Financial and other transactions involve the exchange of items between parties. One or more of these items may be cash or other financial assets. E.g. a seller on Amazon ships the goods to the buyer, and the buyer sends the payment for these goods to the seller. This workflow is commonly referred to as “delivery vs. payment” or DvP. Simply put this means the parties involved in the transaction swap the items they agreed to exchange to settle the transaction. In procedural programming languages there’s always a possibility that part of the code will execute while another part will fail for some reason. This makes the task of ensuring that delivery without payment (or vice versa - payment without delivery) does not happen rather tricky. The lack of delivery vs. payment guarantee results in the necessity to employ costly reconciliation and dispute resolution services. In Daml transactions get committed to the ledger atomically. In other words a transaction is guaranteed to either succeed or fail as a whole with all actions that comprise the transaction either all succeeding or all failing. This is particularly useful in implementation of delivery vs. payment workflow, allowing us to eliminate the counterparty risk - one of the principal risks in financial markets. The workflow, where two parties exchange their assets in one transaction, which is guaranteed to wholly succeed or wholly fail, is called an atomic swap. In this article we explore how atomic swap workflow is implemented in the Wallet Daml Reference App and the rationale behind this implementation.
In addition to Asset
and AssetHoldingAccount
templates described in Wallet Daml Reference App - concepts and their implementation article, atomic swap workflow utilizes 3 more templates named Trade
, TransferPreApproval
and AssetInSwap
. The workflow in an atomic swap starts with party A (Alice) proposing to party B (Bob) to trade a specified quantity of an asset that Alice owns for a specified quantity of another asset owned by Bob. This is done by calling Create_Trade
choice on AssetHoldingAccount
contract corresponding to the asset type that Alice wants to trade. Since the Wallet Daml Reference App implements UTXO, Create_Trade
choice takes as an argument the list of Asset
contract IDs, from which the amount of asset that party A wants to trade can be created. In the simplest client side implementation one can pass to the Create_Trade
choice the entire account balance - the collection of all Asset
contracts corresponding to the AssetHoldingAccount
contract. The Create_Trade
choice will merge these Asset
contracts and split the amount of asset specified in the offeredAssetAmount
field. The last argument of Create_Trade
choice is requestedAsset
. It is a Daml record of the type Asset
, which provides information about the asset type and the amount party A requests in return for the asset that party A wants to trade. The owner of the requestedAsset
is the recipient of the trade proposal, i.e. party B.
nonconsuming choice Create_Trade : ContractId Trade
assetCids : [ContractId Asset]
offeredAssetAmount : Decimal
requestedAsset : Asset
The return value of the Create_Trade
choice is a Trade
contract, which represents the trade proposal from party A to party B to swap the specified asset owned by Alice for the specified asset owned by Bob.
template Trade
proposer : Party
receiver : Party
offeredAssetCid : ContractId AssetInSwap
requestedAssetsTxPreApprovalCid : ContractId TransferPreApproval
signatory proposer
observer receiver
When the Trade
contract is created, the proposer is the party calling the Create_Trade
choice on the AssetHoldingAccount
contract, the receiver is the party provided in the owner
field of the Asset
record passed to requestedAsset
argument of Create_Trade
choice and offeredAssetCid
is the contract ID of the asset Alice wants to trade:
create Trade with
proposer = owner
receiver = requestedAsset.owner
Note the types of offeredAssetCid
and requestedAssetsTxPreApprovalCid
fields in the Trade template. Conceptually these two fields represent respectively the asset that Alice wants to trade and the asset that Alice wants to receive from Bob in return. Then why do we use AssetInSwap
and TransferPreApproval
templates here instead of Asset
template? Let’s start with AssetInSwap
. This template represents the asset reserved for the proposed trade. When Alice proposes a trade, her account balance is reduced by the amount of the asset Alice wants to trade, and an AssetInSwap
contract is created to hold the asset that Alice offers to Bob. This ensures that the trade proposal is funded and that the asset that Alice offers to Bob cannot be used for other purposes while Bob considers the proposal.
template AssetInSwap
-- The asset to be swapped.
asset : Asset
-- The receiver of the swap proposal.
receiver : Party
signatory (signatory asset)
observer receiver
Note that the signatories on an AssetInSwap
contract are the same as on the Asset
contract, which ensures that this contract cannot be created by any one party using the create
Now what is the purpose of the TransferPreApproval
template used in the last field of the Trade
template? In the settlement of a swap the ownership of Alice’s asset needs to be transferred to Bob and the ownership of Bob’s asset needs to be transferred to Alice. TransferPreApproval
template is a role contract providing the transfer originator the authority to change the asset owner from the transfer originator party to the transfer recipient party. Bob cannot make Alice the owner of the asset he’s transferring to her without Alice’s authority. TransferPreApproval
contract allows Alice to pre-authorize a transfer of Bob’s asset to Alice’s account. Before proposing a trade to Bob Alice needs to create a TransferPreApproval
contract for the asset she wants to receive from Bob by calling Preapprove_Transfer_In
choice on Alice’s AssetHoldingAccount
contract for Bob’s asset, and pass the created TransferPreApproval
contract to the requestedAssetsTxPreApprovalCid
field of the Trade
contract. This means the atomic swap workflow requires that Alice has the AssetHoldingAccount
contract for the asset type that Alice wants to receive from Bob. In fact the atomic swap workflow requires four AssetHoldingAccount
contracts representing two of Alice’s accounts: one for the asset that Alice wants to trade and one for the asset Alice wants to receive, and two of Bob’s accounts for the same assets.
