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498 lines (418 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

498 lines (418 loc) · 22.6 KB

By Dan Lenski <> © 2015

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The TomTom Multi-Sport and Runner are nice GPS watches and quite affordable, but they suffer from subpar software.

I got a TomTom Runner watch to replace an older Garmin 405 and was looking forward to an easier way to sync activities thanks to the Bluetooth LE support, but was disappointed in the very low quality of TomTom's official apps:

  • USB sync is only supported through the official Windows/Mac app. It is pretty fast and somewhat more reliable than the mobile apps, but still finicky and annoying.
  • Bluetooth LE sync is only supported through the official Android or iOS apps. The Android app at least is terrible, combining a heavy yet almost feature-free GUI with an extremely unreliable backend that regularly loses its connection to the watch and requires an infinite amount of constant fiddling on both the watch and the phone to get them to sync.
  • TomTom is very heavy-handed in pushing users to uploads to their own MySports social fitness site—in fact the official apps won't function without being logged into it. Making this even more tedious, the mobile app frequently gets confused about the synced account, but only the desktop app can write the small XML file on the watch (0x00f20000) which stores account information.

So I wanted something better, including the ability to sync to a desktop computer via Bluetooth LE.

Fortunately, @ryanbinns had already done a lot of the heavy lifting by writing his excellent ttwatch utility to sync with TomTom GPS watches over USB, and in the process documenting the ttbin binary format of the activity files, as well as many of the internal data structures of the units.


Here are TomTom GPS watches that should be compatible with the protocol described below:

  • Multi-Sport (product ID 1002 or 0xEA030000): has running, cycling, and swimming features
  • Runner (what I have, ID 1001 or 0xE9030000): firmware is byte-identical to Multi-Sport, hardware appears identical too except for a different product ID stored in non-volatile memory. I think the cycling and swimming features are just software-disabled for market segmentation purposes.
  • Multi-Sport Cardio and Runner Cardio: versions of the above with built-in wrist-based heart rate monitor.

Reverse engineered BLE protocol

As with all Bluetooth LE devices, these transfer data exclusively via the ATT and GATT protocol stack. The protocols were designed with lots of IoT-ish features like devices which can advertise a dynamically changing list of capabilities.

The TomTom BLE interface is basically that of a glorified serial port, with packets sent to the device using the standard ATT write command, and received from the device as asynchronous notification commands. In practice, the order of received packets is 100% predictable in normal operation, so there's nothing asynchronous about their usage in these devices.


  • All 2- and 4-byte integers numbers are little-endian.
  • Sequences of bytes (in hexadecimal) look like this: de ad be ef
  • ASCII-ish string literals, with embedded hex escape sequences and nulls, look like this: '\xfe\0product_name\0'
  • HANDLE -> data: device sends data to host by way of asynchronous notification to the specified ATT handle (opcode 0x1b)
  • HANDLE <- data: host sends data to device using the ATT write-no-response command (opcode 0x52)
  • HANDLE <-- data: host sends data to device using the ATT write-request command (opcode 0x12)

Authorization service and characteristics

Service: UUID=b993bf91-81e1-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66, handles=0x30 to 0xffff
  Char: UUID=b993bf92-81e1-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66, handle=0x32
  Char: UUID=b993bf93-81e1-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66, handle=0x35
    properties => WRITE NO RESPONSE,WRITE
  • CH_PASSCODE (handle 0x32): used to transfer the 6-digit passcode generated in the pairing process between the host and the device.
  • Handles 0x26, 0x29, 0x2c, 0x2f, 0x33, 0x35: these are used in the initial pairing and subsequent reconnection processes. I don't really understand their purpose but it doesn't matter since it suffices to replay the sequence of reads and writes used by the official mobile app.
    • Other than 0x35, these are hidden.
    • Their existence can only be inferred by Bluetooth snooping.
    • They are not revealed by GATT service/characteristic enumeration, e.g. gatttool --characteristics -t random -b 'E4:04:39:17:62:B1'

File transfer service

Handles written as 0xF1/0xF2 are for v1 and v2 watches, written as {handle v1}/{handle v2}.

