeks to Cyrillic
+ kerning
+2008-11-26 06:58 +0000 [r1104] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tweeks to Cyrillic kerning
+2008-11-26 00:32 +0000 [r1103] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ sfd/Makefile, FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Much fiddling with kerning,
+ tables, and generating fonts whose kerning tables work with
+ OpenOffice.
+2008-11-25 23:59 +0000 [r1102] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/GenerateTrueType: Made to include old-style
+ kerning Converted to Python
+2008-11-24 08:11 +0000 [r1100-1101] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Prev commit to validate
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: regularized padding in
+ Miscellaneous symbols. At least within related ranges tried to
+ make similar.
+2008-11-23 20:21 +0000 [r1097-1099] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges/__init__.py (added),
+ tools/ranges/OpenType.py (added),
+ tools/ranges (added): meant to add these before
+ moving the ranges.py file
+ * tools/range_report (removed),
+ tools/range_report.py (added): preferred to keep
+ the file ending
+ * tools/range_report (added): Starting to break out
+ different functionalities of this large script
+2008-11-23 15:38 +0000 [r1096] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Completed Miscellaneous
+ Symbols, with some drawings from George Douros' Unicode Symbols,
+ and some of mine.
+2008-11-23 14:21 +0000 [r1095] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out Miscellaneous
+ Symbols. Used George Douros' Unicode font.
+2008-11-23 12:57 +0000 [r1094] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Replaced Greek Exteded
+ psili and dasia with scaled versions of the "bent quote" mark. I
+ think it's distinctive enough, but not so silly. Remedies bug
+ #22997: Mono: Greek Extended psili is ugly
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?22997
+2008-11-23 00:47 +0000 [r1093] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made some recycling symbols
+2008-11-22 23:07 +0000 [r1092] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Finished with Hebrew
+ Pointed letters in all faces.
+2008-11-22 16:36 +0000 [r1091] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Fiddled with Hebrew Pointed
+ letters
+2008-11-22 15:45 +0000 [r1090] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Marks for Vietnamese
+2008-11-22 10:32 +0000 [r1089] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: fixed some links having to do with Omega,
+ intlfonts
+2008-11-22 09:32 +0000 [r1088] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: Fixed/removed broken links
+2008-11-21 23:53 +0000 [r1087] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Letter pe had strange thick
+ middle ear that looked awful. lamed had ben bumped at some point.
+ Fixed. Adjusted some of the points.
+2008-11-21 22:54 +0000 [r1086] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: repairs to Pointed Hebrew
+2008-11-21 21:29 +0000 [r1085] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Numeral line positioning marks
+ for Gothic
+2008-11-21 10:17 +0000 [r1084] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Added Combining Marks for
+ Symbols (some question about obliqueness of some symbols) Cleaned
+ up some empty glyphs in Pointed Hebrew.
+2008-11-20 21:00 +0000 [r1083] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Provided Hebrew pointed
+ letters, with lookups, for all Serif faces.
+2008-11-19 22:30 +0000 [r1082] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: renamed Hebrew
+ lookups
+2008-11-19 22:12 +0000 [r1081] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Completed Hebrew in Bold
+ faces.
+2008-11-19 00:04 +0000 [r1080] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: More tweeks to Hebrew points
+2008-11-18 23:44 +0000 [r1079] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Adjustments corrections and
+ additions to Hebrew points
+2008-11-18 20:56 +0000 [r1078] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Cleaned out a lot of
+ ridiculous kernings
+2008-11-16 23:39 +0000 [r1077] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: fiddled with Armenian
+ ligatures
+2008-11-16 23:26 +0000 [r1076] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added Armenian (with
+ ligatures) to BoldOblique Fiddled with character spacing
+2008-11-16 22:56 +0000 [r1075] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added U+01f9 and
+ paragraph end marker to Georgian Fiddled with Armenian ligatures
+2008-11-15 13:36 +0000 [r1074] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added Georgian turned
+ gan 10F9 (because it was easy)
+2008-11-15 13:28 +0000 [r1073] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Another pass at
+ letter spacing in Cyrillic. Also went through ancient letters.
+ Added Georgian paragraph separator 10FB
+2008-11-15 10:11 +0000 [r1072] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Re-worked letter
+ spacing through modern Cyrillic range.
+2008-11-15 00:05 +0000 [r1071] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Letter spacing
+2008-11-14 22:48 +0000 [r1070] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added several characters to
+ Cyrillic Extended-B
+2008-11-14 09:56 +0000 [r1069] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made Cyrillic hooked
+ e U+04BC-F to look less goofy.
+2008-11-14 09:36 +0000 [r1068] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Based on assertion on
+ Pechatnyj Dvor's web site, Cyrillic Fita U+0472-3 and "Barred O"
+ U+04E8-9 are different styles the same letter, and the fact that
+ the tilde in the O never looked good in Sans, I made them all
+ barred O's.
+2008-11-14 09:32 +0000 [r1067] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Cyrillic Yn, yn
+ (U+a65e-f)
+2008-11-14 08:30 +0000 [r1066] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Synced up Cyrillic and
+ Combining Diacritics ranges, Couple of tweeks in Gujarati to make
+ TT validate
+2008-11-13 23:44 +0000 [r1065] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Changes to older Cyrillic
+ letters, in response to further information. Made omegas, omegas
+ with titlo, and OT to all be of the same size and shape in Serif.
+ Un-linked Cyrillic Psi and psi from Greek, made squarer versions.
+ Some more Cyrillic diacritical marks in Sans. Re-worked U+04bc-f
+ . Experimenting with mark positioning for Cyrillic
+2008-11-12 22:53 +0000 [r1064] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Strove to make Euro
+ look more like the EC logo design, while making glyph fit better
+ with the design of its face. See bug #3576: Euro design
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?23576
+2008-11-12 21:33 +0000 [r1063] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Tweeks to previous commit
+2008-11-12 21:10 +0000 [r1062] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Adjustments mostly to GPOS
+ tables having to do with Vietnamese marks. The WAZU Vietnamese
+ test page looks pretty good in Sans now. Still not thrilled with
+ below-dot when it appears with a mark over e.g. U+0102. Pango
+ positions one or the other but not both.
+2008-11-12 00:04 +0000 [r1061] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Extensive
+ modification of GPOS lookup tables for mark positioning. I think
+ they're now all functional (except styled Mono faces have none).
+ Also added lots of marks to faces that didn't have them, and also
+ fiddled with Combining Diacritical Marks.
+2008-11-10 19:53 +0000 [r1060] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made one combining mark really
+ combining
+2008-11-10 19:49 +0000 [r1059] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made a few combining
+ characters to be zero-width in Mono, Added them to other styles.
+2008-11-09 23:49 +0000 [r1058] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Figured out why below marks
+ in Thai weren't working in the lowest letters. I think Pango and
+ other font renderers ignore 'blwm'. 'mark' works though.
+2008-11-09 23:21 +0000 [r1057] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Tweeks to Thai marks
+2008-11-09 22:56 +0000 [r1056] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Several bugfixes in Thai,
+ mostly having to do with mark placement and ligatures.
+ Implemented ru-saraaa and lu-saraaa with ligatures.
+2008-11-09 21:21 +0000 [r1055] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: added and named
+ dottedcircle (used by Pango to render combining mark base)
+2008-11-09 12:42 +0000 [r1054] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More tweeks to Coptic
+2008-11-09 12:22 +0000 [r1053] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tweeks to Coptic, after viewing
+ more papyrus samples and web pages.
+2008-11-09 10:41 +0000 [r1052] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Weight of Coptic small letters
+ made to match that of Latin and Greek ones.
+2008-11-08 20:05 +0000 [r1051] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic tweek spacing
+2008-11-08 19:22 +0000 [r1050] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made Coptic to comply better
+ with http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Test_Coptic.html Made a flourish
+ at foot of letters with long diagonal.
+2008-11-08 15:51 +0000 [r1049] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Coptic: punctuation marks were
+ in the wrong row.
+2008-11-08 15:38 +0000 [r1048] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More tweeks to Coptic; put in a
+ mark lookup table. Note: for small letters I made scaled
+ references to captials. Results in those letters looking quite
+ light next to the capitals and next to small Latin letters. Also,
+ there are a few variant forms for capitals (Unicode samples don't
+ show this). It would be good to re-work
+2008-11-08 13:27 +0000 [r1047] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Coptic alphabet in
+ u+2C80-2CB1 and u+03E2-u+03EF, drawn/built by me, based on
+ Unicode samples, TeX font copte, and scans at WikiPedia.
+2008-11-07 08:12 +0000 [r1046] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Further tweeks to dieresis
+ in Greek and Cyrillic
+2008-11-07 07:41 +0000 [r1045] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: replaced Greek I dieresis with
+ references, tweeked height of dieresis.
+2008-11-04 08:42 +0000 [r1044] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added a few Cyrillic Extended-B
+ letters seen in web pages while looking for Glagolitic text.
+2008-11-04 00:29 +0000 [r1042-1043] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Added a few old Cyrillic
+ characters.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Several corrections and tweeks
+ to Glagolitic. Still missing six slots from Unicode, but don't
+ see them in the TeX fonts. On the other hand, several on-line
+ Glagolitic pages (bibles etc) don't seem to use these. Maybe it's
+ OK as-is.
+2008-11-03 09:53 +0000 [r1041] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added lowercase range to
+ Glagolitic, as a facile scaling of the uppercase.
+2008-11-03 09:50 +0000 [r1040] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added letter to Glagolitic,
+ scaled range.
+2008-11-02 22:59 +0000 [r1039] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Replaced fraktur bold from
+ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols with that from TX Fonts by
+ Young Ryu. One concern: letter k is damaged (in both medium and
+ bold). I just hacked something up. Added Glagolitic "round type"
+ font (Croation capitols only) from the collection of Croatian
+ fonts for LaTeX by Darko ZubriniÄ
+ ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/languages/croatian/
+ http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb17-1/tb50zubr.pdf Several
+ letters are missing besides the small letters.
+2008-11-02 09:06 +0000 [r1038] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: A couple of Thai
+ references got obliqued twice.
+2008-11-02 08:57 +0000 [r1037] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: By popular demand, removed
+ 'ears' from Greek Upsilon and Psi. Copied resulting glyphs to
+ Serif Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols.
+2008-11-02 00:49 +0000 [r1036] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Some pointwise cleanup of main
+ Tamil range
+2008-11-01 23:20 +0000 [r1035] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tried some things with lookups.
+ Didn't make much headway.
+2008-11-01 22:34 +0000 [r1033-1034] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: somehow made a letter with wrong
+ width
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added similar lookups and
+ ligatures to Thai ranges.
+2008-11-01 18:34 +0000 [r1032] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Lookups now work no worse than
+ those for other Thai fonts, at least in Pango. Still perplexed by
+ behaviour of "Required" lookups.
+2008-11-01 15:44 +0000 [r1031] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: For Thai, made ligatures and
+ lookups for yoying and thothan combined with a lower vowel. These
+ work well. Attempted looksups for saraaa with ru and lu, and for
+ saraam. Not working.
+2008-10-31 23:54 +0000 [r1030] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cleaned up a few of the Bengali
+ ligatures
+2008-10-31 23:46 +0000 [r1029] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Tweek Thai
+2008-10-31 22:48 +0000 [r1028] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed ligatures and mark
+ positioning for Hanunóo. Problem with ligatures: Gnome pango
+ doesn't do 'rlig', only 'liga'
+2008-10-31 21:27 +0000 [r1027] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Changed lookup table
+ scripts for Devanagari and Bengali. Find Problems -> ATT found
+ several problems showing lookups acting on glyphs that weren't
+ listed in the script ranges, including dev2, bng2 (why not deva
+ and beng, I don't know). danda and doubledanda of Devanagari I
+ understand are to be shared among Indic scripts. So included bng2
+ and dev2 in the 'aalt' table for those. The 'init' and 'half'
+ tables for Bengali made active for bng2. The 'locl' table for
+ Bengali didn't do anything I could see: It mapped the Devanagari
+ danda to itself, and the doubledanda to itself. Deleted.
+2008-10-31 20:10 +0000 [r1026] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Cleaned up some kern
+ tables. adjustments of under 5 EM are invisible. Some others I
+ just didn't like. Some were putting a letter beneath another,
+ with is wrong.
+2008-10-31 19:39 +0000 [r1025] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Added Thai
+2008-10-31 19:02 +0000 [r1024] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Changes to mark positioning
+ lookups, esp. in Italic. Widened numerals in Bold
+2008-10-27 19:00 +0000 [r1023] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Tweeks regarding
+ Armenian and lookups
+2008-10-27 18:48 +0000 [r1022] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Added Armenian ligatures
+ FB13-FB17 with lookups Also made a historical ligature ('hlig')
+ table for u+0587. Toward bug #15183: missing characters from
+ Armenian range (FreeSans, Bold)
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?15183
+2008-10-27 09:17 +0000 [r1021] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Added Armenian ligatures,
+ lookups. Cleaned up contours.
+2008-10-26 23:45 +0000 [r1020] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added 5 Armenian ligatures to
+ U+FB13 â FB17, and made corresponding 'liga' lookup. Found
+ there one ligature u+0587 that according to
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_alphabet "in new
+ orthography the Ö character is not a typographical ligature
+ anymore, and must never be treated as such. It is a distinct
+ letter and has its place in the new alphabetic sequence." So
+ moved this out of the 'liga' lookup and into a new 'hlig' lookup.
+2008-10-26 22:26 +0000 [r1019] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Lots of improvements to
+ Thai. Completely revised letter spacing in Italic, and fiddled
+ with combining marks in all. Still aren't working quite right,
+ especially in Italic. Still need to work over digits (in Bold
+ they aren't even bold yet)
+2008-10-26 14:21 +0000 [r1018] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Bold Thai : added
+ (painstakingly) constructed glyphs, lookups roman Thai: tweeks
+ Italic Thai: tweeks (Note this still has multiple problems)
+2008-10-25 08:26 +0000 [r1017] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: WAZU says
+ http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Fonts_Hanunoo.html MPH 2B Damase
+ doesn't support the consonant-vowel ligatures necessary to render
+ Buhid writing. OK, so I made 'mark' lookups for combining marks
+ and a bunch of ligatures in an 'rlig' lookup. The latter still
+ not working: don't know why. Made page to match the example of
+ the combining forms at
+ http://www.omniglot.com/writing/hanunoo.htm
+2008-10-24 21:56 +0000 [r1016] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Removed some marks from
+ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
+2008-10-24 08:13 +0000 [r1015] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tweeked combining marks for
+ Vietnamese. Made to satisfy WAZU JAPAN Comprehensive Unicode Test
+ Page for Vietnamese / Quá»c Ngữ
+ http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Test_Vietnamese.html Could still use
+ some tweeking...
+2008-10-24 07:25 +0000 [r1014] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added marks for composition of
+ Vietnamese
+2008-10-23 22:03 +0000 [r1013] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Put "below" combining mark on
+ lots of vowels and derivatives, for Vietnamese. Named a bunch of
+ composit Latin, expecting to make substitutions.
+2008-10-23 20:14 +0000 [r1012] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Thai spacing alterations based
+ on advice of a native speaker.
+2008-10-22 06:30 +0000 [r1011] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: re-named Thai lookups according
+ to order
+2008-10-21 21:28 +0000 [r1010] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cleanup of glyphs in Gujarati,
+ Devanagari. Note: Serious problem with Sans GPOS abvm in
+ Devanagari "'abvm' Above Base Mark in Devanagari subtable"
+ "gujr-0" But all the characters that list gujr-0 are in Gujarati.
+ Not sure how this got broken or how to fix it.
+2008-10-21 19:32 +0000 [r1009] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fiddled with Thai mark
+ positioning: passes my tests now OK. Made a few more references
+ in Math Symbols; more regularization of stroke.
+2008-10-21 09:01 +0000 [r1008] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added mark class for Vietnamese
+ "horn" Several references made in General Punctuation, Arrows
+2008-10-20 22:47 +0000 [r1007] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: added some Combining Diacritical
+ Marks
+2008-10-20 18:41 +0000 [r1006] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made some references from
+ serifed Latin capitals to Greek counterparts.
+2008-10-20 18:24 +0000 [r1005] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made a few repeated glyphs into
+ references in Musical Symbols
+2008-10-20 17:33 +0000 [r1004] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py, tools/validate.py:
+ tweeked some ranges, format of output
+2008-10-19 19:36 +0000 [r1003] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Moved several glypns from
+ Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols to Letterlike Symbols. Couple
+ tweeks in Mathematical Symbols.
+2008-10-19 18:30 +0000 [r1002] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Fiddling with Mathematical
+ Symbols. In Serif, trying to make stroke width more consistent.
+2008-10-19 16:47 +0000 [r1001] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Tweek
+2008-10-19 16:44 +0000 [r1000] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added some Greek
+ symbols in Mono and Sans to make a little more regular and
+ correspond better with TeX. Tweek of serif.
+2008-10-19 14:47 +0000 [r999] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: a few more improvements.
+ (One problem with the Mathematical Alphanumeric area is, one must
+ remember to change it any time another face is altered...)
+2008-10-19 14:41 +0000 [r998] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Several improvements and
+ additions to Sans faces (mostly in Greek) from experience of
+ pasting into FreeSerif Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols.
+2008-10-19 14:37 +0000 [r997] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Replaced most of Mathematical
+ Alphanumeric Symbols roman italic bold (latin and greek) gothic
+ italic bold (latin and greek) typewriter and numerals with glyphs
+ from FreeFont. These were scaled to uniform height. Remains:
+ Blackboard Bold, Fraktur, Calligraphic, Script
+2008-10-19 12:03 +0000 [r996] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tidied lookup table names for
+ Malayalam
+2008-10-19 11:49 +0000 [r995] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Applied Malayalam patch from
+ Hiran Venugopalan
+2008-10-19 10:27 +0000 [r993-994] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added/corrected many
+ Mathematical Symbols
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: more IPA
+2008-10-18 11:20 +0000 [r992] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made lots more IPA
+ and Phonetic Extensions Note: fontforge is reporting an error in
+ a few glyphs made by scaling another, that the glyphs are drawn
+ in the wrong direction--only in TrueType though. Suspect a
+ FontForge bug.
+2008-10-17 23:10 +0000 [r991] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added several
+ Combining Diacritical Marks
+2008-10-17 20:33 +0000 [r990] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made several Spacing
+ Modifier Letters, Combining Diacritical Marks, and IPA and
+ Phonetic Extensions
+2008-10-17 06:40 +0000 [r989] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: Hiran Venugopalan of Swathanthra
+ Malayalam Computing George Douros Daniel Johnson
+2008-10-16 20:53 +0000 [r988] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added some Superscripts and
+ Subscripts
+2008-10-16 20:01 +0000 [r987] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Finished off
+ Superscripts and subscripts
+2008-10-16 19:06 +0000 [r986] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Completed General
+ Punctuation for Mono faces
+2008-10-16 08:08 +0000 [r985] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added some General
+ Punctuation
+2008-10-16 06:48 +0000 [r983-984] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: un-grayed totals rows
+ * tools/ranges.py: Fiddled Cyrillic made output
+ prettier
+2008-10-15 18:28 +0000 [r982] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: more Letterlike
+ Symbols, Currency Symbols
+2008-10-15 08:49 +0000 [r981] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made some Combining
+ Diacritical Marks for Symbols, Letterlike Symbols
+2008-10-14 22:18 +0000 [r980] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added some General
+ Punctuation
+2008-10-14 21:24 +0000 [r979] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added double slanted
+ hyphen, made General Punctuaton Supplement like Serif's
+2008-10-14 21:03 +0000 [r977-978] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Filled out Greek
+ Extended
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd: fixes to last 2 commits
+2008-10-14 19:51 +0000 [r976] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Last character to General
+ Punctuation
+2008-10-14 19:43 +0000 [r975] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Built some Enclosed
+ Alphanumerics (1-10)
+2008-10-14 07:26 +0000 [r974] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Copied in Daniel Johnson's
+ changes to Cherokee.
+2008-10-12 15:42 +0000 [r973] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Included Daniel Johnson's
+ Cherokee glyphs.
+2008-10-05 11:20 +0000 [r972] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Further corrections to diaresis
+ in Cyrillic -- legibility in small sizes
+2008-10-05 10:43 +0000 [r971] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Regularized placement of
+ diaresis in Cyrillic
+2008-10-05 09:07 +0000 [r970] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added same set of
+ glyphs to Cyrillic Supplement
+2008-10-04 22:26 +0000 [r969] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added some of the
+ easier letters from Cyrillic Supplement
+2008-10-04 20:27 +0000 [r968] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Finished high
+ Cyrillic range for MonoBold and MonoBoldOblique. (Remaining:
+ historic ranges, Cyrillic extensions) Tweeked others.
+2008-10-04 13:26 +0000 [r967] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: Added info about Adobe ATM
+2008-10-03 22:40 +0000 [r966] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Serif*Italic: Added last
+ Abkhazian letters to Cyrillic MonoBold: tweek
+2008-10-03 16:23 +0000 [r965] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Mono: Some additions to
+ historic letters
+2008-10-03 14:55 +0000 [r964] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some punctuation and
+ combining numeric marks from Cyrillic Extended B
+2008-10-03 13:21 +0000 [r963] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Various technical tweeks,
+ mostly concerning recent additions. Also did a bit more "Points
+ too close" and "irrelevant control points". Cyrillic millions
+ redesign meant could not maintain use of refrences for it.
+2008-10-03 11:03 +0000 [r962] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More high Cyrillic Included
+ old Cyrillic millions combining mark in Sans, changed design in
+ Serif
+2008-10-02 21:44 +0000 [r961] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: More high Cyrillic
+2008-10-02 17:45 +0000 [r960] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: More high Cyrillic glyphs
+2008-10-02 08:55 +0000 [r959] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: More glyphs in high
+ Cyrillic. Remains only some whose form I'm unsure of in italic.
+2008-10-02 07:44 +0000 [r958] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: More glyphs in higher
+ Cyrillic range
+2008-10-01 23:02 +0000 [r957] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Same process of
+ tightening el, em, ge (but a P.S. to previous commit: also did
+ ya, ze for SerifBold.
+2008-10-01 22:54 +0000 [r956] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: BoldItalic: Tightened up
+ spacing on left of el, em, ge (could go farther, but it is partly
+ a problem with glyph design...
+2008-10-01 22:10 +0000 [r955] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More additions to Cyrillic.
+ Finished SerifBold except for Nivkh additions. Used references on
+ number combining forms.
+2008-09-29 22:44 +0000 [r954] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added four (obsolete) Chuvash
+ letters to Cyrillic Supplement - completing it.
+2008-09-29 21:32 +0000 [r953] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Greek adjustments Adjusted
+ spacing of kappa slightly Got rid of ears on Psi, following
+ similar request for Upsilon.
+2008-09-28 17:02 +0000 [r952] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Adding and fiddling with
+ Spacing Modifiers and Combining Diacriticals
+2008-09-28 10:30 +0000 [r951] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Revisions of several
+ Combining Diacritical marks
+2008-09-28 10:25 +0000 [r950] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: More Combining
+ Diacriticals
+2008-09-28 08:18 +0000 [r949] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Still more Spacing
+ Modifiers and Combining Diacriticals
+2008-09-28 00:10 +0000 [r948] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: A few Combining
+ Diacriticals and Spacing Modifiers
+2008-09-27 23:45 +0000 [r947] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: MonoBoldOblique:
+ Primarily filling out Spacing Modifier Letters others: little
+ fixes found along the way
+2008-09-27 13:04 +0000 [r946] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Replaced Malayalam range with
+ that from Rachana_04 found on Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
+ project page http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/smc/ Besides
+ scaling and converting to cubic, performed much clean-up of
+ glyphs, added an r2 character, and re-named a bunch of
+ characters.
+2008-09-22 22:06 +0000 [r945] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Corrections and additions to
+ several ranges, put extra row in table with character totals
+2008-09-22 21:41 +0000 [r944] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled in as much of Phonetic
+ Extensions as I could without artistic abilities. Note 1D48-9 are
+ not references due to apparent FontForge bug, that says scaled
+ references go in wrong direction.
+2008-09-22 19:20 +0000 [r943] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cleaup of some Bengali glyphs.
+ Note many of the ligatures remain very very messy.
+2008-09-22 14:29 +0000 [r940-942] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: made some lines quiet
+ * sfd/Makefile: added more validations made to work
+ with GenerateOpenType
+ * tools/GenerateOpenType: Replaced bash version with
+ Python
+2008-09-22 09:23 +0000 [r939] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Built two more easy Phonetic
+ Extensions
+2008-09-22 09:14 +0000 [r938] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Built some Phonetic Extensions
+ letters, those with middle tilde
+2008-09-21 20:46 +0000 [r937] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added lots of Spacing
+ Modifier Letters and Combining Diacritical Marks.
+2008-09-21 15:34 +0000 [r936] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Wrote script to check
+ if glyph encodings were in stated ranges, fixed most
+ discrepancies. There were a bunch of incompletely deleted
+ characters in several faces. Sans: found several other problems
+ in the process Tamil Four slots labelled 0BDA-D have glyphs, not
+ in Unicode. also 0BE1 I think they are misplaced; added 0010 to
+ each of them Devanagari Slot labelled U+093B is not in
+ Unicode--can't find glyph: deleted likewise 094F (may have been
+ meant to be 0954) 0955, 0973-0976 0954 should be a combining
+ mark, but it appears on the wrong side of 0. 0971 was just
+ wrong--made into simple dot. 0972 is also wrong--made my own
+ Candra A. Gujarati Slots labelled 0AE4-5 are not in Unicode; seem
+ not to belong at all. Deleted. 2800 is a dup of 2790. Deleted
+ Serif: phillipine_double u1736 was misplaced A bunch of the Math
+ Alphanumeric symbols are empty in the standard, because they're
+ represented elsewhere. These should be deleted (TO DO) First need
+ to make style consistent with existing symbols.
+2008-09-21 11:41 +0000 [r935] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Applied patch from Daniel J
+ Remedies bug FreeSerif: Missing glyphs with palatal hook
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?24298 Adding several
+ letters to Phoenetic Extensions range U+1D80-BF
+2008-09-21 11:00 +0000 [r934] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made four characters
+ U+200C-F to be zero-width Remedy to bug #23593: Mono 0-width
+ chars: zero-width or space?