Similarly to how Alice needs to pre-authorize Bob’s asset transfer, Bob needs to create a TransferPreApproval
contract for Alice’s asset, which pre-authorizes the transfer of Alice’s asset to Bob’s account. As part of the atomic swap workflow Bob needs to exercise Preapprove_Transfer_In
choice on Bob’s AssetHoldingAccount
contract for the asset type that Alice wants to trade. This is implemented inside the Trade_Settle
choice of the Trade
template, which Bob executes to accept the trade proposal. After pre-approving the transfer of Alice’s asset to Bob’s account, Bob prepares the asset that he needs to transfer to Alice. Most likely Bob does not have ready available the Asset
contract with the exact amount that Alice wants. To create this Asset
contract Bob exercises Merge_Split
choice on Bob's AssetHoldingAccount
for the asset that Alice requested from Bob.
Finally TransferPreApproval_TransferAssetInSwap
choice is called on Bob’s TransferPreApproval
contract, which archives Alice’s AssetInSwap
and creates the Asset
with Bob as owner. And the TransferPreApproval_TransferAsset
choice is called on Alice’s TransferPreApproval
contract, which archives Bob’s Asset
prepared for Alice and creates identical Asset
contract with Alice as owner.
choice Trade_Settle : (ContractId Asset, ContractId Asset)
requestedAssetCids: [ContractId Asset]
controller receiver
-- Receiver pre-approves the transfer of asset offered by proposer from proposer to receiver
offeredAsset <- fetch offeredAssetCid
(receiverReceivingAssetHoldingAccountCid, _) <- fetchByKey @AssetHoldingAccount (offeredAsset.asset.assetType, receiver)
offeredAssetTxPreApprovalCid <- exercise receiverReceivingAssetHoldingAccountCid Preapprove_Transfer_In with
asset = offeredAsset.asset
-- Receiver prepares the asset requested by the proposer
requestedAsset <- fetch requestedAssetTxPreApprovalCid
assertMsg "Non fungible assets must be traded one at a time" $
requestedAsset.asset.assetType.fungible || L.length requestedAssetCids==1
(receiverSendingAssetHoldingAccountCid, _) <- fetchByKey @AssetHoldingAccount (requestedAsset.asset.assetType, receiver)
totRequestedAssetAmount <- validateTxInputs requestedAssetCids receiverSendingAssetHoldingAccountCid requestedAsset.asset.amount
preparedRequestedAssetCids <- exercise receiverSendingAssetHoldingAccountCid Merge_Split with
assetCids = requestedAssetCids
outputAmounts = [requestedAsset.asset.amount]
-- Transfer offered asset from proposer to receiver
newReceiverAsset <- exercise offeredAssetTxPreApprovalCid TransferPreApproval_TransferAssetInSwap
with assetInSwapCid = offeredAssetCid
-- Transfer requested asset from receiver to proposer
newProposerAsset <- exercise requestedAssetTxPreApprovalCid TransferPreApproval_TransferAsset
with txAssetCid = last preparedRequestedAssetCids
return (newProposerAsset, newReceiverAsset)
If we give the asset Alice wants to swap the moniker ALC and the asset she wants to receive from Bob the moniker BOB, the full workflow can be summarized as follows:
- Alice calls
choice on Alice’sAssetHoldingAccount
contract for ALC. This creates anAssetInSwap
contract for ALC, aTransferPreApproval
contract for BOB and aTrade
contract with theseAssetInSwap
contracts. - To accept the trade proposal Bob needs to gather
contracts for BOB so that the total amount of these contracts covers the amount of BOBs Alice wants to receive. - With
contracts from step 2 Bob callsTrade_Settle
choice on theTrade
contract. Inside theTrade_Settle
- Bob pre-approves the transfer of ALC from Alice by calling
choice on Bob’s account for ALC. - Bob calls
choice on Bob’sAssetHoldingAccount
contract for BOB to createAsset
contract for BOB in the exact amount requested by Alice inTransferPreApproval
contract inrequestedAssetsTxPreApprovalCid
field of theTrade
template. - ALCs are transferred to Bob by exercising
choice on Bob’sTransferPreApproval
contract. - BOBs are transferred to Alice by exercising
choice on Alice’sTransferPreApproval