Service: UUID=b993bf90-81e1-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66, handles=0x23 to 0x2f
  Char: UUID=170d0d31-4213-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66, handle=0x25/0x72
  Char: UUID=170d0d32-4213-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66, handle=0x28/0x75
  Char: UUID=170d0d33-4213-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66, handle=0x2B/0x78
  Char: UUID=170d0d34-4213-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66, handle=0x2E/0x7B
  • CH_CMD_STATUS (handle 0x25/0x72: used to send commands to the device and for the device to signal successful start/finish.
  • CH_LENGTH (handle 0x28/0x75): used to indicate the size in bytes of files transferred to/from the device.
  • CH_TRANSFER (handle 0x2B/0x78): used to transfer bulk data (file contents) to/from the device.
  • CH_CHECK (handle 0x2E/0x7B): used to acknowledge successful receipt of data by the watch or host, depending on direction of data transfer.

Standard GATT services

The TomTom devices support the standard Generic Attribute service (service UUID 0x1800, handles 0x0001 to 0x000b), with the following characteristics:

UUID Handle Name Properties Read value (for me)
2a00 0003 Device Name READ 'Lenski'
2a01 0005 Appearance READ 11 00 ("Running Walking Sensor")
2a02 0007 Peripheral Privacy Flag READ 00 (no privacy mode)
2a03 0009 Reconnection Address WRITE
2a04 000b Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters READ 50 00 a0 00 00 00 e8 03 = (80, 10, 0, 1000)

They also support the standard Device Information service (service UUID=0x180a, handles 0x0010 to 0x0022):

UUID Handle Name Properties Read value (for me)
180a 0012 System ID READ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2a24 0014 Model Number String READ 'Runner\0\0\0\0'
2a25 0016 Serial Number String READ 'HC4354G00150'
2a26 0018 Firmware Revision String READ 'Firmware Revision\0'
2a27 001a Hardware Revision String READ '1001\0\0\0\0\0\0'
2a28 001c Software Revision String READ '1.8.42\0\0\0\0'
2a29 001e Manufacturer Name String READ 'TomTom Fitness\0'
2a2a 0020 IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Cert. Data List READ '\xfe\x00experimental'
2a50 0022 PnP ID READ 01 0d 00 00 00 10 01
vendor 0x000DTexas Instruments' BLE IC?

Authorization sequence

Note: I'm only concerned with the ATT-level process here. Bluetooth connection and encryption negotiation can be automatically handled by lower levels of the protocol stack.

The authorization sequences include a series of 8 bytes, hence referred to as the "magic bytes", whose value appears to vary between different versions of the official TomTom MySports apps.

01 13 00 00 01 12 00 00 [ TomTom Mysports Android app, older version ]
01 13 00 00 01 1f 00 00 [ TomTom Mysports Android app, version 2.0.12-58b77f0 ]
01 19 00 00 01 13 00 00 [ TomTom Mysports Android app, some version a few months older than 10.0.2 ]
01 19 00 00 01 17 00 00 [ TomTom Mysports Android app, version 10.0.2-535 ]

Initial pairing

  1. User goes to PHONE | PAIR NEW menu on the watch.

  2. Watch displays random 6-digit pairing code once the host initiates a Bluetooth LE connection with the watch (hcitool lecc --random ADDRESS will do it).

  3. A sequence of writes (HANDLE <- data) and asynchronous notifications (HANDLE -> data) follows:

     33 <-  01 00
     26 <-  01 00
     2f <-  01 00
     29 <-  01 00
     2c <-  01 00
     35 <-- [magic bytes (8)]
     32 <-- [6-digit code as 32-bit LE integer]
     32 ->  01                  (if successful)
  4. Device screen shows Connected.

  5. Host should remember the successful pairing code since it will be reused for subsequent connections.

Subsequent reconnection

  1. The last 5 pairing codes generated by the watch are stored in the 0x0002000f file on the watch; any of these will be accepted for future authentication. (Writing to this file with ttwatch enables "injection" of pairing codes without actually going through the pairing process.)

  2. For reasons that are unclear to me, the sequence includes two repetitions of the "magic bytes" and of the the 6-digit pairing code:

     33 <-  01 00
     35 <-- [magic bytes (8)]
     26 <-  01 00
     32 <-- [6-digit code as LE 32-bit integer]
     32 ->  01                  (if successful)
     2f <-  01 00
     29 <-  01 00
     2c <-  01 00
     35 <-- [magic bytes (8)]
     32 <-- [6-digit code as LE 32-bit integer]
     32 ->  01                  (if successful)

Data transfer commands

Data transfer uses the modbus 16-bit CRC to verify data integrity.

