An example demonstrating how new Server Sent Events (SSE) JAX-RS API can be used to notify clients about changes in server-side managed data (collection of items). The example also outlines how SSE events can be consumed using javascript browser-based clients.
The example consists of a web-based client application and a server-side application deployed on a Jetty servlet container.
The server side part of the application consists of a JAX-RS resource
managing collection of string items and a simple HTML page that includes
a browser SSE client written in Javascript as well as a basic CSS
stylesheet. The SSE Javascript client connects to the JAX-RS resource
and transforms the streamed messages into HTML code that is rendered by
the browser. The javascript client also demonstrates how named and
unnamed SSE events are handled by HTML5 EventSource
component. The
mapping of the URI path space of the server-side part of the application
is presented in the following table:
URI path | Resource class | HTTP methods |
/resources/items | ItemStoreResource | GET, POST |
/resources/items/events | ItemStoreResource | GET (SSE) |
Application is configured to run using Jetty maven plugin under base
path sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp
mvn clean compile jetty:run
The command above deploys the current example. After successful
deployment, you should be able to access the browser SSE client page at
http://localhost:8080/sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp/index.html. To see the raw
SSE event stream, you may also point your browser directly at the
mvn clean package
The command above creates a Servlet 3.x compliant WAR located in the target directory. The WAR can be then deployed to your Servlet 3.x compliant container.
After deploying the application into a Servlet 3.x compliant container, you can run the attached test by executing:
mvn test -Djersey.config.test.container.factory=org.glassfish.jersey.test.external.ExternalTestContainerFactory -Djersey.config.test.container.port=<port>