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322 lines (246 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

322 lines (246 loc) · 10.1 KB
title author date output
December 05, 2021
keep_md toc toc_depth


ffbio is a collection of scripts to work with flat-file sequence databases and help complete my dissertation/projects...

Local install: ./ install Remote install: pip install git+

Note: this repository is experimental and there are no tests yet... Note: this is an Rmarkdown document and uses a mix of R and bash code chunks. Note: search field descriptions.



The script searches NCBI and downloads the entire result set into a destination folder that stores the BGZip-compressed flat-files while the index_db method generates a SQLite database in the same directory and modifies the meta_data table to preserve NCBI search parameters.

python -m ffbio.ffdb -h
## usage: [-h] [-db DB] [-term TERM] [-rettype RETTYPE] [-retmax RETMAX]
##                [-email EMAIL]
##                repo
## update a repository of indexed sequence files
## positional arguments:
##   repo              the target file to create/update
## optional arguments:
##   -h, --help        show this help message and exit
##   -db DB            the NCBI database (default: nuccore)
##   -term TERM        the NCBI query term (default: None)
##   -rettype RETTYPE  the sequence file format (default: fasta)
##   -retmax RETMAX    the records to post at a time (default: 1000)
##   -email EMAIL      the e-mail to identify yourself to NCBI (default: )


Initialize a repository of indexed GenBank files. Search NCBI for all Mimivirus genomic DNA sequences.

python -m ffbio.ffdb data/315393 \
  -term 'txid315393[PORGN] AND biomol_genomic[PROP] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT gbdiv_syn[PROP] NOT WGS[KYWD]' \
  -rettype fasta \
  -retmax 100
## 2021-12-05T15:10:32 ['/Users/dnanto/GitHub/ffbio/ffbio/', 'data/315393', '-term', 'txid315393[PORGN] AND biomol_genomic[PROP] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT gbdiv_syn[PROP] NOT WGS[KYWD]', '-rettype', 'fasta', '-retmax', '100']
## 2021-12-05T15:10:32 txid315393[PORGN] AND biomol_genomic[PROP] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT gbdiv_syn[PROP] NOT WGS[KYWD]
## 2021-12-05T15:10:34 count = 395
## 2021-12-05T15:10:36 000 - 100 025.32%
## 2021-12-05T15:10:40 100 - 200 050.63%
## 2021-12-05T15:10:44 200 - 300 075.95%
## 2021-12-05T15:10:46 300 - 395 100.00%
## 2021-12-05T15:10:46 data/315393-1.fasta.bgz.tmp -> data/315393-1.fasta.bgz
## 2021-12-05T15:10:46 data/315393-2.fasta.bgz.tmp -> data/315393-2.fasta.bgz
## 2021-12-05T15:10:46 data/315393-3.fasta.bgz.tmp -> data/315393-3.fasta.bgz
## 2021-12-05T15:10:46 data/315393-4.fasta.bgz.tmp -> data/315393-4.fasta.bgz
## index...

List the results in the directory.

ls data/315393.*
## data/315393.db
## data/315393.log


Update the same repository.

python -m ffbio.ffdb data/315393
## 2021-12-05T15:10:48 ['/Users/dnanto/GitHub/ffbio/ffbio/', 'data/315393']
## 2021-12-05T15:10:48 txid315393[PORGN] AND biomol_genomic[PROP] NOT gbdiv_pat[PROP] NOT gbdiv_syn[PROP] NOT WGS[KYWD] AND 2021/12/05:9999[MDAT]
## 2021-12-05T15:10:48 count = 0


The script creates and/or queries an indexed set of sequence files created via the index_db method.

python -m ffbio.ffidx -h
## usage: [-h] [-filenames FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]] [-dump]
##                 [-descriptions] [-entry ENTRY [ENTRY ...]] [-batch BATCH]
##                 [-index] [-fi FI] [-fo FO]
##                 path
## retrieve records from an indexed set of sequence files
## positional arguments:
##   path                  the sequence flat-file or index path
## optional arguments:
##   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
##   -filenames FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]
##                         the list of sequence files to index (default: None)
##   -dump                 the flag to dump all of the records (default: False)
##   -descriptions, -headers
##                         the flag to only output the descriptions (default:
##                         False)
##   -entry ENTRY [ENTRY ...]
##                         the accessions to retrieve (default: None)
##   -batch BATCH          the file of accessions to retrieve (default: None)
##   -index                the flag treats -entry/-batch as indexes (default:
##                         False)
##   -fi FI                the sequence file format (input) (default: fasta)
##   -fo FO                the sequence file format (output) (default: fasta)