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?23593
+2008-09-20 23:17 +0000 [r933] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made Mahjong tiles to take up
+ less space using references Cleaned up several validation
+ problems
+2008-09-19 22:54 +0000 [r932] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py: included other Private
+ Use Ranges
+2008-09-19 20:48 +0000 [r931] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/checkGlyphNumbers.py (added): Added script
+ to check that glyph numbers match Unicode (with complication)
+2008-09-19 20:36 +0000 [r930] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: corrected and simplified
+ calculation of whether OS/2 bit is set. Now works mostly
+ perfectly, except for some high Unicode ranges...
+2008-09-19 20:25 +0000 [r928-929] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added several Hebrew Alphabetic
+ Presentation Forms (some easy ones), to make its coverage the
+ same as Serif Bold.
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Re-encoded. Deleted several
+ glyphs in Hebrew Alphabetic Presentation Forms that didn't
+ correspond valid Unicode
+2008-09-19 20:19 +0000 [r927] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Ran script to find
+ mis-numbered glyphs. Several were simply typos, some offset by
+ one.
+2008-09-19 20:13 +0000 [r926] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Numerous cases of glyphs
+ in Private Use area incorrectly assigned Unicode numbers and
+ names. Gave all -1 for Unicode and named like "slot.XXXX".
+2008-09-19 09:51 +0000 [r921-925] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/GenerateOpenType: Made to output old-style
+ kerning tables for Windows (FontForge complains though)
+ * tools/GenerateTrueType: Made to hint before
+ instructing: FontForge bases TT instructions on hints although
+ hints are not put into TrueType fonts.
+ * tools/hex_range.py: cosmetic tweek
+ * tools/isMonoMono.py: re-worked to take a list of
+ files as input
+ * tools/ranges.py: re-structured code and corrected
+ a few ranges
+2008-09-19 09:17 +0000 [r920] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Adapted Mahjong Tiles from
+ George Douros' Unicode Symbols font.
+2008-09-18 23:27 +0000 [r919] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Domino Tiles. Domino
+ outline is copied from George Douros' Unicode Symbols, but the
+ rest I preferred to do with references.
+2008-09-18 21:30 +0000 [r918] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Adapted Mathematical
+ Alphanumeric Symbols from George Douros' Unicode Symbols font.
+2008-09-18 21:02 +0000 [r917] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: This one got away
+ from me--I don't know what I did. Looks like some small contour
+ edits.
+2008-09-18 20:58 +0000 [r915-916] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Fixed one mis-numberd
+ character in Latin Extended-B
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed several mis-numbered
+ characters.
+2008-09-18 20:13 +0000 [r914] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: SansBold: one Georgian
+ letter with no name, one Zapf Dingbat was unnumbered ATT test
+ shows a bunch of problems with Gurmukhi and 'blwf' table indeed
+ shows those letters at 0x10000+ Sans names them like
+ uni0A30_uni0A4D.blwf: they are in range ECC6 to ED06 I meant to
+ move this range into Private Use in last release, and missed it.
+ So now it is moved, into same range as Sans. Both Sans and
+ SansBold in nukt table for Gurmukhi have duplicate entries for
+ uni0A15 uni0A3C. Deleted dups.
+2008-09-18 19:05 +0000 [r913] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: fixed a number of
+ Unassigned Code Points in Greek Extended
+2008-09-18 18:31 +0000 [r912] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: mis-numbered Combining
+ Diacritics
+2008-09-18 18:24 +0000 [r911] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Several chars in Latin
+ Extended hadn't been named. One spurious letter in Letterlike
+ Symbols
+2008-09-16 19:37 +0000 [r910] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Lots of additions: unless
+ otherwise noted, they are from George Duros' fonts Analecta,
+ Music, and Unicode (haven't got final confirmation of the
+ eligibility of these glyphs, so this is just for testing.) Added
+ some combining marks, fiddled a bit. In both Serif & Mono, tried
+ to get a key symbol characters to fit inside the key combining
+ mark Serif Got rid of ears on Upsilon Added: Gothic Western &
+ Byzantine Musical Symbols Misc Symbols, Misc Technical Symbols
+ (also drew many myself) Supplemental Symbols and Arrows Mono
+ Added: lotsa Misc Technical Symbols OCR Symbols drew many
+ Supplemental Symbols and Arrows, Misc Technical Sans Added
+ Phoenecian Made a few Letterlike Symbols; Made Re and Im to be
+ sans-serif.
+2008-09-11 20:49 +0000 [r908] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: changes since June
+2008-09-11 20:42 +0000 [r907] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Removed pointless entries from
+ Latin kern table Tidied points in Sinhala
+2008-09-07 21:47 +0000 [r906] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Tidied up Tamil ligatures
+ EEA8-EEAB to fix TT build warning "MonotonicFindAlong: Never
+ found our spline."
+2008-09-07 21:07 +0000 [r905] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ sfd/Makefile, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added APL characters
+ to FreeMono (why?...) Fixed several last-minute problems,
+ including Serif: Tweeked GPOS mark table for Cyrillic Sans: Added
+ a GPOS table for Cyrillic (but several diacritics are missing)
+ Serif, Mono: tweeked some bugs in extensible brackets & integrals
+ Serif: Vietnamese o circumflex: accent was a bit high. fixed.
+ MonoBoldOblique OTF build uni213b intersects self Generation of
+ TT fonts complains about several things to stderr, including
+ SerifBold: "There exists a 'fpgm' code that seems incompatible
+ with FontForge's. Instructions generated will be of lower
+ quality. If legacy hinting is to be scrapped, it is suggested to
+ clear the `fpgm` and repeat autoinstructing. It will be then
+ possible to append user's code to FontForge's 'fpgm', but due to
+ possible future updates, it is extremely advised to use high
+ numbers for user's functions." (probably has been there since I
+ first copied the TT instructions in. ) Just repeated the copying
+ process carefully, and the warning went away. Serif:
+ "FindMatchingHVEdge fell into an impossible position" fixed a
+ bunch of point too close REMAINING PROBLEM in Serif TT build
+ "MonotonicFindAlong: Never found our spline." fixed several bad
+ TT matrices-- there are several more fixed many "control points
+ too close" no luck
+2008-09-03 08:43 +0000 [r904] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Added/corrected some
+ Misc. Symbols by copying from Serif. Note this is only a stopgap
+ solution. Want real sans-serif symbols.
+2008-09-02 22:41 +0000 [r903] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Put in minimal
+ Miscellaneous Symbols: Card suites and some musical notes. Note
+ not very happy with shapes...some I just drew. Sans isn't really
+ sans. Fixed one APL symbol in Mono so it verified in OTF version
+2008-08-31 11:39 +0000 [r902] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Built set of APL symbols.
+2008-08-30 18:37 +0000 [r901] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Un-linked references in uni02B2
+ and uni02B5, because when validating the TrueType version,
+ fontforge gave an error "is drawn in wrong direction". (I suspect
+ a bug in fontforge. Other similar glyphs make no errors.)
+2008-08-30 16:23 +0000 [r900] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed missing extrema in
+ TrueType. These were the last cases being reported by validate in
+ all the faces.
+2008-08-30 13:46 +0000 [r899] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: fixed last missing
+ extrema in TrueType
+2008-08-30 11:02 +0000 [r898] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile, Makefile,
+ tools/validate.py,
+ tools/isMonoMono.py: restructured validation to
+ look in a directory
+2008-08-30 10:57 +0000 [r897] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed missing extrema in
+ TrueType versions
+2008-08-30 09:31 +0000 [r894-896] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: unified style
+ * README: lots of re-wording, concerning goals and
+ purposes
+ * INSTALL: Got rid of outline style, tried to make a
+ little more appealing.
+2008-08-14 22:01 +0000 [r893] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Same problem with uni0A83 as
+ with bn_llikaar. Just made zero-width.
+2008-08-14 20:29 +0000 [r892] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Glyph bn_llikaar, U+09E3
+ BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL, has right bound positioned far
+ into the negative. Causes a warning in fontforge when opening OTF
+ version. Comparing with other fonts supporting Bengali, found no
+ others that do this. FreeSerif makes glyph width 0 (which sounds
+ right according to Unicode) and puts glyph wholly to left of 0.
+ However, I haven't found this letter in text anywhere. I wonder
+ if it is really used in writing.
+2008-08-14 07:41 +0000 [r891] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Further TrueType validation
+ fixes. Sans still has two glyps in wrong direction.
+2008-08-13 23:09 +0000 [r890] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed more TrueType
+ problems...all with missing extrema in TTF validation
+2008-08-13 21:35 +0000 [r889] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: fixed all the TrueType
+ validation problems of type "intersects itself" and all but two
+ of the "wrong directions", as well as a lot of "missing extrema".
+ But there remain hundreds of missing extrema in the TrueType
+ version. Also, bn_llikaar in Sans and Oblique still has a problem
+ in OTF version.
+2008-08-12 22:21 +0000 [r888] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made .ttf files to
+ validate. Other faces have many more problems still.
+2008-08-12 20:41 +0000 [r887] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/GenerateTrueType: For TrueType, one puts in
+ Instructions, not Hints. This vastly improves look of TrueType
+ fonts in Windows.
+2008-08-11 23:07 +0000 [r886] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Continuing to make OTF
+ versions validate. * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: lots of missing points
+ at extrema * FreeSerif.sfd 12 wrong directions, 1 missing extrema
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd many missing points at extrema, 1
+ self-intersecting What was wrong: in several oblique cases, an
+ already-italic glyph was made more italic, thereby fouling up
+ extrema (although why it passed validation in the SFD I don't
+ know). Some glyphs were overly-complicated with many near points.
+ Cleaned up, rounded to int. Remaining problem: OTF
+ FreeSansOblique FreeSans. one Bengali glyph in each whose advance
+ width and htmx don't match. Moral of story: validate the OTF and
+ TTF versions too before a release.
+2008-08-11 22:59 +0000 [r885] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Reverse a mistake from
+ last commit: somehow this file was converted to quadratic, or
+ something.
+2008-08-10 22:25 +0000 [r884] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Found that SFD files
+ that validated produced OpenType files that don't. These
+ represent the easy fixes. Some were result of conversion to
+ quadratic; some shouldn't have validated in the SFD... *
+ MonoBoldOblique: uni0250 missing pts at extrema [reference glyph
+ rotated...] * Sans: uni0AC4 wrong direction [simplified, rounded
+ to int] * SansOblique: uni01EA wrong direction [rounded to int] *
+ SerifBold: uni023f wrong direction [round to int] *
+ SerifBoldItalic: uni0245 missing pts at extrema [ungrouped ref,
+ added extrema]
+2008-08-06 18:08 +0000 [r883] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Re-set font metrics,
+ which were somehow making uneven vertical spacing.
+2008-08-06 07:05 +0000 [r882] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: Added changes since last release
+2008-06-22 09:14 +0000 [r881] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Made to validate
+2008-06-22 09:08 +0000 [r879-880] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Brought more into line with
+ OpenType added some ranges fixed bug with ranges outside of font
+ * CREDITS: 3 new ranges
+2008-06-22 07:53 +0000 [r878] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic: tweeked accents for
+ consistency, and for readability in small sizes.
+2008-06-21 23:31 +0000 [r877] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Thanna range: tweeking
+2008-06-21 23:15 +0000 [r876] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Thaana range: Scaled up by
+ about 15%, raised by 100EM, tightened some of the diacritics to
+ get inside 900 to -300 EM limits.
+2008-06-21 22:21 +0000 [r875] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added Old Persian and Ugaritic
+ from MPH2BDamase font.
+2008-06-21 21:50 +0000 [r874] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Tai Le range adapted from
+ MPH2BDamase font.
+2008-06-21 18:39 +0000 [r873] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added some ancient Greek
+ numerals from Tempora to high Unicode area, (partly just to show
+ it can now be done.)
+2008-06-21 15:51 +0000 [r871-872] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Couple of tweeks putting
+ glyphs above -300EM.
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Surgery to Thai letter 'tho
+ than', u+0e10, to push it above -300 EM. This makes Thai range
+ completely between 900 and -300 EM.
+2008-06-21 11:20 +0000 [r870] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Many auxilary characters (esp.
+ for Malayalam, Bengla, and Tamil) representing ligatures and
+ alternative forms without their own Unicode, were moved from
+ ranges above 0xFFFF (which ought to have been slots for other
+ defined Unicode ranges) into the Private Use area. In Serif, I
+ segregated the scripts, in Sans it was hard to see where one
+ began and another ended, so I moved them en masse. Note several
+ problems with wrongly-named characters: I already re-named
+ glyph570 and glyph582. But there are others with names starting
+ with A...
+2008-06-21 11:08 +0000 [r869] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Fixed (I hope the last)
+ problem with scripts in lookups Find Problems -> ATT (all
+ selected) finds multiple issues, SansBold In addition to script
+ 'guru', added 'gur2' to the scripts for these lookups 'nukt'
+ Nukta forms in Gurmukhi 'blwf' Below Base Forms in Gurmukhi
+ 'pstf' Post Base Forms in Gurmukhi 'blws' Below Base
+ Substitutions in Gurmukhi 'abvs' Above Base Substitutions in
+ Gurmukhi 'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Gurmukhi SansOblique
+ In addition to script 'beng', added 'bng2' to the scripts for the
+ lookup 'half' Half Forms in Bengali Moreover, the lookup 'aalt'
+ Access All Alternates in Latin contains only Bengali letters.
+ Re-named as Bengali, made to work on beng, bng2 scripts
+2008-06-20 21:52 +0000 [r868] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Scaled Sinhala range. Remedies
+ bug #23656: Sinhala letters over-sized
+2008-06-20 18:03 +0000 [r867] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Mostly messing with
+ Greek Extended accents again. re-positioned ypogegrammani on
+ advice of Alexey Kryukov Put prosgegrammani beneath main letters
+ in Mono, to make narrower glyphs Implemented more distinction
+ between tonos and acute.
+2008-06-19 08:25 +0000 [r866] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Completed fit of Mono
+ to 800 to -200 EM.
+2008-06-19 07:47 +0000 [r865] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Set Metrics to
+ recommended values
+2008-06-19 07:40 +0000 [r864] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Now Mono Oblique, as well
+ as roman and Bold, are within 800 to -200 EM. Just BoldOblique to
+ go.
+2008-06-19 07:25 +0000 [r863] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: More toward fitting to 800
+ to -200 EM. Basically, reduced Georgian by 92%. Also made an
+ over-all offset, so Georgian is somehow centered (Bold...I guess
+ I already did this in roman). Want to also do an emboldening to
+ make stroke like rest of font, but current FontForge has a nasty
+ crash that loses data on this function.
+2008-06-19 06:19 +0000 [r862] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: In effort to make fit in 800 to
+ -200 EM, Scaled Georgian by 92%, centered on 600 wide box. Next:
+ Embolden a bit.
+2008-06-18 19:46 +0000 [r861] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Toward making all
+ glyphs lie between -200 and 800 EM. Numerous small changes,
+ especially raising descenders of some Hebrew letters. Georgian
+ remains a problem
+2008-06-13 07:39 +0000 [r860] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Moved prosgegrammeni up to
+ baseline, (and then moved all references down to baseline)
+2008-06-13 06:17 +0000 [r859] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added Control Picture
+ "blank" to all faces. Switched U+0222-3 from TemporaLGCUni
+2008-06-11 17:57 +0000 [r858] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More fiddling with Greek
+ Extended accents
+2008-06-11 07:43 +0000 [r857] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Tweeks to accents etc in
+ Greek Extended and Cyrillic
+2008-06-10 08:00 +0000 [r856] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed a few big horizontal
+ spacing problems
+2008-06-09 23:12 +0000 [r855] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Implemented TemporaLCGUni
+ glyphs in Cyrillic ranges. Added a breve_cyrillic for the
+ moustache breve mark.
+2008-06-08 08:45 +0000 [r854] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Replaced most of Cyrillic range
+ with TemporaLGCUni. Remodelled many of the derived Cyrillic
+ characters after these. Fiddled globally with spacing of small
+ letters. Unclear on diacritics 485-6, unhappy with breve.
+2008-06-07 23:12 +0000 [r853] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Started implementing
+ TemporaLCGUni in Greek ranges. Replaced 3DC-3E1 from Tempora,
+ because I thought they looked nicer and more like the other
+ existing FreeFont glyphs. Replaced 3DA-B from Tempora, because
+ they look more like Unicode samples, and nicer. Added 03f3-4,
+ 03F7-F. Prefer my own lunate epsilon. Replaced Phi and Omega from
+ Tempora. These plainly fit the other FreeFont glyphs better than
+ the origninals. (How did this happen?) In bold, replaced U+03D7
+ Copied lbbar u+2114 Small italic greek: replaced most except phi,
+ psi, omega Based on new information, broke the identification of
+ oxia with Latin acute.
+2008-06-07 13:15 +0000 [r852] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Efforts to control
+ heights of characters
+2008-06-05 22:04 +0000 [r851] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made to validate
+2008-06-04 23:14 +0000 [r850] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Fixed undefined character in
+ kerning classes
+2008-06-03 22:26 +0000 [r849] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: tweeks and additions
+ to General Punctuation
+2008-06-03 07:12 +0000 [r848] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Completed/tweeked
+ Number Forms
+2008-06-02 22:28 +0000 [r847] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Added some Miscellaneous
+ Technical symbols
+2008-06-02 21:25 +0000 [r846] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Tweeks...mostly Letterlike
+2008-06-01 21:52 +0000 [r845] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Added Box Drawing characters to
+ Serif. Tweeked a glyph in Mono
+2008-06-01 12:30 +0000 [r844] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added several glyphs
+ to Letterlike Characters
+2008-05-31 07:30 +0000 [r843] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Validation pass
+ SansOblique and SansBoldOblique had validation problem with
+ BlueValues Private Dictionary Elements in BlueValues/OtherBlues
+ array are disordered Elements in BlueValues/OtherBlues array are
+ too close (Change BlueFuzz) StemSnapV does not contain StdVW
+ value. So I ordered the array, and based on other slanted fonts,
+ removed StemSnapV. Note however, I still think the two top Blues
+ lines are too close But I don't even know what the second-to-top
+ line is meant to do.
+2008-05-31 07:23 +0000 [r842] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added to Block Elements,
+ Geometric Shapes Made to validate
+2008-05-29 08:49 +0000 [r841] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Looking at special symbols.
+ Drew several Miscellaneous Symbols in Mono and Serif
+ (Completed/corrected planetary symbols, added Dice, some other
+ easy ones) Completed Dingbats in Serif (using URW Dingbats) Added
+ some Block Elements to Serif
+2008-05-25 23:47 +0000 [r840] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More changes stemming from
+ J. Poon's report.
+2008-05-25 12:56 +0000 [r839] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Height surgery on
+ SerifBoldItalic. More fiddling with accents in others.
+2008-05-25 11:01 +0000 [r838] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: More height surgery. Only
+ a few left in Benglai and Thai
+2008-05-25 10:54 +0000 [r837] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Re-applied surgery to make
+ glyphs between 900 and -300EM
+2008-05-25 09:58 +0000 [r836] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: *** Regression
+ Inadvertently un-linked all references in SerifBold in r1.83.
+ This reverses that error (but also un-does the surgery mentioned
+ there)
+2008-05-24 22:23 +0000 [r835] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Applied surgery to make
+ Latin letters go under 900EM. One exception yet...
+2008-05-24 20:59 +0000 [r834] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Serif: much fiddling with
+ accents in Latin ranges. Re-thought some glyphs (there are still
+ a few messy ones, especially in bold) Checked horizontal
+ spacing...fixed a number of problems.
+2008-05-23 07:37 +0000 [r833] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Made Latin Extended-B
+ coverage consistent across Serif; cleaned up some glyphs
+2008-05-22 23:07 +0000 [r832] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Filled more of General
+ Punctuation in Sans and Serif Made all agree on coverage of Latin
+ Extended Additional
+2008-05-22 21:34 +0000 [r831] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added Latin Extended
+ Additional to SansOblique. Made Latin Extended Additional
+ coverage consistent across Sans, B, I Made Latin Extended-B
+ coverage same in SerifBold.
+2008-05-22 19:05 +0000 [r830] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Mono* made Latin-B
+ coverage consistent across faces
+2008-05-22 07:50 +0000 [r829] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Made set of Latin
+ Extended-B consistent across Sans faces
+2008-05-21 23:14 +0000 [r828] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: More filling in General
+ Punctuation
+2008-05-21 22:26 +0000 [r827] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: another bunch of J. Poon's
+ reports also, filling in some Combining Diacriticals, Spacing
+ Modifiers, and General Punctuation in bold faces
+2008-05-20 23:16 +0000 [r826] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Mucking about with mark
+ tables in Thai (Serif) Other faces: Making changes from J. Poon's
+ report
+2008-05-20 06:41 +0000 [r825] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: Mark Williamson Jacob Poon
+2008-05-20 06:37 +0000 [r823-824] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: added tests target
+ * tools/findBackLayers.py (added),
+ tools/validate.py (added),
+ tools/isMonoMono.py (added),
+ tools/nameBySlot.py (added): isMonoMono.py checks
+ that monospace is really that findBackLayers.py finds glyphs in
+ back layers nameBySlot.py Sets name/unicode values of a range to
+ encoding value verify.py runs FontForge "verify" on all faces
+2008-05-18 19:17 +0000 [r822] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: put table explanation back in
+2008-05-18 19:11 +0000 [r821] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Improved behaviour for high
+ Unicode
+2008-05-18 13:32 +0000 [r820] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Revision of kerning
+2008-05-18 12:16 +0000 [r819] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made Latin kerning a little
+ more reasonable: reduced many excessive kerns (some had letters
+ apparently overlapping, which shouldn't happen) made kerns
+ increment by 5EM for ease of reading got rid of kerns too small
+ to be seen
+2008-05-18 12:11 +0000 [r818] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: made to verify
+2008-05-12 22:52 +0000 [r817] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: made to validate
+2008-05-12 22:46 +0000 [r816] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Gurmukhi: filled range in
+ Serif, taking glyphs from the original Punjabi font by Hardip
+ Singh Pannu http://members.aol.com/hspannu/punjabi.html (file
+ pb_win95.exe)
+2008-05-12 19:43 +0000 [r815] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Hebrew, basic. Some faces
+ missing punctuation marks, added.
+2008-05-12 19:03 +0000 [r814] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd:
+ Armenian: Sans tried to make verticals and horizontals of more
+ uniform width both, finddled with punctuation
+2008-05-12 12:56 +0000 [r813] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: made to validate
+2008-05-12 12:23 +0000 [r812] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: made to validate
+2008-05-12 12:04 +0000 [r811] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Armenian in Sans:
+ regularized letter spacing
+2008-05-12 10:19 +0000 [r810] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Armenian: fill out ranges
+ and clean up SansBold especially had a lot of incorrect
+ references. Now all the ranges with Armenian at least share the
+ same set of characters.
+2008-05-12 07:58 +0000 [r809] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Fixed glyph with wrong width.
+2008-05-11 21:29 +0000 [r808] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: 1) made to validate
+ 2) Mono: copied in Spacing Modifier Letters (glyphs not yet
+ named) 3) SerifItalic: Filled in General Punctuation
+2008-05-11 17:56 +0000 [r807] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made to validate, and
+ pass all other FontForge tests. Expedient: rounded everything to
+ int
+2008-05-11 14:00 +0000 [r806] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Made to have the same Greek
+ Symbols, Made to validate
+2008-05-11 12:59 +0000 [r805] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Made Greek Symbols as
+ full as rest of Sans
+2008-05-11 12:40 +0000 [r804] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Made Greek Symbols as full
+ as rest of Sans. Changed a name in Sans.
+2008-05-11 12:25 +0000 [r803] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Deleted orphaned Arabic
+ glyph from Arabic Presentation forms-B
+2008-05-11 12:17 +0000 [r802] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Made Greek as full as
+ other faces Made to validate
+2008-05-11 11:08 +0000 [r801] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Deleted seven orphaned
+ Arabic characters; looks like somebody started, didn't get very
+ far, putting Arabic in bold.
+2008-05-11 11:05 +0000 [r800] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Deleted the single Arabic
+ character: it was clearly there by mistake.
+2008-05-11 11:01 +0000 [r799] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Tweeks to Armenian
+2008-05-11 10:56 +0000 [r796-798] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Comment from previous
+ commit of FreeSans was meant for FreeSansOblique. In FreeSans,
+ only tweeked a few letters during putting more characters in this
+ face. Filled in Spacing Modifier Letters, increased General
+ Punctuation.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Filled in Spacing Modifier
+ Letters, increased General Punctuation
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Made Armenian as full as other
+ roman faces.
+2008-05-11 08:22 +0000 [r795] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Completed Spacing Modifier
+ Letters Added a couple of Greek Punctuation
+2008-05-10 22:39 +0000 [r794] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: added more Spacing Modifier
+ Letters
+2008-05-10 21:57 +0000 [r792-793] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Did same process of scaling and
+ sizing for Thai in Sans as in Serif. Added mark tables to Sans.
+ Improvement, but there are questions...
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Tidied some Gurmukhi glyphs,
+ validated.
+2008-05-10 17:50 +0000 [r791] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made metrics like
+ rest of Mono
+2008-05-10 13:44 +0000 [r790] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Deleted ranges for Oriya,
+ Kannada, on account of 1) they only contained a subset of the
+ consonant glyphs of the scripts, few if any vowels, and had no
+ ligature lookups as required 2) Kannada was based on the Akurti
+ fonts, which have copyright issues. See bug #23225: Oriya range
+ only partial bug #23224: Kannada range only partial
+2008-05-09 07:49 +0000 [r789] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: more info on range intervals
+2008-05-09 05:36 +0000 [r788] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Deleted Telugu range. It didn't
+ represent a complete writing system for the language. See notes
+ at https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?23202 Serif: Telugu
+ range missing many characters; many wrong
+2008-05-09 05:22 +0000 [r787] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Got a copy of the original
+ Tikkana font, Copied in remaining consonants and vowels that I
+ could find there. I think one vowel 0C55 is missing according to
+ unicode). Strangely, the Telugu digits are alo missing. In
+ Tikkana, the default "checkmark" structural mark is missing from
+ many consonants, according to Unicode, but is a separate glyph. I
+ put the checkmark on. This, and scaled up by 150% and cleaned up
+ intersecting glyphs and many unnecessary points.
