# Laravel Console Logger [<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1286821/181085373-12eee197-187a-4438-90fe-571ac6d68900.png" alt="Buy me a coffee" width="200" />](https://buymeacoffee.com/dmitry.ivanov) [](https://github.styleci.io/repos/61117768?branch=master) [](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/actions?query=workflow%3Atests+branch%3Amaster) [](https://app.codecov.io/gh/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/master)     Logging and Notifications for Laravel Console Commands. | Laravel | Console Logger | |---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 12.x | [12.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/12.x) | | 11.x | [11.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/11.x) | | 10.x | [10.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/10.x) | | 9.x | [9.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/9.x) | | 8.x | [8.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/8.x) | | 7.x | [7.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/7.x) | | 6.x | [6.x](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/6.x) | | 5.8.* | [5.8.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.8) | | 5.7.* | [5.7.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.7) | | 5.6.* | [5.6.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.6) | | 5.5.* | [5.5.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.5) | | 5.4.* | [5.4.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.4) | | 5.3.* | [5.3.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.3) | | 5.2.* | [5.2.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.2) | | 5.1.* | [5.1.*](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-logger/tree/5.1) |  ## Table of contents - [Usage](#usage) - [Available methods](#available-methods) - [Channels](#channels) - [File channel](#file-channel) - [Notification channels](#notification-channels) - [Email channel](#email-channel) - [Database channel](#database-channel) - [Error handling](#error-handling) - [Exceptions with context](#exceptions-with-context) - [Guzzle 6+ integration](#guzzle-6-integration) - [Powered by Monolog](#powered-by-monolog) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Trait included, but nothing happens?](#trait-included-but-nothing-happens) - [Several traits conflict?](#several-traits-conflict) - [Sponsors](#sponsors) - [License](#license) ## Usage 1. Install the package via Composer: ```shell script composer require illuminated/console-logger ``` 2. Use `Illuminated\Console\Loggable` trait: ```php use Illuminated\Console\Loggable; class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; public function handle() { $this->logInfo('Hello World!'); } // ... } ``` 3. Run the command and check your logs: ``` [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Command `App\Console\Commands\ExampleCommand` initialized. [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Host: `MyHost.local` (``). [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Database host: `MyHost.local`, port: `3306`, ip: ``. [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Database date: `2020-05-11 17:19:21`. [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Hello World! [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Execution time: 0.009 sec. [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [INFO]: Memory peak usage: 8 MB. ``` ## Available methods The `Loggable` trait provides these [PSR-3](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-3/) methods: - `logDebug()` - `logInfo()` - `logNotice()` - `logWarning()` - `logError()` - `logCritical()` - `logAlert()` - `logEmergency()` Use them in your console commands to log required information. ## Channels Log messages could be handled in multiple different ways. It might be writing data into the log file, storing it in the database, sending an email, etc. ### File channel File channel simply writes log messages into the log file. Each of the commands would have a separate folder within the `storage/logs` dir. For example, `foo-bar` command logs would be stored in the `storage/logs/foo-bar` folder. You can customize the storage folder, and the max number of stored log files by overriding proper methods: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function getLogPath() { return storage_path('logs/custom-folder/date.log'); } protected function getLogMaxFiles() { return 45; } // ... } ``` ## Notification channels If you want to be notified about errors in your console commands - use notification channels. Notification channels are optional and disabled by default. Each of them could be enabled and configured as needed. By default, you'll get notifications with a level higher than NOTICE (see [PSR-3 log levels](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-3/#5-psrlogloglevel)). It means that you'll get NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, ALERT, and EMERGENCY notifications, by default. Of course, you can customize that, as well as other channel-specific details. ### Email channel The email channel provides notifications via email. Set the recipients, and email notifications are ready to go! ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function getEmailNotificationsRecipients() { return [ ['address' => 'john.doe@example.com', 'name' => 'John Doe'], ['address' => 'jane.smith@example.com', 'name' => 'Jane Smith'], ]; } // ... } ``` There's a bunch of methods related to the email channel. By overriding those methods, you can change the subject, `from` address, notification level, etc. Deduplication is another useful feature worth mentioning. Sometimes the same error might occur many times in a row. For example, you're using an external web service that is down. Or imagine that the database server goes down. You'll get a lot of similar emails in those cases. Deduplication is the right solution for that. You can enable it and adjust the time in seconds, for which deduplication works: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function useEmailNotificationsDeduplication() { return true; } protected function getEmailNotificationsDeduplicationTime() { return 