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Making Your First Program

Now that you know a bit about how to write Clojure code, let's look at how to create a standalone application.

In order to do that, you'll first create a project. You'll learn how to organize your project with namespaces. You'll also learn how to specify your project's dependencies. Finally, you'll learn how to build your project to create the standalone application.

Create a Project

Up until now you've been experimenting in a REPL. Unfortunately, all the work you do in a REPL is lost when you close the REPL. You can think of a project as a permanent home for your code. You'll be using a tool called "Leiningen" to help you create and manage your project. To create a new project, run this command:

lein new clojurebridge global-growth

This should create a directory structure that looks like this:

| .gitignore
| doc
| |
| project.clj
| resources
| src
| | global_growth
| | | core.clj
| test
| | global_growth
| | | core_test.clj

There's nothing inherently special or Clojure-y about this project skeleton. It's just a convention used by Leiningen. You'll be using Leiningen to build and run Clojure apps, and Leiningen expects your app to be laid out this way. Here's the function of each part of the skeleton:

  • project.clj is a configuration file for Leiningen. It helps Leiningen answer questions like, "What dependencies does this project have?" and "When this Clojure program runs, what function should get executed first?"
  • src/global_growth/core.clj is where we'll be doing our Clojure coding for awhile.
  • The test directory contains tests, which we won't be covering.
  • resources is a place for you to store assets like images; we won't be using it today.

Now let's go ahead and actually run this project. Enter this at the command line:

cd global_growth
lein run

You should see this:

Hello, world!

Modify Project

Pretty cool! But also pretty useless. To change the behavior of this project, open up src/global_growth/core.clj and monkey around with the -main function. Try changing it so that it reads:

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (println "Hello, ClojureBridge!"))

If you run lein run again, you should see Hello, ClojureBridge! printed.

The -main function is the entry point to your program. Other than that there's nothing special about it. It acts just like any other Clojure function. It just happens to be the function which gets called first when you run your program. For example, you can write your own functions and have -main call them:

(defn quotify
  [quote author]
  (str quote "\n\n-- " author))
(defn -main
  [& args]
  (println (quotify "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."
                    "Mark Twain")))

This should output:

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

-- Mark Twain

So, you can write programs of arbitrary complexity. Just make sure to use -main to kick them off.


As your programs get more complex, you'll need to organize them. You organize your Clojure code by placing related functions and data in separate files. Clojure expects each file to correspond to a namespace, so you must declare a namespace at the top of each file.

Until now, you haven't really had to care about namespaces. Namespaces allow you to define new functions and data structures without worrying about whether the name you'd like is already taken. For example, you could create a function named println within the custom namespace my-special-namespace, and it would not interfere with Clojure's built-in println function. You can use the fully-qualified name my-special-namespace/println to distinguish your function from the built-in println.

A namespace exists in the file src/global_growth/core.clj. Open it, and find this line:

(ns global-growth.core)

This line establishes that everything you define in this file will be stored within the global-growth.core namespace.


The final part of working with projects is managing their dependencies. Dependencies are just code libraries that others have written which you can incorporate in your own project.

To add a dependency, open project.clj. You should see a section which reads

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
               [clj-http "0.7.7"]
               [cheshire "5.2.0"]
               [ring "1.2.1"]
               [compojure "1.1.6"]
               [hiccup "1.0.4"]]

This is where our dependencies are listed. All the dependencies we need for this project are already included.

In order to use these libraries, we have to require them in our own project. Update src/global_growth/core.clj so that it looks like this:

(ns global-growth.core
  (:require [clj-http.client :as client]))

There are a couple of things going on here. First, we add require to ns to tell Clojure to load another namespace. The :as part of require allows you to alias the namespace, letting you refer to its definitions without having to type out the entire namespace. In this case, you can use client/get instead of clj-http.client/get.

Now add:

(ns global-growth.core
  (:require [clj-http.client :as client]
            [cheshire.core :as json]))

This gives us access to these two libraries we will need to make our project.

Your first real program

World Bank API

The World Bank provides a collection of world development indicators data, showing the current state of global development. They provide an API to this data. A web API is a way to provide access for one program to call another program over HTTP. In this case, the World Bank Indicators API provides access to their set of data.

