This repository provides an F# WebSharper binding for the Notifications API, enabling seamless integration of browser notifications into WebSharper applications.
The repository consists of two main projects:
Binding Project:
- Contains the F# WebSharper binding for the Notifications API.
Sample Project:
- Demonstrates how to use the Notifications API with WebSharper syntax.
- Includes a GitHub Pages demo: View Demo.
- WebSharper bindings for the Notifications API.
- Simple API for displaying desktop notifications.
- Example usage for enhancing user engagement.
- Hosted demo to explore API functionality.
- .NET SDK installed on your machine.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd Notifications
Build the Binding Project:
dotnet build WebSharper.Notifications/WebSharper.Notifications.fsproj
Build and Run the Sample Project:
cd WebSharper.Notifications.Sample dotnet build dotnet run
Open the hosted demo to see the Sample project in action:
The Notifications API allows web applications to send notifications to users. Key benefits include:
- Improved User Engagement: Notify users even when they are not actively using the application.
- Timely Alerts: Inform users of important events in real time.
- Native Browser Integration: Works with system-level notifications for a seamless experience.
- Customizable Messages: Supports different types of messages, actions, and icons.
Note: If there is no prompted permission request for notifications, please allow notifications manually in your browser settings.
Integrating the Notifications API with WebSharper allows developers to create interactive and user-friendly web applications in F#.
Below is an example of how to use the Notifications API in a WebSharper project:
namespace WebSharper.Notifications.Sample
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Templating
open WebSharper.UI.Notation
open WebSharper.Notifications
module Client =
// The templates are loaded from the DOM, so you just can edit index.html
// and refresh your browser, no need to recompile unless you add or remove holes.
type IndexTemplate = Template<"wwwroot/index.html", ClientLoad.FromDocument>
let status = Var.Create ""
// Function to request notification permission and send a notification if granted
let requestNotification() =
promise {
// Request notification permission from the user
let! permission = Notification.RequestPermission()
if permission = "granted" then
status := "Notifications sent!"
// Create and display a new notification
let _ = new Notification("Hello! Notifications are enabled.", NotificationOptions(
Body = "This is a test notification."
return ()
status := "Notifications denied!"
return ()
with error ->
status := $"{error.Message}"
return ()
let Main () =
// Initialize the UI template and bind variables to UI elements
.requestNotification(fun _ ->
async {
do! requestNotification().AsAsync()
} |> Async.Start
|> Doc.RunById "main"
This example demonstrates how to request permission and display notifications dynamically.
For a complete implementation, refer to the Sample Project.