+2008-05-07 22:38 +0000 [r786] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out Telugu consonants.
+ Vowels still need to be done
+2008-05-07 19:35 +0000 [r785] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Operated on Latin glyphs with
+ stacked accents to make them fit under 900EM. Scaled Telugu bu
+ 150%.
+2008-05-05 22:17 +0000 [r784] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Corrected further fontforge
+ "find problems" added some math characters to FreeSerif
+2008-05-04 23:52 +0000 [r783] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Made to validate, and fixed
+ bad TT transformations
+2008-05-04 19:52 +0000 [r782] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Mainly TeX additions trying to
+ satisfy Markus Kuhn's TeX-as-Unicode page
+2008-05-04 14:25 +0000 [r781] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Adjusted heights of extensible
+ brackets
+2008-05-04 13:42 +0000 [r780] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Fixed problems with extensible
+ brackets, thanks to Markus Kuhn's page
+ http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-demo.txt
+2008-05-04 11:43 +0000 [r779] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: fiddled with ranges, doc
+2008-05-04 11:25 +0000 [r778] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: made some ranges more correct?
+2008-05-04 11:02 +0000 [r777] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: fixed some bugs in ranges better
+ error reporting
+2008-05-04 10:34 +0000 [r775-776] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: Got rid of Unicode 1.1 references
+ * tools/ranges.py: made to use OpenType table
+2008-05-04 03:11 +0000 [r774] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: made to validate
+2008-05-03 20:44 +0000 [r773] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Removed digits from Private
+ Use Area. See bug 23050.
+2008-05-03 19:54 +0000 [r772] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: restructure text output
+2008-05-03 17:05 +0000 [r771] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd:
+ Completed General Punctuation
+2008-05-03 15:00 +0000 [r770] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: More docs, date
+2008-05-03 14:53 +0000 [r769] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Completed IPA Extensions
+2008-05-03 13:46 +0000 [r768] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: More work on Superscripts and
+ Subscripts, Spacing Modifiers. Sans is now complete in both.
+ Added Pfennig to Sans and Mono.
+2008-05-03 11:55 +0000 [r767] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: rearrangement and cosmetic
+2008-05-03 11:46 +0000 [r765-766] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: ...except I had broken it. now
+ fixed
+ * tools/ranges.py: Seems to be in a useful form at
+ this point.
+2008-05-03 10:29 +0000 [r764] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added a hand-drawn old German
+ Pfennig to Currency Symbols
+2008-05-02 23:46 +0000 [r763] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Further additions to General
+ Punctuation, Super and Sub Scripts, Spacing Modifiers, etc.
+2008-05-02 20:29 +0000 [r762] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd: Sans: additions to Spacing
+ Modifiers, IPA SerifItalic: shortening stacked accents to
+ maintain readability when clipped
+2008-05-01 19:32 +0000 [r761] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Additions to Spacing Modifiers
+ and changes to Combining Diacritics
+2008-05-01 18:26 +0000 [r760] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Made sure all the half rings in
+ Combining Diacriticals and Spacing Modifiers were really half
+ rings (J. Poon had complained about this)
+2008-05-01 18:11 +0000 [r759] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out General Punctuation
+ Some work on Spacing Modifiers
+2008-05-01 14:10 +0000 [r758] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out Mathematical
+ Operators still needs lots of work Made to validate
+2008-05-01 09:14 +0000 [r757] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out Latin Extended B
+2008-04-30 23:00 +0000 [r756] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: added some letters with curls
+ to Latin Extended B
+2008-04-30 22:38 +0000 [r755] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: more fiddling with Latin
+ Extended B accents
+2008-04-30 20:28 +0000 [r754] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Hanunóo script, with
+ characters based on those in font MPH2BDamase, on request from
+ the maintainer of that font,
+ http://packages.debian.org/sid/ttf-mph-2b-damase Glyphs are
+ simple vector strokes. Could be a little more uniform.
+2008-04-29 23:54 +0000 [r753] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Buginese script
+ "Lontara", with characters based on those in font MPH2BDamase, on
+ request from the maintainer of that font,
+ http://packages.debian.org/sid/ttf-mph-2b-damase Note the glyphs
+ are pretty rough, clearly a digitization of handwriting. I just
+ cleaned them up, and corrected discrepancies with Unicode, and
+ compared with some pictorial samples of the script I could find.
+2008-04-28 22:15 +0000 [r752] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py: improved look a lot still unhappy
+ with some ranges OS/2 seems sometimes bang-on, sometimes
+ unrelated to anything ( including fontforge's OS/2 listing)
+2008-04-28 22:00 +0000 [r751] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Much fiddling with Tamil range.
+ First scaled to 78% (avoiding the references) This gets it in the
+ ballpark height-wise. [A bit taller than the Latin letters, but
+ the stroke is narrower, but then the glyphs are busier.] Then had
+ to re-align combined references, the trickiest being the halants.
+ Checked with other fonts with Tamil text.
+2008-04-28 20:05 +0000 [r750] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cleanum of missing extrema in
+ Arabic and Thaana
+2008-04-28 19:55 +0000 [r749] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: cleanup of control points in
+ Arabic and Thaana
+2008-04-28 17:04 +0000 [r748] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ranges.py (added): a script to print out how
+ many characters in a range are implemented in each font
+2008-04-28 08:06 +0000 [r747] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: * Many changes to Thai, trying
+ to make the script fit between some lines, so accents won't get
+ clipped, etc. Also, stroke weight was heavier than that of Latin.
+ Scaled whole thing by 93%. Shrank the tallest letters 0E42-4 to
+ get them under 900EM. Shaved off top of maiek. Fiddled with
+ positioning of all accents. Made positioning tables for accents.
+ [note, unclear these are working correctly] * Fixed a bug having
+ to do with character replacements for characters named 'ng' and
+ 'nj'; these names had been taken on by other characters. * Made
+ to validate * unicode positions of two Cyrillic Extended
+ characters were switched. * fiddled with a couple of Cyrillic
+ combining diacritics
+2008-04-26 22:14 +0000 [r746] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: bugfix: a left harpoon
+ mysteriously appeared to the left of letter p!
+2008-04-26 19:46 +0000 [r745] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Made to validate
+2008-04-26 18:40 +0000 [r744] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: made to validate
+2008-04-26 15:04 +0000 [r743] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Toward J. Poons report Made 032B
+ more like proper double-arches (and distinct fro 033C seagull)
+2008-04-26 14:22 +0000 [r742] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Toward J. Poon's report Made
+ 032b more like a seagull
+2008-04-26 14:05 +0000 [r741] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Sans: fiddling with widths
+ and terminators of math symbols, toward J. Poon's report R & B:
+ removed u+2741 because it didn't match the Unicode description
+2008-04-26 12:08 +0000 [r740] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: extensible parenthesis symbols
+ weight/terminators Toward bug # 23064
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?23064 Rounded a bunch of
+ terminators
+2008-04-22 21:45 +0000 [r739] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Fiddled with math--consequences
+ of changing the "similar" operator
+2008-04-22 20:06 +0000 [r738] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Small alignment problem in
+ Greek Extended
+2008-04-22 19:52 +0000 [r737] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: One more tweek to spacing in
+ Cyrillic Extended
+2008-04-22 19:48 +0000 [r736] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Corrected spacing in Cyrillic
+ Supplement
+2008-04-22 19:35 +0000 [r735] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Cyrillic Supplement
+ letters for Enets, Khanty, Chukchi, Itelmen, Mordvin, Kurdish,
+ Aleut
+2008-04-22 18:46 +0000 [r734] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: More tightening of accents
+2008-04-22 18:41 +0000 [r733] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Cyrillic letters for
+ Nivkh (completing Cyrillic range) More tightening of accents in
+ Latin Extended.
+2008-04-22 08:49 +0000 [r732] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Adjustments to h and k with
+ caron and cedilla in Latin A and B
+2008-04-21 22:23 +0000 [r731] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: FreeSerifBold: deleted 3
+ dotted Hebrew letters in Private/Corporate use (E801-3). They
+ weren't ligatures or in any other lookup, and they weren't
+ present in FreeSerif. FreeSansBold: unlinked and deleted F6C3,
+ which called itself commaaccent. Made some new spacing and
+ non-spacing accents to make up for it. FreeSansBoldOblique: Made
+ references of many Latin Extended. Also corrected several wrong
+ ones. Freeserif: re-named commaaccent
+2008-04-21 18:30 +0000 [r730] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Deleted Hiragana and
+ Katakana ranges, as discussed on bugs list. Cleaned up some
+ encoding issues, unnamed glyphs
+2008-04-21 07:28 +0000 [r728-729] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Roman: added 'sine' -- not
+ beautiful, but I liked drawing it All: Made special lookup for
+ Dutch ligatures 'IJ' and 'ij'
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Roman: ffi etc Latin
+ ligatures from 'liga' to 'dlig' (these weren't really ligatures
+ anyway, and only looked very bad when used. Retain for condensed
+ type. Others: deleted Latin 'liga' table altogether BoldOblique :
+ added j to ij ligature
+2008-04-20 22:31 +0000 [r727] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Toward J. Poon's
+ Report: Except for issues of terminators not always vertical or
+ horizontal, and a few things that were too hard or I was unsure
+ of.
+2008-04-20 15:31 +0000 [r726] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More fiddling with accents
+2008-04-20 15:11 +0000 [r725] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: futzing with accents in Latin
+ Extended Additional
+2008-04-20 14:28 +0000 [r724] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fiddled with accents in Latin
+ Extended-B
+2008-04-20 12:56 +0000 [r723] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added primemod
+ character, referenced by Greek number sign
+2008-04-20 09:51 +0000 [r722] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Following J. Poon's
+ report, disconnected NJ (01CA)
+2008-04-19 21:20 +0000 [r721] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: First pass throught
+ J. Poon's bug list. See bug reports for details.
+2008-04-19 15:44 +0000 [r720] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made underscore
+ slanted in Oblique faces, made all to be width of character.
+ Towards J. Poon's report. Disturbed that xterm and some other
+ apps put small space between characters when none was called for.
+2008-04-19 15:20 +0000 [r719] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: corrections on Currency
+ Symbols
+2008-04-19 11:59 +0000 [r718] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More corrections, additions
+ to Currency Symbols
+2008-04-19 01:41 +0000 [r717] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Filled out and corrected
+ Currency Symbols
+2008-04-18 21:46 +0000 [r716] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Adjustments to Combining Marks
+ for Symbols Additions to range in Sans, and re-structured its
+ marks table so that "middle" can apply to any range
+2008-04-18 08:31 +0000 [r715] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Made reference between
+ combining koronis and lenis of Greek Extended In Serif, re-worked
+ combining marks lookup tables, added anchors in Latin, moved so
+ without marks they work in kedit (but now I'm doubting kedit does
+ a reasonable thing...what is a better application for testing
+ this?)
+2008-04-16 21:46 +0000 [r714] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: adjusting of spacing and
+ accents in Greek
+2008-04-16 20:30 +0000 [r713] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Much futzing with Greek
+ letter spacing and accents. Added lenis to FreeMono.
+2008-04-16 06:45 +0000 [r712] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Adjusted spacing of dots of
+ Greek dieresistonons in Serif Whippted up something for Greek
+ kappascript in Mono (could use revision)
+2008-04-16 06:18 +0000 [r711] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Raised dots on
+ double-dotted Cyrillic i, to match that of i and j.
+2008-04-14 09:02 +0000 [r710] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Corrected 27e6-7 "white bracket"
+ Note it is probably a FontForge bug these symbols aren't showing
+ up. FontForge thinks they are in Supplemental Arrows, but they
+ should be in Supplemental Math-A
+2008-04-13 22:18 +0000 [r709] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: named some Greek characters
+2008-04-13 22:00 +0000 [r708] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Spacing of some Cyrillic
+ characters
+2008-04-13 21:10 +0000 [r707] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: some fiddling with accents,
+ yogh was too wide
+2008-04-13 14:28 +0000 [r706] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: Character spacing was
+ chaos--tried to improve. BoldOblique also needs it.
+2008-04-13 12:17 +0000 [r705] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Completed the fix of
+ bug #12798, Greek glyphs with accents to side Much mucking with
+ accents here, and fixed a few things that were just wrong.
+2008-04-12 19:56 +0000 [r704] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made Mono curly
+ quotes "bent"
+2008-04-12 19:39 +0000 [r703] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: More fiddling with Greek accents
+ Made quotes "bent"
+2008-04-12 18:57 +0000 [r702] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Adjustments on Greek
+ diaresistonos etc. Adjustments in Serif on combining marks for
+ symbols
+2008-04-12 11:58 +0000 [r701] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More additions to Combining
+ marks for Symbols
+2008-04-12 11:44 +0000 [r700] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Additions to Combining marks
+ for Symbols -- now mostly full. Lots of adjustments to middle
+ anchor point in Latin to make big circle (nearly) encircle
+ preceding latter
+2008-04-11 07:14 +0000 [r699] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Bugfix: Had indroduce a glyph of
+ width other than 600, making kterminal not recognize it as a
+ monospace font.
+2008-04-10 19:44 +0000 [r698] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: More messing with accents.
+ Further to bug #12798, Greek glyphs with accents to side Much
+ messing with glyphs in Greek Extended range
+2008-04-09 11:35 +0000 [r697] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Revisited Latin-1 and
+ Latin-A accents. Glyph B7 was called "periodcentered", but
+ Unicode callse it Mid Dot, and the description doesn't refer to
+ the period. I made it like the dot accent. throughout, and
+ referred L-dot to it. Also double-checked "commaaccent"
+ characters (some in Unicode called cedilla, but the Unicode
+ example shows a comma...mystery) also the funny IPA upside-down f
+ often had two bars, incorrectly. To do: go through rest of Serif,
+ and Sans
+2008-04-08 23:25 +0000 [r696] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Completed
+ re-structuring of stacked Latin accents in Mono. Also: lots of
+ associated adjustments of Greek Extended accents. (Trying to at
+ least center extremely wide characters on their box) Repaired
+ some victems of "find overlaps" sweeps Worked on glyphs with
+ apostrope/comma parts Corrected a few wrong glyphs. Trying out a
+ "bent quotes" solution to making primes distinct from quotes.
+2008-04-08 09:56 +0000 [r695] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Toward reducing overall
+ height Did similar process as for Mono, fixing a few errors along
+ the way. Also the Greek Extended range was very messed up
+ vertical and horizontally. Horizonal spacing of the heavily
+ accented Greek is a real problem in Mono... To do: revisit
+ "commaaccent" characters in all faces: do some have cedillas?
+ some Hebrew glyphs are a little low Georgian generally is way out
+ of bounds
+2008-04-07 07:18 +0000 [r694] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: various updates and corrections, tweeked
+ formatting
+2008-04-06 22:48 +0000 [r693] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Tweeking of accents
+2008-04-06 21:21 +0000 [r692] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Re-worked accents in
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd to make Latin ranges lie between 800 and -200
+ EM, as with FreeMono.
+2008-04-06 16:20 +0000 [r691] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/hex_range.py (added): a tool for printing
+ out ranges of formatted hex numbers
+2008-04-06 12:33 +0000 [r690] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Latin Extended ranges:
+ Implemented new policy of shortening the letters of the
+ characters with the highest-stacked accents. At this point all
+ the Latin glyphs lie betweeen 800 and -200 EM. Also checked for
+ readability of all the Latin extended letters in xterm. (Issue:
+ it chops letters outside their bounding boxes; many accents had
+ been a bit outside. Made sure that if they were chopped, they
+ were at least still recognizable.)
+2008-04-05 19:41 +0000 [r689] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Following exchange about Mono on
+ freefont-bugs with Joe Wells, who * doesn't like the curly quote
+ marks * wants combining diacritics to work * wants tight line
+ spacing Trying to reduce font height: * exclamdown was below -200
+ * Throughout Extended Greek, ypogegrammeni were too low.
+ Shortened glyph, and raised all references. * Lots of messing
+ with Latin Extended ranges to make glyphs mostly fit into 800
+ height. Mostly succeeded. A couple will get chopped. * Messed
+ with "commaaccent" glyphs, which were very low * Cyrillic 04B1
+ had a tail that was incorrectly low * Much mucking with Georgian
+ range. Moved up by 95 (read Georgian is written as though
+ centered between two horizontal lines, rather than as sitting on
+ a baseline) There are still a few very high glyphs. FontForge
+ U+0122 called Gcommaaccent, glyph looks like that, but Unicode
+ says it's Gcedilla. Made the ones called cedilla by Unicode to be
+ cedillas Note bug in Unicode: standard for 0122, 0123, 0136,
+ 0137, 013B, 013C, 0145, 0146, 0156, 0157 all talk about cedilla,
+ say to make it with cedilla, but example shows comma. By the way:
+ * Got rid of commaaccent and dotlessj in Corporate Use * Replaced
+ shadedark, with little squares now not overlapping. * Corrected
+ IPA symbol 'ts' 02A6, added 02a8, 02a9, 02aa, 02ab, 02ac, 02ad,
+ 02ae, 02af (so many changes...the CVS server was down...)
+2008-04-05 18:18 +0000 [r688] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: e-named arabic and hebrew
+ characters Big adjustment to comma-accents. Mostly effects Greek
+ Extended. Made such accents to be like comma, rather than like
+ Russian apostrophe (and de-referenced that symbol)
+2008-04-04 07:17 +0000 [r687] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: raised dot on superscript i
+ (2071) to make it more distinct at small sizes
+2008-04-03 23:33 +0000 [r686] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: added two IPA symbols
+2008-04-02 20:15 +0000 [r685] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: fixed a few more control points
+ too close
+2008-04-02 18:59 +0000 [r684] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed names of languages in
+ ligature table for latn "w/i". This fixes a crash when FontForge
+ opened the ttf table
+2008-04-02 18:47 +0000 [r683] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Motivated by bug crashing
+ FontForge when opening ttf file, started cleanup of useless
+ control points. Not finished. Got partway through Sinhala
+2008-03-31 21:51 +0000 [r682] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Fixed various "Find
+ Problems", including glyphs with mixed-up names, and bad TT
+ matrices. (lots more bad TT matrices remain)
+2008-03-31 06:50 +0000 [r681] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: re-named a bunch of Cyrillic
+ letters
+2008-03-30 22:32 +0000 [r680] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: put above mark on Cyrillic i
+ and double-dot i for Slavonic number forms
+2008-03-30 21:06 +0000 [r679] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: tightened spacing on glyphs of
+ last commit
+2008-03-30 21:03 +0000 [r678] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Concerning bug #16120, Include
+ upper case Wynn and upper case Yogh Adapted Herman Miller's
+ Thyromanes letters 01F7 021C 021D for Serif Drew my own versions
+ for Sans.
+2008-03-30 16:00 +0000 [r677] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added 04F6,7
+2008-03-30 15:34 +0000 [r676] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Made more Cyrillic diacritics
+ really combine. Made a mark lookup just for Cyrillic diacritics,
+ Marked most of the unadorned Cyrillic alphabet. Still not clear
+ on correct shapes for some of the marks.
+2008-03-29 23:25 +0000 [r675] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Tweeks to accents
+2008-03-29 20:32 +0000 [r674] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd: small adjustments in Cyrillic
+2008-03-29 20:14 +0000 [r673] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: corrected small palochka made
+ Cyrillic combining hundred-thousands and millions really combine
+ named some combining diacriticals
+2008-03-29 14:18 +0000 [r672] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: mostly adjusted
+ horizontal spacing of mono oblique faces
+2008-03-29 13:18 +0000 [r671] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: More cleanup of
+ Cyrillic ranges Completely re-did horizontal spacing of
+ SerifItalic and SerifBoldItalic. See bug #17912, poor kerning in
+ Cyrillic oblique... https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?17912
+ It looked like chaos to me. Only so much can be done: the font is
+ flawed. But I think the changes make text readable in these
+ faces. There were many dozens of incorrect glyphs in
+ higher-numbered characters. It looked like someone started
+ copying letters that were like the correct ones, meaning to edit
+ them later, but never got around to it. (Or else, a facile
+ copying of glyphs that kinda looked right, but really kinda
+ weren't.) I deleted all those I could find. No glyph is better
+ than a wrong glyph. Futzt with accents, shooting for consistency
+ and readability. A maintenance thing: making correct references
+ (acyrillic vs a, although they may be the same glyph) I made a
+ lot of headway, but it isn't finished. Likewise, a large fraction
+ of these are compound characters, which can be made with
+ references, resulting in easier maintenance, reduced likelihood
+ of errors, and smaller files. I replaced many.
+2008-03-29 00:34 +0000 [r670] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic italic Added italic,
+ bolditalic 0493, 04a7, 04AD because their form clearly varies in
+ italic. But was just guessing...
+2008-03-29 00:14 +0000 [r669] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Cyrillic italic Added
+ italic, bolditalic 0493, 04AD because their form clearly varies
+ in italic. But was just guessing as to exact form.
+2008-03-28 23:16 +0000 [r668] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Overhaul of Cyrillic
+ Italic, BoldItalic added small yat for bug #22588 (note Times New
+ Roman doesn't use alternate form in Italic) All forms of Serif
+ have big problems in Cyrillic. The ugliest is in roman. The
+ letters, even of the Russian alphabet, are of inconsistent height
+ (awfully, small 0438 (ii) 0446 (tse)) and they vary from the
+ height of Latin and they vary from the height of italic and bold.
+ They are a mish-mash of letters from several fonts, of similar
+ (but not quite identical) weight, and similar, (but not quite
+ identical) size. I think the best solution would be to identify
+ the face that best matches Latin, and fill the range with that. I
+ think this is possible because the rarer letters seem to be
+ better: the common letters are the ones that are wrong. For now,
+ I just increased the sized of 0438 and 0446, and 048a, 048b, also
+ 0459 (lje) 045A (nje) 0464 (dje) Other issues ------------ Were
+ outline, with home-made accents - replaced with references 0400
+ (was referencing E) 0401, 0402, 040c, 040d, 040e 0450, 0451, 0453
+ more in the later ranges. Deleted dozens of characters in Bold,
+ Italic, and BoldItalic, that appeared half-made (a part of the
+ letter was copied, but the letter was never completed, and was
+ basically wrong) Lots of letters with hooks and lines in italic
+ were represented as just the unhooked version in italic. 048a,
+ 048b (short i with tail, had big-eared breve common in Cyrillic,
+ but unlike other letters) Re-implemented many compound letters
+ with references. Questionable ------------ In all versions,
+ 0478-9 Uk, uk. SerifItalic 0495 Small ge with acute, in italic:
+ is it like italic ge, or oblique? Well, peeked at Times New
+ Roman, which has it oblique.
+2008-03-27 20:33 +0000 [r667] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Moving all Greek
+ capitals with accent so they don't cover previous letter.
+ Remedies bug #12798
+2008-03-27 20:27 +0000 [r666] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Various tweeks to accented
+ Latin letters. Connected O-ogonek correctly
+2008-03-27 19:55 +0000 [r665] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Accents of numerous
+ accented Latin letters got shifted in a previous commit. This
+ fixes it.
+2008-03-27 19:28 +0000 [r664] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Adjusted combining tack left
+ and right (0318-0319) to be above -300 EM.
+2008-03-26 23:37 +0000 [r663] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Added some "middle" marks for
+ positioning of diacritics
+2008-03-26 23:21 +0000 [r662] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: copied 4 enclosing combining
+ diacriticals from Serif 20DD - 20E0
+2008-03-26 23:13 +0000 [r661] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: adjusted and added some
+ enclosing diacritics 20DD - 20E0 could use more work. Other faces
+ need 'em too. In response to Debian bug #472566 ttf-freefont:
+ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=472566
+2008-03-26 20:00 +0000 [r660] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Lowered a few over-high Latin
+ accents
+2008-03-25 23:27 +0000 [r659] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: FreeSansBold Devangari only
+ digits 1 and 2, and nothing else. Deleted FreeMonoBold
+ FreeMonoOblique FreeSerifBold FreeSeriftalic FreeSerifBoldItalic
+ FreeSansOblique FreeSansBold FreeSansBoldOblique got rid of
+ dotlessj, comma in Corporate Use Single Substitution lookup, ccmp
+ table made proper dotlessj, re-linked j-circumflex Note:
+ FreeSansBold has a commaaccent in Corporate Use, used by several
+ other characers. Haven't done anything about this.
+2008-03-25 07:30 +0000 [r658] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added/corrected glyphs for yeh
+ hamza in Arabic, Added init and medi lookups for yeh hamza.
+2008-03-24 21:54 +0000 [r657] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added isolated and final forms
+ for 0629 teh marbuta 0624 waw hamza 0626 yeh hamza 0649 alef
+ maksura A previous commit had added lookups that referred to
+ these,
+2008-03-24 18:51 +0000 [r656] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: more fiddling with
+ super/subscripts
+2008-03-24 12:17 +0000 [r655] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/README-downloads.txt (added): An explanatory
+ file for the downloads directory
+2008-03-24 11:59 +0000 [r654] Stevan_White:
+ * sfd/Makefile,
+ tools/GenerateTrueType, Makefile,
+ tools/GenerateOpenType (added): Scripts and Make
+ targets to generate OpenType fonts and zip file
+2008-03-24 11:56 +0000 [r653] Stevan_White:
+ * notes/maintenance.txt: Added gnupload and info
+ about tagging
+2008-03-23 18:11 +0000 [r652] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: no longer needs VPATH on top level
+2008-03-23 18:04 +0000 [r650] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: additions for last few days
+2008-03-23 14:21 +0000 [r649] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: last problem with Find Problems
+ -> ATT 'mark' Latin lookup afii10026 is in 'cyrl', also afii10074
+ (These are upper and lower Cyrillic i) [Just removed mark from
+ both letters] 'half' Bengali lookup Khanda_Ta is in 'bng2' [added
+ bng2 to lookup]
+2008-03-23 13:28 +0000 [r648] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: added TtTable etc
+2008-03-23 13:15 +0000 [r647] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: clean-up of Points too Close
+ through to end of font. This episode completes the paths/points
+ clean-up of Serif. (But note: many ranges, esp. Ethiopic,
+ Japanese, and Indic, have way too many points, resulting in
+ lumpiness.)
