Lightweight simple todo list web api.
This is my pet project. This application uses just a handful of lightweight libs. I have chosen this approach for the sake of discovering pain points that heavy frameworks (Spring, Hibernate) and other libs solve.
In this project I'm using an existing HTTP server, JSON parsing or security libs.
./gradlew build
Running this command will build fatjar in build/libs/todo-all.jar
This command will pull web project and place it inside jar.
./gradlew stage
Running this command will build fatjar in build/libs/todo-all.jar
Application uses 8080 port.
Currently this app supports only one user. When launching jar you must pass user credentials.
java -jar todo-all.jar --app-user test --app-pass test
By default this application uses in memory H2 database on boot. But you can configure to use PostgreSQL by passing parameters when launching application.
java -jar todo-all.jar --app-user test --app-pass test --db-url jdbc:postgresql:database --db-user test --db-pass test
You can find web code in this repositorytodo-web.
This project doesn't reflect my values as a software developer. In this project I might be "reinventing the bicycle" just for the sake of implementing it and learning how to solve some problems without external libs.