Translator is an app for collecting translations for specified keys in django admin.
Install django-translator:
pip install django-translator
Add "translator, taggit, modeltranslation" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Please note that
needs to be beforedjango.contrib.admin
:INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'modeltranslation', 'django.contrib.admin', ... 'taggit', 'translator', )
You have to set the migrations folder for the translator, because we have to add migrations for the set languages. Add the following to your settings file:
MIGRATION_MODULES = { 'translator': 'my_project.translator_migrations', }
Create a
python package in your project folder (where your usually is).Run
python makemigrations translator
to create the translator models based on the languages you specified in your settings file.Run
python migrate
to migrate the translator models to your database.If you intend to use it in the templates, add 'translator.context_processors.translator' to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'translator.context_processors.translator', )
Create translation keys in your templates and models.
{{ translator.a_key }}
from translator.util import translator_lazy as _ ... class Product(models.Model): name = models.TextField(verbose_name=_('a_key'))
Visit the templates. The keys get collected lazy.
Translate the keys in the admin.
You can disable the translator by setting DJANGO_TRANSLATOR_ENABLED to False.
Use a double underscore in your translation keys to make use of the filter in the admin (e.g. "header__title" creates a filter called "header"). If you need another separator, set it as DJANGO_TRANSLATOR_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR in your setting file.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to use the features of django-translator in a second isolated model, feel free to add one:
Create a new model in your app:
from translator.models import TranslationBase class MyCustomTranslation(TranslationBase): pass
Create a new file and register your model for modeltranslation support:
from modeltranslation.translator import translator, TranslationOptions from myapp.models import MyCustomTranslation class MyCustomTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions): fields = ('description',) translator.register(MyCustomTranslation, MyCustomTranslationOptions)
Add a django admin in
from django.contrib import admin from translator.admin import TranslationAdministration from myapp.models import MyCustomTranslation @admin.register(MyCustomTranslation) class CustomTranslationAdmin(TranslationAdministration): pass
Add your model to your settings file:
DJANGO_TRANSLATOR_MODELS = { 'custom_translation': 'myapp.models.MyCustomTranslation', }
Create translation keys in your templates and models.
{{ custom_translation.a_key }}
from myapp.util import custom_translation_lazy ... class Product(models.Model): name = models.TextField(verbose_name=translator_lazy('a_key', 'custom_translation'))
Customize the translator in your file with these settings:
DJANGO_TRANSLATOR_CACHE_TIMEOUT = timeout in seconds, if not set defaults to DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, which is either the CACHES['TIMEOUT'] setting or 300 (5 minutes)