Files on the TomTom devices have uint32 identifiers in which the top byte is always 00. A partial list can be found in libttwatch.h. The byte-ordering of the file numbers is scrambled in a strange way in the Bluetooth protocol: fileno_bytes = (fileno&0xff0000) , ((fileno&0xff00)>>8) , ((fileno&0xff)<<8) (e.g. file 0x00910001 becomes 91 01 00).

Delete file

  • Sequence:

      25 <-- 04 fileno_bytes
      25 ->  01 00 00 00     (0 if command is not accepted)
      Possibly repeated {
        2b ->  response bytes
      25 ->  00 00 00 00
  • The meaning of the returned bytes is currently unknown to me. Any guesses?

  • There can be long delays before the response, when deleting a large file such as a GPS activity; a timeout of 20 s seems to work for me.

Write to file

  • Existing file must be deleted prior to writing.

  • Sequence:

      25 <-- 00 fileno_bytes
      25 ->  01 00 00 00     (0 if command is not accepted)
      28 <-  [length of file in bytes, uint32_le]
      Repeat until entire file has been sent {
        Repeat up to 255 times: {
          2b <-  [up to 20 bytes of file contents]
        2b <-  [18 bytes of file contents] [CRC16 of data bytes since reset, uint16_le]
        2e ->  ack_counter (uint32_le)
        ack_counter := ack_counter + 1
      25 ->  00 00 00 00
  • The host needs to compute the CRC16 as data is sent, and send correct CRC16 at the points shown (at the end of every 256 data packets, or fraction thereof at the end).

    • The device will prematurely end receipt (with 25 <- 00 00 00 00) if an incorrect checksum is received.
    • After a correct checksum is received, the device sends the ack_counter, a sequentially increasing integer sent by the device: 1 after the first 256 packets (or fraction thereof), 2 after the second batch, etc.

List files

  • This is mainly used to get the list of TTBIN activity files on the watch, which are stored in file numbers 0x00910000, 0x00910001, etc. (and can be converted to TCX or GPX or CSV with ttbincnv).

  • Here only the first non-zero byte of the file number is used as input (e.g. 91).

  • Sequence:

      25 <-- 03 fileno_byte1 00 00
      25 ->  01 00 00 00     (0 if command is not accepted)
      Repeat {
        2b -> bytes
      25 ->  00 00 00 00
  • The bytes returned are an array of uint16_le:

    • The first entry is the number of subsequent values
    • Subsequent values are the last two bytes of the file numbers
    • For example, listing all files with fileno_byte of 91 might return 02 00 00 00 01 00, which indicates that there are two activity files available, 0x00910000 and 0x00910001.

Read from file

  • This is the same as the write sequence with the direction of reads/writes to handles 0x28/0x75, 0x2B/0x78, and 0x2E/0x7B reversed.

  • The host should compute the CRC16 of bytes as they are received and send a sequentially increasing ack_counter (0, 1, 2) at the end of each batch of 256 packets, or partial fraction thereof at the end.

    • The rate of data transmission will become extremely slow (~1 packet/s) if the counter is not received.
    • The device will prematurely end transmission (with 25 <- 00 00 00 00) if an out-of-sequence ack_counter value is received.
  • Sequence:

      25 <-- 01 fileno_bytes
      25 ->  01 00 00 00     (0 if command is not accepted)
      28 ->  [length of file in bytes, uint32_le]
      Repeat until entire file has been read {
        *Reset CRC16 checksum to 0xFFFF`
        Repeat up to 255 times: {
          2b ->  [up to 20 bytes of file contents]
        2b ->  [18 bytes of file contents] [CRC16 of data bytes since reset, uint16_le]
        2e <-  ack_counter (uint32_le)
      25 ->  00 00 00 00

Normal operation

Here is what the Android app does in normal operation:

