Keybinding | Description |
Ctrl + Alt + p | Command Center |
Alt + i | Telescope Buffers |
Alt + o | Telescope Live Grep with Args |
Alt + p | Telescope Current Buffer |
Ctrl + p | Telescope List Git Files |
Alt + e | Telescope File Browser |
Ctrl + h l | Buffer Next/Previous |
Ctrl + Alt + w | Delete Buffer |
Alt + q | Tab Close |
Ctrl + q | Window Close |
Ctrl + Alt + q | Close Vim |
Keybinding | Description |
Ctrl + u d | Page Half Up / Down |
Ctrl + b f | Page Up / Down |
b B w W | Move into Words |
ge , gE , e , E | Move to end Words |
$ | First Character |
0 | Start of Line |
$ | Last Character |
Ctrl + i o | Jump Around Visits |
{ } | Move into Blank Lines |
# * | Trail / Follow same Word |
[m , ]m | Navigate into Methods |
% | Move into Pairs |
number G number gg | Go Number Line |
Ctrl + o | Move to previous cursor position |
Ctrl + i | Move to next cursor position |
Keybinding | Description |
u | Undo |
C + r | Redo |
O , o | Insert New line and Enter Inser Mode |
a , A | Append |
s , S | Replace |
c | Fix |
gi | Move to Last Insert |
zz , zt , zb | Center / Top / Bottom |
di( , di{ , di' , di" , di[ , di< | Delete into Bracket |
ci( , ci{ , ci' , ci" , ci[ , ci< , ciw | Change into Bracket |
vi( , vi{ , vi' , vi" , vi[ , vi< viw | Select into Bracket |
diw , dip , ciw , cip , viw , vip | Into Word/ Paragraph |
cit , cat | Change in Tag / Change at Tag |
dt* | Delete at any key |
r | replace |
n. | Repeat same Insert in Next occurence |
J | Join next Line to Previous |
S-Up, S-Down | Move current line do up or Down |
Keybinding | Description |
g~ | Toggle case |
gU | Uppercase |
gu | Lowercase |
Keybinding | Description |
K | Hover Documentation |
Keybinding | Description |
C-h, C-j, C-k, C-l | Move Between Splits and Panels (tmux support) |
M-h, M-j, M-k, M-l | Resize Splits and Panels (tmux support) |
Keybinding | Description |
ff | Word |
fl | Line |
fs | Line Start |
fd | Current Line |
fc | Char |
fp | Patterns |
Keybinding | Description |
sa , saiw' | add |
sd , sdb , sd' | delete |
sr , srb' , sr'" | replace |
S' | add (visual mode) |
Keybinding | Description |
M-, | Cycle Yank Forward |
M-. | Cycle Yanky Backward |
Keybinding | Description |
Ctrl + N | select words with Ctrl-N (like Ctrl-d in Sublime Text/VS Code) |
Ctrl + Down , Ctrl + Up | create cursors vertically with Ctrl-Down /Ctrl-Up |
Shift + Arrows | select one character at a time with Shift-Arrows |
n , N | press n / N to get next/previous occurrence |
[ , ] | press [ / ] to select next/previous cursor |
q | press q to skip current and get next occurrence |
Q | press Q to remove current cursor/selection |
i , a , I , A | start insert mode with i,a,I,A |
(in visual mode)
Keybinding | Description |
. | Smart Expand |
; | Outer |
i; | Inner |
Keybinding | Description |
<leader>ot | Overseer Tasks Toggle |
<leader>or | Overseer Tasks Run |
<leader>oa | Overseer Tasks Action |