Firefox extension to highlight and share links to arbitrary elements on a webpage.
23.10.2023 note
Apparently development on the Firefox text-fragment started even earlier - hence, this is a case of the parallel innovation of a similar feature.
Add on currently doesn't work on firefox anymore, gotta fix that! (incidentally text-fragments don't work in firefox anymore, either )
Oh time flies so fast. While being busy with studies and working, the W3C seems to have come up with an official way of linking to text fragments! How neat is that! =D . And Google already published an extension to link to selected text: (article on ). So, finally, after about 30years of waiting, development is really picking up speed here!
All elements in a DOM-tree of a HTML document are individually addressable - probably best known from addressing CSS elements (cf. CSS specificity). So ... the thought of enhancing the URL-scheme (the fragment-part to be exact) to accomodate a path compatible with document.querySelector()
was not too far fetched after all.
Ever wanted to link a specific paragraph/image/link/table cell/list item/etc. of a long webpage to a friend/colleague/...webpage? Now you can \o/
Until publishing on AMO:
- Download files
- Got to "about:debugging" in Firefox
- Click the "This Firefox" link in the top
- Klick the Button "Add temporary Add-on ..." ("Temporäres Add-On laden ...) and choose the
Click the new extension icon (blue icon, black border) to turn on the extension for the current tab. Alternative: Keystroke Alt+Shift+S. The icon now gets a white border to indicate it is active. You now can highlight any element on a webpage by clicking on it. After the click
- a dashed blue border will appear around the element
- a new block near the top right corner of the webpage will appear containing
- a link labeled "Highlight Link"
- a button labeled "Copy Link to Clipboard"
You can copy the link by either using right mouse click --> copy address of link on the "Highlight Link" or
click the "Copy Link to Clipboard"-Button
You can switch the extenstion off again by clicking the extension icon again.
obligatory permissions:
- activeTab
permission needed for protocol handler to work:
- storage
optional permission:
- clipboardWrite
As with anchor links in general, one should keep in mind that they are not permalinks
, i.e. they might change over time, especially on startpages of highly dynamic websites like newspapers, webshops, etc.
Cases in which the block-linking cannot work:
- content that didn't load yet (load on scroll)
- content that isn't visible (collapsed folds)
- content that is individual to the one who links the block
- test, test, test
- prevent self referenced clicks
- add keystroke to activate Add-On
- fix problem with reloading webpage -> add-on doesn't work
- enhance to link more than one highlighted element
- Upload and sign at AMO
- fix clipboard permission request
- enhance to be compatible as Chrome extension
- loosen permission variant for one-click version via protocol handler