# Overview The webapp is designed to allow users to easily browse through all of the generated creatures. It's a React application served from an S3 bucket proxied through CloudFront, which mediates access to the bucket via an Origin Access Identity ## Frameworks * React 18 * Typescript ## Toolchain * AWS CLI * AWS SAM CLI ## Installation To install the dependencies, run: ```sh yarn install ``` To start the project, run: ```sh yarn dev ``` To deploy Frontend Infrastructure, setup your AWS credentials file with a 'default' profile. set the following parameters in AWS Parameter store in the account you intend to use: ```sh Type: String Name: '/BESTIARY/CF/DNS' Description: FQDN for Cloudfront Alias Type: String Name: '/BESTIARY/BUCKET/HOST' Description: FQDN for Site Hosting bucket Type: String Name: '/BESTIARY/BUCKET/STORAGE' Description: FQDN for Asset bucket Type: String Name: '/BESTIARY/CERT/ARN' Description: ARN of the Certificate covering the cloudfront alias ``` Run and follow the prompts for: ```sh sam deploy --guided --profile default ``` For any future changes, run: ```sh yarn deploy:default yarn sync:default ```