+2008-03-23 12:03 +0000 [r646] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: clean-up of Points too Close
+ though Arabic
+2008-03-23 11:50 +0000 [r645] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: clean-up of Points too Close
+ through Hiragana and Katakana
+2008-03-22 14:43 +0000 [r644] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Mostly additions to FreeSans,
+ mostly having to do with LaTeX ranges. This basically fills the
+ LaTeX range for FreeSans, except for extensible brackets etc.
+2008-03-21 23:49 +0000 [r642-643] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: split Makefile into two levels
+ * sfd/Makefile (added): tidier with a lower-level
+ makefile
+2008-03-21 21:51 +0000 [r641] Stevan_White:
+ * Makefile: made quieter
+2008-03-21 20:57 +0000 [r640] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: in previous commit, hadn't
+ relly saved the changes about the ligature tables. this does that
+ also, named the "ciel" and "floor" characters
+2008-03-21 20:50 +0000 [r636-639] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: (these changes were also
+ made in the previous few commits of other faces) changed name of
+ 00B5 from 'mu' to 'micro' changed name of 2206 from 'Delta' to
+ 'Delta.math' changed name of 0308 from 'diaerisis' to
+ 'diaerisiscomb'
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: split lookup for ligatures in
+ latin into two classes; ff, ffl, fl which are appropriate for all
+ languages, and fi, ffi, which are not appropriate in Turkish (due
+ to distinction between short and long i)
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: moved dotlessj from
+ Corporate Use, deleted commaaccent there mis-named glyphs
+ tcommaaccent, Tcommaaccent changed name of 030A from 'dieresis'
+ to 'ringcomb'
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: removed bogus glyphs
+ for 200C 200D, ZWJ and ZWNJ (zero-width joiner, zero-width
+ non-joiner)
+2008-03-21 20:20 +0000 [r633-635] Stevan_White:
+ * tools/ConvertFont (removed): this was apparently
+ an older version of GenerateTrueType
+ * tools/GenerateTrueType: Took out scaling to 2048
+ (was there a good reason for that?) Made to first auto-hint whole
+ font
+ * Makefile: made to work for me
+2008-03-21 15:20 +0000 [r632] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Regularized stacking of
+ accents in Latin Extended Additional
+2008-03-21 15:09 +0000 [r631] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: everal characters in U+F600
+ Corporate Use range dotlessj, onefitted (and other "fitted"
+ numerals), commaaccent registered, copyright, trademark According
+ to "Adobe Glyph List"
+ http://www.tug.org/texlive/Contents/live/texmf-dist/doc/generic/t2/glyphlist.txt
+ Adobe "fitted" numerals used to go in the corporate use section
+ More in U+F800 range more corporate symbols represented elsewhere
+ math braces, brackets move some to 2300 range Now Serif has full
+ set extensible brackets in Miscellaneous Technical Also, think
+ I've filled out all of the IPA
+2008-03-21 15:06 +0000 [r629-630] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Several additions to IPA
+ Regularized stacking of accents in Latin Extended Additional
+ * FreeSans.sfd: egularized stacking of accents
+ in Latin Extended Additional Added some arrows Some Blackboard
+ Bold Several characters in U+F600 Corporate Use range dotlessj,
+ onefitted, commaaccent dotlessj referred to by: jcircumflex,
+ uni01F0: how to move it? (renamed it to uFFFF, re-linked others
+ by hand) commaaccent http://diacritics.typo.cz/index.php?id=9
+ should be u+0326 but wasn't linked to anything anyway
+2008-03-21 15:01 +0000 [r628] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Got rid of dotlessi
+ etc single substitution and related ccmp table Regularized
+ stacking of accents in Latin Extended Additional FreeSansBold
+ U+0617 etc, read glyphs "4GWglm" It should be arabic. Deleted
+2008-03-19 08:21 +0000 [r627] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: added changes of the 18th
+2008-03-19 00:14 +0000 [r626] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: clean-up of all path issues and
+ points too close
+2008-03-18 19:52 +0000 [r625] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Re-ordered the ShortTable,
+ because when I did autoinstruct on the quadratic version, it did
+ it this way.
+2008-03-18 19:44 +0000 [r624] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: A ligature referred to a name
+ with no entry: afii301. This is the Adobe name for zero-width
+ joiner, U+200D. With this, FontForge's "Find Problems" ATT "Check
+ for missing glyph names" finally passes.
+2008-03-18 19:41 +0000 [r623] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: zero-width joiner and zero-width
+ non-joiner both had glyphs, incorrectly. (u+200B 200C)
+2008-03-18 19:33 +0000 [r622] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Seems one ot the 'pres' tables
+ contains mixed Devangari and Gujarati. This is probably a
+ mistake, but re-named the table accordingly, and added the
+ script. With this, FontForge "Find Problems" for ATT "Check for
+ missing scripts in features" finally passes.
+2008-03-18 19:24 +0000 [r621] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: removed another 'above' mark
+ form a greek letter
+2008-03-18 19:14 +0000 [r619-620] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Likewise a Gugarati lookup had
+ script DFLT.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: 'pres' Pre Base Substitution has
+ script DFLT. That cannot be right: this contains Devangari
+ characters. Changed script and name accordingly. This was
+ probably a mistake and a leftover.
+2008-03-18 19:07 +0000 [r618] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: got rid of "lookup \d\d" in
+ table names
+2008-03-18 19:01 +0000 [r617] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: The 'aalt' table for Latin
+ contains only bengali characters. [renamed accordingly, and put
+ in script 'beng' rather than 'latn'] The table "Ligature
+ Substitution for Devanagari lookup 46" is really a 'reph'.
+ Re-named accordingly. The table "'vatu' Vattu Variants lookup 24"
+ is in script 'DFLT', which is wrong. The characters are from
+ Gujarati. But there is already such a table for Gujarati. Changed
+ name and script accordingly. Got rid of Single Substitution
+ table.
+2008-03-18 18:54 +0000 [r616] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Think I fixed the problem
+ causing the FontForge crashes. Related to the dotlessi thing.
+ There's a table Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph
+ Composition/Decomposition in Latin lookup 0" {"'ccmp' Glyph
+ Composition/Decomposition in Latin lookup 0 subtable" } ['ccmp'
+ ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ] It is related to another lookup ChainSub2:
+ class "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin lookup 0
+ subtable" that has something to do with i and j. It ends with
+ SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 47" EndFPST When I
+ removed the lookup for i and j, the SeqLookup line would be badly
+ corrupted, and subsequent saves resulted in a segfault and a
+ truncated sfd file. So I doctored the whole thing with vi.
+2008-03-18 08:13 +0000 [r615] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Again got rid of single
+ substitution lookup changing dotlessi and dotlessj to i and j,
+ because it's wrong.
+2008-03-18 08:10 +0000 [r614] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Regress to 1.118. Somehow
+ introduced a crash. (I wasn't careful enough changing the names
+ of the lookups, I think--need to make sure the change results in
+ unique names).
+2008-03-17 23:36 +0000 [r613] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: got rid of single substiturions
+ of dotlessi dotlessj for i and j. these were just wrong. the
+ 'aalt' table only contained Bengali, although it said 'latn' and
+ its name was Latin. Changed name and script to correct. Got rid
+ of extra Devanagari vatu table
+2008-03-17 23:30 +0000 [r612] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: got rid of 'lookup xx' in table
+ names
+2008-03-17 23:26 +0000 [r611] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Removed 'mark' named 'above'
+ from some Greek and Cyrillic letters, and corrected it for a
+ couple of diacriticals.
+2008-03-16 20:32 +0000 [r609-610] Stevan_White:
+ * CREDITS: clean-up of non-unicode characters
+ * CREDITS: converted to UTF-8
+2008-03-16 20:18 +0000 [r608] Stevan_White:
+ * AUTHORS: changed name of maintainer to mine
+2008-03-16 20:09 +0000 [r607] Stevan_White:
+ * ChangeLog: compiled changes from CVS log. this is
+ a messy process. I'm sure I missed a lot. Meant to represent
+ changes since 02/10.
+2008-03-16 17:29 +0000 [r606] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: clean-up named some
+ unnamed characters removed a duplicate
+2008-03-16 13:34 +0000 [r605] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added vowels to GPOS 'mark'
+ lookup table for 'above' added 'below' as well, but only for
+ c-cedilla
+2008-03-16 12:11 +0000 [r604] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Much futzing with accents in
+ Latin extensions, in attempt to make them readable at small
+ sizes, and to make the glyph bounds reasonable. Note:
+ A-ring-acute is a silly character.
+2008-03-15 23:16 +0000 [r603] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: path clean-up up to points too
+ close passes Validation
+2008-03-15 22:43 +0000 [r602] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: clean-up of path
+ problems up to points too close
+2008-03-15 22:19 +0000 [r601] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made to Validate
+ Added points at extrema
+2008-03-15 21:59 +0000 [r600] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Changed names of a bunch of
+ glyphs with invalid TrueType names, in response to failed
+ Validation, and in Windows the font not showing up in the font
+ display. These were all in the range 0x1025f+, which is an
+ attempt to take care of combining forms in Indic scripts (I don't
+ know if this work was ever completed, or if it is the best way to
+ do this). The names were like uni0916_uni094D.half_uni0928.pres
+ or longer uni0926_uni094D.half_uni0926_uni094D.half.pres and a
+ few much longer than this. By a process of removing redundant
+ information, I think I preserved what information was there.
+ There were a few more names that were never filled in, but
+ contained a minus, which isn't valid. These start with
+ "nonunicode", and I replaced the minus with an underscore.
+2008-03-15 19:55 +0000 [r599] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: some futzing with Combining
+ Diacriticals
+2008-03-15 19:50 +0000 [r597-598] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: changed WinInfo
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: added TtTable
+2008-03-15 16:12 +0000 [r596] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed several lookup issues,
+ based on "Find Problems". TamlCA_TamlSSA.half with ligature from
+ lookup subtable 'haln' Halant Forms in Tamil lookup 24 subtable
+ refers to a missing glyph glyph190 Similar complaint with a
+ 'half' lookup. For this and the other glyph190 issue, I changed
+ glyph190 to TamlCA_TamlSSA, which looks right according to its
+ surroundings. The lookup 'aalt' Access All Alternatives i is
+ active for glyph bn_ekaar which has script 'bng2', yet this
+ script does not appear in any of the features which apply the
+ lookup. Similar complaint about bn_aikaar. For this I changed the
+ script of the lookup to bng2, and changed the name of the lookup
+ accordingly. The lookup 'liga' standard Ligatures look is active
+ for glyph uni0937091F which has script 'dev2', yet this script
+ does not appear in any of the features which apply the lookup. It
+ makes a ligature of uni0937 and uni091F, which are in Devangari.
+ So I changed the script of the lookup to 'dev2' and changed the
+ name of the lookup accordingly. Also shortened the names of many
+ of the lookup tables.
+2008-03-15 14:31 +0000 [r595] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: cleanup of path
+ problems, including points too close
+2008-03-15 14:04 +0000 [r594] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: clean-up of path
+ problems, including extrema
+2008-03-15 13:22 +0000 [r593] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: CJK punctuation: made some of
+ the very high glyphs smaller (under 900EM) The brackets in Sans
+ were very ugly, and not even Sans-serif. Serif: added extensible
+ square brackets, diddled with integral corrected direction of
+ some added glyphs
+2008-03-15 13:13 +0000 [r592] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: added TtTable
+2008-03-15 13:10 +0000 [r591] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: clean-up of path
+ problems, including points too close
+2008-03-15 09:41 +0000 [r590] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: OS/2 Metrics back to
+ 900/300
+2008-03-15 09:35 +0000 [r589] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: OS/2 Metrics back to
+ 900/300 -- kedit doesn't like offset values
+2008-03-14 23:17 +0000 [r588] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: added TfTables
+2008-03-14 23:08 +0000 [r587] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: clean-up of path problems
+ extrema self-intersecting ordered PS blue values
+2008-03-14 22:30 +0000 [r586] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: got rid of mixed references
+ and contours
+2008-03-14 22:22 +0000 [r585] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: much clean-up of "points
+ too close"
+2008-03-14 21:18 +0000 [r584] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: unified OS/2 Metrics
+ added Grid Fit added slated-hyphen to Sans
+2008-03-14 19:35 +0000 [r583] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: in response to Validate,
+ changed names of three glyphs in the Tamil ligatures range...all
+ clearly bugs.
+2008-03-14 19:18 +0000 [r582] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: cleanup of many path problems
+ "points too close"
+2008-03-14 07:26 +0000 [r581] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: in response to validate
+ results, fixed a few glyphs
+2008-03-14 07:19 +0000 [r580] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: got rid of mixed references and
+ contours
+2008-03-14 00:05 +0000 [r579] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: changed OS/2 metrics various
+ other clean-ups
+2008-03-13 23:43 +0000 [r578] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added TtTable
+2008-03-13 23:39 +0000 [r577] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: got rid of mixed ref
+ and contour
+2008-03-13 23:33 +0000 [r576] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: removed PS Private
+ StemSnapV, which was empty anyway.
+2008-03-13 23:28 +0000 [r574-575] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added Grid Fit tables
+ * FreeMono.sfd: change OS/2 metrics to 900/300
+2008-03-13 23:19 +0000 [r573] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: added TtTable, ShortTable
+2008-03-13 23:15 +0000 [r572] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Removed PS Private
+ StemSnapV -- wasn't right anyway added Grid Fitting made better
+ OS/2 metrics
+2008-03-13 23:06 +0000 [r571] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: further path cleanup:
+ points too close together. in Bengli range, much yet to do
+2008-03-13 20:00 +0000 [r569-570] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: cleaned up remaining path
+ problems, missing extrema fixed some math characters
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: cleaned up path problems,
+ and mixed refs and contours added TfTable
+2008-03-13 08:25 +0000 [r568] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: path clean-up more
+ self-intersecting added many missing extrema fixed mixed
+ references and glyphs
+2008-03-12 23:11 +0000 [r567] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Rearranged PS BluesValues so
+ they were in increasing order, made all 20 in width. In response
+ to FontForge Validate complaint, in hopes of making font work in
+ Windows.
+2008-03-12 22:45 +0000 [r566] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Copied in by hand TrueType
+ tables from a version with quadratic splines. I hope this will
+ make the glyphs smooth properly in Windows.
+2008-03-12 22:41 +0000 [r565] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added TrueType tables (copied in
+ by hand from version with quadratic splines)
+2008-03-12 22:34 +0000 [r563-564] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: clean-up tweek
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Got rid of mixed contours and
+ refs
+2008-03-12 22:18 +0000 [r562] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: two more glyphs with quadratic
+ problems
+2008-03-12 22:07 +0000 [r561] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: a few paths that don't convert
+ well to quadratics
+2008-03-12 21:45 +0000 [r560] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Fixed glyphs with mixed contours
+ and references
+2008-03-12 01:05 +0000 [r559] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: cleanup of path
+ problems as others
+2008-03-12 00:51 +0000 [r558] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: cleanup of path problems
+ as others
+2008-03-12 00:08 +0000 [r557] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: cleanup of path problems
+ open intersecting clockwise ref reversed points outside glyph
+ removed hints
+2008-03-11 23:13 +0000 [r556] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: cleanup of path
+ problems open intersecting clockwise flipped ref points beyond
+ spline removed hints
+2008-03-11 22:59 +0000 [r555] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: cleanup of path problems
+ open paths intersecting clockwise flipped references points
+ beyond glyph removed hints
+2008-03-11 22:31 +0000 [r554] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: cleanup of path
+ problems open intersecting clockwise flipped references beyond
+ spline
+2008-03-11 21:51 +0000 [r553] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: clean-up of path problems
+ open intersecting clockwise flipped references control points
+ beyond spline removed hints
+2008-03-11 21:46 +0000 [r552] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: clean-up of path and
+ reference problems open paths intersecting clockwise flipped refs
+ removed hints
+2008-03-09 20:58 +0000 [r551] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: continuing general clean-up,
+ Found several ligatures that referred to a missing glyph "ZWJ".
+ Took this to mean the "zero width joiner" u+200D There are a
+ couple more cases in Tamil, but I don't know the glyph they're
+ referring to.
+2008-03-09 14:27 +0000 [r550] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: further cleanup of path/ref
+ problems
+2008-03-09 14:08 +0000 [r549] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: clean-up of path problems
+2008-03-09 14:00 +0000 [r548] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Efforts to make legible at 9pt.
+ At 8pt, glyphs are at least distinct.
+2008-03-09 12:53 +0000 [r547] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: math symbols: set for LaTeX 2e
+ seems to be all there. To do: improve legibility at 9pt. Some
+ double-arrows are just a blur.
+2008-03-09 12:18 +0000 [r546] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: more math characters corrected
+ logical 'assert' relations, etc. 22a2-22af
+2008-03-09 10:41 +0000 [r544-545] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: corrected L-dot
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Math symbols ============
+ SerifItalic Greek lunate epsilon FreeMono many additions in math
+ range reduced size of binary union, intersection, vee, wedge
+ correcte empty set
+2008-03-08 23:22 +0000 [r543] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: FreeSans added Greek lunate
+ epsilon and rho symbol both un-stacked some more stacked
+ diacriticals
+2008-03-08 22:41 +0000 [r542] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Clean-up of font paths open
+ self-intersecting outermost clockwise missing extrema also
+ flipped references (unlinked)
+2008-03-08 18:17 +0000 [r541] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added lunate epsilon Corrected
+ empty set tightened up spacing of some other technical characters
+ worked on some more math operators involving =
+2008-03-08 15:11 +0000 [r540] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added several math operators
+ used by LaTeX 2e triangle several arrows arrowhookleft
+ arrowhookright Supplemental Arrows-A long left arrow long right
+ arrow long leftright arrow long left double arrow long right
+ double arrow long leftright double arrow long left arrow with
+ flat tail long right arrow with flat tail
+2008-03-08 13:11 +0000 [r539] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Supplemental Math operators
+ ============== Added a few of the "n-ary" operators. Math
+ operators ============== Corrected n-ary union, intersection, and
+ spikes to be larger than the binary operators Made (many of) the
+ operators based on + - = to use those symbols directly (by
+ reference or copying). I think it is good practice to harmonize
+ the appearance of math operators with the Latin character set.
+ Geometrical Shapes ================== Made the large circle
+ larger still. When is it large enough? Combining marks for
+ Symbols =========================== Made the combining circle to
+ really combine. Made a circle-slash
+2008-03-08 10:15 +0000 [r538] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Clean-up of path problems
+ intersecting paths missing extrema outer path clockwise Many
+ changes in Bengali, Ethiopic ranges. These could really use
+ further clean-up. Added 'divides' and 'not divides'
+2008-03-08 10:10 +0000 [r537] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added Grid Fit "GASP" table
+ Clean-up of contour problems: open paths intersecting paths (esp.
+ those of references) outermost paths clockwise missing extrema
+ Also references problems fipped refs tt (TrueType) transformation
+ matrix problems Did same process of un-stacking some accents in
+ Latin Extended range as done for Serif. Made combining
+ diacritical 'hook' to be shorter. (Should have been multiple
+ commits...I know)
+2008-03-06 18:58 +0000 [r536] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Shortened and thickened the
+ combining hook mark, U+0309, thus shortening many combined
+ characters and making it look more like the Unicode samples. Then
+ touched on bug #22499 Latin Extended Additionals incorrectly
+ stack accents At least in this face, un-stacked
+ incorrectly-stacked marks.
+2008-03-05 22:01 +0000 [r535] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed positioning U+1EC8, 9, I
+ with hook above
+2008-03-05 21:45 +0000 [r534] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: added spacing modifier letters
+ 02B9 02Ba prime and double-prime
+2008-03-05 21:36 +0000 [r533] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: vertical lines: combining
+ diacritical marks corrected 0300 030D 0329 0348 (were rendered as
+ straight apostrophes) spacing modifier letters added 02C8 02CC
+2008-03-05 20:20 +0000 [r532] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Reverses 1.90. I regretted 1.90
+ before while and after doing it.
+2008-03-04 20:47 +0000 [r531] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Some modifications to Spacing
+ Modifier Letters 02B0 - 02FF Idea was to bring in line with
+ Unicode that suggests that these characters should all occupy the
+ width of a space in the font, here, 250 EM. Unfortunate
+ side-effects in hundreds of characters that used them. Hope I got
+ them all.
+2008-03-03 20:01 +0000 [r530] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Set the OS/2 Sup/Sub
+ settings, which by default looked like random trash. I don't know
+ if it really helps but it looks better.
+2008-03-03 00:13 +0000 [r529] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: TTY strings updates
+ Updated Copyright to 2008 Added Vendor URL as the Savannah
+ freefont site Added a standard pangram as the Sample Text for
+ Russian in FreeMono*. It reads: In the thickets of the South once
+ there was a citrus...--yes, but a fake specimen!
+2008-03-02 22:50 +0000 [r528] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Completed fix of glyph path
+ problems open path intersecting not clockwise missing extrema Had
+ to remove one glyph, because couldn't figure out how to make it
+ not intersect itself: dkshade U+2193, a checkerboard (probably
+ should be re-done as non-intersecting squares). Also, lowered the
+ diacritics on a bunch of capital Latin letters, so they didn't
+ have to intersect when stacked. Act of desperation?
+2008-03-02 21:37 +0000 [r527] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Clean sweep, fixing
+ all open glyph contours.
+2008-03-02 20:13 +0000 [r526] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Parital clean-up of glyph path
+ problems open paths some of intersecting paths There are many
+ more instances of intersecting paths. The Bengali range is
+ particularly affected.
+2008-03-02 19:14 +0000 [r525] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Cleaned up glyph path
+ problems open paths intersecting paths not clockwise missing
+ extrema
+2008-03-02 15:48 +0000 [r524] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Fixed most glyph path problems.
+ Open path path direction extrema There are still a few
+ intersecting paths...
+2008-03-02 12:31 +0000 [r523] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Clean-up of problems found by
+ FontForge "Find Problems". Fixed all problems with Open Paths
+ Intersecting Paths Check outermost paths clockwise With Check
+ missing extrema there were lots of problems, and it's very
+ fiddly. I got up through the Arabic range, but pooped out in the
+ Indian scripts. Note: Most of the problems were plainly mistakes,
+ or problems that cropped up after some transformation of the
+ glyph. Others seem to be the result of freehand drawing or
+ scanning. More info at: bug #22454: Path bugs in FreeSerif
+2008-03-01 21:14 +0000 [r522] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Removed all back
+ layers from glyphs that had them. In most cases, this layer had
+ been used as a guide, slightly modified to make the front layer.
+ Sometimes it was just a mistake. This remedies bug #22381: Some
+ characters have "ghost" glyphs in back layer
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22381 However, this is
+ bound to happen again. It would be good to have a script that
+ checks, or maybe a facility in FontForge's "Find Problems".
+2008-03-01 10:20 +0000 [r521] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Arabic now seems to be working,
+ in a limited way, for display of modern text. Remedy for: bug
+ #22329: Arabic not really working
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22329 * Drew several
+ glyphs for special forms of yeh * Drew sukun combining
+ diacritical * Made some diacritical combining marks to be
+ properly zero width. * Added 'init' 'medi' 'fina' tables to
+ convert letters to their initial, medial, and final forms within
+ words. * Added 'rlig' table for required ligatures of lam and
+ alif * Constructed the lam-alif ligatures. Not done: * may be
+ more required ligatures of lam and alif * other common ligatures
+ * 'mark' table for better positioning of diacriticals * 'mark'
+ table for positioning vowels * 'locl' table for localized forms
+ of certain letters * 'ccmp' table for decomposing ligatures Also
+ (nothing to do with Arabic): moved some glyphs 02d4-02D7 up.
+2008-02-27 22:45 +0000 [r520] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Shifted entire Arabic alphabet
+ down by 200EM, so it shares the common baseline. I hope. Arabic
+ Arabic Presetation Forms
+2008-02-27 22:26 +0000 [r519] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Filled out Combining Diacritical
+ Forms in Sans
+2008-02-27 22:02 +0000 [r518] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: more tweeks to Combining
+ Diacritical Forms
+2008-02-27 08:38 +0000 [r517] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Combinint diacriticals range
+ Mostly filled Sans. The rest are tweeks.
+2008-02-26 00:12 +0000 [r516] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: More tweeks to combining
+ diacriticals. added DPOS 'mark' tables for Latin below topright
+ ogonek and put corresponding marks in many Latin letters
+2008-02-24 11:57 +0000 [r515] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Some tweeks to previous commit.
+2008-02-24 11:34 +0000 [r514] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Much fiddling with the
+ "combining diacriticals" range 0300-036F. More info: see bug
+ #22331: combining diacriticals are misplaced in FreeSerif Filled
+ in for Serif. Also tidied diacriticals in some of the other
+ faces. Made to align to medium-sized preceding character, when
+ not using anchor marks. Added "above" marks where needed. To do:
+ add "below" table and marks.
+2008-02-23 18:30 +0000 [r513] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Continued programme
+ of filling HTML Character Entities in Mono. I think there are
+ still a few missing, but I don't have an easy way to tell...
+ Anyway, it's looking good.
+2008-02-23 13:43 +0000 [r512] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Unified and corrected
+ combining diacritical marks U+0360-1 where they existed. Also
+ tidied some of the "tie" marks. These glyphs have width 0. I'm
+ not sure that is the best way to approach the problem of
+ combining marks, but I see other fonts that do the same.
+2008-02-23 12:58 +0000 [r511] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Checked U+203F, U+2040 (tie
+ and undertie). Mostly the tie was too low.
