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Creating releases

cgebken edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 5 revisions

General information

To get a better overview of technical changes, we use releases. Releases automatically include everything on the branch (until the last commit). The releases have a set title structure: v1.2.3

The title is divided into three levels, according to the significance of the changes:

  • Minor changes (e.g. Minor design changes, small bugs; last number)
  • Normal changes (e.g. new features; number in the middle)
  • Major changes (e.g. new framework; first number)

The most typical one for us is the second one. Create the title of the new release by increasing the relevant level by one.

Note: Releases are only used for technical changes. Do not use releases to publish a blog post.

Creating a new release

  1. Make a new pull request on the repo.
    Note: Choose master as base and compare to develop.

    • Create the title of the new release as mentioned above
    • Use the comment section to enter a list of the release-related changes
  2. Merge the pull request (either by Unai M., Unai A., Christoph or Birgit)

  3. Go to the release tab.

  1. Click on "Draft a new release"

    • Take the release title as Tag version
    • Choose @master as your target
    • Adapt your title to the following structure: Release Title of your release, e.g. Release v1.2.3
    • Copy your change list from the comment section of your pull request and paste it into the description section
  2. Press "Publish release"

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