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Jebao DP4 WiFi Hack Pics

diverjoe edited this page May 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

ESP8266 side of the wiring - follow the colors to the controller pics

Cable that will be removed so that ESP8266 can be connected to the controller (it is the white arched 5-wire cable)

Close up of the colored wires from the ESP8266 plugged into the connector on the controller board

Close up of other end of cable being removed. It is plugged into the card that controls the screen in the middle of the box.

Pictures of the Front of the doser along with the VOSS bottles for chemicals

GH Dosing container in the large container along with not-so-pretty 1st try dosing box.

Dosing tubes fed through plastic wire wrap to keep them together on way up to tank