  1. BLE connection and SMP setup (connection security)
  2. Authorization (by either the initial pairing or subsequent reconnection sequences shown above.
  3. App reads the device information profile characteristics (handles 0x0012, 0x0014, 0x0016, 0x001a, 0x001c, 0x001e in that order).
  4. App deletes then writes the file 0x00020002 with a short string identifying the host device (the Bluetooth adapter device name), which is then shown at the bottom of the device screen in the PHONE | SYNC menu.
  5. App reads the XML-ish preferences file 0x000f2000 from the device; among other tidbits, this file contains information on the MySports online account to which the device is linked.
  6. The part that actually matters to end users:
    • App lists the 0x91**** files (TTBIN activity files),
    • … then reads and deletes them one-by-one.
  7. App reads the file 0x00020005; this is some kind of device description file which is mostly binary but contains one identifiable ASCII string: the watch serial "number" (e.g. HC4354G00150).
  8. App reads the file 0x00020001; this represents the status of the GPS firmware somehow, and contains a couple of ASCIIZ strings that appear to be related to the GPS firmware revision strings that also appear in the TTBIN header: e.g. 5xp__5.5.116- R32+5xpt_5.5.116-R32 and EGSD5xp for my watch.
  9. App deletes then writes the file 0x00010100, which is about 32 KiB long and is a GPSQuickFix update file (GPS ephemeris data). This always comes from for my device.*
  10. At this point…
    • Sometimes the device abruptly "hangs up" at this point and closes the connection.
    • Sometimes the device ends the command normally (25 -> 00 00 00 00).
    • On at least two occasions that I have logged, the host sends a command (25 <-- 05 01 00 01). This only appears to occur when the watch is brand new or has been "factory reset" and probably triggers some internal processing of the ephemeris data file. Afterward this command, the device reads the file 0x00020001 (again!) before closing the connection.
    • Newer versions of the app finish up by deleting and then writing various race-related files on the watch (0x71****).

* The JSON config file referred to in the XML preferences file shows that a separate version of the ephemeris update exists for use with GLONASS satellites instead of GPS. There is another source for the GPS ephemeris file at This one offers a variable number of days of ephemeris data (e.g., 3, 7.) although TomTom devices seem only to accept the 3-day version.



  • Why is the speed of file download so darn slow? I get about 600 B/s typically while downloading the TTBIN activity files, although this book says 15625 B/s of user data throughput should be possible with BLE.
  • My TomTom Runner appears to wake up its BLE hardware and send out BLE advertising packets only for 10 seconds every 10 minutes, or when I fiddle with the buttons excessively. Is there a way to convince it to wake up more often?
  • Have other users seen other sequences of magic bytes used in the authorization sequence, besides the two that I've seen for different versions of the Android app? Does changing this sequence actually change the watch's communication protocol at all?

BLE protocol and firmware:

  • What is the meaning of the unknown, short packets of data returned by the file deletion command?
  • What is the meaning of the command beginning with 05 as the first byte?
  • Is it possible to tell the device to reset itself over BLE?
  • Is it possible to read or write files starting at arbitrary positions, rather than starting at the beginning? (Would be useful for quickly previewing activities)
  • Is it possible to upgrade the device firmware over BLE?
  • When I try to write the device manifest file (0x00850000) in order to update settings that should be user-visible on the watch (such as the local-to-UTC time offset), nothing appears to happen for a few minutes until the watch suddenly "notices" the change. Is it possible to cause the device to reload its own settings immediately?

File 0x00020001

Partially decoded structure of this file: it appears to encode the UTC date of the last update to the GPSQuickFix file. Sending the GLONASS version of the update rather than the GPS version does not appear to affect anything other than the timestamp.

Perhaps this can be used to avoid re-updating the GQF file unnecessarily on every connection... but I'm not really sure how to determine when the GQF file expires.

00: 03 00 (possibly the expiration of the ephemeris file in days?)

Aha! This one seems to be the date when the GQF was
  02: 07 df = 2015 (int16_be)
  04: 08 = month 8
  05: 11 = day 17

I've seen this change to 00 01 right after an update:
  06: 00 00

Next 6 bytes (but usually only 2 bytes?) change every time GPS is
  08: 39 6d
  0a: 00 00
  0c: 00 00

I think this part represents a UTC time, since it's close to the
current UTC time right after an update. It also updates after
using the watch for a GPS activity. Perhaps it's the timestamp of the
last GPS fix?
    0e: 2d = 45 (year - 1970?)
    0f: 07 = month - 1? (as in POSIX struct timeval)
    10: 11 = day 17
    11: 06 2a 04 = 06:42:04 (hour minute second)

14: 06 00
16: 50 00
18: 02 00
1a: 05 05 74 00
1e: + ASCIIZ firmware string (34 bytes w/null)
40: + ASCIIZ firmware string (8 bytes w/null)

When the watch is brand new or "factory reset" (before any GPS fix), then the first 22 bytes (0x16) are all zero.
