Tree Node Starburst Visualiser
- Demo URL:
TreeBurst.js is a JavaScript library written in typescript to generate a 'starburst' visualation of tree nodes.
A StarBurst visualisation is a derivative of a treegraph. The root node is at the centre and for each tier/node depth an additional circle is added.
In each circle the area represented by a node is the angle of it's parent node, divided by the number of children.
E.g. A root node with two children will be represented as an inner circle, and an outer circle divided into two. One half for each child.
TreeBurst.js aims to provide a mechanism to visualise a set of nodes in tree structure and display these in an interactive and attractive way.
Provide a series of Nodes in Json format to the TreeBurst constructor and it will draw a TreeBurst to represent them.
TODO: Provide script inclusion and mechanism to pass data to constructor instructions
A Node is defined like this:
id?: number, // optional unique identifier
parentId?: number, // null for root node
title: string // the title of the node, for tooltip/label
content: string // node content, for tooltip
colour?: string // hex code colour of the node, chosen randomly if not provided
An array of nodes should be provided to draw a TreeBurst.
One and only one root node must be provided.
All nodes except the root node must have a parentId provided.
There are several major developments planned for TreeView.js, these are outlined below:
Phase 1:
- Titles displayed in nodes
- Mouseover/tooltips displayed on nodes
- Colour palletes offered, instead of random colours
Phase 2:
- Ability to rotate the TreeBurst
- Clicked nodes can optionally 'explode' out of the TreeBurst
- Ability to rotate and interact with the TreeBurst via Leap Motion (I need to excuse to start playing with it!)
Phase 3:
- 3D TreeBurst (I need to excuse to play with WebGL)
- Ability to rotate and interact with the 3D TreeBurst via Leap Motion
Any thoughts, comments, critisisms, bugs or contributions are very welcome.