Linked List - A data structure that contains nodes that links/points to the next node in the list.
Singly - Singly refers to the number of references the node has.
Doubly - Doubly refers to there being two (double) references within the node.
Node - Nodes are the individual items/links that live in a linked list. Each node contains the data for each link.
Next - Each node contains a property called Next. This property contains the reference to the next node.
Head - The Head is a reference of type Node to the first node in a linked list.
Current - The Current is a reference of type Node to the node that is currently being looked at.
traverse through a linked list : Current: is node that will tell us where exactly in the linked list we are and will allow us to move/traverse forward until we hit the end.
When constructing your code, a few things to keep in mind :
When making your Node class, consider requiring a value to be passed in to require that each node has a value.
When making a Linked List, you may want to require that at least one node gets passed in upon instantiation. This first node is what your Head and Current will point too.
linear data structures: which means that there is a sequence and an order to how they are constructed and traversed.
non-linear data structures: items dont have to be arranged in order, which means that we could traverse the data structure non-sequentially.