diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 3781408f4..cfb819780 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ jdk:
- oraclejdk8
- ".travis/install.sh"
diff --git a/dev_ref/OdtDefault.dita b/dev_ref/OdtDefault.dita
deleted file mode 100644
index e6c438912..000000000
--- a/dev_ref/OdtDefault.dita
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- Open Document Format processing modules
- The transformation creates a binary file using the OASIS Open Document Format.
The transformation begins with pre-processing. It then runs either the
- dita.odt.package.topic or dita.odt.package.map target, depending on whether
- the input to the transformation is a DITA topic or a DITA map. The following description focuses on the map
- process, which is made up of the following targets:
Converts the map into a merged XML file using the Java-based topicmerge module. Then an
- XSLT process converts the merged file into the content.xml file.
Reads the input DITA map, and then uses XSLT to create a styles.xml file in the
- temporary directory.
Creates the manifest.xml file
Once these targets have run, the generated files are zipped up together with other required files to create the
- output ODT file.
diff --git a/dev_ref/pdf-customization-creating-plugin.dita b/dev_ref/pdf-customization-creating-plugin.dita
deleted file mode 100644
index 424e01e28..000000000
--- a/dev_ref/pdf-customization-creating-plugin.dita
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- Creating a custom PDF plug-in
- This topic provides an outline of the primary tasks that are involved in creating a PDF customization
- plug-in.
- Create a basic DITA-OT plug-in.
This requires the following files:
Ant build script (some people name this build.xml; others name this
- integrator.xml.)
I always create a template file. What should we be telling people to do?
This demonstration provides a proof-of-concept implementation of the DITA bookmap proposal. The proposal adds book output to DITA using a specialized DITA map known as a bookmap. The bookmap organizes the DITA topics with the correct nesting and sequence for the book. In addition, the bookmap assigns roles such as preface, chapter, and appendix to top-level topics within the book.
For more detailed information about the proposal, see the detailed posting on the DITA forum at news://news.software.ibm.com:119/c11fd3$85qq$2@news.boulder.ibm.com.
- This demonstration has the following limitations:
For XSL-FO formatting and thus PDF generation, only the basics have been implemented. Through specialization, the DITA XHTML-based outputs for DITA map are also available for bookmap.
The design for the book info component of the proposal has been fleshed out based on antecedents in DocBook and IBMIDDoc (see the comments in the bookinfo.mod file). Most of the elements in bookinfo aren't processed.
The book list component of the proposal hasn't been implemented yet. Possible designs for a glossary list have been discussed extensively on the DITA forum (resulting in the proposal posted as news://news.software.ibm.com:119/blfg38$5k0q$1@news.boulder.ibm.com).
The book style component of the proposal is much more experimental than the bookmap and bookinfo components. Processing for this component is limited.