+2008-02-23 11:55 +0000 [r510] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Made "HTML 4 Character
+ Entities" complete for normal-style faces. Partial remedy for bug
+ #21784: missing glyphs for HTML 4 character entities
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?21784 Main things remaining: do
+ similar process for bold and oblique forms. ----- notes
+ ----------- Filled out several typographic spaces in Sans and
+ Mono U+2000, etc. Mono made Rfraktur Mono made 'angle' Mono
+ copied cards suites from FreeSerif and scaled to fit Sans drew
+ upsilon-hook. Sans constructed omegapi from omega and a minus
+ Sans made overline Sans flat copied cards suites from FreeSerif
+ (maybe not "sans" enough?) Sans 'similar' didn't look like other
+ such symbols and was much skinnier Sans made several symbols to
+ be references to 'similar' Sans made 'congruent' Sans made
+ reference to aleph from alephmath Sans angleleft and angleright
+ brackets just copied from Serif (in which they look too angular)
+ Sans "subset" is too high and looks like a letter C. Made to be a
+ tad higher than small letter Sans notin doesn't look like isin:
+ 'element' 2208 is the height of a capital. Fixed this, and used
+ references to better effect. Sans weierstrass p: copied from Mono
+ (where its style doesn't fit anyway), and widened the stroke
+ -------- other notes ----------------- better check Sans 0361
+ also doubt 223E is right What is to be done about that? Serif
+ 2040 tie is low...didn't I fix this? Sans Rfraktur and Ifraktur
+ are not sans-serif. Overall, many Sans math symbols are much
+ thinner than seems to fit. Sans surprises me not all the
+ "equals"-like characters are made from "minus" Sans "period" is a
+ square. (Don't like the dot operator being a square, but that
+ would be consistent.) Serif ceil and floor glyphs are not high
+ enough
+2008-02-21 21:28 +0000 [r509] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: In previous commit,
+ changed Font Info -> OS/2 -> Vendor ID to GNU Repeated that for
+ the remaining fonts.
+2008-02-21 21:01 +0000 [r508] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Worked toward extended integral
+ does not align with TOP/BOTTOM HALF INTEGRAL
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?13370 Hope was to make the three
+ pieces precisely match up. But the horizontal space eludes me.
+ There is still a tiny gap, althogh I have made the parts slightly
+ longer than they ought to be. Also, FreeMono is still not
+ advertizing that it supports "Miscellaneous Technical Symbols",
+ although FontForge shows it selected in Font Info->OS/2.
+2008-02-21 00:46 +0000 [r507] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Moved capital Greeek
+ letters with tonos so tonos doesn't cover preceding letter
+ Partial remedy for bug #12798: some combined Greek characters
+ have a bug https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?12798 Only
+ deals with range 0380 - 03df (Greek). More needs to be done in
+ Greek Extended range.
+2008-02-20 21:57 +0000 [r506] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made Greek 'tonos' to
+ be the same as combining accent acute Remedy for bug #12821:
+ FreeSerif has Greek tonos different than Greek acute
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?12821 In some cases, just
+ made a reference to U+0301 (combining accent acute) of U+0384
+ (Greek tonos). The characters that used tonos were linked to
+ that. In many cases, this cause spacing problems, which were also
+ fixed
+2008-02-20 19:50 +0000 [r505] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Tweeks to curly quotes of
+ previous commit
+2008-02-20 08:52 +0000 [r504] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Made proper curly
+ quotes of U2018 - U201F in monospace fonts (removed incorrect
+ reference in some straight quotes U2033... Remedies bug #18300:
+ FreeMono has the wrong quote marks â (U+2018) and â (U+201C)
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?18300
+2008-02-19 23:17 +0000 [r503] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: This touches on two
+ bug reports with interrelated glyphs bug #20278: Vertical offset
+ of superscripted numerical digits Some vertical offset problems,
+ lots more horizontal ones. Changes also impacted vulgar
+ fractions, so had to fix those too. bug #17756: possible printing
+ problem with vulgar fractions. . . .
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?17756 I think this was a
+ case of front and back layers inadvertently both having glyphs in
+ them. Removed the ones I found, and tidied up all vulgar
+ fractions
+2008-02-18 23:21 +0000 [r502] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added to FreeSerif* uni2E17
+ double hyphen In pursuit of bug #22267: Request Double-Hyphen
+ Sign https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?22267
+2008-02-18 22:37 +0000 [r501] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: unified 'liga' for Latin:
+ now only ff ffi ffl fi fl Other ligatures should be put in dlig,
+ hlig, etc. Removed such as Lj, DZ. I don't thing these are
+ ligatures. (Am I wrong? the glyphs aren't modified...)
+2008-02-18 08:33 +0000 [r500] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Slightly increased the height
+ of Cyrillic О (U+0438) to be even with other similar glyphs
+ (e.g. U+043D) Remedies bug #22289: The Cyrillic О letter in
+ FreeSerif isn't high enough
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22289
+2008-02-18 08:18 +0000 [r499] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Made U+30FB, KATAKANA MIDDLE
+ DOT to be same width as other Katakana. Remedies bug #18326: ã»
+ (U+30FB, KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT) should be fullwidth
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?18326
+2008-02-18 08:02 +0000 [r498] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Moved U+203F UNDERTIE to be
+ below the baseline, as it should be. See
+ http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2000.pdf Remedy for bug
+ #18413: U+203F UNDERTIE glyph too high in FreeSerif
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?18413
+2008-02-18 01:19 +0000 [r497] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Re-promoted ff ffi ffl fi
+ fl as standard ligatures in Latin. Made st ligature historical,
+ if anything. Cleaned up some silly ligatures (Roman numerals as
+ ligatures, etc) There is more to be done here, just for Latin
+ ligatures.
+2008-02-17 23:41 +0000 [r496] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Offset Hiragana and Katakana
+ ranges of FreeSans as in
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22326
+2008-02-17 23:34 +0000 [r495] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Corrected vertical offset
+ of Hiragana and Katakana, cf
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?22326 (with advice from
+ Kenshi Muto)
+2008-02-17 23:26 +0000 [r494] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Auto-Hinted
+ everything. The auto-hinting in the new FontForge is said to be
+ (and seems to me to be) much better than in previous versions.
+2008-02-17 23:16 +0000 [r493] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: TT Info ->
+ Manufacturer = GNU
+2008-02-17 22:58 +0000 [r492] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Updated FontForge SFD
+ file version to SplineFontDB: 2.0 using FontFOrge 20080214 This
+ is a very big change, with which we can carry on with the new
+ FontForge.
+2008-02-17 22:20 +0000 [r491] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: This removes the georgian-d
+ patch of revision 1.58. I can't imagine what went on here. Maybe
+ I somehow got the patch inverted. Anyway, after the patch, 10e6
+ and 10d3 are indistinguishable, which is wrong, according to
+ http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10A0.pdf Without the patch,
+ they seem to be correct.
+2008-02-14 23:36 +0000 [r490] Stevan_White:
+ * INSTALL: Instructions for KDE local installation
+ Instructions for Windows Vista
+2008-02-11 22:55 +0000 [r489] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: This is from an anonymous patch
+ patch #5924: correct postscript name for cyrillic yat' Wednesday
+ 05/09/2007 at 18:25 (now bug #22265: correct postscript name for
+ cyrillic yat') The postscript name of the two cyrillic letters
+ yat' and YAT' (0x0462) is not correct, so this fixes it: I found
+ confirmation of the PostScript names here
+ http://www.adobe.com/devnet/font/pdfs/5013.Cyrillic_Font_Spec.pdf
+2008-02-11 20:06 +0000 [r488] Stevan_White:
+ * README: Made status of Microsoft core web fonts a
+ little clearer.
+2008-02-10 19:50 +0000 [r486] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Apply patch
+ 011_liga_to_dlig by Christian Perrier from Debian sources. I am
+ not quite sure which bug this is meant to fix, but it is most
+ like bug #15792: Freefont Alef and Lamed combine although this
+ patch is not the patch included in that bug report. (The report
+ was closed...no indication if any action was taken.) This is the
+ last outstanding patch from the Debian sources for ttf-freefont
+ found in ttf-freefont-20060501cvs-12.diff That is, the SVD files
+ of this project should now match the ones used to build the
+ Debian ttf-freefont fonts.
+2008-02-10 19:38 +0000 [r483-485] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Apply patch
+ 009_freemono_really_mono by Christian Perrier from Debian sources
+ meant to remedy bug #17062: Erroneous Georgian D in FreeSerif
+ reported by Christian Perrier
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Apply patch 008_georgian_d by
+ Christian Perrier from Debian sources, meant to remedy bug
+ #17062: Erroneous Georgian D in FreeSerif
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Apply patch
+ 007_horizontal_spacing by Christian Perrier from Debian sources,
+ which is meant to remedy bug #17038: horizontal spacing bug in
+ freemono reported by Christian Perrier
+2008-02-10 19:28 +0000 [r482] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Apply the patch
+ 006_remove-russian-sample by Christian Perrier from the Debian
+ sources that remedies bug #15791 Weird strings in freefont fonts
+ reported by Christian Perrier Note this change had previously
+ been made by Primoz Peterlin. The problem was that the Russian
+ string had somehow become corrupted. I may replace it with a
+ correctly encoded version in the future.
+2008-02-10 19:23 +0000 [r481] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Apply patch
+ 004_workaround-spacing-bug by Christian Perrier, from the Debian
+ sources which is meant as a (partial) remedy for bug #15956: Line
+ height is too big in sans and serif reported by Eeli Kaikkonen
+ Thanks also to Jan Willem Stumpel
+2008-02-10 19:12 +0000 [r479-480] Stevan_White:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: In preparation for merge with
+ Debian sources, which date from 2006-05-01, remove this commit,
+ which was RCS file: /sources/freefont/freefont/FreeMono.sfd,v
+ revision 1.28 date: 2006-05-04 15:54:45 +0200; author: peterlin;
+ state: Exp; lines: +3 -3; Deleted messy Russian sample text from
+ FreeMono. The Debian diffs already contain this patch, so it will
+ not get re-applied. Note: I also found the Russian string that
+ somehow got corrupted, and may well re-insert it later, because I
+ like it.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: In preparation for merge with
+ Debian sources which date from 2006-05-01, un-do this commit,
+ which was revision 1.80 date: 2006-05-01 14:42:53 +0200; author:
+ moyogo; state: Exp; lines: +72 -36; replaced U+2134 Plan to apply
+ the Debian patches, then re-apply this one.
+2008-02-03 09:50 +0000 [r478] Stevan_White:
+ * README: updated URLs corrected spelling errors
+ added reference to DejaVu (Bitstream Vera) fonts removed
+ reference to ttfedit, which seems no longer to exist updated
+ freefont URL added Steve White
+2008-01-22 18:35 +0000 [r476-477] Stevan_White:
+ * test (removed): remove the test file
+ * test (added): test to see if I can really commit
+ with the new account
+2006-09-20 11:37 +0000 [r475] peterlin:
+ * INSTALL, ChangeLog: * INSTALL:
+ added installation procedure for MacOS X, courtesy Philipp
+ Kempgen.
+2006-05-04 13:54 +0000 [r474] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd:
+ Deleted messy Russian sample text from FreeMono.
+2006-05-01 12:42 +0000 [r473] moyogo:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: replaced U+2134
+2006-04-15 21:49 +0000 [r472] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: * FreeSerif.sfd: corrected
+ U+10D3. * FreeSans.sfd: ligature U+FB06 (LATIN SMALL LIGATURE
+ S T) changed from mandatory ("liga") to discretionary ("dlig")
+ (bug #16253).
+2006-04-15 21:01 +0000 [r471] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: * FreeMono.sfd:
+ deleted incomplete glyph U+FB06 (LATIN SMALL LIGATURE S T);
+ deleted U+FB00, U+FB01, U+FB02, U+FB05 as ligatures. *
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd, FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added
+ U+FB00; deleted U+FB01, U+FB02 as ligatures. *
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: deleted U+FB00, U+FB01, U+FB02 as
+ ligatures.
+2006-04-15 20:21 +0000 [r470] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added Georgian
+ letters, donated by Gia Shervashidze.
+2006-02-22 22:57 +0000 [r469] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: ligature U+FB4F changed from mandatory
+ ("liga") to discretionary ("dlig"). This is respons to
+ Bug#349657: [bug #15792] Freefont Alef and Lamed combine
+2006-02-21 00:23 +0000 [r468] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: * FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd, FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd, FreeSansBold.sfd: ligature
+ U+FB4F changed from mandatory ("liga") to discretionary ("dlig").
+ This is respons to Bug#349657: [bug #15792] Freefont Alef and
+ Lamed combine
+2006-02-20 23:13 +0000 [r467] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: corrected bug#275759: [bug #15790] FreeSerif
+ glyphs for U+2198/U+2199 were reversed.
+2006-02-14 23:09 +0000 [r466] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: * removed ij and IJ
+ ligature substitutions
+2006-02-10 22:13 +0000 [r465] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: added small Georgian letters (mkhedruli),
+ donated by Gia Shervashidze * AUTHORS: Added Gia Shervashidze *
+ CREDITS: Added Gia Shervashidze
+2006-01-30 23:07 +0000 [r464] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, notes/maintenance.txt:
+ notes/maintenance.txt - login as "anonymous"
+2006-01-26 22:32 +0000 [r462] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, notes/maintenance.txt: *
+ notes/maintenance.txt: Added information on the Makefile now
+ used.
+2006-01-26 22:12 +0000 [r461] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: added U+0569, U+0571, U+0579, U+057B,
+ U+0586. Armenian small letters completed.
+2006-01-26 15:44 +0000 [r460] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: added U+0297, U+02AD-02AF. IPA Extensions
+ section is now complete. Copied a dozen of glyphs from Omega IPA
+ to Phonetic Extension section.
+2006-01-25 23:01 +0000 [r459] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: added U+01A, U+01A3, U+01A6, U+01B2, U+01BA,
+ U+01BB, U+01BE, U+01BF.
+2006-01-25 12:44 +0000 [r458] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: aligned small Armenian letters to x-height in
+ response to bug #15480. Armenian in Free Sans needs a major
+ cleanup.
+2006-01-24 23:39 +0000 [r457] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: changed U+0452, U+045B. Cleanup: U+0460,
+ U+0461, U+04Bc, U+04BD, U+0508.
+2006-01-24 12:18 +0000 [r456] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: changed U+0285.
+2006-01-24 12:01 +0000 [r455] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansOblique.sfd:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: replaced accented chars in Latin-1 and
+ Latin Extended-B sections with references, where possible.
+2006-01-23 22:13 +0000 [r454] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd: added
+ U+0195, U+01AA, U+0297, U+03D7, U+03F0. Several flipped
+ references replaced by outlines. * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Latin
+ Extended-B section more or less brought in sync with FreeSans.
+2006-01-23 15:33 +0000 [r453] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added glyphs from FreeMonoBold in
+ the Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions sections.
+2006-01-23 14:44 +0000 [r452] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Added U+0224, U+0225. Changed U+01B7,
+ U+01B8, U+04E0, U+0452, U+045B. Replaced accented characters in
+ the Cyrillic region with references.
+2006-01-20 23:37 +0000 [r451] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: Deleted spurious glyphs in the control code
+ area.
+2006-01-20 23:27 +0000 [r450] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: added U+0255, U+0264, U+0277, U+0286, U+029D.
+ Changed U+0261.
+2006-01-19 22:00 +0000 [r449] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: replaced Hardip Pannu Singh's Gurmukhi with
+ AnmolUni by Kulbir Singh Thind.
+2006-01-17 22:10 +0000 [r448] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Added U+018D, U+0194, U+01B5, U+01B6,
+ U+01BE, U+0262, U+02A2.
+2006-01-17 14:07 +0000 [r447] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Changed U+0261 in order to distinguish it
+ from U+0067. Changed U+0251, U+0252.
+2006-01-17 13:26 +0000 [r446] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Small changes in the Cyrillic section.
+ Added U+0183, U+018C.
+2006-01-17 10:18 +0000 [r445] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: Added U+2045, U+2046.
+2006-01-17 10:02 +0000 [r444] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: Filled in the Gurkmukhi part with the
+ AnmolUni-Bold by Kulbir Singh Thind. Also some minor corrections
+ in the Cyrillic part. * CREDITS: Added Kulbir Singh Thind. *
+ AUTHORS: Added Kulbir Singh Thind.
+2006-01-14 18:09 +0000 [r443] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Thomas Ridgeway's Tamil characters replaced by
+ the ones released by the Samyak font project. * CREDITS: Added
+ Pravin Satpute, Bageshri Salvi, Rahul Bhalerao and Sandeep
+ Shedmake * AUTHORS: Added Pravin Satpute, Bageshri Salvi, Rahul
+ Bhalerao and Sandeep Shedmake
+2006-01-08 14:12 +0000 [r442] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: minor changes
+2006-01-05 22:18 +0000 [r441] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Noted moyogo's modifications in
+ ChangeLog as well.
+2006-01-05 16:12 +0000 [r440] moyogo:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: added cedi sign
+ U+20B5, Ghanaian currency
+2006-01-05 15:55 +0000 [r439] moyogo:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: added cedi sign U+20B5,
+ Ghanaian currency
+2006-01-05 15:44 +0000 [r438] moyogo:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: added cedi sign
+ U+20B5, Ghanaian currency
+2005-12-29 14:39 +0000 [r437] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd:
+ FreeSans.sfd: minor cleanup in the Gujarati part.
+2005-12-22 12:46 +0000 [r436] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: Devanagari and Gujarati parts cleared; once
+ again merged with Gargi 1.9 and Padmaa 0.6, this time correctly
+ so that the anchor points survived the merger.
+2005-12-16 15:48 +0000 [r435] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd:
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: added U+0577.
+2005-12-15 09:26 +0000 [r434] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd: added
+ U+0559, U+055F, U+2024. * FreeSansBold.sfd: added U+056E,
+ U+0573.
+2005-12-14 10:07 +0000 [r433] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: Merged with Gargi 1.9 and Padmaa 0.6, courtesy
+ Monika Shah and Sonali Sonania from C-DAC, Mumbai. * CREDITS:
+ Added Monika Shah and Sonali Sonania. * AUTHORS: Added Monika
+ Shah and Sonali Sonania.
+2005-12-13 13:34 +0000 [r432] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd - Removed
+ Sinhala glyphs. * FreeSerif.sfd - Added Sinhala glyphs,
+ formerly in FreeSans.
+2005-12-09 10:04 +0000 [r431] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: added U+20AF, U+211E. Changed U+20AC (EURO
+2005-12-09 09:34 +0000 [r430] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: * FreeSerifBold.sfd:
+ added more glyphs from Txfonts to the Arrows and Mathematical
+ Symbols ranges. * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: added U+03F5 from
+ Txfonts.
+2005-12-09 08:54 +0000 [r429] peterlin:
+ * tools/freefont-ttf.spec (added): Specification
+ file for building a RPM package, courtesy Rok Papez.
+2005-12-08 14:58 +0000 [r428] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: added U+0567, U+056A, U+056C, U+0582.
+2005-12-08 14:19 +0000 [r427] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: copied Box Drawing range from FreeSans.
+2005-12-08 13:13 +0000 [r426] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: added glyphs from Txfonts to the Arrows
+ and Mathematical Symbols ranges.
+2005-12-08 09:59 +0000 [r425] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: added U+2259-225A, U+22BA, U+2308-230B,
+ U+2322-2323. Cyrillic composite characters replaced with
+ references.
+2005-12-07 23:30 +0000 [r424] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: added U+025A, U+025D, U+026B, U+029B,
+ U+02AE, U+02AF, U+02DE.
+2005-12-07 22:20 +0000 [r423] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: updated Hebrew part with Drugulin font
+ from the Culmus project.
+2005-12-07 20:54 +0000 [r422] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: added U+207A-207C, U+208A-208C, U+2215-2216.
+2005-12-07 15:12 +0000 [r421] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: added U+ U+2320 TOP HALF INTEGRAL, U+23AE
+2005-12-06 23:17 +0000 [r420] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: added U+0294-0296, U+02A1-02A2. Started
+ adding "below" anchors. Performed hinting on characters that were
+ not hinted "en masse".
+2005-12-06 16:02 +0000 [r419] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: fixed some more metrics problems in the
+ Extended Greek area; performed hinting on characters that were
+ not hinted "en masse".
+2005-12-06 10:52 +0000 [r418] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, Makefile: * Makefile:
+ clean also signature files.
+2005-12-06 09:46 +0000 [r416] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd, FreeMonoBold.sfd: cosmetic
+ changes; cleaning background of referenced composed characters.
+2005-12-05 17:52 +0000 [r415] teras:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Some changes to the
+ greek glyphs, mostly having to do with "tonos" (accent)
+2005-12-05 16:24 +0000 [r414] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: minor cosmetic changes.
+2005-12-05 15:18 +0000 [r413] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: adjusted widths of characters in the Extended
+ Greek range; accents are not any more considerably overhanging on
+ the left side. Added U+1EDA-1EE3, U+1EE8-1EF1.
+2005-12-05 09:03 +0000 [r412] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd:
+ FreeSans.sfd - continued working on Extended Greek range; not
+ finished yet.
+2005-12-03 11:15 +0000 [r411] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd: fixed combined Greek accents (bug #12800).
+ Width of characters still need to be adjusted as in FreeSerif.
+2005-12-03 10:56 +0000 [r410] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: fixed positions of Greek accents (bug #12798).
+ * CREDITS: Added Panayotis Katsaloulis. * AUTHORS: Added
+ Panayotis Katsaloulis.i
+2005-12-03 09:25 +0000 [r409] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, Makefile: * Makefile:
+ minor changes; now creating also a tarfile with sfds.
+2005-12-01 15:31 +0000 [r408] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: added U+0183, U+018C, U+01C0, U+01C1,
+ U+01C3, U+01E0, U+01E1, U+01F8, U+01F9.
+2005-12-01 15:03 +0000 [r407] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, Makefile (added): *
+ Makefile: created a Makefile to assist building.
+2005-12-01 15:00 +0000 [r406] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, README: README: an
+ update.
+2005-12-01 14:41 +0000 [r405] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, COPYING (added): *
+ COPYING: added GNU General Public License, version 2.
+2005-12-01 12:40 +0000 [r404] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, tools/GenerateTrueType
+ (added): * tools/GenerateTrueType: wrote a FontForge script for
+ conversion to TrueType.
+2005-12-01 11:07 +0000 [r403] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: * FreeSerif.sfd: merged
+ with SolaimanLipi Bangla OpenType font from www.ekushey.org,
+ courtesy Solaiman Karim. * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: merged with
+ SolaimanLipi Bangla OpenType font from www.ekushey.org, slanted
+ by 15.5 degrees.
+2005-12-01 10:15 +0000 [r402] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd:
+ merged with Rupali Bangla OpenType font from www.ekushey.org *
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: merged with Rupali Bangla OpenType font
+ from www.ekushey.org, slanted by 12 degrees. * CREDITS: added
+ Solaiman Karim * AUTHORS: added Solaiman Karim
+2005-11-30 14:42 +0000 [r401] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd: merged with the Rachana Normal. * AUTHORS:
+ added K.H. Hussain and R. Chitrajan * CREDITS: added K.H. Hussain
+ and R. Chitrajan
+2005-11-23 22:37 +0000 [r400] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+026E,
+ U+028F, U+0291, U+02A3-02A5, U+031B. Modified U+0198.
+2005-11-23 09:08 +0000 [r399] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - cleaned some background images.
+2005-11-22 22:20 +0000 [r398] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+0263.
+2005-11-22 15:51 +0000 [r397] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+2591-25A1, U+25A3-25A5, U+25AA,
+ U+25AC.
+2005-11-22 09:34 +0000 [r396] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+2504-250B.
+2005-11-21 23:12 +0000 [r395] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+0574, U+0576. Removed overlaps.
+2005-11-21 22:47 +0000 [r394] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by
+ Werner Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Added a couple of
+ glyphs in the IPA Extensions region.
+2005-11-21 15:49 +0000 [r393] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: * FreeMono.sfd -
+ corrected positions of some Greek diacritics on page 0x1F. *
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd - working on bringing it in sync with
+ FreeMono.sfd.
+2005-11-20 22:56 +0000 [r392] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+02AA-02AC, U+02B0-02B2.
+2005-11-19 22:59 +0000 [r391] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+01B7-01B9, U+0196, U+019A, U+01C3,
+ U+0224-0225, U+025E, U+029A, U+2422. Changed U+0184-0185, U+0192,
+ U+01B4, U+0282, U+0284.
+2005-11-18 22:44 +0000 [r390] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - started Box Drawing area.
+2005-11-18 09:30 +0000 [r389] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+02EE, U+207F.
+2005-11-17 22:06 +0000 [r388] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - removed overlaps in Latin Extended-B and IPA
+ Extensions ranges.
+2005-11-17 12:59 +0000 [r387] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd, FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd, FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd, FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd, FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added U+FFFD.
+2005-11-17 12:33 +0000 [r386] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added U+1EDA-1EE3, U+1EE8-1EF1,
+ U+2190-219B, U+219E-21A8, U+21B9-21BA, U+21C4-21CA, U+21E4-21E5,
+ U+2669-266F. MES-1 compliant.
+2005-11-17 10:43 +0000 [r385] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd - added U+018B, U+025C, U+0265, U+026F,
+ U+0279, U+0287, U+028C-028E, U+029E.
+2005-11-17 10:23 +0000 [r384] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd - added glyphs from the Omega project
+ to Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions and Greek ranges.
+2005-11-17 09:31 +0000 [r383] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added glyphs from the Omega project
+ to Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions and Greek ranges.
+2005-11-17 09:09 +0000 [r382] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added glyphs from the Omega project to
+ Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions and Greek ranges.
+2005-11-16 23:17 +0000 [r381] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added a handful of letters in the Latin
+ Extended-B and IPA Extension ranges from the Omega font
+ collection.
+2005-11-16 22:37 +0000 [r380] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd - started added accent anchors. Added a
+ handful of Greek letters from Omega font collection.
+2005-11-16 15:41 +0000 [r379] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by
+ Werner Lemberg for reducing redundant points
+2005-11-16 15:02 +0000 [r378] peterlin:
+ * papers/eurotex2003/freefont.bib,
+ papers/eurotex2003/freefont.tex: Changed files
+ sent back by Karl Berry. The text should now exactly match the
+ paper published in TUGboat 24(2003)545-549.
+2005-11-16 14:49 +0000 [r377] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: * FreeSansOblique.sfd
+ - applied the sequence suggested by Werner Lemberg for reducing
+ redundant points. * FreeSans.sfd - changed U+01A5.
