# elm-pages-starter

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## Setup Instructions

You can clone this repo with `git clone https://github.com/dillonkearns/elm-pages-starter.git`.

`npm install` from the cloned repo. Before running the dev server or build, make sure to install Lamdera (see below).

`npm start` starts the dev server with hot reloading.

`npm run build` builds the app for production.

### Install Lamdera

`elm-pages` 3.0 uses the lamdera compiler, which is a superset of the Elm compiler with some extra functionality to automatically serialize Elm types to Bytes.

### Debugging Lamdera Errors

Sometimes Lamdera will give compiler errors due to corrupted dependency cache. These messages will display a note at the bottom:



Note: Sometimes `lamdera reset` can fix this problem by rebuilding caches, so
give that a try first.

Be sure to use `lamdera reset` to reset the caches for these cases. See more info about that in the Lamdera docs: https://dashboard.lamdera.app/docs/ides-and-tooling#problem-corrupt-caches

### Docs

Check out [the Package Docs](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/dillonkearns/elm-pages/latest/). You can also use `npx elm-pages docs` from your project to view the documentation for the `RouteBuilder` module.

## Running Scripts with `elm-pages run`

- `npm install`
- `npx elm-pages run script/src/AddRoute.elm User.Id_`, or `npx elm-pages run script/src/AddStaticRoute.elm HelloWorld` - now you can try out the generator! And you can tweak it, or even define new generator modules in the `script/` folder! You can also shorten this command to `npx elm-pages run AddRoute User.Id_` if you prefer.