We will use the World Bank Indicators API to explore some of the world development indicators for different countries. We will sort and compare certain indicators. This is a task that Clojure is well suited for.

Our program is going to use the World Bank API to give us a list of the top ten countries by population density. Sounds easy, right?

What is an API?

First, we need to be able to talk to the API. You might wonder what an API is. "API" stands for Application Programming Interface, which still doesn't mean a lot. You can think of an API as a web page for a computer. When you go to a web page, you get information from it in a format you can read as a human. An API returns information in a format that is easy for a computer to read. One popular format that we will be using today is called JSON.

Let's look at what the API will return if we ask it for the population density of countries. The URL for this information is:

If you go to that in a browser, you should see something like the following. I've added spaces to make it a little more readable.

    "page": 1,
    "pages": 6,
    "per_page": "50",
    "total": 252
      "indicator": {
        id": "EN.POP.DNST",
        "value": "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)"
      "country": {
        id": "1A",
        value": "Arab World"
      "value": "25.5287276250072",
      "decimal": "0",
      "date": "2010"
      "indicator": {
        id": "EN.POP.DNST",
        value": "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)"
      "country": {
        id": "S3",
        "value": "Caribbean small states"
      "value": "17.0236186241818",
      "decimal": "0",
      "date": "2010"

The data is structured in a way that it should make sense just looking at it.

Getting this data with Clojure

We need to get this data within Clojure. In order to do that, we're going to use clj-http, one of the libraries we included.

clj-http has a namespace, clj-http.client, which we've required in global-growth.core. In that namespace, there's a function get that will make a request to a web address and return the response from that web site or API. Let's try it out:

(client/get "")

;; elided and formatted
;;=> {:orig-content-encoding nil,
;;    :request-time 109, :status 200,
;;    :headers {"content-length" "10340", "content-type" "application/json;charset=utf-8"},
;;    :body "[{\"page\":1,\"pages\":6}]"}

That worked! You can see JSON in the :body value. We need this as Clojure data, however.

Converting JSON

We need to convert this to Clojure data. This is where we'll use the other of our libraries, Cheshire. Cheshire reads JSON and gives us back Clojure data.

The cheshire.core namespace, which we've aliased to json, has a function called parse-string that can turn a string with JSON in it into Clojure data. Take the time to read the docs for parse-string. It has an optional second argument that turns the keys in JSON into keywords in Clojure, which we want. (Why do we want that?)

Try running the following in the REPL:

(json/parse-string "[{\"page\":1,\"pages\":6}]" true)
;;=> ({:page 1, :pages 6})

What happens when you leave out the true?

Exercise: Get the results from our API call

Write a function called get-population-density that takes no arguments, and returns Clojure data from the World Bank API on population density.

You will need to make the web request, pull the :body value out of the response, and then parse the JSON.

;;=> ({:page 1, :pages 6, :per_page "50", :total 252}
;;    [{:indicator {:id "EN.POP.DNST", :value "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)"},
;;    :country {:id "1A", :value "Arab World"}, :value "25.5287276250072", :decimal "0", :date "2010"},
;;    ...])

Making our code more generic

Much of what we do when programming is taking specific examples we have practiced with and turning those into generic functions we can use over and over. The World Bank API has lots of good information we can get from it, and we don't want to be limited just to the population density data.

If you look at the bottom of core.clj, you will see a lot of code commented out. You can comment or uncomment code by selecting it and choosing "Editor: toggle comment line(s)" from Light Table's command palette. Select the first function called get-api and uncomment it. It should look like this:

(defn get-api
  "Returns map representing API response."
  [path params]
  (let [url (str "" path)
        query-params (merge params {:format "json" :per_page 10000})
        response (json/parse-string
                  (:body (client/get url {:query-params query-params})) true)
        metadata (first response)
        results (second response)]
    {:metadata metadata
     :results results}))

Let's walk through this together. This function accepts a path -- which is going to be part of the API URL we are retrieving -- and a map of parameters. These parameters are what comes after the ? in the URL and are called "query parameters." In our previous code, this was equal to format=json&date=2010. Since we are going to be creating these dynamically, it's easier to pass them in as a map, which client/get can handle. (A fun bonus exercise is to turn a map into a string like this, though.)