+2005-11-16 13:23 +0000 [r376] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: fixed latin gamma and baby
+ gamma in Serif; added Ezhes variations to SerifItalic
+2005-11-16 12:50 +0000 [r375] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMonoOblique.sfd:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by
+ Werner Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Added U+F6BE.
+2005-11-16 12:28 +0000 [r374] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+0255, U+025A, U+025D, U+025F,
+ U+0262-0263, U+026B-026C, U+0274, U+0276-0277, U+028F, U+0291,
+ U+029D.
+2005-11-16 10:36 +0000 [r373] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - replaced Greek letters with references, where
+ applicable. Added U+03D7, U+03F0-03F2.
+2005-11-16 09:39 +0000 [r372] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - Made small Greek letters the same height as
+ Latin and Cyrillic ones and replaced them with references, where
+ applicable.
+2005-11-15 23:09 +0000 [r371] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by Werner
+ Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Replaced accented glyphs
+ in the Latin-1 and Latin Extended-A areas with references. Made
+ capital Greek letters the same height as Latin and Cyrillic ones
+ and replaced them with references, where applicable.
+2005-11-15 19:21 +0000 [r370] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: fixed U+026A, to
+ prevent confusion with U+0069 when accented
+2005-11-15 12:18 +0000 [r369] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd - corrected Greek tonos (slanted instead of
+ a vertical line). * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd - applied the
+ sequence suggested by Werner Lemberg for reducing redundant
+ points. Replaced accented glyphs in the Latin-1 and Latin
+ Extended-A areas with references.
+2005-11-14 23:20 +0000 [r368] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMonoBold.sfd: *
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by Werner
+ Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Replaced accented glyphs
+ in the Latin-1 and Latin Extended-A areas with references.
+2005-11-14 22:44 +0000 [r367] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeMono.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by Werner
+ Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Replaced accented glyphs
+ in the Greek and Cyrillic areas with references.
+2005-11-14 13:43 +0000 [r366] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd - added U+0180, U+0184, U+0185,
+ U+0195, U+01A0-01A2, U+01AF-01B0, U+025E, U+026E, U+0292,
+ U+0294-0296, U+029A, U+02A1, U+2126-2127, U+2190-219B,
+ U+219E-21A8, U+21C4-21CA, U+2669-266F. MES-1 compliant.
+2005-11-14 12:55 +0000 [r365] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd - applied the sequence suggested by
+ Werner Lemberg for reducing redundant points. Replaced accented
+ glyphs in the Latin-1 area with references.
+2005-11-14 09:07 +0000 [r364] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added 2005 in
+ copyright info.
+2005-11-13 23:19 +0000 [r363] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: * FreeSerif.sfd -
+ applied the sequence suggested by Werner Lemberg for reducing
+ redundant points. * FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+219A, U+219B,
+ U+2669-266F. * FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+2669-266F.
+2005-11-12 22:31 +0000 [r362] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+0180, U+0181, U+0183, U+0187,
+ U+0188, U+018A, U+018C, U+018D, U+0193, U+019C, U+01A0, U+01A1,
+ U+01AC, U+01AF, U+01B0, U+025C, U+0260, U+026E, U+0277, U+0281,
+ U+0284.
+2005-11-11 22:50 +0000 [r361] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - applied the sequence for reducing
+ redundant points, suggested by Werner Lemberg. Added U+01A5,
+ U+02A0, U+2190-219B, U+219E-21A8, U+21B8, U+21B9, U+21C4-21CA,
+ U+21E4, U+21E5.
+2005-11-11 15:52 +0000 [r360] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeMono.sfd - corrected Greek letters (using tonos instead
+ of a vertical line). Added U+026E, U+F6BE. Accented characters in
+ Latin 1, Latin Extended A and partly Latin Extended B replaced by
+ references.
+2005-11-11 15:03 +0000 [r359] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeMono.sfd - applied the sequence for reducing redundant
+ points, suggested by Werner Lemberg.
+2005-11-11 10:40 +0000 [r358] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+195, U+1A6, U+025E, U+026E,
+ U+029A, U+0313, U+0314, U+0342, U+0344, U+0345. Started adding
+ accent anchors.
+2005-11-10 22:56 +0000 [r357] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - replaced glyphs with references in the
+ Cyrillic area. Removed U+04A8, U+04A9. Added U+04C5, U+04C6,
+ U+04C9, U+04CA, U+04CD, U+04CE, U+0535, U+053F, U+0546, U+0565,
+ U+0584, U+0587, U+0589.
+2005-11-10 22:11 +0000 [r356] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansOblique.sfd:
+ * FreeSansOblique - changed U+0192, U+01A5; added
+ U+01C0-01C3.
+2005-11-10 17:01 +0000 [r355] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd: added a couple of IPA
+ characters to FreeSans and FreeSansOblique
+2005-11-10 15:53 +0000 [r354] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - applied the sequence for reducing
+ redundant points, suggested by Werner Lemberg. Added
+ automatically constructed accented characters in page 0x1E.
+2005-11-10 13:28 +0000 [r353] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+00A0, U+00AD, U+0531, U+2126,
+ U+2190-2199, U+219E-21A8, U+21C4-21CA.
+2005-11-10 10:07 +0000 [r352] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+01A6. Simplified outlines in the
+ ASCII range.
+2005-11-09 22:42 +0000 [r351] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+0184, U+0185, U+018D, U+0195, U+0197,
+ U+019A, U+019B, U+01A0, U+01A1, U+01AC, U+01B5, U+01B6, U+01C0,
+ U+01C1, U+01C3, U+01F6, U+0294-0296, U+1E9A, U+1EDA-1EE3,
+ U+1EE8-1EF1.
+2005-11-09 15:41 +0000 [r350] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd - changed U+03D5. *
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - changed U+03C6; added U+2070,
+ U+2075-2079, U+207F, U+2080, U+2085-2089, U+2155-217F.
+2005-11-09 14:32 +0000 [r349] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+1EA2, U+1EA3, U+1EA8, U+1EA9, U+1EB2,
+ U+1EB3, U+1EBA, U+1EBB, U+1EC2, U+1EC3, U+1EC8, U+1EC9, U+1ECE,
+ U+1ECF, U+1ED4, U+1ED5, U+1EE6, U+1EE7, U+1EF6, U+1EF7, U+220A,
+ U+220B, U+220D, U+2272, U+2273, U+2282, U+2283.
+2005-11-09 12:57 +0000 [r348] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+0183, U+018C.
+2005-11-07 21:00 +0000 [r347] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: FreeSansBold.sfd - added
+ U+0562, U+056D. U+0575.
+2005-11-07 11:39 +0000 [r346] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+0562, U+056D. U+0575. *
+ FreeMono.sfd - added U+0589.
+2005-11-06 22:20 +0000 [r345] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: * FreeMono.sfd - added
+ U+2227, U+2228, U+2262. Corrected U+2299-229D in response to bug
+ report http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=276121 *
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd - added U+2010, U+2012 in response to bug
+ report http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=289032
+ Swapped U+03C6 (Greek small letter phi) and U+03D5 (Greek phi
+ symbol) in order to conform to Unicode standard. Simplified glyph
+ shapes in ASCII range. Started adding "above" and "below"
+ anchors.
+2005-11-06 20:47 +0000 [r344] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+0278, U+03D5, U+2248. Corrected
+ U+2071, U+222E, U+2242, U+2243 in response to bug reports
+ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=276118
+ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=276120
+2005-11-05 23:18 +0000 [r343] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - accented letters in Latin Extended-A replaced
+ by references wherever possible. * FreeSerif.sfd - added
+ U+0180, U+0181, U+0187, U+0188, U+018A, U+0193, U+019C, U+01A4,
+ U+01A5, U+01A7, U+01A8, U+01AF, U+01B0, U+026E, U+0270, U+0278,
+ U+0280, U+0281, U+028B, U+0299, U+029C, U+029F.
+2005-11-03 09:32 +0000 [r342] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd:
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - cleaner Arabic outlines. Added U+01E4,
+ U+01E5.
+2005-11-02 23:25 +0000 [r341] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd: * FreeSansBold.sfd -
+ added U+0180, U+0184, U+0185, U+0192, U+019B, U+01A0-01A2,
+ U+01AF, U+01B0, U+01EE, U+01EF, U+0292, U+0294-0296, U+02A1,
+ U+0532, U+054C, U+057C, U+222B. Changed U+014B, U+01A5, U+01B4,
+ U+03BB. * FreeSans.sfd - added U+04C5, U+04C6, U+04C9,
+ U+04CA, U+04D, U+04CE.
+2005-11-02 09:52 +0000 [r340] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeMono.sfd - swapped U+03C6 (Greek small letter phi) and
+ U+03D5 (Greek phi symbol) in order to conform to Unicode
+ standard. Added U+04C5, U+04C6, U+04C9, U+04CA, U+04D, U+04CE.
+2005-11-02 09:11 +0000 [r339] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - started Armenian; added U+0538, U+0542,
+ U+0544, U+0548, U+054D, U+054F, U+0550, U+0553, U+0555, U+0561,
+ U+0563, U+0564, U+0566, U+0568 U+056B, U+056F, U+0570, U+0572,
+ U+0578, U+057A, U+057D-057F, U+0580, U+0581, U+0583, U+0585.
+2005-11-01 22:12 +0000 [r338] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - modified U+019C. *
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd - added U+00A0, U+00AD, U+019C,
+ U+01B7, U+01B8, U+0275, U+0278, U+0298, U+2012, U+2015,
+ U+2070-207F, U+2080-208E, U+2153-217F, U+2213, U+2215.
+2005-10-31 11:37 +0000 [r337] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+0199, U+01AB, U+0265, U+0282, U+0288,
+ U+028C-028E, U+0290, U+029E, U+02A0.
+2005-10-28 23:13 +0000 [r336] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd:
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+0199, U+019B, U+01B8, U+01B9,
+ U+01BE, U+01C0, U+0262, U+0274, U+0278, U+0280, U+028F, U+0298,
+ U+0299, U+029C, U+029E, U+029F, U+2012, U+2015, U+2016, U+2129,
+ U+2217.
+2005-10-28 12:20 +0000 [r335] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd:
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+2070, U+2075-2079, U+2080,
+ U+2085-2089, U+2153-215E, U+2113-2115, U+2119.
+2005-10-28 09:03 +0000 [r334] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd:
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+019E, U+01AB, U+01AD, U+01B1,
+ U+0256, U+025F, U+0265, U+0269, U+026F, U+0270, U+0279-027F,
+ U+0282, U+0287, U+0288, U+028C-028E, U+0290.
+2005-10-27 22:26 +0000 [r333] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd:
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+018B, U+018E, U+018F, U+0191,
+ U+019D, U+01A7, U+01A8, U+01AE, U+0253, U+0266, U+0267, U+026A,
+ U+0271-0273, U+0283, U+0285.
+2005-10-27 14:28 +0000 [r332] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd:
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added subscripts and superscripts
+ (U+2070-208F), completed fractions (U+2152-215F) and Roman
+ numerals (U+2160-217F).
+2005-10-27 13:44 +0000 [r331] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd - minor cleanup in the superscript range
+ (U+2070-2079).
+2005-10-27 09:42 +0000 [r330] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd:
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+018D, U+0194, U+019B, U+019C, U+01B5,
+ U+01B6, U+0295, U+0296, U+029B, U+02A2, U+0472, U+0473, U+2114,
+ U+2119.
+2005-10-26 21:31 +0000 [r329] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd:
+ FreeSans.sfd - Added U+01C0-01C2, U+0276, U+0292, U+0298.
+ Changed U+0251, U+0294, U+02A1.
+2005-10-26 14:45 +0000 [r328] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - Added U+2010-2012, U+2015, U+2032, U+203C,
+ U+2047-2049.
+2005-10-26 13:56 +0000 [r327] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+0278, U+0298. Cleaned up outlines
+ of most Greek letters.
+2005-10-26 12:52 +0000 [r326] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd: *
+ FreeMono.sfd - a try to imitate Denis' work on adding anchors
+ by adding "above" anchor to a couple of basic Latin characters.
+2005-10-26 11:57 +0000 [r325] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd:
+ FreeMono.sfd - added U+2011, U+2012, U+203B, U+204A, U+2071,
+ U+2129, U+2232, U+2233. Changed and/or corrected U+2106, U+211E,
+ U+2126, U+2127, U+2153-215F, U+2202.
+2005-10-26 08:18 +0000 [r324] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: *
+ FreeSans.sfd - added "above" anchors to selected Cyrillic
+ characters. Added U+0294, U+02A1.
+2005-10-25 14:29 +0000 [r323] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansOblique.sfd:
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd - added U+00A0, U+2011-2012, U+2015,
+ U+2070, U+2071, U+2074-2079, U+2080-2089, U+2126, U+2153-215F,
+ U+2190-2195, U+2215, U+266A. FreeSansOblique is now MES-1
+ compliant.
+2005-10-25 14:00 +0000 [r322] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd:
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd, FreeSans.sfd, FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd, FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - brought in
+ sync with Valek Filipov's urw-fonts-1.0.7pre41
+2005-10-25 12:13 +0000 [r321] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+019E, U+01AD, U+01B8, U+01B9, U+0253,
+ U+0256, U+0257, U+025C, U+0260, U+0266, U+0267, U+0269, U+026D,
+ U+0271-0273, U+0279-027D.
+2005-10-25 09:53 +0000 [r320] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd:
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added U+00A0, U+00AD, U+2010-2012,
+ U+2015, U+2032-2034, U+203C, U+2047-204A, U+2074, U+2081-2084,
+ U+2126, U+2153, U+2154, U+215F, U+2215. Corrected positions of
+ diacritics on U+0200-0217.
+2005-10-25 09:06 +0000 [r319] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+0191, U+019D, U+01AE, U+027E, U+027F,
+ U+0283, U+0285.
+2005-10-25 08:12 +0000 [r318] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd:
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd - added U+00A0, U+00AD, U+2010-2012,
+ U+2015, U+2126, U+2127, U+2153-215E, U+2160-217F, U+2190-2193,
+ U+2669-266F. FreeSerifItalic is now MES-1 compliant.
+2005-10-24 19:34 +0000 [r317] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: added ccmp feature
+ for i and j to be substituted with dotless i or j when followed
+ by above diacritic
+2005-10-24 15:01 +0000 [r316] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd:
+ FreeSans.sfd - added U+2011, U+2012, U+2015. FreeSans is now
+ MES-1 conformant.
+2005-10-23 12:29 +0000 [r314-315] moyogo:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: added above, below, abovemk and
+ belowmk anchors for diacritics placement; cleared U+0084
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd: added
+ above, below, abovemk and belowmk anchors for diacritics
+ placement
+2005-10-21 12:18 +0000 [r313] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+02B9, U+02BA, U+02CD, U+2017, U+2036,
+ U+2037, U+203C, U+203E, U+2047-204A.
+2005-10-20 12:04 +0000 [r312] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added U+00A0, U+00AD, U+0182, U+0189, U+018B,
+ U+018E, U+018F, U+0192, U+019F, U+01A9, U+01B1, U+01B7, U+01DD,
+ U+2010-2013, U+2015. FreeSerif is now MES-1 conformant.
+2005-10-20 11:13 +0000 [r311] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifBold.sfd: *
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd - added U+0182, U+0189, U+0192, U+019F,
+ U+01A9, U+01B7, U+01C4-01CC, U+01E0-1E2, U+01F0-01F3, U+F6BE.
+ Corrected position of diacritics on U+0200-0217.
+2005-10-19 13:03 +0000 [r310] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: * FreeSerif.sfd - added
+ U+0268, U+026A, U+0289, U+0292; and anchor "above" to more base
+ glyphs. * FreeSerifBold.sfd, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added U+0250-0252, U+0258-0259,
+ U+0261, U+0268, U+026A, U+0279, U+0289 * FreeSerifBold.sfd -
+ added anchor "above" to marks U+0300-0314, and to base glyphs
+ (vowels).
+2005-10-18 20:36 +0000 [r309] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerif.sfd: *
+ FreeSerif.sfd - added anchor "above" to marks U+0300-0314,
+ and bases vowel of the U+0041-007A range, U+00E6, U+0186, U+0190,
+ U+0254 and U+025B; fixed Latin-1 Supplement block accented glyphs
+ to use references.
+2005-10-17 09:25 +0000 [r308] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSansBold.sfd:
+ FreeSansBold.sfd - added U+01B7, U+01B8, U+0275.
+2005-10-16 18:06 +0000 [r307] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd - added some Latin Extended-B African
+ letters: U+0181, U+018A, U+0197-0198, U+01A4, U+01AC, U+01B1,
+ U+01B3-01B4; * FreeSansBold.sfd, FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd
+ - added Latin Extended-B U+0187, 018E-018F, U+0191, U+0193,
+ U+0197-0199, U+019D-019F, U+01AB-01AE; correcting width of
+ non-space Combining Diacrtical Marks; added more glyphs to IPA
+ Extensions to match non Bold * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd -
+ added many accented glyphs
+2005-10-15 20:59 +0000 [r306] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd - added IPA Extensions
+ U+0262,U+0274,U+0280-0281, U+0299, U+029F, and Spacing Modifier
+ Letters U+02C9-02CB; fixed U+0287,029E height to baseline; added
+ stroke to U+0268 * FreeSansOblique.sfd - fixed skew on U+027F
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd, FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd - added to
+ Latin Extended-B U+01A7-01A8, IPA Extensions U+0251-0253,
+ U+0256-0257, U+0261, U+0265-026A, U+026F-0273, U+0289,
+ U+028C-028E * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd - added to Latin
+ extended-B U+0189, U+01A8, U+01B1, U+0283, U+02C9 and Spacing
+ Modifiers U+02C9-02CB
+2005-10-14 13:47 +0000 [r304-305] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: FreeSansBold.sfd - Added a couple
+ of composite glyphs, mostly in the IPA and Latin Extended B
+ ranges.
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Added a couple of composite
+ glyphs, mostly in the IPA and Latin Extended B ranges.
+2005-10-13 17:58 +0000 [r303] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: * FreeSans.sfd -
+ removed overlap and simplified U+0187, 0191, 0193, 01A5, 01AE,
+ 0260, 0271, 0272, 0273, 027B; fixed diacritics placement on
+ U+0200-0217; fixed glyph for U+0283 to correct esh without
+ stroke; added U+025F and fixed U+025F from it; fixed height of
+ glyph at U+0285; arranged U+027E,027F to make more
+ distinguishable from U+0072. * FreeSansOblique.sfd - added the
+ corrected or new glyphs from FreeSans; diacritics on U+200-0217
+ will need height readjustements. * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique - added U+0186, 0190, 0250, 0254, 0258, 0259,
+ 025B, 025C
+2005-10-13 15:00 +0000 [r302] moyogo:
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: fixed open o, U+0254,
+ that was left unturned
+2005-10-13 12:51 +0000 [r299-301] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Added glyphs
+ U+222B-U+222F, U+2320, U+2321. Fixed diacritics on U+0200-U+0217.
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS: Added Denis Jacquerye.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Minor changes: U+22A2, U+22A3,
+ U+22A6, U+23AE. Added U+0250, U+0251, U+0258, U+0259, U+0275.
+2005-10-13 05:58 +0000 [r298] moyogo:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: 2005-10-12 Denis Jacquerye
+ * FreeSerif.sfd - Corrected diacritics
+ position on U+01D5-01D9,01DB,01EA-01ED,0200-0217 and U+022A. *
+ FreeSerif.sfd, FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifItalic.sfd, FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd - added
+ U+0186,0190,0254 and U+025B.
+2005-10-11 15:11 +0000 [r297] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Attempt to correct bug #13370:
+ added glyph U+23AE.
+2005-10-11 14:33 +0000 [r296] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fixed bug #13399 (glyphs for
+ U+0360 and U+0361 swapped).
+2005-05-16 14:33 +0000 [r295] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, FreeMono.sfd:
+ Corrected shapes for Cross of Lorraine and Cross of Jerusalem.
+2005-04-07 13:45 +0000 [r294] peterlin:
+ * notes (added),
+ notes/maintenance.txt (added): Some basic notes
+ how things work with Savannah.
+2005-04-07 13:25 +0000 [r292-293] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Added some combining
+ accents, just to test a new version of FontForge.
+ * ChangeLog: Minor change to FreeSansBold.
+2003-11-18 16:26 +0000 [r291] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Started to apply Josef Segur's
+ patch.
+2003-10-08 12:22 +0000 [r290] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog: Added Abbas
+ Izad.
+2003-10-08 12:18 +0000 [r289] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Applied Josef Segur's
+ corrections from Oct. 5.
+2003-10-04 17:51 +0000 [r288] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: A rather naive composition of
+ Arabic "accented" charachers, based on the work of Abbas Izad.
+2003-10-02 20:54 +0000 [r286-287] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Abbas Izad's contributed
+ Arabic/Farsi characters added.
+2003-10-02 20:09 +0000 [r284-285] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Combining chars
+ corrected (this one escaped the batch).
+2003-10-02 19:55 +0000 [r283] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Combining characters
+ (U+0300 - U+036F) moved left, so that they have negative
+ horizontal values and zero advance width.
+2003-09-15 09:23 +0000 [r282] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Super- and subscripts
+ added. Those copied from Free Serif regular (0,5-9) seem a bit
+ heavier to me than 1-4 designed specially for italic. Might
+ require a further adjustment. :
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+2003-09-15 09:08 +0000 [r281] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Started working on super-
+ and subscripts.
+2003-09-15 08:36 +0000 [r280] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifBold.sfd: Started working on super-
+ and subscripts.
+2003-09-12 14:12 +0000 [r279] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added three Hiragana characters
+ (U+3094, U+3099 and U+309B) and 6 Katakana characters
+ (U+30F4-U+30FC).
+2003-09-12 13:53 +0000 [r278] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Cleared background
+ characters in Latin Extended-A. Added some automatically
+ constructed characters in Latin Extended-B. Started with
+ superscripts and subscripts.
+2003-09-12 12:53 +0000 [r277] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Subscript numerals
+ (U+2080-U+2089) completed.
+2003-09-12 12:40 +0000 [r276] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Upgraded Pfaedit to 030827. Two
+ Hiragana characters (U+3099, U+309B) and 8 Katakana characters
+ (U+30F7-U+30FE) added.
+2003-06-02 05:34 +0000 [r275] teras:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Basic ancient greek
+ support
+2003-05-22 19:35 +0000 [r274] teras:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Basic ancient greek support
+2003-05-22 18:05 +0000 [r273] teras:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Basic ancient greek support
+2003-05-19 08:18 +0000 [r272] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Upload.
+2003-05-19 08:15 +0000 [r271] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Improved control point
+ positioning on Thai character fongman. Actually, Thai needs some
+ work here...
+2003-05-19 08:09 +0000 [r270] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Thai letters bo baimai and po
+ pla swapped; Thai character fongman corrected, all courtesy
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan.
+2003-05-19 07:45 +0000 [r269] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-05-17 00:55 +0000 [r268] teras:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Full support of all ancient
+ greek glyphs
+2003-05-16 09:41 +0000 [r267] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Saved in a new SFD
+ format with a new version of PfaEdit.
+2003-05-15 12:15 +0000 [r266] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Mentioned KerningNumerals.pl.
+2003-05-15 12:07 +0000 [r265] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-05-15 12:04 +0000 [r263-264] peterlin:
+ * tools/KerningNumerals.pl: Now doing the new-style
+ kerning information (KernsSLIF) as well.
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Oops! It's KernsSLIF,
+ not Kerns. Corrected.
+2003-05-15 11:58 +0000 [r262] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Completed moving
+ kerning information from ASCII numerals to kerned numerals in the
+ Adobe corporate use area (U+F6xx).
+2003-05-15 10:32 +0000 [r261] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Automatically moved
+ kerning information from ASCII numerals with the
+ KerningNumerals.pl script.
+2003-05-15 10:27 +0000 [r259-260] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Automatically moved kerning
+ information with the KerningNumerals.pl script.
+ * tools/KerningNumerals.pl (added): A Perl script
+ for moving kerning information from ASCII numerals (U+0030...) to
+ characters in the Adobe corporate use area (U+F6xx).
+2003-05-14 12:10 +0000 [r258] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+2003-05-14 12:00 +0000 [r257] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: First approximation of super-
+ and subscript numerals and vulgar fractions.
+2003-05-14 10:00 +0000 [r256] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-05-14 09:57 +0000 [r255] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Super- and subscript numerals
+ complete, vulgar fractions completed and redone as references
+ rather than outlines.
+2003-05-12 16:58 +0000 [r253-254] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Super- and subscripts, vulgar
+ fractions.
+2003-05-12 16:12 +0000 [r251-252] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Rounded to integer.
+2003-05-12 15:45 +0000 [r250] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cleanup of the Cyrillic letters
+ added on March 27.
+2003-05-09 09:56 +0000 [r249] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-05-09 09:53 +0000 [r248] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Additions in the Latin
+ Extended-B and IPA Extensions range.
+2003-05-08 09:07 +0000 [r246-247] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd: Added a couple of
+ characters to the Latin Extended-B area.
+2003-05-08 08:37 +0000 [r245] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: ASCII numerals now
+ monospaced; kerned numerals moved to Adobe corporate use area
+ (U+F6xx).
+2003-05-08 07:47 +0000 [r244] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-05-07 15:56 +0000 [r243] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd: Roman numerals.
+2003-05-07 15:13 +0000 [r242] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added characters in the Latin
+ Extended-B range.
+2003-05-07 13:56 +0000 [r241] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added Greek accents.
+2003-05-07 13:19 +0000 [r240] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Automated addition of
+ accented characters.
+2003-05-07 12:57 +0000 [r239] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Additions in Latin
+ Extended-B and Basic Greek.
+2003-05-07 12:13 +0000 [r237-238] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Points rounded to
+ integer values; glyphs simplified.
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Cleanup (fixed
+ widths, clockwise/counter-clockwise corrections etc.)
+2003-05-07 11:53 +0000 [r236] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Points rounded to integer
+ values; outlines simplified.
+2003-05-07 11:48 +0000 [r234-235] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Rounded to integer and
+ simplified.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cleanup (open paths fixed).
