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File metadata and controls

98 lines (84 loc) · 3.07 KB

The customizable dimmers come in two components and loading that can just bind a text comes as a directive.

The two components are really similar, one is dimmable and surrounds the part to dimm down. The second is dimmer and is inside the <div> or other to dimm down. There are few nuances for ease and shortcuts.


	<dimmer v-model="dimmed">
	<content />
<dimmable v-model="dimmed" text="Hi!">
	<content />
<dimmable v-model="dimmed">
	<h2 slot="dimmer">
	<content />

Commonly to dimmer and dimmable


The model is visible: boolean (event: change) specifying whether the dimmer is active or not.

Forwarded from the element classes

  • variation: 'simple'|'inverted'|''

Forwarded from the configuration

  • on: string
  • duration: {show: number, hide:number}
  • transition: string


  • show
  • hide
  • change(visible: boolean)

Specificity of dimmer

The property page: boolean allows the dimmer not to dimm its container but the whole page.

Note that a dimmer dimms the element it is in, not the component.

Specificity of dimmable

The dimmable' dimmer content can be given in the dimmer slot. There is a predefined slot who displays these two properties:

  • icon: string
  • text: string

Also, this property:

  • blurring: boolean

Last but not least, the dimmer slot of a dimmable is already surrounded by div.content, so it is less configurable but shorter as a shortcut.

The directive v-loading allows to dimm an element and display a loading icon with a text on it.


	<div v-loading.modifier1.modifier2="loadingValue">

loadingValue is of course a component' data. This data can take a falsy value to hide the loading-dimmer (for regular state) or be shown

  • If it is a string, this will be the message displayed
  • If it is true, only the icon will be displayed

Some easy way to manage a boolean and use a string are:

	<s-button @click="loading=!loading">Load ?</button>
	<div v-loading="loading && 'Loading references...'">
	<s-button @click="loading=!loading  && 'Loading references...'">Load ?</button>
	<div v-loading="loading">


  • blurring
  • indeterminate
  • inverted
  • Size specification : mini, tiny, small, medium, large


The directive v-dimm-parts allow some parts of the element to be dimmed when the mouse is out of the element.

<s-input inline v-dimm-parts:minus.inverted>
	<s-button slot="append" class="input-dimmed" icon="minus" dimmed-part="minus" />

Use a dimming-identifier if the element might contain other dimm-parts. All the sub-elements with the attribute dimmed-part (or dimmed-part="identifier" if v-dimm-parts:identifier has been used) will be dimmed when the mouse is out of the dimm-part element.


  • inverted to have inverted dimmers