Implement the prototype interactions and animation from a de# Figma using Xcode.
In this project I have to consolidate in practice the acquired knowledge on working with:
- creating visual interfaces in Xcode (InterfaceBuilder and Swift),
- creation of arbitrary graphic objects (SAHapeLayer)
- object animation (CABasicAnimation)
- CollectionView,
- TableView
The task was completed
I decided to add PickerView so that the user could choose the data (month or period of years) that is displayed in TableView and CollectionView.
My Two-Component PickerView provides protection against incorrect choice of range. When the user selects a row in the left component, the right component starts with the value of the right row. Similar behavior implemented in the left component.
For easy closing of PickerView I decided to place it in AllertController.
The notifications button can display the number of notifications. When you press the button in the form of a person, the number increases. When you press the notification button, the number decreases. The notification button cannot display a number greater than 9. Also implemented, the function increases the number of notifications at random times, but provided that the number does not exceed 9.
- download the project in any way
- Locate and open the file with name CRM_Analitycs_Dashboard.xcodeproj