90; } // ... } ``` ### Database channel The database channel provides a way to save notifications in the database. The easiest way to start using it: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function useDatabaseNotifications() { return true; } // ... } ``` Notifications would be stored in the `iclogger_notifications` table, which would be automatically created if it doesn't exist yet. Of course, you can customize the table name, and even the saving logic, by overriding proper methods: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function useDatabaseNotifications() { return true; } protected function getDatabaseNotificationsTable() { return 'custom_notifications'; } protected function getDatabaseNotificationsCallback() { return function (array $record) { CustomNotification::create([ 'level' => $record['level'], 'level_name' => $record['level_name'], 'message' => $record['message'], 'context' => get_dump($record['context']), 'custom_field' => 'Foo Bar Baz!', ]); }; } // ... } ``` ## Error handling Another cool feature that is enabled by default - is error handling. The package automatically logs everything for you: severe problems - exceptions and fatal errors, and even small things, such as PHP notices and warnings. Add notifications to that, and you'll immediately know when something goes wrong in your console commands! ### Exceptions with context Sometimes it's useful to pass an additional context of the thrown exception. Use the `Illuminated\Console\Exceptions\RuntimeException` for that: ```php use Illuminated\Console\Exceptions\RuntimeException; class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; public function handle() { throw new RuntimeException('Whoops! We have a problem!', [ 'some' => 123, 'extra' => true, 'context' => null, ]); } // ... } ``` ``` [2020-05-11 17:19:21]: [ERROR]: Whoops! We have a problem! array:5 [ "code" => 0 "message" => "Whoops! We have a problem!" "file" => "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/icl-test/app/Console/Commands/ExampleCommand.php" "line" => 22 "context" => array:3 [ "some" => 123 "extra" => true "context" => null ] ] ``` ## Guzzle 6+ integration If you're using [Guzzle](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle), you might want to have a full log of your HTTP interactions. The `iclogger_guzzle_middleware()` function provides a pre-configured [Guzzle Middleware](https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/handlers-and-middleware.html) for that: ```php use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; // Create a log middleware $logMiddleware = iclogger_guzzle_middleware($logger); // Add it to the HandlerStack $handler = HandlerStack::create(); $handler->push($logMiddleware); // Use the created handler in your Guzzle Client $client = new Client([ 'handler' => $handler, 'base_uri' => 'https://example.com', ]); // Now, all your HTTP requests and responses would be logged automatically! // $client->get('/foo'); ``` If you're using JSON, you might want to get auto decoding for your request params and response bodies: ```php $logMiddleware = iclogger_guzzle_middleware($logger, 'json'); ``` Also, you can disable logging of specific request params and/or response bodies, based on your custom logic: ```php use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; // Disable logging of request params for the `/foo` endpoint $shouldLogRequestParams = function (RequestInterface $request) { return ! str_ends_with($request->getUri(), '/foo'); }; // Disable logging of response bodies greater than 100 KB $shouldLogResponseBody = function (RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) { return $response->getHeaderLine('Content-Length') < 102400; }; $logMiddleware = iclogger_guzzle_middleware($logger, 'json', $shouldLogRequestParams, $shouldLogResponseBody); ``` ## Powered by Monolog This package uses the powerful [Monolog Logger](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog). You can access the underlying instance of Monolog by: - Using the command's `icLogger()` method: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; public function handle() { $logger = $this->icLogger(); } // ... } ``` - Or via the Laravel's Service Container: ```php $logger = app('log.iclogger'); ``` ## Troubleshooting ### Trait included, but nothing happens? `Loggable` trait overrides the `initialize()` method: ```php trait Loggable { protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->initializeLogging(); parent::initialize($input, $output); } // ... } ``` If your command overrides the `initialize()` method too, you have to call the `initializeLogging()` method by yourself: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // You have to call it first $this->initializeLogging(); // Then goes your custom code $this->foo = $this->argument('foo'); $this->bar = $this->argument('bar'); $this->baz = $this->argument('baz'); } // ... } ``` ### Several traits conflict? If you're using another `illuminated/console-%` package, you'll get the "traits conflict" error. For example, if you're building a loggable command, which [doesn't allow overlapping](https://github.com/dmitry-ivanov/laravel-console-mutex): ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; use WithoutOverlapping; // ... } ``` You'll get the traits conflict, because both of those traits are overriding the `initialize()` method: > If two traits insert a method with the same name, a fatal error is produced, if the conflict is not explicitly resolved. To fix that - override the `initialize()` method and resolve the conflict: ```php class ExampleCommand extends Command { use Loggable; use WithoutOverlapping; protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // Initialize conflicting traits $this->initializeMutex(); $this->initializeLogging(); } // ... } ``` ## Sponsors [](https://laravel-idea.com)<br> [](https://material-theme.com)<br> ## License Laravel Console Logger is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md). [<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1286821/181085373-12eee197-187a-4438-90fe-571ac6d68900.png" alt="Buy me a coffee" width="200" />](https://buymeacoffee.com/dmitry.ivanov)