Create an index using multiple multi-GenBank files and query some accessions.

ls data/oantigen.[1-2].gbk.gz | \
  xargs python -m ffbio.ffidx data/oantigen.db -entry AF390573.1 GU576499.1 -fi gb -filenames | \
  grep -A 2 \>
## >AF390573.1 Vibrio cholerae serogroup O37 O-antigen biosynthesis region, partial sequence
## --
## >GU576499.1 Vibrio cholerae strain CO845 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus, partial sequence

List the index.

du -sh data/oantigen.db
##  20K	data/oantigen.db


Same thing, except create the index temporarily in memory.

ls data/oantigen.[1-2].gbk.gz | \
  xargs python -m ffbio.ffidx ":memory:" -entry AF390573.1 GU576499.1 -fi gb -filenames | \
  grep -A 2 \>
## >AF390573.1 Vibrio cholerae serogroup O37 O-antigen biosynthesis region, partial sequence
## --
## >GU576499.1 Vibrio cholerae strain CO845 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus, partial sequence


Dump all sequences as GenBank records.

python -m ffbio.ffidx data/oantigen.db -dump -fo gb | grep ^DEFINITION
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae genes for O-antigen synthesis, strain MO45, complete
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae genes for o-antigen synthesis, strain O22, complete
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae serogroup O37 O-antigen biosynthesis region, partial
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae strain CO603B O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus,
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae strain CO545 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus,
## DEFINITION  Vibrio cholerae strain CO845 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus,


The script extract all CDS records from a GenBank file.

python -m ffbio.ffcds -h
## usage: [-h] file
## extract CDS sequence records from a GenBank file
## positional arguments:
##   file        the sequence file
## optional arguments:
##   -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Extract all CDS records.

gunzip -c data/oantigen.[1-2].gbk.gz | python -m ffbio.ffcds - | grep -A 2 \> | head
## >BAA33585.1 AB012956.1|[7865:8810](-) n/a
## --
## >BAA33586.1 AB012956.1|[8923:10441](-) n/a
## --
## >BAA33587.1 AB012956.1|[10521:12714](-) n/a


The script computes the unique set of sequences and an optional tab-separated mapping file.

python -m ffbio.ffuseq -h
## usage: [-h] [-map MAP] [-fmt FMT] file
## compute the unique set of sequences
## positional arguments:
##   file        the sequence file
## optional arguments:
##   -h, --help  show this help message and exit
##   -map MAP    the path prefix for the output files (default: None)
##   -fmt FMT    the sequence file format (default: fasta)


This example creates a file stream with duplicate records. Output the unique set and a mapping file.

gunzip -c data/oantigen.[1-2].gbk.gz | python -m ffbio.ffuseq - -fmt gb -map data/urec.tsv > data/urec.gbk

grep Unique record LOCUS tags.

grep ^LOCUS data/urec.gbk
## LOCUS       AB012956               46721 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 16-OCT-1999
## LOCUS       GU576497               30443 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 25-JUL-2016
## LOCUS       AB012957               45993 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 16-OCT-1999
## LOCUS       GU576498               19487 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 25-JUL-2016
## LOCUS       GU576499               26128 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 01-APR-2011
## LOCUS       AF390573               27552 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 08-MAY-2002

cat the unique record mapping file.

cat data/urec.tsv
## idx	key	id	description	length
## 1	Wp7X+fuoYSmh9S+8KAOlVOjmMJM	AB012956.1	Vibrio cholerae genes for O-antigen synthesis, strain MO45, complete cds	46721
## 2	aXZq6FaHBW/pvgXXUJkH1mXCBMs	GU576497.1	Vibrio cholerae strain CO603B O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus, partial sequence	30443
## 3	gDDKQoXOexqsX3QTZMKiTk3PRI0	AB012957.1	Vibrio cholerae genes for o-antigen synthesis, strain O22, complete cds	45993
## 4	m3SE/AUt/Wg2D2VfZ92MG7otRAs	GU576498.1	Vibrio cholerae strain CO545 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus, partial sequence	19487
## 5	oAPc1vtYNp/vJduAtaFEk7xP69E	GU576499.1	Vibrio cholerae strain CO845 O-antigen biosynthesis gene locus, partial sequence	26128
## 6	sviBFiv+KU0rRAAD1MBHU32gkac	AF390573.1	Vibrio cholerae serogroup O37 O-antigen biosynthesis region, partial sequence	27552