Rexxar is a cross-platform library for hybrid mobile application. It supports both iOS and Android. Rexxar iOS
is Rexxar's Container in iOS.
Rexxar brings the ease of web technologies, including HTML, JavaScript and CSS, into mobile application development. We have used React for the web front demo, but a Rexxar Container does not confine your choice of web front end framework. You can use your own web front side framework to develop the application in Rexxar Container.
Rexxar iOS supports iOS 7.0 and above.
About Rexxar's integral introduction, please check this article: 豆瓣的混合开发框架 -- Rexxar. In order to bring its full power, Rexxar iOS or Android need a Web implementation to offer the routes map api and the Web resources including HTML, JavaScript, CSS.
Rexxar includes threes libraries:
- Rexxar Web:。
- Rexxar Android:。
- Rexxar iOS:。
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
target 'TargetName' do
pod 'Rexxar', :git => '', :commit => '0.2.1'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Please check out RexxarDemo for demo usage. We have used Github raw file as the routes map api. You would want to dynamically generate the routes map via an api endpoint, and need a real server to serve HTML, Javascript, and CSS in production.
It's possible to change this endpoint with RXRConfig, see below for details.
Rexxar use url to identify the page in mobile application. With a valid url, we can create a RXRViewController. There is the map from url to HTML resources in the routes map api file. In the Demo, you can see a routes map api file like this:
"items": [{
"remote_file": "",
"deploy_time": "Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:43:47 GMT",
"uri": "douban://[/]?.*"
"partial_items": [{
"remote_file": "",
"deploy_time": "Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:43:47 GMT",
"uri": "douban://*"
"deploy_time": "Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:43:47 GMT",
We usually ship a copy of HTML resource files with the application's release package, in order to boost the initial load of the hybrid page. You can set the local path to the folder that contains the resource files with this API. Please be reminded that the folder type in Xcode must be set as folder reference
, with a blue folder icon; instead of the group
type with a yellow icon.
Cache is also used to improve performance over routing. Rexxar can be set to check the routes map periodically and save the latest version in the cache. By deploying different path with the routes, it's possible to do a hot deployment
, with which you can update the page just by replacing the resource file, and no need to go through the tedious process of asking a new release via App Store.
This is the way to call to update routes map file:
RXRViewController.updateRouteFiles(completion: nil)
You can use RXRViewController
directly as your hybrid container. Or you can inherit RXRViewController
to implement your own Rexxar Container. In RexxarDemo, we implement FullRXRViewController
inheriting from RXRViewController
To initialize a RXRViewController, you just need a valid url. This url should exist in the routes map file. Every url represents a page in app. Rexxar Container search the page's resource files via the url in the routes map file.
let controller = RXRViewController(URI: uri)
let titleWidget = RXRNavTitleWidget()
let alertDialogWidget = RXRAlertDialogWidget()
controller.activities = [titleWidget, alertDialogWidget]
navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
First, you inherit RXRViewController
to implement your own Rexxar Container.
Then, you use the three interfaces provided by Rexxar to make your customization easier.
The RXRWidget
protocol provides threes three methods: canPerformWithURL:
, prepareWithURL:
, performWithContoller:
. Override these three methods to conform the RXRWidget
protocol to implement a native UI, for example displaying a toast or adding pull to refresh UI widget etc.
You can find an example RXRNavTitleWidget
in Rexxar.
@interface RXRNavTitleWidget ()
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title;
@implementation RXRNavTitleWidget
- (BOOL)canPerformWithURL:(NSURL *)URL
NSString *path = URL.path;
if (path && [path isEqualToString:@"/widget/nav_title"]) {
return true;
return false;
- (void)prepareWithURL:(NSURL *)URL
self.title = [[URL rxr_queryDictionary] rxr_itemForKey:@"title"];
- (void)performWithController:(RXRViewController *)controller
if (controller) {
controller.title = self.title;
In order to offer information computed by native but consumed by web, for example, getting the device's GPS location information, you can create a class conforming to RXRContainerAPI
protocol and implement the three methods: shouldInterceptRequest:
, responseWithRequest:
, responseData
You can find an example RXRLocContainerAPI
in RexxarDemo. In this example, RXRLocContainerAPI
returns the city information. To reduce Demo's complexity, we create it as a mock with false and always the same city information. You can implement your own loc information service on the base of this example.
If the modification of request from Rexxar Container is needed, for example, adding the authentication information in http header, you can inherit RXRDecorator
and implementing two methods shouldInterceptRequest:
, prepareWithRequest:
In RexxarDemo, you will find an example of usage of RXRRequestDecorator
in FullRXRViewController
to add the authentication information in http request.
If a page cannot be fully implemented in HTML, you still have a choice to render the page partially with Rexxar. A partial RXRViewController allows you to write part of a page in HTML, and the reset of it in native code.
Check out class PartialRexxarViewController
in RexxarDemo for example.
Rexxar Container
- 0.3.0 Replace UIWebView with WKWebView. NSURLProtocol is not supported in WKWebView. The body of the POST request will be clean when intercepted by NSURLProtocol. So you need to take care of that.
Rexxar iOS includes a suite of unit tests within the RexxarTests subdirectory.
The MIT License.