+2003-05-07 11:40 +0000 [r232-233] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Kerning pairs removed.
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Cleanup (path direction
+ etc.)
+2003-05-07 10:16 +0000 [r231] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Cleanup
+ (clockwise/counter-clockwise direction corrected).
+2003-05-07 10:01 +0000 [r230] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Major cleanup (fixed widths,
+ open paths, clockwise/counter-clockwise directions etc.).
+2003-05-06 15:54 +0000 [r229] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Proportional numerals don't
+ really have to be outlines - references are enough. Caught two
+ remaining numeral kerns, ",1" and ".1". Free Sans is now clean.
+2003-05-06 15:39 +0000 [r228] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: ASCII numerals now
+ monospaced; kerned numerals moved to Adobe corporate use area
+ (U+F6xx). Not finished yet - left kerns are done, right only up
+ to letter C!
+2003-05-06 14:39 +0000 [r227] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: ASCII numerals now monospaced;
+ kerned numerals moved to Adobe corporate use area (uniF6xx).
+2003-05-06 13:09 +0000 [r226] peterlin:
+ * tools/OS2UnicodeRange (added): A simple script to
+ display OS/2 Unicode range table in TrueType fonts.
+2003-05-06 11:53 +0000 [r225] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Updated years of FSF
+ copyleft.
+2003-05-06 11:36 +0000 [r224] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Minor changes in Latin
+ Extended-B and IPA Extensions.
+2003-04-02 15:54 +0000 [r223] peterlin:
+ * papers (added), papers/eurotex2003
+ (added), papers/eurotex2003/eurotex2003.cls
+ (added), papers/eurotex2003/freefont.bib (added),
+ papers/eurotex2003/freefont.tex (added): Paper for
+ the EuroTeX 2003 conference, ENST Bretagne, Brest, June 24-27.
+2003-03-27 08:40 +0000 [r222] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS: Update.
+2003-03-27 08:13 +0000 [r221] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Cyrillic and Cyrillic
+ Supplement blocks brought to conformance with Unicode 3.2,
+ courtesy Daniel Shurovich Chirkov.
+2003-03-19 17:31 +0000 [r220] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Synchronized germandbls
+ (U+00DF) with the one in FreeSans.
+2003-03-19 17:17 +0000 [r219] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Made somewhat wider germandbls
+ (U+00DF). Walter Schmidt brought up this problem with URW fonts
+ in the tex-fonts list.
+2003-03-18 16:38 +0000 [r218] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added Sinhala glyphs from the
+ Tipitaka project , recoded to Unicode by
+ Noah Levitt.
+2003-02-27 13:56 +0000 [r217] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd: Somewhat "cleaner" glyphs in
+ the Greek part.
+2003-02-24 12:49 +0000 [r216] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: All numerals set to
+ equal width (556 points).
+2003-02-21 16:58 +0000 [r215] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: A nicer capital schwa.
+2003-02-19 09:35 +0000 [r213-214] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Minor changes on mathematics
+ operators.
+2003-02-18 16:57 +0000 [r212] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added two Tamil signs (virama
+ and au length mark).
+2003-02-18 11:35 +0000 [r211] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-02-18 11:28 +0000 [r210] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Integral signs more in the
+ spirit of Courier design.
+2003-02-18 11:12 +0000 [r209] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Cleaned out some backgrounds.
+2003-02-05 15:46 +0000 [r207-208] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added a couple of glyphs in the
+ IPA and African Latin ranges.
+2003-01-30 15:55 +0000 [r206] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2003-01-30 15:35 +0000 [r205] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Corrected Maltese
+ hbar and Hbar.
+2003-01-30 14:54 +0000 [r204] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Corrected Maltese
+ hbar and Hbar.
+2003-01-30 14:43 +0000 [r203] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Corrected Maltese Hbar.
+2003-01-28 16:31 +0000 [r202] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Corrected Maltese hbar.
+2002-12-19 18:31 +0000 [r201] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Cleaner Tamil outlines.
+2002-12-18 17:38 +0000 [r199-200] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * tools/ConvertFont (added): Convert fonts from
+ PfaEdit's native format to TrueType format.
+2002-12-18 17:17 +0000 [r198] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-12-18 10:43 +0000 [r197] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added (almost complete) Tamil
+ Unicode range.
+2002-12-17 16:44 +0000 [r196] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Started adding Kannada glyphs
+ from Akruti fonts.
+2002-12-17 15:56 +0000 [r195] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS: Added M.S. Sridhar and Akruti fonts.
+2002-12-17 15:42 +0000 [r194] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added some Devanagari and
+ Gujarati glyphs from the Akruti fonts.
+2002-12-17 10:08 +0000 [r193] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog, CREDITS: Correct
+ spelling of Culmus project.
+2002-12-12 15:09 +0000 [r192] peterlin:
+ * INSTALL (added): Installation notes for the Free
+ UCS outline fonts.
+2002-12-12 08:57 +0000 [r191] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Checked in as v1.1.
+2002-12-12 08:48 +0000 [r190] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Checked in as v1.1.
+2002-12-06 15:13 +0000 [r189] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Minor correction on U+230F.
+2002-12-06 15:00 +0000 [r188] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Various additions in the
+ U+2000-U+27FF area, courtesy Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2002-12-06 14:20 +0000 [r187] peterlin:
+ * CREDITS: Added Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2002-12-06 14:08 +0000 [r186] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS: Added Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2002-12-06 13:59 +0000 [r185] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added Runes (U+16A0...),
+ courtesy Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2002-12-06 13:43 +0000 [r184] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-12-06 13:40 +0000 [r182-183] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added Unicode Syriac glyphs,
+ courtesy Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added Braille glyphs, courtesy
+ Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2002-11-28 10:10 +0000 [r181] peterlin:
+ * README: Resubmitted using -r1.1.
+2002-11-28 10:02 +0000 [r180] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS: Resubmitted using -r 1.1
+2002-11-28 09:57 +0000 [r179] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS: Re-submitted using CVS 1.11.2.
+2002-11-28 09:41 +0000 [r178] peterlin:
+ * README: Updated text reflecting that Microsoft Web
+ fonts are no longer freely available.
+2002-10-16 11:02 +0000 [r177] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Corrected glyph 0x0446, thanks
+ to Reiji SUZUKI, who spotted it.
+2002-10-11 16:40 +0000 [r176] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-10-11 16:29 +0000 [r175] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-10-11 15:46 +0000 [r174] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added a handful of kern pairs
+ beyond Latin-1.
+2002-10-11 14:14 +0000 [r173] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Adding kern pairs manually also
+ cleans the empty glyph slots (and makes the file unreadable by
+ PfaEdit). Reintroduced them.
+2002-10-11 14:01 +0000 [r172] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added about one dozen kern
+ pairs as a test.
+2002-10-11 13:44 +0000 [r171] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Patch from Sept 23
+ introduced core dumps, as PfaEdit dutifully cleared all the empty
+ glyph slots along the way, which messed up its internal workings.
+ Re-introduced all the empty glyph slots.
+2002-09-23 16:00 +0000 [r170] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: At some point I lost the
+ kerning information. First attempt to reconstruct it from AFM
+ files.
+2002-09-11 14:39 +0000 [r169] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Swapped incorrect "dialytika and
+ oxia" and "dialytika and varia". Made "tonos" equal to "oxia".
+ Started doing base Greek with new tonos.
+2002-09-11 11:31 +0000 [r168] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Hebrew parts in sync with
+ Culmus 0.6.
+2002-09-11 11:26 +0000 [r167] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-09-11 09:53 +0000 [r166] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Hebrew parts in sync
+ with Culmus 0.6.
+2002-09-11 09:16 +0000 [r165] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-09-11 09:13 +0000 [r164] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: * Added Danilo
+ Segan's Serbian Cyrillic glyphs. * Updated Hebrew part to comply
+ with Culmus 0.6.
+2002-09-10 08:21 +0000 [r163] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Started working on IPA range.
+2002-09-09 16:01 +0000 [r161-162] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Updated Cyrillic part
+ to match Filippov's 1.0.7pre14.
+2002-09-09 15:39 +0000 [r160] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Updated Cyrillic part
+ to match Filippov's 1.0.7pre14.
+2002-09-09 14:33 +0000 [r158-159] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSansOblique.sfd: Added Stepanyan's
+ Armenian glyphs from FreeSans, skewed for 12 degrees.
+2002-09-06 14:16 +0000 [r157] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Changed @ in
+ email addresses to " AT ".
+2002-09-06 13:43 +0000 [r155-156] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: A minor correction.
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-09-06 13:18 +0000 [r154] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Added Maxim Iorsh's
+ Hebrew glyphs (still considered experimental by their author, but
+ much better than previous ones).
+2002-08-28 15:31 +0000 [r152-153] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added Maxim
+ Iorsh.
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added Maxim Iorsh's
+ Hebrew glyphs.
+2002-07-26 10:21 +0000 [r151] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-07-26 10:17 +0000 [r150] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Some minor changes.
+2002-06-11 19:28 +0000 [r148-149] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Applied Michalis Kabrianis's
+ patch concerning perispomeni in Greek politoniko.
+2002-05-23 11:25 +0000 [r147] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-05-23 11:20 +0000 [r146] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Applied Michalis Kabrianis's
+ patch which corrects psili. Also some working variants of
+ characters in the IPA range.
+2002-05-16 14:44 +0000 [r145] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added LangName
+ information.
+2002-05-15 13:23 +0000 [r144] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-05-15 13:14 +0000 [r143] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Deleted explicit ".notdef"
+ characters.
+2002-05-14 08:59 +0000 [r142] peterlin:
+ * FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Filled-in the missing
+ TTFWidth and TTFWeight values.
+2002-05-14 08:51 +0000 [r141] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Correctly formed
+ Panose and LineGap lines.
+2002-05-09 18:13 +0000 [r140] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-05-09 17:42 +0000 [r139] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added some more composite
+ glyphs. Croatian ligatures better kerned.
+2002-05-09 17:10 +0000 [r138] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added diacritics. Added glyphs
+ to the Latin Extenede-B area.
+2002-05-07 16:13 +0000 [r137] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Updated Panose and LangName
+ information in the TTF header.
+2002-05-07 15:40 +0000 [r136] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Updated Panose and
+ LangName information in the TTF header.
+2002-05-07 15:28 +0000 [r135] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd: Updating Panose and
+ LangName information in the font header.
+2002-04-30 12:27 +0000 [r134] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+2002-04-30 11:21 +0000 [r133] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Several minor changes (lower
+ carons etc.)
+2002-04-30 10:14 +0000 [r132] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Working on Greek small
+ letters.
+2002-04-29 19:44 +0000 [r131] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-29 19:38 +0000 [r129-130] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Started adding Greek.
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Harmonizing Greek with
+ Latin. Done with capitals.
+2002-04-29 18:08 +0000 [r128] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added glyphs in the
+ Geometrical Shapes and Miscellaneous Symbols area.
+2002-04-29 17:35 +0000 [r127] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added one glyph to the
+ Geometrical Shapes area, which is now completed; added three
+ glyphs to the Miscellaneous Symbols area.
+2002-04-29 10:34 +0000 [r126] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Erased explicit ".notdef"
+ character (U+0000). Hopefully this will now stop getting PfaEdit
+ confused about the "post" table.
+2002-04-26 15:41 +0000 [r124-125] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Adjusted accent positions on
+ several glyphs in the Latin Extended-A area.
+2002-04-25 16:20 +0000 [r121-123] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Minor corrections in the Box
+ Drawing area.
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Box Drawing area completed.
+ Added some glyphs in the Geometrical Shapes area.
+2002-04-24 16:09 +0000 [r120] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-24 16:06 +0000 [r119] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: BoxDrawing area completed.
+2002-04-23 15:22 +0000 [r118] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added glyphs in the General
+ Punctuation area.
+2002-04-23 15:04 +0000 [r117] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added glyphs to the Box
+ Drawing area.
+2002-04-23 13:52 +0000 [r115-116] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * tools/WGL4.lst: Correction. Added missing
+ F002:LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL (the latter two belong to private
+ use area). Left 00A0:NO-BREAK SPACE in place, although some specs
+ don't list it. Total 653 characters on the list (WGL4 is supposed
+ to have 652 coded characters).
+2002-04-22 21:27 +0000 [r114] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Adding new glyphs to the
+ Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions ranges.
+2002-04-22 15:05 +0000 [r112-113] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd: Working on Latin Extended-B
+ and Greek.
+2002-04-19 15:58 +0000 [r110-111] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Somewhat cleaner chess figures.
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+2002-04-19 14:57 +0000 [r109] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-19 14:23 +0000 [r108] peterlin:
+ * tools/MES-2.txt, tools/MES-2.lst:
+ Corrected list (it is not 203C-203E, it is 203C and 203E).
+2002-04-19 09:24 +0000 [r107] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSans.sfd,
+ FreeSansBold.sfd,
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Changed "Family Name"
+ from Free to FreeSerif, FreeSans and FreeMono, as appropriate.
+ Changed Font Modifiers from MonoBold etc. to Bold, Italic,
+ Oblique, BoldOblique and BoldItalic.
+2002-04-18 09:38 +0000 [r106] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd,
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Corrected metrics;
+ now all character widths are set to 600.
+2002-04-17 18:49 +0000 [r104-105] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Added forgotten info on box drawing
+ characters in FreeSerif.
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+2002-04-17 17:37 +0000 [r103] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Box drawing characters
+ corrected. Now they extend both ascender and descender height.
+2002-04-17 15:45 +0000 [r102] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Continued working on Greek.
+2002-04-17 14:53 +0000 [r101] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added some more Box Drawing
+ characters.
+2002-04-17 11:56 +0000 [r100] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added some Box Drawing
+ characters.
+2002-04-16 15:36 +0000 [r99] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+2002-04-16 15:30 +0000 [r98] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added a couple of characters in
+ the Miscellaneous Symbols area.
+2002-04-16 14:28 +0000 [r97] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd: Added superscripts,
+ subscripts, vulgar fractions and a couple other characters needed
+ to make font MES-1 compliant.
+2002-04-16 13:58 +0000 [r96] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added some characters,
+ mostly in the Miscellaneous Symbols area. FreeMonoBold now
+ complies with MES-1.
+2002-04-16 10:16 +0000 [r95] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-16 10:13 +0000 [r94] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Started harmonizing Greek
+ letters with Latin and Cyrillic.
+2002-04-16 09:28 +0000 [r93] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added subscripts,
+ superscripts and vulgar fractions.
+2002-04-15 13:42 +0000 [r92] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+2002-04-12 15:59 +0000 [r91] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added Beyene,
+ Kudlek, Kummer and Metzinger from the Theoretical Foundations of
+ Computer Science, University of Hamburg, the authors of the set
+ of Ethiopic metafonts.
+2002-04-12 15:42 +0000 [r90] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-12 15:38 +0000 [r89] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Ethiopian glyphs,
+ converted from the Metafont sources from TGI, Universität Hamburg
+ (authors Berhanu Beyene, Prof. Dr. Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer,
+ and Jochen Metzinger) using Szabo's TeXtrace and retouched using
+ PfaEdit. Ethiopian metafonts are released under GNU GPL,
+ http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/mitarbeiter/wimis/kummer/ethiop_eng.html
+2002-04-12 15:30 +0000 [r88] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added 40 characters, mostly
+ in the Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions areas.
+2002-04-11 19:56 +0000 [r86-87] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added a handful of characters in
+ the Latin Extended-B, Currency Symbols and Miscellaneous Symbols
+ areas.
+2002-04-11 09:57 +0000 [r85] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added three glyphs to the IPA
+ Extensions area.
+2002-04-09 07:12 +0000 [r83-84] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Corrected accent positioning in
+ the Extended Greek area; adding a couple of glyphs here and
+ there. 20 characters short of MES-2 conformance.
+2002-04-08 16:57 +0000 [r82] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added Jeroen
+ Hellingman and Thomas Ridgeway, the authors of Malayalam, Oriya
+ and Tamil glyphs sets.
+2002-04-08 16:39 +0000 [r81] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+2002-04-08 16:33 +0000 [r80] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added some arrows and Greek
+ politoniko.
+2002-04-05 15:04 +0000 [r79] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Modern Non-Russian
+ Cyrillic mostly completed.
+2002-04-05 10:37 +0000 [r78] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added Thomas Ridgeway's Tamil
+ fonts, partly edited.
+2002-04-04 16:15 +0000 [r77] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-04-04 16:12 +0000 [r76] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Started working on the
+ non-Russian Cyrillic glyphs. Corrected Serbian letters dje, lje,
+ nje and tshe.
+2002-04-04 10:44 +0000 [r75] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Minor modifications in the
+ non-Russian Cyrillic area.
+2002-04-04 10:35 +0000 [r74] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Armenian capital
+ characters matching in case Latin, Cyrillic and Greek.
+2002-04-04 09:57 +0000 [r73] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Serbian Cyrillic glyphs
+ synchronized with FreeMono.
+2002-04-04 09:36 +0000 [r71-72] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Serbian cyrillic characters dje
+ and tshe corrected.
+2002-04-03 16:34 +0000 [r70] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: *** empty log message ***
+2002-04-03 16:29 +0000 [r69] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Armenian characters added.
+2002-03-28 15:32 +0000 [r67-68] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added some mathematical symbols.
+2002-03-26 21:00 +0000 [r66] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-26 20:56 +0000 [r65] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added H.S. Pannu's Gurmukhi. It
+ actually fits in here much better than it fits FreeSerif. I'll
+ have to look for a Gurmukhi font with modulated stroke for
+ FreeSerif.
+2002-03-26 20:45 +0000 [r64] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: A more stylish barred H.
+2002-03-26 20:35 +0000 [r63] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-26 20:29 +0000 [r62] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Minor changes in Greek; added
+ some mathematical symbols.
+2002-03-26 16:20 +0000 [r61] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Completed vulgar fractions.
+2002-03-26 16:00 +0000 [r60] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added dotted Hebrew letters.
+2002-03-26 14:40 +0000 [r58-59] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd: Took Hebrew characters
+ from FreeSerif and slanted them for 15.5 degrees.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Telugu letters optimized
+ somehow. Still too small, though.
+2002-03-26 14:15 +0000 [r57] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Corrected Unicode
+ ranges for Gurmukhi and Gujarati.
+2002-03-26 09:58 +0000 [r55-56] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Added characters to the
+ Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions area.
+2002-03-25 20:00 +0000 [r53-54] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMonoBold.sfd: Started adding Latin
+ Extended-B and IPA Extensions.
+2002-03-25 19:28 +0000 [r51-52] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Minor cosmetic changes; cleaning
+ up Greek (removing redundant control points), added some
+ non-European Cyrillic glyphs as a test.
+2002-03-22 11:31 +0000 [r50] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Some minor modifications;
+ letters in Latin Extended-B area "welded" together.
+2002-03-20 20:47 +0000 [r49] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Numerous glyphs added in
+ the Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions and Number Forms areas.
+ MES-1 compliant!
+2002-03-20 12:46 +0000 [r48] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-19 14:22 +0000 [r47] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-19 13:12 +0000 [r46] peterlin:
+ * FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Added characters in Latin
+ Extended-B and IPA Extensions area. Now mostly synchronized with
+ FreeMono.
+2002-03-18 17:56 +0000 [r45] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added some more IPA characters.
+2002-03-18 14:33 +0000 [r44] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-18 12:21 +0000 [r43] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added some more characters, in
+ particular in the Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions areas, to a
+ total of 1424 chars.
+2002-03-15 19:08 +0000 [r41-42] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added a dozen or two new
+ characters, in particular in the IPA Extensions area.
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-15 13:57 +0000 [r40] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-14 09:15 +0000 [r38-39] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added three smiley characters.
+2002-03-10 18:16 +0000 [r37] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
+ CREDITS: Due credit to the original author of
+ Gurmukhi font, Hardip Singh Pannu.
+2002-03-10 18:07 +0000 [r36] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Anshuman Pandey has only
+ converted Gurmukhi from TrueType to Metafont; the original author
+ of Gurkmukhi font is Hardip Singh Pannu
+ . Got the permission
+ from him to include the Gurmukhi glyph set.
+2002-03-08 12:17 +0000 [r34-35] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some more glyphs in the
+ Mathematical Symbols area.
+2002-03-06 20:48 +0000 [r32-33] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Basic Gurmukhi (Unicode range
+ without ligatures). I believe the author is Anshuman Pandey
+ , found in CTAN
+ .
+2002-03-06 20:13 +0000 [r31] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-06 18:07 +0000 [r30] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Silly me. Glyphs in Box Drawing
+ and Block Elements areas extend through ascender *and descender*
+ width. Corrected.
+2002-03-06 15:10 +0000 [r29] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd,
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd: Added musical glyphs in
+ the Miscellaneous Symbols area, linked "non-breaking" space to
+ space, "soft hyphen" to hyphen-minus. Now we are 4 glyphs short
+ of MES-1 conformance.
+2002-03-05 19:50 +0000 [r28] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+2002-03-05 19:47 +0000 [r27] peterlin:
+ * tools/WGL4.lst (added): Microsoft Windows Glyph
+ List 4.0 (WGL4). I seem to have lost 2 characters - there ought
+ to be 652, and I have only 650.
+2002-03-05 19:20 +0000 [r25-26] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update.
+ * tools/LigatureList.pl (added): A Perl script,
+ which lists the GSUB list (ligature list) of a OpenType font.
+ Requires George Williams' showttf utility, available on
+ .
+2002-03-05 19:12 +0000 [r24] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: An auxilliary substitute
+ for Hebrew glyphs added.
+2002-03-04 17:38 +0000 [r23] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+2002-03-04 17:35 +0000 [r22] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some more glyphs in the
+ Mathematical Operators area.
+2002-03-04 15:24 +0000 [r21] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added Frans
+ Velthuis and Anshuman Pandey
+ .
+2002-03-04 14:54 +0000 [r20] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update
+2002-03-04 14:44 +0000 [r19] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Fragments of Harsh Kumar's
+ Devanagari font substituted by Frans Velthuis' and Anshuman
+ Pandey's devanagari metafont, converted to PFB by Peter Szabo's
+ TeXtrace. Right now only Unicode part without ligatures is made
+ (though they are present in original font).
+2002-02-28 19:14 +0000 [r18] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog.
+2002-02-28 19:05 +0000 [r17] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some more glyphs to the
+ Miscellaneous Symbols page (0x26).
+2002-02-28 18:33 +0000 [r16] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Added Prasad A.
+ Chodavarapu, the author of Tikkana, a Telugu font available under
+ the GNU General Public License.
+2002-02-28 18:00 +0000 [r15] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added some Telugu glyphs to
+ page 0x0C, courtesy Prasad A. Chodavarapu
+2002-02-28 16:49 +0000 [r14] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Prof. Venkatesh
+ (Venky) Hariharan supplied me with an email address for Harsh
+ Kumar.
+2002-02-28 14:51 +0000 [r13] peterlin:
+ * ChangeLog (added): A log of changes to project
+ files.
+2002-02-26 18:38 +0000 [r12] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: Mohamed Ishan's
+ email address corrected to his preferred one.
+2002-02-25 19:26 +0000 [r11] peterlin:
+ * FreeMono.sfd: Added some more glyphs, in
+ particular in the Mathematical Operators section. Changed
+ FamilyName to Free, FontName to FreeMono, and Full name to "Free
+ Monospaced".
+2002-02-25 12:43 +0000 [r10] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerif.sfd: Added a couple of glyphs in
+ Mathematics Operators.
+2002-02-20 21:08 +0000 [r9] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS, CREDITS: New coauthors
+ added: Mohamed Ishan, Harsh Kumar and Sushant Kumar Dash.
+2002-02-20 20:21 +0000 [r8] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd,
+ FreeSerif.sfd,
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd: Glyphs originating from the
+ old Omega system removed.
+2002-02-20 20:06 +0000 [r7] peterlin:
+ * FreeSerifItalic.sfd (added),
+ FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd (added),
+ FreeSerif.sfd (added),
+ FreeSerifBold.sfd (added): Proportional ISO
+ 10646 fonts with modulated stroke.
+2002-02-20 18:46 +0000 [r6] peterlin:
+ * FreeSans.sfd: Added an incomplete set of Oriya
+ characters, courtesy Sushant Dash .
+2002-02-20 16:37 +0000 [r5] peterlin:
+ * tools/MES-3B.lst (added), tools
+ (added), tools/MES-1.txt (added),
+ tools/MES-2.txt (added),
+ tools/CheckConformance.pl (added),
+ tools/MES-1.lst (added),
+ tools/MES-2.lst (added),
+ tools/MES-3B.txt (added),
+ tools/mes-list-expand.pl (added): Tools for
+ checking conformance with coded character sets.
+2002-02-20 13:52 +0000 [r3-4] peterlin:
+ * AUTHORS (added), CREDITS (added),
+ README (added): Free UCS Scalable Fonts
+ * FreeSans.sfd (added),
+ FreeSansBold.sfd (added),
+ FreeSansOblique.sfd (added),
+ FreeSansBoldOblique.sfd (added): Proportional
+ ISO 10646 fonts with uniform stroke.
+2002-02-20 13:46 +0000 [r2] peterlin:
+ * sfd (added), trunk/freefont (added),
+ FreeMono.sfd (added),
+ FreeMonoBold.sfd (added),
+ FreeMonoOblique.sfd (added),
+ FreeMonoBoldOblique.sfd (added): Monospaced
+ ISO 10646 fonts.
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMono.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMono.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff5cc0e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMono.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBold.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48154499
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBold.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02692e1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoOblique.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoOblique.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87caa0ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeMonoOblique.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSans.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSans.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2072cdaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSans.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f36dc5f
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5440c48
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansOblique.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansOblique.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6de107c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSansOblique.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..889c594f
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49112d3a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c41a9651
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ea68896
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/resources/fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/INSTALL b/src/main/resources/fonts/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b458961f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ Installing GNU FreeFont
+ =======================
+GNU FreeFont can be used in any modern operating system.
+This document explains how to install FreeFont on some common systems.
+UNIX/GNU/Linux/BSD Systems
+FreeFont works with any system using the free font rasterizer FreeType
+. Some features such as glyph substitution and
+positioning may be handled by the text layout library
+Pango .
