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Walkthrough: MNIST

Minjie Wang edited this page Apr 19, 2015 · 14 revisions

Walkthrough: MNIST using Minerva


If you are not familiar with MNIST dataset, please see here. Download the MNIST dataset mnist_all.mat.

Classify MNIST using 3 layer perceptron


The network used here consists of

  • One input layer of size 784
  • One hidden layer of size 256; use RELU non-linearity
  • One classifier layer of size 10; use Softmax loss function

Algorithm step by step

Suppose the minibatch size is 256. For each minibatch, we have already converted them into two matrices: data and label. They are of size 784x256 and 10x256, respectively. Then,

  1. Initialization: Weight and bias matrices are initialized as follows:

    w1 = owl.randn([256, 784], 0.0, 0.01)
    w2 = owl.randn([10, 256], 0.0, 0.01)
    b1 = owl.zeros([256, 1])
    b2 = owl.zeros([10, 1])
  2. Feed-forward Propagation:

    a1 = owl.elewise.relu(w1 * data + b1)  # hidden layer
    a2 = owl.conv.softmax(w2 * data + b2)  # classifier layer
  3. Backward Propagation:

    s2 = a2 - label                                 # classifier layer
    s1 = owl.elewise.relu_back(w2.trans() * s2, a1) # hidden layer
    gw2 = s2 * a2.trans()                           # gradient of w2
    gw1 = s1 * data.trans()                         # gradient of w1
    gb2 = s2.sum(1)                                 # gradient of b2
    gb1 = s1.sum(1)                                 # gradient of b1
  4. Update:

    w1 -= lr * gw1
    w2 -= lr * gw2
    b1 -= lr * gb1
    b2 -= lr * gb2

Putting them together

import owl
import owl.conv
import owl.elewise
import mnist_io, sys
# initial system
gpu = owl.create_gpu_device(0)
# training parameters and weights
lr = 0.01
w1 = owl.randn([256, 784], 0.0, 0.01)
w2 = owl.randn([10, 256], 0.0, 0.01)
b1 = owl.zeros([256, 1])
b2 = owl.zeros([10, 1])
(train_set, test_set) = mnist_io.load_mb_from_mat("mnist_all", 256)
# training
for epoch in range(MAX_EPOCH):
  for (data_np, label_np) in train_set:
    data = owl.from_numpy(data_np)
    label = owl.from_numpy(label_np)
    # ff
    a1 = owl.elewise.relu(w1 * data + b1)  # hidden layer
    a2 = owl.conv.softmax(w2 * a1 + b2)    # classifier layer
    # bp
    s2 = a2 - label                                 # classifier layer
    s1 = owl.elewise.relu_back(w2.trans() * s2, a1) # hidden layer
    gw2 = s2 * a1.trans()                           # gradient of w2
    gw1 = s1 * data.trans()                         # gradient of w1
    gb2 = s2.sum(1)                                 # gradient of b2
    gb1 = s1.sum(1)                                 # gradient of b1
    # update
    w1 -= lr * gw1
    w2 -= lr * gw2
    b1 -= lr * gb1
    b2 -= lr * gb2

Some explanations:

  • We've provided a function load_mb_from_mat to load minibatch in numpy.ndarray from .mat file in mnist_io module
  • To convert from numpy array to owl.NArray. You could use owl.from_numpy function.
    • ATTENTION: Since Minerva uses fortran-style array (or column major array) while numpy uses C-style array (row major), when coverting numpy.ndarray to owl.NArray, the dimension will be reversed. Please ready the document about this function here.
  • Since Minerva uses lazy evaluation, most owl APIs are asynchronous. In the above example, if without the last owl.wait_for_all() call, the main thread will exit while the worker threads of Minerva are still computing in the backend. This will lead to fault and errors. To avoid this, add a blocking call at the end of the program. For more information about blocking call and non-blocking call, please see this wiki page.

Classify MNIST using Convolution Neural Network

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