This sample shows how to # Firebase using LINE Login. In this sample we use LINE iOS and Android SDK to get LINE user information then create a Firebase Custom Token (using the Line user ID).
- Follow the instruction in LINE Developers document to setup a LINE business account.
- After finished setting up your channel, follow the document to integrate LINE SDK in your iOS and Android app. It should include:
- Open Technical Configuration page of your LINE channel, and update the following values:
- iOS Bundle ID:
- Android Package Name:
- Android Package Signature: The SHA1 value of your keystore, without semicolons
- iOS Bundle ID:
- Download the LINE SDK for iOS and Android from LINE developers site and add them to your apps. The latest version of LINE SDK may have different API with that used to create the sample app, so you may need to make some changes to the sample apps. LINE SDK versions being used in building the sample apps are:
- iOS: 3.2.1
- Android: 3.1.21
- Update your Channel ID to your apps
- iOS: Update
- Android: Update
- iOS: Update
- Create a Firebase project using the Firebase Developer Console.
- For the iOS app: Go to Firebase Console > Overview > Add Firebase to your iOS app and create an app with the Bundle ID of
. This will trigger your browser to download aGoogleService-Info.plist
config file. Add this config file to your sample iOS app, then runpod install
to make download necessary CocoaPods dependencies. - For the Android app: Go to Firebase Console > Overview > Add Firebase to your Android app and create an app with the Package name of
. This will trigger your browser to download agoogle-services.json
config file. Add this config file to your sample Android app.
- If you have problem creating a your Android app, try changing the Android app's package name to your own value (e.g.
) and try again. Remember to update the package name inside your Android app and in your LINE Channel's Technical Configuration page as well.
Create and provide a Service Account's keys:
- Create a Service Accounts file as described in the Server SDK setup instructions.
- Save the Service Account credential file as
and copy it tofunctions/
. (You should not check in this file to your repository as it contains secret key to grant full admin access to your Firebase account.)
Before running your iOS and Android sample app, you need to deploy your function to Firebase.
- Enable Billing on your Firebase the project by switching to the Blaze plan, this is currently needed to be able to perform HTTP requests to external services from a Cloud Function.
- Run
firebase use --add
and choose your Firebase project. This will configure the Firebase CLI to use the correct project locally. - Copy the Channel ID of your LINE Business account and use them to set the
in Google Cloud environment variables. For this use:
firebase functions:config:set line.channelid="<your_channel_id>"
- Run
firebase deploy --only functions
to deploy the sample. The first time the Functions are deployed the process can take several minutes.
Then update your iOS and Android app with the domain name of your Cloud Functions. You can find it in the log of Firebase CLI after sucessfully deploying the function. It should look like https://us-central1-<your Firebase project id>
- iOS: In
, replace the placeholder text with your domain. - Android: In
, replace the placeholder text with your domain.
Build the sample iOS and Android app and run them on your devices. Those sample apps should be working by now. If you see any compile errors or the apps crash when starting, please refer back to the setup instruction above and check if you missed anything.