+Most recent systems using FreeType2 and Pango handle OpenType fonts well,
+but on older systems TrueType may perform better.
+* Debian GNU/Linux
+Users of Debian GNU/Linux system will probably want to use the Debian package,
+named 'ttf-freefont', available from the Debian Linux site.
+Install the fonts by issuing the command
+ apt-get install ttf-freefont
+* KDE local installation
+Users of KDE can install .ttf files on a per-user basis using the KDE
+Control Center module "kcmfontinst", which may appear in the menu as
+ Settings -> System Administration -> Font Installer
+This is especially helpful for developers and testers.
+* Generic X Window systems
+ 1) Fetch the freefont-ttf.tar.gz package with Free UCS outline fonts
+ in the TrueType format.
+ 2) Unpack TrueType fonts into a suitable directory,
+ e.g. /usr/local/share/fonts/default/TrueType/
+ 3) If you have chosen any other directory, make sure the directory you
+ used to install the fonts is listed in the path searched by the X
+ Font Server by editing the config file in /etc/X11/.
+ In some systems, you list the directory in the item "catalogue="
+ in the file /etc/X11/fs/config.
+ 4) Run ttmkfdir in the directory where you unpacked the fonts.
+Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP; Vista/7
+Note that in at least Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000, the TrueType versions
+perform much better than, and are recommended over, the OpenType ones.
+For good font smoothing in Windows, Microsoft ClearType must be enabled.
+The native Windows web browser must be used to install, enable, and configure
+ClearType. A web search for "ClearType Tuner" will find the proper web pages.
+Recent versions of the browser raise a security block (a yellow bar at the
+top of the window), which you must act upon to allow installation. A
+checkbox in the window turns ClearType on (in Win-speek, "Turn on ClearType").
+The change happens immediately.
+* Vista, Windows 7:
+ 1) From the Start menu, open Control Panels
+ 2) Drag-n-drop font files onto Fonts control panel
+ You may get a dialog saying
+ "Windows needs your permission to continue"
+ a) Click Continue
+* 95/98/NT:
+ The font installation is similar to Vista.
+ In order to use OpenType, users of Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 can
+ install Adobe's 'Type Manager Light', which may be obtained from
+ the Adobe web site.
+ Otherwise, use the TrueType versions.
+Apple Mac OS X
+Support for OpenType on MacOS X started with OS 10.4, and has been improved
+gradually in later versions.
+Installing on Mac OS X consists of moving the font files to either
+ /Library/Fonts/ or ~/Library/Fonts/
+depending on whether they should be available to all users on your system
+or just to your own user.
+$Id: INSTALL,v 1.11 2011-06-12 07:14:12 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/README b/src/main/resources/fonts/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d83f4a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/README
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ GNU FreeFont
+The GNU FreeFont project aims to provide a useful set of free scalable
+(i.e., OpenType) fonts covering as much as possible of the ISO 10646/Unicode
+UCS (Universal Character Set).
+Statement of Purpose
+The practical reason for putting glyphs together in a single font face is
+to conveniently mix symbols and characters from different writing systems,
+without having to switch fonts.
+FreeFont covers the following character ranges
+* Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic, with supplements for many languages
+* Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Thaana, Syriac
+* Devanagari, Bengali, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Sinhala, Tamil, Malayalam
+* Thai, Tai Le, Kayah Li, Hanunóo, Buginese
+* Cherokee, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
+* Ethiopian, Tifnagh, Vai, Osmanya, Coptic
+* Glagolitic, Gothic, Runic, Ugaritic, Old Persian, Phoenician, Old Italic
+* Braille, International Phonetic Alphabet
+* currency symbols, general punctuation and diacritical marks, dingbats
+* mathematical symbols, including much of the TeX repertoire of symbols
+* technical symbols: APL, OCR, arrows,
+* geometrical shapes, box drawing
+* musical symbols, gaming symbols, miscellaneous symbols
+ etc.
+For more detail see
+The free outline font editor, George Williams' FontForge
+ is used for editing the fonts.
+Design Issues
+Which font shapes should be made? Historical style terms like Renaissance
+or Baroque letterforms cannot be applied beyond Latin/Cyrillic/Greek
+scripts to any greater extent than Kufi or Nashki can be applied beyond
+Arabic script; "italic" is strictly meaningful only for Latin letters,
+although many scripts such as Cyrillic have a history with "cursive" and
+many others with "oblique" faces.
+However, most modern writing systems have typographic formulations for
+contrasting uniform and modulated character stroke widths, and since the
+advent of the typewriter, most have developed a typographic style with
+uniform-width characters.
+Accordingly, the FreeFont family has one monospaced - FreeMono - and two
+proportional faces (one with uniform stroke - FreeSans - and one with
+modulated stroke - FreeSerif).
+The point of having characters from different writing systems in one font
+is that mixed text should look good, and so each FreeFont face contains
+characters of similar style and weight.
+Free UCS scalable fonts is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+The fonts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+As a special exception, if you create a document which uses this font, and
+embed this font or unaltered portions of this font into the document, this
+font does not by itself cause the resulting document to be covered by the
+GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any
+other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public
+License. If you modify this font, you may extend this exception to your
+version of the font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
+wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
+Files and their suffixes
+The files with .sfd (Spline Font Database) are in FontForge's native format.
+They may be used to modify the fonts.
+TrueType fonts are the files with the .ttf (TrueType Font) suffix. These
+are ready to use in Linux/Unix, on Apple Mac OS, and on Microsoft Windows
+OpenType fonts (with suffix .otf) are preferred for use on Linux/Unix,
+but *not* for recent Microsoft Windows systems.
+See the INSTALL file for more information.
+Web Open Font Format files (with suffix .woff) are for use in Web sites.
+See the webfont_guidelines.txt for further information.
+Further information
+Home page of GNU FreeFont:
+ http://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/
+More information is at the main project page of Free UCS scalable fonts:
+ http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/freefont/
+To report problems with GNU FreeFont, it is best to obtain a Savannah
+account and post reports using that account on
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/
+Public discussions about GNU FreeFont may be posted to the mailing list
+ freefont-bugs@gnu.org
+Original author: Primoz Peterlin
+Current administrator: Steve White
+$Id: README,v 1.10 2011-06-12 07:14:12 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/TROUBLESHOOTING b/src/main/resources/fonts/TROUBLESHOOTING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7af2225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/TROUBLESHOOTING
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ Troubleshooting GNU FreeFont
+So your text looks lousy, although you installed FreeFont and you seem to be
+using it. What do you do?
+Before you blame the problem on FreeFont, take the time to double-check that
+the text you are looking at is really rendered with FreeFont.
+Be aware that not all Unicode characters are supported by FreeFont, and
+even characters supported by one face, such as Serif, might not be
+supported by other faces such as Sans.
+Also, some systems have settings that strongly affect the rendering
+of fonts. It may be worth tweaking these.
+glyph substitution
+When given the task of displaying characters in text, modern font rendering
+software usually tries to display *something*, even if the font it is
+*supposed* to be using does not contain glyphs for all the characters in the
+text. The software will snoop through all the fonts on the system to find
+one that has a glyph for the one missing in the desired font. So although
+you have specified FreeSans-bold, you may be looking at a letter from quite
+a different font.
+First double-check that the font in question really contains the character
+in question. If you don't have font development software, this can be
+tricky. In the case of FreeFont, you can check if a given character
+range is supported:
+Next double-check that your application (web browser, text editor, etc)
+has indeed been properly instructed to use the font.
+Then double-check that the font is really installed in the system.
+(This depends on the operating system, of course.)
+Linux and Unix
+Modern Linux systems use a system called fontconfig, which maintains a font
+cache, for efficiency.
+The font cache can really complicate font installation and troubleshooting
+however. It can happen that when a font is newly installed, what is
+displayed is coming out of an old cache entry rather than the new font.
+Just what to do depends on how and where the font was installed.
+Fonts installed system-wide are usually put in a directory such as
+ /usr/share/fonts/
+the font cache for these might be in
+ /var/cache/fontconfig/
+Fonts installed just for one user account will typically be in
+ ~/.fonts/
+and the cache will be
+ ~/.fontconfig/
+You can clean your local cache merely by emptying the directory
+ ~/.fontconfig/
+In any case, to clean the cache, you can use the fontconfig command
+ fc-cache -vf
+If run as root, it will clean the system cache, if run as a normal user,
+it cleans only the normal user's cache.
+The procedure for local fonts is:
+ 1) shut off any program using the fonts in question
+ 2) clean the cache
+ 3) re-start the program
+The procedure for system-wide fonts is:
+ 1) log out of the X Windows session
+ 2) in a console, clean the cache
+ 3) log in to an X Windows session
+LibreOffice / OpenOffice
+These products have their own font rendering libraries, which have
+idiosyncratic behavior.
+It has recently been reported that as of LibreOffice 3.5.1, font features
+are disabled for OpenType fonts. If you use FreeFont with these products,
+you may want to install the TrueType versions of the fonts.
+The most common complaint has to do with "blurry text". There are two
+The first is that ClearType smoothing is turned off. The best way to check
+is to use the native Windows Web browser. Do a search for "ClearType Tuner".
+The Microsoft pages install a tuner for ClearType. A security block notice
+will appear at the top of the window--you have to allow the installation.
+Then check the box "Turn on ClearType". The change happens immediately.
+The secont cause is that the FreeFont version with cubic spline outlines is
+installed. As of the 2012 GNU FreeFont release, the TrueType builds have
+quadratic splines, which work best with Windows' rendering software.
+ TTF (TrueType) quadratic splines Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP.
+ OTF (OpenType) cubic splines Linux, Mac
+Note also: Firefox has a setting for ClearType:
+ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode
+A value of 2 sets it to old-style GDI rendering, while -1 is the default.
+reporting problems
+If you really think you're seeing a bug in FreeFont, or if you have
+a suggestion, consider opening a problem report at
+ https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=freefont
+It is best that you make a Savannah account and log in with that, so
+you can be e-mailed whenever changes are made to your report.
+$Id: troubleshooting.txt,v 1.10 2011-07-16 08:38:06 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/main/resources/fonts/USAGE b/src/main/resources/fonts/USAGE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f7aa5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/fonts/USAGE
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ Usage of GNU FreeFont
+Language scripts and faces
+There are three faces (serif, sans-serif, and monospace), and four styles
+(regular, bold, cursive/italic, and bold cursive/italic) for each face.
+There is one font file per face/style combination: 12 files in total.
+The letters for various languages, as well as specialized symbols, exist
+among the various font files, but they are not uniformly populated.
+All the fonts have complete support for Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek, as
+well as most of the extensions for those scripts.
+At this time, serif regular has by far the largest number of letters, and
+supports the largest number of writing scripts. However there are writing
+scripts supported by the sans-serif but not by serif.
+For an overview of which scripts and sets of symbols are supported by
+which face, see the FreeFont 'coverage' web page.
+Font features
+FreeFont has numerous font "features" that perform alterations to the basic
+letters of the font, replacing them with other letters, or positioning them
+with respect to other letters.
+Many features are activated automatically, but in some environments, they
+present some user control. This documents those features with user control.
+Language-specific features
+Some OpenType font features are activated only when the text is specified to
+be of a certain language.
+This is done in HTML by enclosing the text with a tag whose 'lang' attribute
+is set to the appropriate ISO 632.2 language code. In a word processor,
+any block of text can be given a language setting.
+Catalan ligature improving l·l
+Dutch ligatures for ij, IJ
+Sami localized form for letter Eng
+Turkish overrides ligatures fi ffi of Latin
+Ukrainian ligature for double i-diaresis
+Serbian/Macedonian localized letters be, and more in italic
+Bulgarian style set for modern glyphs
+Yiddish raised vowels under yo
+Sanskrit much larger set of ligatures
+Hindi, Marathi better spacing of Western punctuation marks
+Indic languages
+The 'danda' character is encoded in Unicode only in the Devanagari range.
+When writing in scripts of other Indic languages, this same character is to
+be used. But the shapes and line thicknesses of glyphs vary slightly from
+one script to another, so the same glyph for 'danda' may not fit all scripts.
+By specifying the language of the text, an appropriate glyph for 'danda'
+will be obtained.
+Style sets
+These replacements are activated by specifying a "Style Set".
+These features are accessible only from typesetting software.
+Cyrillic Bulgarian modern (ss01)
+Devanagari Bombay (ss02), Calcutta (ss03), Nepali (ss04)
+Discretionary features
+These features are accessible only from typesetting software.
+Typically the user must specifically request them.
+Unless otherwise noted, these are available only in FreeSerif.
+Ligatures and substitutions
+Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, German, Dutch
+Small captials
+A limited set of specially drawn small capital letters in Latin.
+Superscript and subscript
+Transform a limited set of characters--mostly Latin letters and numerals--
+to versions well-sized and positioned as superscript or subscript.
+Numeral styles
+The default numerals of FreeSerif are mono-spaced and of even height.
+It also features proportionally-spaced numerals, and "old-style" numerals--
+those which vary in height and sometimes go beneath the baseline.
+These can be had at discretion.
+Diagonal fractions
+A limited set of diagonal fraction substitutions are available at discretion.
+The set is more than what is encoded in Unicode.
+They work with the ASCII slash or the mathematical slash U+2215.
+The transform a sequence "number-slash-number" to a diagonal form.
+A slashed form of the numeral zero is available at discretion.
+Available in all faces.
+Alternative characters
+FreeSerif has some listings of alternatives for specific characters.
+Again this is use primarily in specialized typesetting software.
+Greek, Latin
+Use in LaTeX
+It is possible to use Unicode fonts in recent LaTeX implementations, but in
+ LuaTeX http://www.luatex.org/ and
+ XeTeX http://tug.org/xetex/
+it is particularly easy to use Unicode text, and to enable font features.
+Recent versions of these systems use the 'fontspec' package to choose fonts
+and features.
+A very simple document might contain the lines
+1/7 3/10 7/10}
+x\raisebox{-0.5ex}{{\scriptsize ai}}
+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+−(0123456789)} \\
+x\raisebox{0.85ex}{{\scriptsize ai}}
+\textsc{Small Caps} }
+{ Bсички хора се раждат свободни и равни по достойнство и права.
+\fontspec[Script=Cyrillic,Language=Bulgarian,Variant={1}]{FreeSerif} \selectfont
+Bсички хора се раждат свободни и равни по достойнство и права. }
+Here are some 'fontspec' setting-value pairs meaningful for FreeFont.
+Numbers: Lining OldStyle Proportional SlashedZero
+Fractions: On
+VerticalPosition: Superior Inferior
+Ligatures: Common Historical
+Letters: UppercaseSmallCaps
+Variant: 1 (etc. -- must be in {} picks style set.)
+$Id: usage.txt,v 1.10 2011-07-16 08:38:06 Stevan_White Exp $
diff --git a/src/test/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableTest.java b/src/test/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableTest.java
index 227d434d..37e645a6 100644
--- a/src/test/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/be/quodlibet/boxable/TableTest.java
@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.fontbox.util.BoundingBox;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
+import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDDocumentOutline;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem;
@@ -21,10 +24,24 @@
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.datatable.DataTable;
+import be.quodlibet.boxable.utils.FontUtils;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.utils.ImageUtils;
+import be.quodlibet.boxable.utils.PDStreamUtils;
public class TableTest {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - Header Row
+ * - Column spanning
+ * - Image in cell
+ * - Coloured Cells
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void Sample1() throws IOException {
@@ -176,7 +193,20 @@ private static List getFacts() {
return facts;
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - Repeating header row on new pages
+ * - Header Row
+ * - Column spanning
+ * - Image in cell
+ * - Coloured Cells
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest2() throws IOException {
@@ -293,13 +323,16 @@ public void SampleTest2() throws IOException {
- /**
- *
- * Sample test for text rotation
- *
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest3() throws IOException {
// Set margins
@@ -366,13 +399,16 @@ public void SampleTest3() throws IOException {
- /**
- *
- * Multiple header rows in the table
- *
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - Multiple header rows in a table
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest4() throws IOException {
@@ -492,7 +528,16 @@ public void SampleTest4() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest5() throws IOException {
@@ -551,7 +596,16 @@ public void SampleTest5() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - text wrapping inside a cell
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest6() throws IOException {
@@ -595,7 +649,16 @@ public void SampleTest6() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - vertical alignment inside a cell
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest7() throws IOException {
@@ -657,7 +720,17 @@ public void SampleTest7() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - < and > rendering
+ * - vertical alignment inside a cell
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest8() throws IOException {
// Set margins
@@ -700,7 +773,6 @@ public void SampleTest8() throws IOException {
cell = additionArow.createCell(40f, "Added Text From Document");
// Save the document
@@ -710,7 +782,16 @@ public void SampleTest8() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - < and > and | rendering
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void SampleTest9() throws IOException {
List table = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -767,7 +848,7 @@ public void SampleTest9() throws IOException {
public void lineSpacingTest() throws IOException {
@@ -860,7 +941,18 @@ public void lineSpacingTest() throws IOException {
+ /**
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - Ordered Lists in Cells
+ * - Unordered Lists in Cells
+ * - Nested Lists in Cells
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
public void IncorrectHTMLListNesting() throws IOException {
@@ -894,6 +986,190 @@ public void IncorrectHTMLListNesting() throws IOException {
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ * - html table rendering inside cell
+ * - vertical alignment inside a cell
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void SampleTest10() throws IOException {
+ // Set margins
+ float margin = 10;
+ // Initialize Document
+ PDDocument doc = new PDDocument();
+ PDPage page = addNewPage(doc);
+ // Initialize table
+ float tableWidth = page.getMediaBox().getWidth() - (2 * margin);
+ float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (2 * margin);
+ boolean drawContent = true;
+ boolean drawLines = true;
+ float yStart = yStartNewPage;
+ float pageBottomMargin = 70;
+ float pageTopMargin = 2*margin;
+ BaseTable table = new BaseTable(yStart, yStartNewPage, pageBottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, doc, page, drawLines,
+ drawContent);
+ // set default line spacing for entire table
+ table.setLineSpacing(1.5f);
+ // first row (header row)
+ Row row = table.createRow(10f);
+ Cell cell4 = row.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "header cell I.",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell4.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell5 = row.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "header cell II.",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell5.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell6 = row.createCell((100 / 3f), "header cell III.", HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell6.setFontSize(6);
+ table.addHeaderRow(row);
+ // keep track of y position
+ yStart -= row.getHeight();
+ Row row2 = table.createRow(10f);
+ Cell cell = row2.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Integer eget elit vitae est feugiat laoreet. Nam vitae ex commodo, euismod risus in, sodales dolor. Mauris condimentum urna neque, non condimentum odio posuere a. Aenean nisl ex, semper eu malesuada sit amet, luctus nec enim. Pellentesque eu ultrices magna, non porta dolor. Fusce eu neque nulla. Curabitur eu eros tristique leo efficitur fringilla sit amet sed neque. Aliquam a tempor enim. Praesent pellentesque volutpat dolor, non rhoncus est posuere id. Aenean nunc purus, gravida at mauris et, pretium volutpat nisl. Mauris lacus urna, sodales ac eros in, mollis scelerisque neque. Unordered List ",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell2 = row2.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Proin dui dolor, lacinia at dui at, placerat ullamcorper arcu. Sed auctor sagittis elit, at eleifend ex aliquet ut. Duis lobortis est nec placerat condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. In a sem massa. Phasellus eget tortor iaculis, condimentum turpis a, sodales lorem. Aenean egestas congue ex eu condimentum. Fusce sed fringilla lorem. Vestibulum luctus nisi ac turpis congue, vitae pharetra lorem suscipit. Ordered List - Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell2.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell3 = row2.createTableCell((100 / 3f),
+ "Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello it's me | b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 | a1 | b1 | ",
+ doc, page, yStart, pageBottomMargin, margin);
+ cell3.setFontSize(6);
+ // keep track of y position
+ yStart -= row.getHeight();
+ Row row3 = table.createRow(10f);
+ Cell cell7 = row3.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Integer eget elit vitae est feugiat laoreet. Nam vitae ex commodo, euismod risus in, sodales dolor. Mauris condimentum urna neque, non condimentum odio posuere a. Aenean nisl ex, semper eu malesuada sit amet, luctus nec enim. Pellentesque eu ultrices magna, non porta dolor. Fusce eu neque nulla. Curabitur eu eros tristique leo efficitur fringilla sit amet sed neque. Aliquam a tempor enim. Praesent pellentesque volutpat dolor, non rhoncus est posuere id. Aenean nunc purus, gravida at mauris et, pretium volutpat nisl. Mauris lacus urna, sodales ac eros in, mollis scelerisque neque. Unordered List ",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell7.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell8 = row3.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Integer eget elit vitae est feugiat laoreet. Nam vitae ex commodo, euismod risus in, sodales dolor. Mauris condimentum urna neque, non condimentum odio posuere a. Aenean nisl ex, semper eu malesuada sit amet, luctus nec enim. Pellentesque eu ultrices magna, non porta dolor. Fusce eu neque nulla. Curabitur eu eros tristique leo efficitur fringilla sit amet sed neque. Aliquam a tempor enim. Praesent pellentesque volutpat dolor, non rhoncus est posuere id. Aenean nunc purus, gravida at mauris et, pretium volutpat nisl. Mauris lacus urna, sodales ac eros in, mollis scelerisque neque. Unordered List ",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell8.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell9 = row3.createCell((100 / 3f), "hello 3", HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell9.setFontSize(6);
+ // keep track of y position
+ yStart -= row3.getHeight();
+ // fourth row that actually breaks first page with big inner table
+ Row row4 = table.createRow(10f);
+ Cell cell10 = row4.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Integer eget elit vitae est feugiat laoreet. Nam vitae ex commodo, euismod risus in, sodales dolor. Mauris condimentum urna neque, non condimentum odio posuere a. Aenean nisl ex, semper eu malesuada sit amet, luctus nec enim. Pellentesque eu ultrices magna, non porta dolor. Fusce eu neque nulla. Curabitur eu eros tristique leo efficitur fringilla sit amet sed neque. Aliquam a tempor enim. Praesent pellentesque volutpat dolor, non rhoncus est posuere id. Aenean nunc purus, gravida at mauris et, pretium volutpat nisl. Mauris lacus urna, sodales ac eros in, mollis scelerisque neque. Unordered List ",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell10.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell11 = row4.createCell((100 / 3f),
+ "SINGLE SPACING Proin dui dolor, lacinia at dui at, placerat ullamcorper arcu. Sed auctor sagittis elit, at eleifend ex aliquet ut. Duis lobortis est nec placerat condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. In a sem massa. Phasellus eget tortor iaculis, condimentum turpis a, sodales lorem. Aenean egestas congue ex eu condimentum. Fusce sed fringilla lorem. Vestibulum luctus nisi ac turpis congue, vitae pharetra lorem suscipit. Ordered List - Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("middle"));
+ cell11.setFontSize(6);
+ Cell cell12 = row4.createTableCell((100 / 3f),
+ "Header Colspan 5 |
Italic Colspan 2 | no colspan | Bold Colspan 2 | a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | ",
+ doc, page, yStart, pageBottomMargin, pageTopMargin);
+ cell12.setFontSize(6);
+ table.draw();
+ // Save the document
+ File file = new File("target/BoxableSample10.pdf");
+ System.out.println("Sample file saved at : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ Files.createParentDirs(file);
+ doc.save(file);
+ doc.close();
+ }
+ *
+ * Test for a table using the following features :
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void SampleTest11() throws IOException {
+ // Set margins
+ float margin = 10;
+ // Initialize Document
+ PDDocument doc = new PDDocument();
+ PDPage page = new PDPage();
+ doc.addPage(page);
+ // Initialize table
+ float tableWidth = page.getMediaBox().getWidth() - (2 * margin);
+ float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (2 * margin);
+ boolean drawContent = true;
+ boolean drawLines = true;
+ float yStart = yStartNewPage;
+ float bottomMargin = 70;
+ // draw page title
+ PDPageContentStream cos = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
+ PDStreamUtils.write(cos, "Welcome to your first borderless table", PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD, 14, 15, yStart,
+ Color.BLACK);
+ cos.close();
+ yStart -= FontUtils.getHeight(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD, 14) + 15;
+ BaseTable table = new BaseTable(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, doc, page, drawLines,
+ drawContent);
+ // Create Header row
+ Row row = table.createRow(15f);
+ Cell cell = row.createCell(40f, "It's amazing what you can do with a little love in your heart. Maybe we got a few little happy bushes here, just covered with snow. Look around, look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere, you only have to look to see it. Anything you want to do you can do here.",
+ HorizontalAlignment.get("center"), VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell = row.createCell(20f, "Let your imagination be your guide. You could sit here for weeks with your one hair brush trying to do that - or you could do it with one stroke with an almighty brush. Let's get wild today. As trees get older they lose their chlorophyll.");
+ cell = row.createCell(40f, "Fluff it up a little and hypnotize it. Every highlight needs it's own personal shadow. If we're gonna walk though the woods, we need a little path. All kinds of happy little splashes. Of course he's a happy little stone, cause we don't have any other kind. In your world you have total and absolute power.");
+ table.addHeaderRow(row);
+ Row additionArow = table.createRow(15f);
+ cell = additionArow.createCell(40f, "If it's not what you want - stop and change it. Don't just keep going and expect it will get better. Nothing wrong with washing your brush. Remember how free clouds are. They just lay around in the sky all day long", HorizontalAlignment.get("center"),
+ VerticalAlignment.get("top"));
+ cell = additionArow.createCell(20f, "You are only limited by your imagination. Son of a gun. Let's have a happy little tree in here. The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe.");
+ cell = additionArow.createCell(40f, "Everybody's different. Trees are different. Let them all be individuals. That's crazy. Even trees need a friend. We all need friends. Just go back and put one little more happy tree in there.");
+ table.removeAllBorders(true);
+ table.draw();
+ // Save the document
+ File file = new File("target/BoxableSample11.pdf");
+ System.out.println("Sample file saved at : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ Files.createParentDirs(file);
+ doc.save(file);
+ doc.close();
+ }
private static PDPage addNewPage(PDDocument doc) {
PDPage page = new PDPage();
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