We use let to set up several values. We make a complete URL by adding the API's domain to the front of the path. Then we make our query parameters by combining whatever we sent into the function with parameters to specify JSON and to get back a lot of data. (This prevents us from having to make multiple requests for each thing we want.) After that, we parse the response and turn it into Clojure data. It returns a vector and we want a map with the metadata and the results, so we change that.

To get the same information we had before, we use get-api like this:

(get-api "/countries/all/indicators/EN.POP.DNST" {:date 2010})
;;=> {:metadata {:page 1, :pages 1, :per_page "10000", :total 252},
;;    :results [{:indicator {:id "EN.POP.DNST",
;;    :value "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)"},
;;    :country {:id "1A", :value "Arab World"}, :value "25.5287276250072",
;;    :decimal "0", :date "2010"} ...]}

That is fantastic, but what we really want is the country name and the value. Let's do that.

Exercise: extracting the data we want

Write a function get-country-and-value that can take the return value of get-api and get the country names and values out of that value. get-country-and-value should return a vector of vectors.

  (get-api "/countries/all/indicators/EN.POP.DNST" {:date 2010}))
;;=> [["Arab World" "25.5287276250072"]
;;    ["Caribbean small states" "17.0236186241818"]
;;    ...]

Removing unwanted data

We have a problem: the World Bank API includes regions in its data, not just countries. The code to remove these is commented out in core.clj, so let's uncomment it. Uncomment the definitions for remove-aggregate-countries, countries, and get-indicator-values. We do not have time to go through each one of these in depth, but let's look at get-indicator-values:

(defn get-indicator-values
  "Returns indicator values for a specified year for all countries."
  [indicator-code year]
  (let [response (get-api (str "/countries/all/indicators/" indicator-code)
                          {:date (str year)})
        values (get-country-and-value response)]
    (for [[country value] values
          :when (and (not (nil? value))
                     (contains? @countries country))]
      [country (read-string value)])))

We give this function an indicator code -- we don't have a list yet, but "EN.POP.DNST" is the code for population density -- and a year for the data. We query the API to get a response and then remove the country and value using the code you wrote in the last exercise. (This is also provided in core.clj; uncomment it if you have not written it.) Once we do that, we have this gnarly for statement.

NOTE FOR TEACHERS: This is some advanced stuff. It's great for classes that have people with previous programming experience. If they don't, feel free to skip.

The first line of the for statement -- [country value] values -- works like other for statements we've seen, but with a twist. We take each item in the values sequence. We know each item is a vector with the country and value. Using this syntax lets us deconstruct that so we can break out that country and value for use later.

The second and third lines should be familiar to you from before. The :when keyword in a for statement lets us conditionally decide what elements of the values sequence to use. The @ # front of countries is unfamiliar. That is called a "dereference" and is being used for performance purposes. (Another note for teachers: if you have time, explain what is going on here. countries uses delay so we don't automatically make a call to the API on start-up and do it when necessary. The deref is used to get the value out of the delay.) We are not using any elements where there is no indicator value or where the country isn't in our list of countries. This eliminates the regions that we saw before.

Try out (get-indicator-values "EN.POP.DNST" 2010) and see what you get.

Revisiting -main

Let's make our program print out a list of all countries and their population density when we run it. To do that, we need to go back to our -main function. Make sure this is the last function in your file. Why? In Clojure, the order things are defined in matters. We will be using functions that we've written in our -main function, so we need to make sure those functions are defined first.

In order to do this, we'll need one new function, doseq. doseq works like for, but instead of returning a new sequence, it just executes its body for side-effects. This is perfect when doing something like printing out data.

Exercise: Finish -main

Using doseq and println, write a -main function that prints out all the countries and their population densities from the World Bank API. Use (get-indicator-values "EN.POP.DNST" 2010) to get the values you need.

Bonus exercise: Only show the top 10 countries

Change your -main function to only print out the top 10 countries and their population densities. You will need the sort-by function to make this work.