OBS plugins/config? where to store it?
- looks like everything is stored in .config/obs-studio, need to scrape it for secrets
awesome config? need a way to resize some windows, layout for streaming
- look at awesomewm themes
- come back to this later..
need to figure out data backup/restore workflow
- containers
- homedir data (specific path? mostly for notes, etc)
- mountpoint that doesn't persist by default (e.g. ~/Downloads)
consider breaking out roles into their own repos and publishing them on galaxy [????] - dyindude.user role to provide variables for these roles, include a dependency
workflow changes
- steam wouldn't launch on last install due to this bug:
- https://askubuntu.com/questions/771032/steam-not-opening-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts/771507
- may need to look out for what edge cases cause this
- want to be able to define all important vars in vars/
- steam wouldn't launch on last install due to this bug:
copy rc.lua to VAR USER (part of dotfiles?)
roles to add (check galaxy?)
- calibre
- golang
- node
- docker chrome
- mplayer
- minidlna
dotfiles repo
- awesome
- .bash_profile/bashrc
- todoist?
- python - ~/.py
- manage ~/.bin
- font-management
- fc-cache as my user?
- term background scripts
- font-management