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Getting Started for Beginners

Steve Smith edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 10 revisions

If you're new to building applications with ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio, go through this video tutorial to help get you started. It covers the following topics:

Once you've completed this tutorial, you're ready to learn how to build real world applications using ASP.NET Core and some related technologies, as demonstrated in this eShopOnWeb reference application. Be sure to download and review the free 100+ page eBook, which covers high-level concepts and principles for architecting applications. The rest of this guide will provide you with additional resources to make sure you're able to quickly start understand this sample.

Solution Structure

As applications grow in size, it can be worthwhile to break them up into several projects, usually based on their focus. This follows the Separation of Concerns principle, and common examples of focus for individual portions of an application are user interface (UI), business logic, and data access or infrastructure. The eShopOnWeb solution has been split up into three main application projects:

  • ApplicationCore
  • Infrastructure
  • Web

The business logic and domain model are kept in the ApplicationCore project. Data access and other infrastructure plumbing code belongs in the Infrastructure project. And ASP.NET Core (Web) concerns belong in the Web project. The solution also has a number of different kinds of automated tests, found in separate Test folders. Projects depend on one another and can help enforce the direction of dependencies. In this case, we don't want our business logic to depend on low level plumbing code like that found in the Infrastructure project, so we structure the dependency direction so that Infrastructure depends on Application Core. This follows the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), because the implementation code in Infrastructure implements interfaces defined in ApplicationCore. (Learn more about SOLID Principles for C# Developers)

ApplicationCore Project

The ApplicationCore project holds the business logic for the application. This business logic is contained in a domain model - a set of classes that represent concepts in the business domain being automated. In this case, the domain model represents online store concepts like Buyers, Orders, and Baskets. These entities have state that is stored in a data store using EF Core, but the use of EF Core is an implementation detail that is kept out of the ApplicationCore project. Groups of related entities, like a basket and its items, are grouped together as aggregates, which are retrieved and saved from persistence as a unit.

This project also holds the business-level interface abstractions used by the application and mostly implemented in the Infrastructure project. These include interfaces for performing data access (repositories) as well as various services that perform logging or send emails or define database queries (specifications). Some of these interfaces are implemented within the ApplicationCore project, as long as they don't have any dependencies on specific implementation details that would require the ApplicationCore project to take on such a dependency.

The project also holds custom exceptions, like the BasketNotFoundException, and domain services like the BasketService and OrderService which perform business logic but don't directly work with infrastructure like databases or files.

Finally, the project's specifications are used to define different kinds of queries in a testable and reusable fashion. Each specification type defines all of the logic required to run a query using a repository.

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